Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What are you putting in your body?

Lucky for me I only have one allergy, Sunflower Seeds, a bit odd, a bit uncommon, but I was just reading about it and its pretty scary.  Thank God sunflower seeds are not everywhere like peanuts and peanut products, and usually if I ate a little, I felt an itch in my throat and stopped and was OK.

I had a severe reaction a few years ago, which I just read is called:

which could be fatal for people with asthma and other respiratory diagnoses.  I know many people suffer all kinds of allergies, and in a lot of processed food, we really do not know what it is all mixed with.  I was just reading that sunflower oil is used in milk to bond vitamins, and sometimes when it says vegetable oil, it could be sunflower oil, now that is something that is being listed in the ingredients.  I only have an allergy to the seed, Thank God, so I always ask when we go to a home made meal, or to a restaurant.  Usually sunflower seeds are in more fancier places, and also in organic or natural food places.

I was at a restaurant in Las Vegas before I was married, so over 5 years ago, I ate something that tasted great, had no clue it had tons of sunflower seeds mashed in it, and if you read about the link above for the symptoms of Anaphylaxis, I had it all, hives, itching, everything coming out of every directions, felt like my stomach was constantly pumping the poison out.  The scary thing was, I had no clue why it was happening, I didn't connect that the food might have had sunflower seeds until later that night, I called the restaurant and confirmed it.  Thank God once it was out of my body, I was weak but OK, had a flight back to LA that night, and even went to work.

It is so important to get check ups, doctors and medicine have their place, I just like to find out that I am perfectly fine, and go on with my life.  Many of the epidemics we have today are called lifestyle diseases, especially diabetes and cholesterol, so scary that it is so avid in children. 
For the past 3 years I have been focusing on the nutrition side of things, yes for most of us its about:
1. Losing Weight

2. Gaining Lean Muscle
3. Maintenance and Energy

What I have noticed is that I feel the best I have ever felt in my life.  Even with no sleep, three kids, a demanding financial life, high energy husband and children, even when everyone is getting sick around me, I might get a sniffle, but my immune system is always winning the battle.  Love my Herbal Green Tea Concentrate, burns 80 calories per cup, packed with antioxidants, and many of my clients have given up coffee and soda, because with this amazing tea there is just natural energy,with no drop.

Feel so blessed for my Nutrition Program,
No Hunger,
Surplus Energy,
Getting Leaner,
Join Me,
Coach Yulia

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