Saturday, December 8, 2012

Still Got It

Before I got married, when my parents would visit LA, I would have a whole itinerary planned.  I had very colorful friends, we would always meet for dinner in fun restaurants all over LA, trying the different cuisines of all the different cultures out here.  They would have a blast, and always looked forward to it, and even considered moving here from Miami before my brother had his son and needed their help.

Luckily with our own businesses, and flexibility in our schedules, allows my husband and I to be with our kids and arrange our day as we wish.  We are so blessed to do what we love, support each other, and feel free of bosses and corporate crap :)

I took my cousin to LA Live in Downtown LA, and right there in the middle of it all is our main Herbalife office, it is so powerful and so amazing how far the company has come in branding and sports nutrition.  The CEO used to work for Disney, and really took the company to a new level, wanting to raise the branding to the level of Nike, Coca Cola, and Disney, and he is succeeding.

So its really cool for my cousin to see how non stop I am, and appreciate how much energy, time, love, and attention I give to my kids.  It is not easy for me, after 34 years of singledom, and only surrounding myself with people that I chose, kids are the only ones in our lives that we must tolerate, learn from, teach, and be an example for.

So I have shown her an amazing time, around my kids, around my father in law's passing, around my work, and enjoy that I still have the knack for a fabulous itinerary.  We were thinking of a Los Angeles tour, but I could not find one in Russian, and all the places tours take her to are close by, so we have seen every nook and cranny that would be of interested to a visitor, and she has had a blast and is in awe.

I am having fun being out as well, with three little non stop kiddies, I do not get out much, so I have had a blast as well.

I feel so blessed to do what I love with Yoga, Nutrition, and now adding Doula to that list, and that is how I make a living and support my family.

Herbalife makes it possible,
If you want to know more,
Let's Talk,
Coach Yulia

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