Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wide Awake

This past Sunday was nuts, it was a non stop day of events, so much going on, parades, weddings, hair cutting ceremonies, birthdays, and bonfires.  I had to do as much as possible, I was so enjoying this day of excess.  My kids go to Gan Chabad, and they had the kids marching in the parade and blowing whistles.  I didn't realize that baby and I were joining, and when nobody wanted to be in the front, I said why not.  I am quite the exhbitionist and love being the center of attention, and I love being a leader.  Now I usually enjoy letting others take the lead and the floor, there are so many amazing people to learn from in my community.  I suppose this was my time to shine, and shine I did, whistling away, this picture just totally captures the moment.  The day was so hot, the entertainment was awesome, and then we marched, continued on to a birthday party, and then I left the baby with my husband and took Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia to a bonfire on the beach.  Why not? When would they get to experience something like this at their age, got to live it up!
I really love the adrenaline of life, of reality, of the moment, it is so powerful to be present, and now I get to live on that high of life as a Doula.  It is so powerful to drop everything and support a woman through one of the most important experiences of her life.  Whether its at her bedside or keeping her head free of worry by being at her home with her kids.  Thank God my husband just says, GO, and totally supports this high that I crave and that is honestly better than any other high that I have ever experienced.  It is all such a miracle, and my mind is just boggled.  I was thinking now that I am a Doula, through my experiences with my clients and friends, my brain can maybe start to understand how it all works, to make sense of the miracle that really makes no sense, it is just out of this world, how people and life is created, no science can explain nothing into something, it is just so powerful.  Maybe by being a part of the miracle will help me to tune into the energy of it, even after three babies, I still cannot comprehend the grandness of it all.

I also feel blessed to tune into the energy in my Yoga, Mat Pilates, and Prenatal Yoga classes, we all walk away from it feeling recharged, positive, and relaxed at the same time.  I feel so blessed that this is my life's work, building relationships, and figuring out together how to support each other, figuring out each individual's way to stay fit and healthy.  There is not one way, there is no perfect way, there is just your way.

Life is Beautiful,
Coach Yulia

Monday, April 29, 2013

Abba, Tati, Father, Dad, Daddy, Papa, Papi

This is a shout out to all of our wonderful other halves and partners that we literally cannot live without.  That's what they say is a true soul mate, not someone you can live with, but someone you cannot live without.  I admire all the single parents out there, you really have to be extra brave and strong, because I know for myself I decided that if I did not meet my other half, it was OK not to have kids, because I knew I could not do it alone.  It is such a responsibility, kids deserve 100%, and I know personally I give it automatically like most parents, and feel so drained, happily drained, yet drained.  Even with my first baby, it is just such a 180, your life is turned upside down, there is another energy in the mix, and sometimes I just had to take a walk, catch my breath, have some me time, and my husband was always there, and still is.

God has sent me exactly what I needed, I feel taken care of, I feel looked out for, I feel supported to follow my dreams and be the best that I can be.  My kids are so blessed to have their Abba, he definitely brings intensity, never boring, and sometimes just hanging watching a show.  My kids adore him, and he cares for them so beautifully.  I had to run to my Doula gig with no notice, and I knew everything would be fine.

He takes care of our home, he is a wonderful cook, and he always makes sure the kids are as clean as they can be, they love their bath time with Abba.

Feeling so Grateful,
My husband is one of a kind,
Thank God,

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lag Ba Omer

What is this you ask? If you want detailed information please go to this  link for a full explanation:


In the Jewish community this is a day of weddings, haircutting ceremonies for boys, parades, and bonfires.  My family is planning to do three of the four above.  It all starts today with a huge parade right down the street from me, Pico and Doheny, and my children's school is a part of it, so we are getting there early so they can participate.  Then one of my friends and her son are celebrating a birthday in their home with a bouncy, air jumper, YAY.  After that we have an Upshernish, hair cutting ceremony, and finishing our night with a bonfire if the kids have energy :)

From Passover many men do not cut their hair or their beards, this is an interesting articles of some history and current events around the subject, and amazing that a Rabbi changed the policy of beards in our military because it was infringing on our first amendment rights.


Overall this is just a day of non stop fun, exactly my style, and the kids go along for the ride!

Woo Hoo,

It's Still Saturday Night :)

Just a quickie and I must go to sleep.  I am on a bit of a natural high, supported bringing a baby into the world late last night, just came back from checking on the mama, and both are doing wonderful.  Being a Doula is so rewarding and it just feels right, this is my purpose in this life at this time in my life.

I am always in awe of how we stumble upon things in life.  In my single life I was so in the moment of having a good time, experiencing everything I could, travelling the world, and just being around all kinds of fascinating and intense people.  I suppose now its just a different kind of intense, parenting is a whole different ballgame, you are really forced to face who you are, and challenged to strive to be an example for the souls you brought into the world.

I am just chatting with a friend on Facebook and he asked me what exactly is a Doula, so this was my answer to him:

I don't actually deliver the babies and I am not a nurse, midwife or doctor, I help the mom during her labor and delivery to have the birth she wants, I had a doula and she allowed me to sink into my yoga breath, I had no epidural, no drugs, just feeling every second of the magic. My goal is to help women feel empowered and strong and have no fear, our bodies know exactly what to do and have been doing it since the beginning of time.

I also feel that to each their own, every mom, pregnancy, birth, and baby is different.  It is never the same, so its good to learn as much as you can, and when the magic begins, surrender to the moment, and make choices that feel right, that is where a great support team is giving the mom everything she needs to feel good about her birth.  Moms are Magic, and our Partners are Gold.

Sorry for the late post,
It was Shabbat,
Then my Doula client needed me,
A Doula has got to do, what a Doula has got to do :)
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia

I was holding a newborn today and thinking of my boy and how sweet and yummy he was then, he is almost walking :)

Friday, April 26, 2013


I love the adrenaline of real life, there is so much going on and any minute something else wonderful could happen.  In our world of science, commercials, and different nationalities, you always here sometimes something is healthy and then the next year it is unhealthy.  One of the biggest allergens in our society is peanuts, I wonder how it all started.   My husband is Israeli, and they have a peanut snack called Bamba that is so easy for little ones to eat, and everyone eats it, and everyone is fine.  I don't give it to my baby all the time, he just turned one, and I was looking for any signs when I gave it to him the first time.  He loves it, and luckily in either of our families there is no history of allergies to peanuts, there is however a history of allergies to strawberries!! Go Figure.

I could be called to Doula any minute, had a wonderful day of a Yoga class, work at my kids school, got my hair done, and now getting ready for Shabbat, we have good friends coming over.  Excited to live in the moment, and now being a part of bringing new life into the world, so special, so magical, such a blessing.

Enjoy our very much needed,
and Happy with what is,
Day of Rest,
Shabbat Shalom,

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Eyebrows - CHECK

Today was a productive day, Sam took the baby on his errands because I had a Prenatal Yoga class.  I dropped the kids off at school 8:45am, made it to my Eyebrow Threading Salon at 9am, and to my Prenatal Yoga class at 9:30am. DONE.  I absolutely LOVE threading, its like a multi pluck, and plucking does not hurt me.  Waxing to me feels much rougher, and my eye area is really sensitive.  The best part its only $5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So I go as often as I need to, I actually also get my upper lip threaded, and yes it hurts, but I figure so will the wax, and I just deal.  For those of you in Los Angeles, it is West LA area, on Venice right before Sepulveda, Rozinas, ask for Tahira, she is the best, and you never need an appointment,http://www.rozinas.com/(310) 559-5248.
9:00 AM to 7.00 PM ( Mon - Sat )
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM ( Sunday )

My Prenatal class had 6 girls who were mostly sisters, sister in laws , and super close friends.  After class the host made us all awesome cappucino's and lattes, yes you can have one cup of coffee a day if you are pregnant.  Coffee for me is like dessert, I just love the smell and the taste, and I love the flavor in candy and ice cream.  My natural high is fabulous though, so I only have it once in a while for a treat, it was gooooooooooooood.

Then I ran to a friend and client to sample some Herbalife Mango Aloe Concentrate, so yummy and great as a shower for the digestive system, and for more severe digestive conditions, Aloe is just a magic plant.

I had some time so I visited a hotel in the area, my brother and family are coming to visit for the first time together, so excited, it was awesome, its a Best Western, right near me, and super nice, breakfast included and parking.  www.carlyle-inn.com.

At my Prenatal class yesterday, the girls mentioned a prenatal Yoga studio in the area, I decided to pop in for a visit, and it was at an amazing home, in the back she converted her studio into a garage.  The prenatal classes are called Ma Yoga, and the woman who lives there called her studio, Simcha Yoga, she was so amazing, we just couldn't stop talking.  http://www.mayoga.com/ and http://simchayoga.com/.

Then I went and booked myself a massage for next week, yay, I really need one, until the end of the month, if you mention a $40 coupon in your email, they will honor that price, super awesome, chiropractic studio, and the massage is really thorough, they really know the body, http://maxhealthla.com/

Take care of you,
Enjoy Life,
Feel Good,
Coach Yulia


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I've been trying to write this all day

Yesterday I was saying how the kids kept on reaching new heights to test my tired patience :)  It didn't end there.  I finally got them all to bed last night at 8pm, got on the phone to call my mother in law, and as I am talking to her my daughter gets out of her bed, comes to me and tells me Eli Tzvi threw up.  It did not register right away because I think I did not want to understand what she was saying, so I gave her the phone to talk to her Safta, and saw a disaster.  I really think he ate too much pizza, the puke was on his hair, all over his face and clothes - LUCKY ME.  My husband wasn't home, and I know this is kinda silly, but he is the one that washes the kids, it is not my area, and I don't have a way of doing it, but I had no choice.

I told him to come down his bunk bed and step into the shower with his clothes, we took them off, I wanted to rinse them in there, and washed his body, gave him shampoo in his hands to rub all over his hair, told him where to rub his face more, OH JOY.  Then I had to figure out where he was going to sleep, I didn't want him in our bed, and it was too early to put him on the couch.  We are already putting the baby in the bottom bunk, its a full mattress, and he was far enough to the wall that I put Eli Tzvi next to him and gave him a pillow and a blanket, and that is how they slept most of the night. 

The baby woke up a few times toward morning, one time just the pacifier worked, and the next I just took him to our bed, he seemed uncomfortable, gassy and teething, poor guy.  I just felt super exhausted today, and the weather was so drab and cold, yeah I know, we have nothing to complain about in LA.  But seriously folks, is it wrong to expect Hollywood Perfect Weather, I think not :)

Today was a non stop morning at work, and when I got home in the afternoon I just passed out with the baby for his afternoon nap.  I really needed it, I had two classes to teach this evening, and a magic thing happened.  Once I got to my class, I just felt like myself again, teaching is really my life line.  No matter what, the weather, that time of the month, super high energy kids, my classes and my clients feeling good makes me whole again.

Thank you to all of my wonderful students and clients,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Getting Through The Day

My Doula client could give birth any day, my baby is not sleeping well because of teeth, so last night there was a lot on my mind and many interruptions.  Got the kids ready to go to school at 8:30am, was planning to go to a Mommy and Me and 10am, but at a quarter to 9 the baby was super fussy, so I put him for his morning nap, he slept deep until 10:30am.  I decided to go anyway, even for a little bit, so the baby would have some fresh air and friends, and I would get some girl talk.

It was great, I got home to drop off the baby, my husband wasn't home yet, I had to get ready to go to work, luckily he came shortly.  I got everything I needed and when I got in there was a lot to do, little things, that kept me on my feet and busy, and with the little sleep I had last night, I was happy when it was time to go home.  Of course my daughter starts crying in the car because at that moment she wanted a banana, and it was loud, and everything else in the world was upsetting her more.  We get home and my husband is not there, when I called he told me that he was at a friends house and the baby was still sleeping, almost 2 hours, so he was going to wait until he woke up.  My neighbor came to see who was crying, and eventually my daughter got out of the car, in the house they both needed to poop at the same time, we have one bathroom.  Luckily it all worked out, and then my husband called and said he wanted to get pizza, PERFECT, he walks in the door without the pizza, he didn't realize he didn't have cash, so when he saw my face, he went back to get it and now everyone is happy eating pizza while I finish this before running to my evening class.  The picture above was taken right before the pizza came, now it is quiet at the computer, and everyone is happy.

When I am tired I have very little patience, and no time for attitude or drama.  Luckily the day passes and on to the next.

Have a peaceful night my friends,
Coach Yulia

Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm Done Sleeping

Saturday night Sam and I had plans, we had a friend coming over to hang at our place while the kids were sleeping.  We rarely go out, but it was a good friends birthday surprise, so it was a perfect excuse to spruce up and socialize.  We usually aim to put the kids to bed around 7pm, and even if they are chatting, I don't mind, as long as they stay in their beds.  My husband's friend was so sweet to come over to let us have a night out, we told him we wanted to leave at 8:30pm.  It was 8:15pm, my oldest Eli Tzvi got up to go to the bathroom, and then came into the living room, where I was already dressed, putting on my heels, with hair done and make up, and said "I'm done sleeping."  I just started cracking up, it was hilarious, he was so serious, he was just DONE!

So then my mind races what can I tempt him with the next day so he will want to go to sleep.  You Tube has tons of cool cartoon like Thomas and Friends and Jay Jay the Jet Plane, my son just likes to watch home made train and car videos by kids, that is his treat once in a while.  He always says "Can I watch?"  So I told him if he wants to watch he needs to go to sleep, he ran to his room.  When we got home later that night, our friend told us that he came right out and hung out with him until 10pm, and then went to bed, it's all good :)

I don't think I am ever done sleeping honestly, I just treasure and love sleep so much, I really feel it is the best medicine and balance.  So many driven people say there is no time for it, you will eventually sleep forever, WHATEVER, I firmly believe in balance.  Yes some people want to go full force until they achieve their goals whether career or financial, which is great, to each their own.  I feel its like there is no perfect time to have children, even if you have the largest house and all the money in the world, all they really need is your time and love.  As important as it is to leap and try new things, it is also necessary to stay present and enjoy every step of the way.

Coach Yulia

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting Ready For The Best Day Ever

My hair goes into Princess Leah buns, or Bjork, or whatever reference people think when they see me, right after the shower.  I always let my hair air dry, and this keeps it from getting poofy.  Non stop day ahead, my wonderful husband will be hanging with the kids all day.

First my final Doula training, so excited, then I am meeting a good friend at Cedars Sinai for a seminar about Jewish philosophy on Health, so excited.  Cedars Sinai is really reaching out to Doulas, and I am looking forward how this will keep happening in hospitals, where we can be on call one day for moms who want labor support instead of interventions.

Then off to a couple of Yoga classes, I will be able to come home in between and put the kids to sleep. 

Enjoy this gorgeous Sunday,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Right Person Will Come

I am always in awe when I look back at how I met people, or how certain connections were made, it really blows my mind.  I bought the fine art in this picture when I was working on cruise ships.  I just find it so beautiful, a real, curvy woman.  I bought two other pieces that I found owners for a while ago.  This one has not found the right fit until now, I really didn't want to just give it away, it is so special, but it does not fit my life anymore. 

I drove it cross country with me when I moved from Miami to LA, 12 years later it sits in my closet, after I got married and had kids., it just did not have a place in my home.

Thank God in all of the circumstances I am going to tell you about, the right person for the right situation was at the right place at the right time. 

My amazing Doctor and Doula that I had since my first baby I was referred to them by my husband's sister, and they were the perfect fit for me.  At the end of my pregnancy with Ziona Sofia, I got certified to teach Prenatal Yoga and I found Herbalife, little did I know Herbalife would bring me to where I am today as a Doula, as well as give me energy and the right nutrition education to get through motherhood! LOL

I was teaching Yoga at one of our Herbalife centers and I met an amazing girl who later on became pregnant and joined my Hot Mama Power Walk, to stay healthy and active during her pregnancy.  My Doula was not available for my third baby, she decided to focus on Acupuncture.  My baby came 5 weeks early, the Doula's I had lined up were not available, so I was totally present, noticing that the contractions were not stopping for 2 hours, called my friend to stay with the kids, stayed calm, got to the hospital at 7 centimeters all on my own, amazing birth experience, and after that I realized I was ready to be a Doula.

I resumed my Hot Mama Power Walk when my baby was 6 weeks, and posted it on Meetup.com.  A wonderful woman who is a Doula responded promoting her birth classes to parents, and when we met, I loved her knowledge, her no nonsense, and referred my friend that was pregnant to her for the birth classes.  My friend who was pregnant doing my walks had also asked me if I would consider being her Doula, and I knew the universe was talking to me.  I called my Doula friend who gave the birth classes and signed up for Doula Training in order to be ready for my friend who was in her last trimester.

So here is where the story wraps up, one of the ladies in my Doula training has a notebook, and in it she has a beautiful picture of a woman similar to my painting, so I told her about the painting and showed her the picture and she fell in love, and asked me how much it was, and that it was her birthday, she would have her husband buy it as her gift.  We have our final class tomorrow, and I am bringing it to her.

There are no coincidences,
Just Keep Listening,
The right people are out there for everything,
Coach Yulia


Friday, April 19, 2013


Some things just make no sense to us adults and to kids it is the most important thing in their life at the moment.  I picked the kids up from school and decided to take them for some ice cream, they were so happy, and then to a park.  My husband had a lot to do in the house, so with this gorgeous day, I figured why not enjoy it.

Everything was fine until I noticed my daughter wasn't wearing any underwear, she had told me she went pee pee in them in school, but before when this happened they just put on the extra pairAiden's Place which is the most amazing park with multiple play areas which are mostly that mushy colorful sand free stuff.
s that I brought.  I do not know what happened, but I did not notice this until we were already parking.  So I told her she cannot go into the sand area or on any slide, luckily we were at

Everything is fine at the park, I was so excited about baby Matisyahu, at home earlier he stood up holding a car that he could push and walk with, and he did great, he is so ready, I think he is on track to be just like my other two, walking at 13 months :)  Then my daughter says she needs to go #2, and I had to ask some moms where the bathrooms were, luckily they were not too far and quite nice, but the moment we got there and ready to "go" she changed her mind.  I WAS DONE. I told Eli Tzvi he had 5 more minutes to play and we had to go home.  So she starts playing with the baby, climbs up the slide, slips and hits her head.  OK I WAS SUPER DONE.  Eli Tzvi was amazing, he came over, held her hand all the way to the car, while I carried our stuff and the baby.  She cried all the way home wanting to go to the ice store, I asked her where is it who makes it, she said Hashem (God) I said ok and then how do we get it, and of course the rest didn't make sense.  Once we got home she was crying, wanting the ice store, not wanting to come in the house.

It is so amazing how my day started flowing and peaceful with a Yoga class.  Visited my wonderful friend who just gave birth and I was her Doula, it was so nice to see mom and baby doing great.  Then I pick them up from school, all good, and on the way home whining, now baby whining, trying to put him for a nap, won't go down, so now they are all playing in the room for a bit.

Sometimes I have patience and sometimes I just don't.

Thank God our Day of Rest is here, I really need to turn off from the world and GET SOME SLEEP.
Sleep is my recharge, the baby has been very fussy due to his teeth, so sleep has been scarce, and when I do not sleep, I am not nice sometimes. 

Shabbat Shalom,
I just took this picture and as I was posting it my baby climbed into his car seat and tipped it over, bit of a bloody lip but he is OK, Thank God, OY VEY, The Joy of Children :) Never Ending Party - Otherwise we would be bored!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Life Keeps Moving

Throughout all the different civilizations of up times and down times, things become history, and life keeps moving.  Today I had half a day with my baby, and once the kids were out of school, my husband hung with the baby and I took the kids to the Tar Pits.  They are young, they don't really understand museums and all the information, but it was a free, open, and grassy area with cool trees.  We were probably there an hour and they had a blast.

I met two other moms that were so awesome, we realized we are all super non paranoid,  non germ phobic, let the kids run and be wild kind of moms.  We were talking about the other extreme of helicopter moms.  I feel there probably is a happy medium, and as a mom that lets the kids fly, my attention has to be quick and ready not to lose sight of them, because they are fast.

I am just looking at this picture and I am wondering if that is my shadow at the bottom right corner taking a picture of the kids - pretty cool!

In this world we live in, believe it or not, but every person wants something different.  Even if you are applying for the same job, or an actor auditioning for a part, there is only one right fit.  I have found that when something was not the right fit it opens the doors to amazing possibilities.  The real goal is to be 100% YOU, so that people that are on the same wavelength will come your way.  I prefer working with people on my same wavelength because it actually becomes effortless.  The work of what I do is when I come across someone that is unsure, and might not have all the information, and might not realize that everyone is unique and there really is no wrong way to do anything.

Coach Yulia

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


saw this on a Marathon page.....

It takes me a few days to process tragedy, my mind really does not understand why someone would want to hurt someone else.  Thanks to my grandmother and my mother, I really do live in a really happy world in my head, of course things happen, but I do really believe there is a lot of good in the world.  So when something horrible happens, I really shut down, do not want to talk about it or deal with it, because it does not make any sense.  There have been many beautiful voices during this time which have helped me process and I want to share them with you.  Some are not so beautiful, but direct and intense and say it how it is.  I love reality, and I like people who are 100% themselves, no excuses.  This is a guy on Facebook that is sometimes crude and rude, but he really makes a clear point, and I think expresses how a lot of people feel.

Boston. I see many people posting pictures and videos of the attack on FB or other sites. I myself have saved a few and find myself conflicted on the idea of posting said pictures and videos. On one hand I feel it would violate the victims or somehow be seen as an act to bask in the light of something horrible. Use it for attention and a chance to jump on my soapbox. In the other hand I feel some...thing like this should be shown to the public. To the PEOPLE so we can realize together how very real the attacks on our integrities our freedoms our LIVES are. I decided for the time being to simply post this. Any man woman or child that has had their life altered by this event.. My heart aches for you. I wish you healing. Health. And recovery. Emotionally physically financially. Now. With that said. Any man or group that decides its ok to attack innocent civilians or views us as "casualties of war".... Go fuck yourselves. We as a people will not break. We may very well bend and even contort but as each day passes we will stiffen. We will continue our lives knowing we as a country are ten times what you and your dirty dusty piss ant patch of Earth will EVER be. You will get yours. You will be found. There is no hiding. There are no virgins waiting for you. Only justice. And if your not attached to some clandestine cult.. Your just an everyday nut job that needs a heavy dose of medication... Here is some news for you. You are STILL a TERRORIST. You will still have yours served to you. Attack us all you want with your cowardly shadow shit. We will band together cost to cost and heal. STILL BETTER THAN YOU
Then there are super sad realities, about the little 8 year old boy Martin who was killed waiting for his father to cross the finish line, and his sister and mother were injured, his father wrote this:
“My dear son Martin has died from injuries sustained in the attack on Boston. My wife and daughter are both recovering from serious injuries. We thank our family and friends, those we know and those we have never met, for their thoughts and prayers. I ask that you continue to pray for my family as we remember Martin. We also ask for your patience and for privacy as we work to simultaneously grieve and recover. Thank you.”
- Bill Richard
“My dear son Martin has died from injuries sustained in the attack on Boston.  My wife and daughter are both recovering from serious injuries.  We thank our family and friends, those we know and those we have never met, for their thoughts and prayers.  I ask that you continue to pray for my family as we remember Martin.  We also ask for your patience and for privacy as we work to simultaneously grieve and recover.  Thank you.” 
- Bill Richard
Opposite of my view of a happy world, my husband loves to watch news, and of course its sensationalized and when a horrible tragedy happens, all shows stop and its the only focus 24/7.  Also all of those detective and medical shows, so much violence, no thanks.  He is always telling me to be careful, something can go wrong.  No thanks, I don't want to live like that.
Do You Know?

Some people are afraid of being too happy because they think something tragic is going to happen soon -- This is known as Cherophobia.
The media magnifies the unusual...
"We often forget that the destructive, fanatical types are a woefully small minority. One percent of one percent, if that. But when they are all we see on the news, we get the misconstrued idea that they are legion and hiding in everyone's bushes." ~McKenna Andrews
My heart and prayers go out to all the families and to Boston,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Timing - B'Shaa Tova

So many things on my mind, and the common thread with all of it was the concept of timing.  It really plays into every little ounce of life and living.  My husband and I both lived in LA from the year 2000, and we both love one specific gas station which was way out of the way, because it was always the lowest price.  I bet we had crossed paths there, and we were always in the same area on Saturday's as he was going to synagogue and I would be doing my weekly Yoga with my teacher in the same neck of the woods.  I would drive by seeing all the people dressed up and socializing at all the synagogues I would pass and it would make me smile inside.  I always feel grateful that I married not only my husband but a community, so diverse, so fun, so full of life, Thank God.  We met in January 2007 and were both ready, engaged April 2007, married August 2007.  My roommate at the time would ask how it was going, and I really had nothing to say, it was just going in the right direction, it felt right, no drama, no gossip, perfect timing for both of us in our lives, Thank God.

Where kids are concerned I really feel you just gotta do it, there is no right time, that is my opinion.  I wanted them one after the other before 40 and that is how it happened, I got married at 34.  I feel blessed that it was all healthy and right for me, Thank God.  There will never be enough money, time, or the perfect circumstances for kids, you just figure out how to live your life around them.  Bringing beautiful souls that will bring light into the world has been a wonderful experience.  Day to day not so easy, I didn't sleep all night, my poor baby is stuffy, has teeth coming in, and his digestive system is still figuring out the stopping of formula and the starting of food.  So literally all night waking up, so I am exhausted and decided to sleep with him once the kids were in school.  He started playing, so I had to make a new decision to get him dressed, put him to sleep in his car seat, and then go to a new Mommy and Me I want to check out.  Of course it took forever to put him to sleep, my husband made breakfast, he ate with us, and finally just a few minutes ago fell asleep, so I am rushing to get to the class as close to 10am as possible.  Wanted to squeeze this in and point out a mom's life is always on the go, we do our best to be on time, but moms understand moms, and we know it all revolves around the kids.  When they are newborn its nursing, diapers, feeding, naps, and now that he is one, we are trying to figure out the best way for him to have a restful night.  So far just the two bottom teeth, but as I always remember, one thing passes and the other thing begins. 

Another important timing event was with a client that I have had for years, she asked me to deposit a check 2 weeks later, I told my husband, he does all the deposits, he misunderstood, and even though the date was on there, the bank still deposited it, she was so upset, and I was upset, and all I can do is offer to pay her overdraft fee and apologize for the misunderstanding. SUCKS!

Timing has absolutely no part in birth, yes there is a due date, but it could be 2 weeks early or 2 weeks late.  I was just learning that the due date was figured out by a study that only took into account 100 women, and it was ages ago.  In the good old days, once it all began that is when the midwives came and waited for it to flow naturally.  There is no right time, and that is why the Hebrew wish of B'shaa Tova, in the right time, to a pregnant woman is so beautiful.

Enjoy Every Moment of Today,
Coach Yulia

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hospital Birth is Beautiful

My motto is life is "to each their own," we all have our reasons for our preferences, and as a Doula my goal is to support the mom in making her own choices and letting her know she is strong and I will be by her side every step of the way.

I chose to labor at home as long as possible with all three kids, and I also chose to give birth in the hospital for many of my own reasons.  My doctor was so respectful of my choices, he let me do what I needed to do, and afterwards I was happy to be taken care of before I jumped into the duties of motherhood.  After giving birth we have to jump right into baby care, birth is natural and really does not need to be managed, just supported.  However it is intense, and the body has to heal, and we have to jump right into the beautiful little life that was created.  Anyone else that has any kind of procedure in the hospital is told to stay off their feet, rest, and moms need to get as much rest as possible.  But after all birth is not a procedure, the body knows what to do, and if the mom tunes in, she knows what to do too.  Thank God when everything is in the right direction, it is such a beautiful release and feeling of accomplishment with baby in your arms. 

I have also been learning about going with the flow, and you never know what the situation might bring, that is when having a wonderful team that you are a part of is everything, they support the mom in the decision that is right for her.

Today I experienced a beautiful hospital birth as a doula, we got to the hospital at the very end, and the beautiful baby was born in one hour, I feel honored to have been part of it.  It is all a miracle, it is all beautiful, when the mother feels empowered and blissful.

So I got back home in time to help get my kids ready for school, and then sat down with Matisyahu for breakfast.  I was putting oatmeal on a spoon, it was perfect, it was sticky and didn't fall off.  He kept on giving me back the spoon to put more on.  Then I gave him a glass cup, he was so excited to do everything himself.  My other kids started walking at 13 months, he is almost there, so exciting :)

Then had a wonderful hour with my sister in law, they are still in town and are coming over when the kids are done with school to play and eat.  Working now at my kid's school, had the baby with me, but he is ready to go go go, so I asked my husband to pick him up.  So now I am enjoying some quiet time.

Feeling tuned in,
Feeling connected,
Feeling of service,
Feeling of purpose,
Really felt grateful for my kids this morning,
Thank God for it All!
Coach Yulia


Sunday, April 14, 2013

teeth, snot, and poop

All three was the reason my baby was up throughout the night, I feel bad for him, but it wasn't so great for me either.  We put all the kids down at 7pm, and I finally laid down at 10pm, and I think we were in sync because that is when he woke up, and slept in spurts, and woke up screaming, snotty, gassy, and I know all those teeth are trying to poke through.

It's not easy being a baby, in the first 2 years of life, you become a completely different person in a very quick amount of time.  The bones are changing, your body is getting used to all types of food, and it's such a challenge to express yourself when only a few sounds come out.

It is really amazing with our third baby, he has only complained when there really was a valid reason so even though its frustrating, we do our best to stay calm, work together, and figure it out.  Some kids just want constant touch, attention, more sensitive, or just like to express themselves very loudly.


I have a full day ahead, will not be done until 11pm, luckily doing everything I love.  God Bless my husband who has kid duty today, I hope it warms up a bit, so they can go outside, otherwise they will have a nice day at home before a full school week.  I think a day at home is a good thing as long as they keep busy.  It is amazing to me the creative games they play, since this morning my older two have been playing non stop, first they had breakfast, and then creating different worlds in their bedroom.  The baby was playing for quite a while too, but was exhausted from his long night, so I just put him down.

Once you become a parent, teeth, snot, and poop become daily topics of conversation.  When our body is functioning properly, bodily functions are pleasant, and we just go about our lives not thinking about it.  Our body is an amazing machine, I am working on getting my body back to the fat burning machine it used to be before kids.  Luckily it is an energy machine, and everything works good, so my focus is to get rid of the excess and get me back.  Fellow moms know it doesn't happen overnight, and its not something you stop working on.  I am still figuring out after a year, my baby just turned 1, so now there are no more excuses.

Committing to Myself,

Putting Myself First,

Being an Example for my Children,

For my Community,

For my Clients,

Husbands are actually quite lucky, they get so many different types of a woman as we go through bride, pregnant, baby, and after baby,

I am ready to get that bride back!


Saturday, April 13, 2013

What should I write about?

This is my what should I write about face, thinking face, inside my own head face :)  There is so much going on, yet not much going on, which is all good.  Sometimes the topic pops out at me, other times it is an event or a special day.

Today I had a wonderful day of rest, my husband took the kids to synagogue, and the baby and I took a wonderful nap.  We all met to eat, and my daughter decided to turn on her terrible 3's.  Have you heard of this?  Some people say the monster comes out at two, but today it was definitely 3 and for no reason.  My husband said she was wonderful earlier that morning with him, so I told her next week her and I will stay home and only the boys will go to synagogue.  It was honestly not appropriate behavior, I literally had to carry her home, IN MY HEELS!

Once we got home we were waiting for a friend to visit, she was still full of tantrums.  She wanted to eat, so I told her to sit at their little table, she took her chair and wanted to sit in the living room.  I told her we had guests coming so I didn't want to get the living room dirty, and she asked me to carry her in her chair to her little table, I THINK NOT.

We eventually went outside, the sun was trying to peek out, and I let the baby crawl in the grass, and the kids started picking up all the colorful leave from the ground and gathering them, perfect, my friend came, we talked about life and birth and patience.

All the kids are asleep, the babies bottom two teeth are coming in nicely, but I think that is what's waking him up, EVERY NIGHT!

Tomorrow I am in my Doula training and then working all day, hopefully the kids will have fun with their cousins who are in town.  I am looking forward to just a me day, learning and sharing energy.

What did your nothing day look like?
As they say no news is good news :)
Coach Yulia

Friday, April 12, 2013

I'm is a Kitty

My kids have quite the imagination, and they always have interesting characters that they like to play.  The most popular game is where my daughter is a mommy and my sons are brother lion and baby lion, they sleep, they eat, and they have a blast playing this one almost every day.  My daughter also loves being a monkey and lately she always tells me "I'm is a kitty."  I just love the grammar, it just cracks me up.  She always wants to know everyone's name so she asks "What is their name is?" Also both kids keep telling me everything they see around them by saying "I saw'd."  I remember when Eli Tzvi was little he used to sing the ABC song halfway and end with "how I wonder where you are, up above the world so high" (to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star.)
Today after a very long time because of clients, work, and holidays I was finally able to take my teacher's Yoga class, such a pleasure.  Yes I love teaching, and yes it recharges me, but to take a Yoga class just for me is just heaven, I feel so good, and have to remember to practice what I preach and do things for me more often.  Unlike yesterday I was so busy this morning tidying up the house for my husband to get it ready for Shabbat, I didn't have my shake until I left the house.  I literally took my last sip right before Yoga class.  During the class sometimes in the forward bend and inverted poses I would taste the Almond Milk, Chocolate Shake, and Strawberries :) Honestly it wasn't that bad, considering, but I have to remember that I need to do my shake first thing especially when I plan to workout in the morning.  I took it to go, finished my last sip right before stepping out of the car to go to the gym, and felt so full and satisfied, so awesome.

So the picture above is all my kids on a trampoline, we were at a friends birthday party and they have one out back.  I told them to jump and step carefully because of the baby, he had a blast as you can see.  So the picture below is an actual trampoline, the rebounder is a smaller version that is specifically for exercise and health, and that is what I am doing and teaching with my reboundology.

I am so excited for the births coming up where I get to Doula, and I am so excited that I am the Herbalife Coach in our community as well as the Yoga and Prenatal Yoga teacher.  Feeling blessed that this is my calling, it all fits, I know my purpose, and while I assist others, I will also focus on my own health and happiness, so I can keep giving to others.

Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Work & Pain - No Way Around it Sometimes

I am talking about two things specifically:

1. Trying to take care of ourselves while doing everything for everyone, children, friends, work, etc.
2. Pregnancy, Birth, Labor, and Parenthood

This morning I made my kids breakfast, and sometimes I decide to feed it to the baby, so there is less mess and less cleanup.  This morning I decided to let him feed himself, I took off his pajama, and let him eat in his diaper.  Everything got everywhere, all over him, the chair, the floor and I knew the clean up afterwards would take time and work, but the alternative was more important today.

While my baby was eating I made myself a shake, made the kids lunches, then cleaned him up, dressed them for school, then cleaned the mess he made up, and was out the door just in time to make it to work with no stress.  I could have taken the time to feed him, but then I would not have been able to make my shake, and maybe last minute would have done it in a rush, because I am out of the house until lunchtime, and I am focusing on fueling my body right.  Breakfast is really the most important meal of the day.  It sets up our blood sugar so it doesn't fluctuate like a roller coaster, so we do not have cravings for whatever is around.  I feel satisfied and could calmly focus on everything else that needs to be done.

I chose to take care of me, and have the extra work of cleaning up.  Once you are a parent, there is no end to taking care of your kids, your work, your partner, and everything else in your life.  Taking a moment to take care of you, so you are fueled and ready to go makes all the difference.  The mess the baby made was horrible, hot cereal and cottage cheese was in every nook and cranny of his chair, stuck to the table, and all over the floor - but it was worth it :)

The next topic is all about new mothers realizing that work and pain is part of life and it is also part of birth.  The best you can do is learn all about how it works, and then make decisions that are right for you.  There are many pain management techniques, and the best part is contractions only last one minute at a time.  Anyone with any questions please feel free to contact me, I can talk about this all day! coachyulia@gmail.com, or call/text 323.377.0707.

The bottom line is that every woman is different, every pregnancy and birth is different, and raising kids is a different experience for everybody.  For me personally, I could be pregnant and give birth all day, I really enjoyed the experience, it wasn't a walk in the park, but it was magical.  Raising the kids is so intense for me, total energy drain.  I love them, give more than 100%, and have to recharge often so I do not lose myself.

Find Yourself,
Nurture Yourself,
If you do not do it, who is going to do it for you?
Your are Special,
You are Unique,
Celebrate You,
Recognize You,
Reward You,
You Deserve It!
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Right after Passover my sister in law and her family joined us to treat ourselves to Pizza, we did not eat any bread or any kind of grain for 8 days.  My baby is a fan!  Hence my topic of today: Treats, and that is all that it should be.  A once in a while exciting and yummy occasion, not dinner everyday.

With some kids it is challenging to get them to eat anything at all, or anything healthy, and Thank God they keep growing and running and laughing.  That day was my last dairy, and last bread except for Challa on Shabbat.  I am doing OK, totally conscious of it around me, and even not craving it.  Probably because I am enjoying my chocolate, and Herbalife shakes, and fruit, and everything else that I like in moderation.  Focusing on having dinners with protein and vegetables, and snacking light and healthy.  One of my favorite snacks is Hummus with anything, so lately I love cucumbers and carrots. It is so yummy no matter how many times a day I need a little something.  I also snack on my Citrus Lemon Herbalife Snack Bar, nuts, raisins, fruit, used to snack on yogurt and cheese stick, but not for this month.

Treats are a once in a while, something to look forward to, exciting way to show our kids everything is good in moderation.

Take a look in your refrigerator and pantry, what can you stop buying so it is not looking at you in the face when you happen to need a snack.  That is what I am working on, only having healthy things around.  If I am out, or there is an event, I will indulge, but at home on a regular basis, I want no distractions.  Another very important area is drinking enough water and cutting out sodas and sugary drinks.   We have fallen in love with fresh mint and lemon water, we make it ourselves, no sugar or sweetener needed, so refreshing, even my baby loves it.  Even in his bottle he wants a lemon!

I would love for you to share tips with me,
Always learning,
Always figuring it out,
It's a lifestyle,
and a lifetime :)
Living my friends is the goal, not interested in the opposite until its my time,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Allergic to Cleaning - LOL

Before Passover we organized and cleaned, and I am keeping it going :)  I have soooooooooo many clothes for the kids, looking through piece by piece.  All the small girl stuff, bye bye, keeping Eli Tzvi's stuff for Matisyahu.  Sneezing all day, dust is not my friend, cleaning is not my friend, but getting rid of stuff fills me with such joy!

Totally going off on a tangent, to all moms and soon to be moms, do your homework, get to know all the options, get to know your doctor and be on the same page.  Have people in your birthing room that keep you calm and will be your voice when you are in the zone.

Thank God for the medical field for when they are needed, and Thank God for a woman's body that knows how to birth.  Doula's support the mom to be in the moment, be educated and conscious about her choices, and have a toolbox of techniques to go through the waves and miracle of birth.

Also for all the new parents, we have a great resource in our community about all things baby, and this next topic is about baby stuff, check it out.


Tangent number 2, I haven't had dairy for a couple of days, and things are moving if you know what I mean.  I am excited to see what happens at the end of the month.  I also am limiting my bread to only Challa on Shabbat, and I do not eat Pasta or Rice on a regular basis.  Just dark chocolate or honey for sweets.

Let's do it together,
Coach Yulia

Monday, April 8, 2013

Busy Bee

I am just so excited that I am fully booked and the calls keep coming.  Passover for my community really takes over like the Christmas and New Year time.  So when we are finally out of it, it's great to get back to the routine, and get focused on health and other ventures.

This picture is my second Purim after I got married, it is our dress up holiday.  Eli Tzvi was 6 month old as my baby bee and I, of course, was the Queen Bee :)

I love the symbolism of bees, hard workers, and making something sweet and healthy.  My maiden last name, Medovoy, in Russian means "Made of Honey."

Thank God in our community the babies keep coming.  I have a few Prenatal Yoga groups going on, and my Doula clients are a few weeks away, soooooo excited!  My regular Yoga classes are fabulous, I love how each person gets exactly what they need out of it.  Sometimes our body needs a workout, and sometimes it needs a stretch.  My Yoga routine has a little bit of everything, and focusing on the moment really allows your body to get exactly what it needs out of it.  We go hard in everything else we do in our lives, our work, workouts, and for parents, you know you are non stop.  Let the Yoga be the counterbalance, surrender, no frustration, no competition or comparison, JUST BE YOU.

Coach Yulia

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Family and Friends - That's What Life is About

We took advantage of this gorgeous day, gathered all my husband's side of the family together and decided to get a picture in the park.  A wonderful bystander did the honors, we got everyone except the youngest member, who was sound asleep.

Took some random shots of family hanging out, at the park and later at home.  I am excited all the cousins have had many opportunities to play together, and they are still in town for a week, YAY.


Now the baby and my husband are resting, the kids are quietly playing, I have a moment to blog, and then we are headed out to a good friend's party, her mother is turning 70 and they are having a surprise party.

I feel so blessed to have my family that I grew up with, my husband's family, and now my own.  Also feel blessed that the friends that I have made throughout my life are like my family as well.

Coach Yulia

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Bye Bye Dairy

Yesterday at our Shabbat meal I had a wonderful girlfriend join us, we have known each other over 10 years.  She is also in the Wellness Industry helping her clients figure out healthy eating habits for their lifestyle and goals.  She was telling us that our bodies are able to process different things depending on our background, age, and lifestyle.  Many times we are unconscious of what we are actually putting in our body, and do not realize that it is causing us harm.

I feel amazing, have great energy, and am super strong, however the weigh has not budged.  I have gained 10 pounds per child that never came off.  I have definitely leaned out, but everything left is in my belly.  I am so happy with my Herbalife Nutrition Program, and I know for a fact that is how I am able to go go go, because it provides me with the nutrients I may not be getting throughout my day of eating.

What I have not done is watch calories, cut any foods, or watch my portions, so now I am really committed to figuring out what is the right way for me.  I cannot have this be like another job, I know for some people counting calories really works, but for me its about feeling good most of all.  I know I will get there eventually, and I do not want to torture myself, lose energy, or feel stressed or frustrated in the process.

So she was telling us that sometimes there are allergies that are obvious, and sometimes there are allergies that cause inflammation on the inside.  She has her clients give her their background, their current eating habits, and she has them do a cleanse.  What I like about her cleanse is that it is not a torture cleanse, I just don't get torture my friends.  She cuts out gluten, salt, sugar, and dairy, depending on the person, but prepares really delicious options with the food that they could eat.  Luckily I have my magic chef husband, who is also excited about us getting focused on healthy habits overall for our whole family.

Bread is something I can live without, and I am not a sweet tooth, so I am definitely stopping all junk that I don't even crave, sometimes it has just been around.  I told my husband to stop buying it, and he admitted that he has already resisted some junk like chips, where before it would be "something to munch on."

What I am literally obsessed, in love, could eat every second of every day, is Dairy, my kids love dairy.  The funny thing is I don't drink milk and I do not give my kids milk, but all the other stuff, cottage cheese, CHEESE, yogurt, cream cheese, you name it I love it.  Not even cheesecake, totally would rather do the salty and savory stuff.

So I have decided to cut out dairy completely for this month of April, and see how I feel.  Eventually I will have my Bagel, Cream Cheese, and Lox, or a Pizza here and there if there is an occasion, but for now since I made the decision, I totally don't crave it or want it at all, and that feels great.  I have even gotten some cream cheese on my finger this morning from serving my kids, before I would have licked it, I washed it :) and this evening my kids had Yogurt, I usually take a bite as I feed my baby, not tonight!

It's all about figuring it out my friends,
What works for you?
I haven't started my regular 30 minutes of exercise yet,
I have been feeling tired from not sleeping due to baby teething.
So excited to commit, and excited for my better than before baby body!
Please reach out if you want to join me in figuring out what works for you.
My Herbalife shakes are still part of my day, its Soy Isolate which is just the protein, none of the hormones, and almond milk, yummy chocolate with peanut butter, some people have coffee, I have a peanut butter cup every morning.
How do you start your morning?
Coach Yulia

The top left is my grandmother Zina and grandfather Aaron on my father's side, on the top right are my mother Irene and my father Peter.  Sam and I on our wedding day, he is not fond of pictures, but likes how he looks here :) 
My grandmother's mother was Yehudit, and that is who I am named after, that is my Hebrew name,
and Yulia was the Russian name that was close and ok to have in communist and anti-semitic Soviet Union. 
My baby Matisyahu looks like this Mountain Jew, Gorsky Yevrei, Kavkazi line.  
I love how I felt and looked on my wedding day, that is my goal, glowing, lean, and healthy.


Friday, April 5, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Mom

I have been going to so many seminars and lectures about time management, and really focusing on figuring it out.  The last seminar I took made it all clear, it is all about priorities, and especially as a mom, sometimes putting our needs aside to make sure everything runs smoothly and everyone is happy.

Things have to flow, a mom has to be the conductor of that flow, that is really the course that should be given.  Making mom's aware, that it is a day by day thing, and whenever there is time, then look at the list of to do's and whatever takes priority goes first.  It is also so important to let go of the pressure and frustration if things do not go perfect - THERE IS NO SUCH THING! Honestly, Perfect is Boring :)  How can we grow, learn, excel, and know that there is another side of things if we do not know what does not work?

So today I REAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY wanted to go to my teacher's Yoga class.  I finally had the opportunity, my usual client is out of town, and there was a way that I could make it happen.  My baby is getting bigger and I think my back and shoulders are really feeling it, plus just the non stop with the kids over Passover vacation, I was excited to do some Yoga just for me.

We all woke up at 6:30am, the kids had to be dressed, lunches ready by 8:30am, the Yoga class was at 9:30am.  I could have grabbed the baby, ran some Herbalife to my client, who said it was OK for me to come at 7:30am and still make it to the Yoga class.  I had to really evaluate what was the best for everybody, I had to work at my children's school at 11am, and we were meeting our cousins for pizza after school at 2pm.

The baby needed to have breakfast, the kids needed their clothes picked out and their lunches made.  My husband gives them their daily shower and takes them to school, and spends the rest of the day preparing our house and meals for Shabbat.  I also had to help him with some administrative work for his clients. 

Also if I had gone to Yoga I couldn't take my baby, there is no more kids club at that gym, so my husband would have to have compromised his busy day for an hour and a half.

I decided to help the day be smooth for all and for the kids to have fun, and to do my Yoga with my teacher this coming Wednesday morning at another club where they do have a kids club for my baby. Once the kids left for school I got me and the baby ready, drove to downtown to my client, and made it just in time to work at the school.  The funny thing is I really enjoy working in the school office, the baby is sleeping, I get some quiet and to sit down, I love seeing the teachers to their creative magic.  Who knew? I used to loathe office work, and I am actually really good at it.  Sitting for a few hours is such a treat!

This cracked me up, near downtown, this was the name of the candidate for city council!  The parents last name was price, and they thought, oh lets have some fun and name him Curren - LOL - How about this? Robin Banks - Get it?

Thank God tomorrow is Shabbat, our Day of Rest, I am having all the kids go to Synagogue with my husband, and I am sleeping in, after I help get them all ready and fed of course.  Those few hours to myself of complete quiet are GOLD!

I am tired, my back and shoulders are aching, but it's all worth it!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone,
Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Back to Work and Everything in Between

The kids just got home from school and until bedtime I am theirs.  I am sneaking away for a few minutes to write a few words.  I have a Yoga class tonight, Thank God, it felt so good to work again.  I had one last night, I love adult energy, and I love sharing peaceful, happy, feel good energy during Yoga class.

This morning I had a client, and then came home and hung with my cutie while my husband had some errands to run.  Thank God his digestive system is doing OK, and the teeth are slowly coming, once I get a good shot, I will take a pic and share.

We are rearranging the kitchen and the whole house, still throwing stuff that we don't need.  Getting rid of shoes that we don't need from the shoe closet.  Just making space, not necessarily for new things, but just SPACE - YES!  Little by little getting rid of baby things, so nice not to store anymore.  I am only storing clothes from Eli Tzvi to Matisyahu.

Life Keeps Moving My Friends,
It's Up To YOU!
When looking back, it feels so good to be happy with the journey.
I am focusing on enjoying every second of the journey.
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cousins Hanging All Day

It is so important to me that my kids are good friends with their cousins.  I feel so blessed, my cousins and I are all over the world, and our doors are always open, no matter how long we do not talk or how different our lives are.

The kids had their last day home and luckily it was a fun filled day with my sister in law, mother in law, and their cousins starting at the Zimmer Children's Museum.  That place just rocks, and I ran into a friend I had not seen in a while, she and I used to do my Hot Mama Power Walk together when our babies were 4 months, amazing to see how her boy has grow, they were playing below.

They were in a cool ship filled with blue balls like water, kids could put on life jackets and jump in, below is a great pic of Eli Tzvi, Ziona Sofia, Yehoyada and Nehorye having a blast in there.

I got a great shot of the baby cousins hanging out, with my sister in law and mother in law, Matisyahu just did not want to look at the camera, I think he was overwhelmed by so much fun.

We ended up having an early dinner at our place, I ran off to teach a class and took my mother in law home, came home put them to bed, hung out and relaxed, and had to squeeze this in :)  So excited tomorrow they go to school, and we can put the house back together again after Passover.  It's kind of funny, you do all this cleaning before the holiday, but it is not your everyday life that you set it up for.  It is set up for those 8 days, and now there is so much to do to get it back.  I love it though, I really love to put things in their place and throw things I do not need away.  So excited to slowly start getting rid of baby stuff.
It is funny what is exciting at different points of our lives, LOL
What are you excited about?
I am free, from 9-4 while kids are at school that is, so anyone available for walks, baby play dates, or just to talk about life,
Hit Me Up,
Happy To Be Back,
Coach Yulia