Monday, December 17, 2012


It is so nice to share everything as a family, even sniffles.  Yesterday my kids did not leave the house, my oldest, Eli Tzvi luckily was spared and felt great, but it was also raining, so we entertained ourselves at home.  We do not watch too much TV as a family, so it is considered a treat, so are movies, and anything on the Internet, it is not an automatic to do in our house.  I would rather they play together with all of their fabulous toys and create fun stories, it is so fun to listen to them play.

Ziona Sofia and the baby had major sniffles, I just felt blah from no sleep.  I had a couple of Yoga classes and was grateful to leave the house to share energy and have a calm atmosphere, before coming back to entertain my troops.

Luckily today everyone feels better, but its still chilly and sprinkly outside, and its funny yesterday it said only 10% chance of rain, so what that really means is that its going to rain over 10% of Los Angeles, and lucky us we were the lucky 10% with a drizzle all day long.

My workout got cancelled due to the rain, so I decided to recharge by much needed sleep with my baby. I am headed to my gig at my children's school, and then have my Doula Training tonight.

I would like to ask all of you to email or facebook me recommendations of doctors, midwives, and even doula's that you had good experiences with.  I get these questions all the time, and would like to have referrals and options for my clients and friends.

Feeling a bit better after my nap, have a little, over an hour to tidy up, get myself and my baby ready and head to work.

Feeling blessed for days when it really seems the universe is doing what we need, although it is always doing what we need.

Positive Energy,
and our Gut,
are really in sync all the time,
All we have to do is PAY ATTENTION,
Stay Warm and Healthy,
Coach Yulia

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