Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Yep, I am talking about me :) some days I really am on another planet, there are warning signs, there is, as my husband likes to say, "common sense," but honestly none of that rings a bell or turns on a light bulb when the brain is in LA LA LAND.

My husband and I were running around yesterday with some errands, I was surprised that the streets were quiet, I thought the last minute holiday shoppers would be everywhere.  Even in shopping areas, it just wasn't that crazy.  That was nice, we had quite a few places to go to, it was easy to get around.  Luckily the kids Jewish school is open throughout the holidays, so we had time to get stuff done.

We were looking for a blanket for my daughter, she always takes off her blankets, and ends up coming to my side of the bed, and wants to get in.  I either let her in, or get out of my cozy bed, half asleep and take her back to her room, while she whines, quite loudly, and I do not want her waking everyone else up.

So I figured if we get her a blanket that she likes, that is all her own, she will keep it on the whole night and stay warm.  Went to one place, nothing, went to another place to show my husband an awesome glass baby bottle, with a rubber cover.  Our 3rd one was dropped last week, we had a few plastic new ones laying around just in case.  I am all about glass, easier to clean, healthier, and with the rubber cover, safer.  I have a glass water bottle, that has stayed intact with klutzy me :)

At this store they had hot apple cider, my husband tried some and told me it was extremely hot.  Once it cooled down a bit, he gave it to me and I gulped it down, it was delicious.  I took a cup of my own, and decided to take a big gulp - AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!  My whole tongue and roof of my mouth were scorched!  The earlier warning went in one ear and out the other.

Next was our favorite shoe store, good brands 50%-70% off all the time, for men, women, and kids.  I needed a basic pair of boots for everyday, everything I own is super high heels, DONE!

Last stop we went to a shopping mall to look for the blanket for my daughter.  As we were getting out of the car, I knelt down to reach an extra blanket for the baby and banged my head super hard against the top of the car,  I obviously didn't clear it, and my "common sense radar" was off, OMG! it brought tears to my eyes.  Today my tongue still hurts, and acidy things really irritate it, like lemon, orange, and tomatoes.  My head hurts with certain facial expressions, and when I touch it.

Point of this blog:

Life will happen, but we still must function for our kids, to finish our day, you just keep at it, no matter what.  Some people are ecstatic over the holidays, and some are sad because maybe things didn't turn out as they "should" over the holidays.  Life still goes on, the highs of the holidays have to eventually be done, and we get back to life.  So the whole point of it all is that life goes on, enjoy every moment, the lows show us how good the highs are.  Even if things are not so great, that too shall pass.

Keep Living,
Enjoy Life,
Even with a bump on your head and a burnt tongue :)
Thank God the body heals so beautifully when we take care of ourselves,
Coach Yulia
The colors are opposite on my web cam for some reason, I am not a pink person, but my daughter is, her blanket is purple with pink hearts, and pink on the other side, those are her favorite colors, and my amazing glass water bottle with a drink spout, and a handle, is green, for all the things green stands for, I love earthy colors :)

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