Saturday, August 31, 2013

WASPY House Guests

If you look close, you could see the second hive int he corner, and a few wasps crawling about on the big one
LITERALLY!!!  One of my friends told me she recently stepped on a wasp and got stung, and I have been noticing them flying around everywhere, and right in our bushes.  Today some friends came to visit and pointed out two hives right at our doorstep.  I really do not have many fears in this lifetime, one of them is driving between those humongous semi trucks, and my husband was a trucker for 10 years.  Most bugs I love to get with my swatter, but bees I just like to stay out of their way.  On one hand I have a love connection with their honey making, I love honey, and my maiden last name, Medovoy, means made of honey, but that's as close as I want to get.

My neighbor who was lived her 20 years said she always sees them come back, and we should just swat it down, um, no thanks, I will see who will do that for me, it really freaks me out.  Wow and I am realizing this is strike three of the odd things that have happened in our home, CRAZY.

Anyway, besides that we had a nice Shabbat, always tons of energy and some unpleasantries at home, but such is life as a parent with Thank God strong willed, independent, and non stop toddlers.

It has been soooooooo hot in Los Angeles, and super humid, I am not a sweaty person, or should I say in my life I was not.  Since I got married and had kids my body chemistry has changed, I used to be cold, now with this heat, the sweat is pouring, YUCK.  My kids run hot too, even my little babies curls are sweaty.  We were all so excited of our cool summer, here it is, August and September, super hot, and I am sure those desert Santa Ana winds will come for a visit too.

Are we ever satisfied?
Where is our Hollywood Perfect Weather?
Just a bit of Kvetching is good for your health :)
Shavua Tov,
Enjoy your long weekend,
Coach Yulia

Friday, August 30, 2013


After reading my blog yesterday about how it was just a crazy day of tantrums, heat, and chaos, my mom reminisced about our toddlerhood:

Reading your blog brought deja vu from my life in Moscow. I write about that in my memoir. "There were no kindergartens or schools in walking distance, there was never school buses system in Russia. When my kids were old enough to attend kindergarten, I had to wait with them for an over-crowded bus in a terrible weather, struggled getting in and out of the bus, walked with them through the piles of dirt or snow to the kindergarten building. After that, I took a bus and subway to reach my place of work. Picking kids up after work was a nightmare all over again. Peter worked long hours, he left earlier than I and returned home after 9 PM. Thank God, he was grocery shopping, it was easier for him because he had his company car..." I want to add to that how I had get you out of bed in darkness, to dress both of you in winter clothes, (my brother) would fight with me and get too hot before going into the frosty weather, then he would scream in the bus because people were standing up glued to each other in overcrowded bus and he was at the level of stinky rear ends. To unglue ourselves and get out of the bus was an ordeal all over again... 

God Bless America, where people have dignity and parents have cars. That is why Americans can not love abroad, they can only travel and come home, sweet home... Love, Mom.

Enjoy What You Got,
Feel Blessed For All The Good,
Take A Breath,
Have A Great Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
Getting Ready for my gloves to wash dishes and clean

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Brilliant Idea - NOT!

I life in a fantasy world, a dream world, where I imagine things are happy and everyone gets along.  I am in this instance referring to family dynamics, and I suppose the more people that are in a family, the more opinions, needs, and loud voices there are.

So my first not so brilliant idea that everyone knew would go bust was our RV trip this summer.  We based our hypothesis on our previous trip the year before which was a great success.  We forgot to factor in new possibilities and it was very challenging to say the least.  We cut it two weeks short, and luckily the kids only remember how fun it was, we however do not want to think about an RV for a very long time.  When we did it the first time, the baby was four months, he just ate and slept, the kids were younger and both took two naps, the time on the road was shorter, and it was one destination, we definitely were too ambitious this year, and quite delusional.  The baby started walking and wanted to walk up to my husband while driving, the kids need open spaces to run, the movies, food, projects, and everything else under the sun was not enough while they felt stuck in a box, pushing each others buttons, yelling at the top of their lungs, OY! DISASTER.

Yesterday I didn't have any classes until the evening, one car was in the shop, my husband had a busy day, so I was in charge of the kids.  Thank God to friends helping out I was able to have some peace of mind.  My daughter got out of her class early, and a wonderful friend was able to bring her home to me, I was going to walk and get her with the baby, but he was still asleep when I had to start walking, plus it was getting hot, Thank God for friends coming to the rescue.  Then I was all ready to walk to get my oldest son who was finishing school half day yesterday at 12:30pm, and I had a BRILLIANT IDEA.  Why not put my daughter on her bicycle, push the stroller, while taking my sons bicycle too, so he can ride it home.  There was a time when the kids rode their bicycles to the park, and then all over town, but recently my daughter just wasn't into it, I convinced her to do it promising ice cream.  Half a block down, heat blaring, my son's bicycle in one hand, pushing stroller with the other, she starts having tantrums, it is already after 12pm, and I know I am going to be late.  I have a little breakdown, one man stops in the street, but doesn't understand how important it is not to leave my son all alone after school is finished.  I see someone pop out of their apartment and consider asking them to leave the bicycles there while I race with the stroller and my daughter four blocks down to the school.  Then I don't see anyone in the middle of my daughter crying, and me fuming, Thank God my baby was just chilling.

Blue Eyes, Blond Hair, Sweet Smile - She is a tough cookie, Fierce, Strong, loves to say NOW!

So I call the school and luckily one of our good friends was able to take my son home with them to play, and I would pick him up there later.  So it ended up with me carrying the bicycles and my daughter pushing our huge jogging stroller which she just barely reached, but luckily its easy to push.  I don't know if I am conveying the horror of the situation, but I was really thinking it was one of the worst days I have ever had in my life - HOW DRAMATIC :)

Thank God we all eventually made it home, and I am just going to have to stop dreaming about perfect scenarios, and get a reality check, and our car comes out of the shop today, so all will be good with the world.

Feeling Blessed For School All Day,
Feeling Blessed For Transportation,
Feeling Blessed For Napping Baby,
Feeling Blessed For Time to Write this Blog,
Feeling Blessed to go teach a class right after I finish writing,
Thank You For Listening,
Thank You For All of Your Wonderful Comments,
Your comments make me smile,
Your Energy Keeps Me Recharged,
Allow Yourself To Get It Out,
Do Not Hold It In,
Find Someone to Talk To,
Luckily I have YOU,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Silly Thrills

I am married six years, so seven years ago I was living with my roommate in a nice two bedroom apartment, we were about to have a dinner party, and we got infested with flies.  It was so weird, it has never happened to me before, usually its one here and there, she was a total cleanaholic, I had no idea where they all came from.  I had to search all over town for a fly swatter, couldn't find it, not in the 99 cent store, not in Target, not anywhere, it was nuts.  So I settled for a bug spray, if you can imagine me standing on chairs spritzing each fly and then picking it up to put it in the garbage, hoping I would get all of them before the guests arrived.

I don't know when or where I got this awesome fly swatter you see in the picture, but wow do I have power with it, BUGS HAVE NO CHANCE! It totally gives me a thrill that with my quick eye, coordination, and swift strength, they are no match for me :)  My neighbor is deathly scared of bugs and hanging outside her door was a really horrible looking spider, all fat and green, I climbed up on a chair, it did give me goose bumps, but I did step up and save the day - lol.

What else gives me silly thrills?  Riding the roller coaster with my oldest had me screaming with joy, sinking into a tub full of balls with my baby had me flashing back to childhood fun.  Jumping, I absolutely LOVE jumping, and so do ALL kids, it just has us all feeling so good, like superheroes I suppose.  So starting today, I am getting on my Rebounder, it is not a trampoline for tricks, it is a workout and health apparatus, and I am getting my cardio, strength, and lymphatic cleansing on.  Want to hear more about it?, or 323.377.0707 - now that the kids are in school, I actually have time to recommit to my personal goals.  These are not excuses, yes you can always make time, but for me my rest, energy, and health are the priority always.  Consistency is the key to success - 80% Nutrition, 20% Exercise, plus sleep, water, and HAPPINESS.

Find your Silly Thrills that get you in your happy place,
Swat those troubles away, or at least figure out how to deal with them or live with them,
I am just typing away,
Not sure what I want to say,
Enjoying my free time today,
while my baby lay,
napping before he gets up to play,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I Love When Doors Close

Throughout my life I have tried so many things, and some of them didn't work out, and it was OK with me.  Before I started working on cruise ships there was an opportunity to do a study abroad work program in Ukraine in the winter.  I was born in Moscow, and I love to travel, I know Russian, I had to get reference letters from my bosses, who at the time were bar owners of the most awesome bar ever that I cocktailed and bartended at.   They didn't choose me, I was definitely sad for a minute, ego I suppose, but man am I glad I was pointed in another direction.

This keeps happening to me and the new doors that open are just mind boggling.  That has happened to me twice today.  Because of two doors closing, I have gotten two new amazing openings that are exactly what I have been looking for at this point in my life.

I am in awe of how it all works, of being present, of dreaming, of knowing when the right thing is right, and to let go when a door is closed.

I feel vibrations all over, tingles, possibilities, a new stage of my life has begun.  I am finished birthing children and will begin birthing my talents and gifts that I can share with the world.

Thank You For Appreciating Me,
Coach Yulia

My daughter was telling me this morning how much she loves her breakfast kids shake, Thanks Herbalife for making it easy some mornings, although that was her second meal already, I made her buckwheat, Russian style, with cottage cheese

Monday, August 26, 2013

Sierra Nevada Resort

Check this out my friends,, my brother in law is the director of rooms in this joint and its fabulous.‎  Mammoth is known for its winters, but I really do not do winters, I may consider it for the kids, but it would have to be perfect circumstances.  So last year we went right before school started, and this year we decided to continue the tradition, and I am so glad we did.  Last year he worked for a boutique hotel, it was nice, intimate and I forced everyone to go to Yosemite, 7 hours later, because we took a special bus that dropped us off, we were over it.  It is gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but with three little kids, and not prepared with hiking gear and a picnic, we had to be really creative to keep ourselves sane and the kids entertained.

This year I decided to just enjoy my brother in law, the hotel, and our surrounding areas, and it was perfect.  Right on site they have a miniature golf course which I had a ball playing with my almost five year old, Eli Tzvi.  Earlier that day we took a trip in the trolley bus, that's us below, the windows are open and its absolutely gorgeous, Thank God I didn't drop my camera phone taking this shot.

Then my husband barbecued up a storm, made his signature salads, and my brother in law was in food heaven, invited some of his friends, and the best part, right outside our hotel room was a playground - Woo Hoo!
Glad to be home, made it just in time to take my son to his 3pm Karate lesson, and now have to run a few errands, meet with some clients and friends.  I am so excited to sleep in my bed tonight, and I am so excited to be here.  One of my Doula clients is delivering soon, I am happy I got to get away, tomorrow the kids start school, and all will be good with the world again (you parents out there know exactly what I mean.)
Coach Yulia

Sunday, August 25, 2013

We Have No Control

I was so excited that my baby was eating an Oreo the right way, he untwisted it and started licking

We ran away for the day to my brother in law, excited to hang and enjoy the gorgeous day.  There are so many What If's, so many reasons why we worry, feel we cannot do stuff, especially things that are just for fun.  Ultimately we plan and God laughs, there is no reason to worry about anything, it lives rent free in our brain.

We are a few hours away, going to hang at the pool all day, while the kids enjoy and play, decided we deserved a mini vay cay :) There are a million things going on, budget is tight, not easy with kids, but we did it anyway.

I think in everything in life in order for something to be worth it, the pros need to outweigh the cons.  I love road trips, and now I appreciate the kids being strapped in, instead of roaming free on an RV.  Funny what perspective does, they did OK, a few outbursts, a few whines, but overall a good first run to a bigger trip we are planning later on.

There are many reasons why my head and my gut keep reminding me of reasons to worry, so I  talk back to myself and say whatever will happen will happen, and I will take a breath and react in the best way I can.  I really feel like a referee sometimes, and a part of me wants the kids to be independent and free, I never want them to lose their free spirit. 

My oldest is realizing when we are talking tough but joking, and he starts cracking up, I love humor, I love laughter, I love happiness, these are the pros.

Look for the Pros,
Enjoy Your Sunday,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, August 24, 2013


The community we live in is so rich in Jewish cultures from all over the world, synagogues, food, and everything else you can imagine exists in Beverly Hills Adjacent :)  My husband has been part of one of the first synagogues out in this area for over 20 years, we just got an invite for the High Holidays coming up.  What I love best about the Chabad Jewish Community is that you are not paying for a building, my mother used to study with a group that would go to each others homes for that exact reason.

Right above the address is the most beautiful, open, inviting message:

Feel at home in our warm & friendly atmosphere.  No membership or experience required.

Contributions are made by regulars who are able, and there are fundraisers throughout the year.  I feel like the message is come, learn, and grow at your own pace, and just bring and share the real you.
I am very excited for the Jewish New Year, kids are growing, business is growing, and I am really feeling like I can focus more on my own health and fitness.

Every culture has a New Year and their own holidays, and in the USA there are celebrations all the time.  Even in the Jewish community there are different traditions on how to celebrate, but the holidays that are coming up are extra special for our community and its a month long event.  A spiritual connection, a celebration of life, and reevaluating where we have been and where we want to go.

So Excited,
Shavua Tov,
Enjoy Your Weekend,
Coach Yulia


Friday, August 23, 2013


I went to a seminar a few years ago and the bottom line of it was about KEEPING YOUR WORD.  How everything stems from this, when you make a plan, an appointment, or put something in your schedule, if everyone follows through, SUCCESS!

This has always been an important concept to me, and it is interesting that now I am a parent, time definitely has its flexibility, but there is always checking in, and letting everyone know what is going on.

I always feel blessed when I am around other parents because they understand that everything revolves around the kids, and when they are babies its nursing, diapers, and naps.  When they are toddlers, it is getting them ready and bringing everything under the sun that you may need.  No matter what, whenever there are kids, there is stuff that takes time.  I suppose one of the things to do is to give oneself extra time, or do things the day before.

It is nice to contemplate a solution, but honestly kids force us to be in the present, and we just have to deal and do our best, and let people know if we are running late or are held up, I feel as long as we let them know, life is life.

The Yes or No I am talking about is when you are trying to make plans with someone, and they do not say no, but they also do not say yes, so I personally feel stuck until I get a no.  Personal example:  there is someone that I invited to our Friday night dinner two weeks ago, the Thursday before she told me she may be late, so I told her don't worry about it, do what you got to do this week, and we will plan it for next week.  I have contacted her a few times, finally the other day she said she would let me know ASAP, don't you love those words?  Late last night I asked again, mainly because we want to figure out how much food to make, usually we do not make too much if it is just us, my husband likes things fresh.

Still no answer today, and it is OK, I will let it go, thank you for letting me vent.  I guess I am the type of person that when someone tells me they are going to do something or to meet me, I take them for their word, and have to wrap my whole day, my kids, my plans around their word. 

I ultimately always have hope for the human race,
Good Energy attracts Good Energy,
Just Be You, No Matter What,
Have a wonderful weekend,
A Peaceful Shabbat,
Shabbat Shalom

Getting Ready to watch Planes at El Capitan, trying to get a good pic, we are looking at ourselves not the camera

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Out of Sync/In Sync

in sync

  • In tune, in agreement, in harmony, synchronized persons.

Yesterday I felt so out of sync, I didn't have a set plan for the day, it was super hot, ended up taking my kids to Griffith Park to ride the cute little train, and we sat in the front which was right behind the exhaust, mixed with the hot air - YUCK - no wonder my baby wasn't into it, see his face below.

The kids were extra rebellious, I caught a happy picture, but we were all definitely out of sync yesterday.  I had brought water for everybody, but usually use mine to wash the fruit and refill the kids bottles, when we got home I literally felt like I had to drop.  I was wondering what it could have been, I had a good breakfast and rested decently the night before.  I had to go teach a Yoga class, and before I started getting dressed I got the chills, which is weird because it is the hottest of summer everywhere.  Luckily I made it to class OK, was still a bit off, and then was thinking maybe it was the exhaust, and then it hit me:

I remember when I was teaching a Pilate's class, I thought one of my students was still doing an exercise and when I got closer I realized she was having a seizure, we called 911, and they told her it was because she was dehydrated!  Also a few women that were pregnant had contractions begin because they were dehydrated, it is no joke my friends.  I also remember once at a fun weekly festival in the desert, which is actually about to begin this coming weekend in Black Rock City, Nevada, one of my friends got so dehydrated he passed out, luckily they had a medical tent and gave him fluids.
One of my clients who has her due date about a month away has been telling me she is experiencing contractions. She had gone to get checked out, everything looked great, they told her to make sure she is drinking.  We have been in touch all night monitoring the contractions, and we are so in sync, just evaluating all the blessings, reality, and trying not to compare to anything else.  I feel blessed that in my Yoga and Doula work, I deeply connect with my clients, and we open ourselves up to each other, trust, share, and exchange energy.
Also on a positive note our ceiling was fixed last week, and our genius friend conquered our hackers, I am writing this blog on my computer - Woo Hoo!
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Age Appropriate

Where am I?  When I was a kid, I loved jumping into a bin full of multi-colored balls, it was really one of my favorite things to do.  I finally had the chance to dive in yesterday when I took my kids to a cool playroom. Overall I think they get over it, you cannot spend too long there, and if you have multiple kids then the price is quite reasonable.  

So my baby was such a daredevil, do you see that tunnel slide?  My kids climbed up, and he followed them with no hesitation all the way to the top, I didn't have my camera when he was doing it, but notice the black stairs, it is quite high up and curvy, I was soooo impressed. There was another slide, you can see the one on the far right, that one you also had to climb some high stairs, and you slid into a very deep tub of balls, I felt I had no choice but to do it with the baby, and I just let myself sink in - yay.

We met some friends there, and it was a good place to spend the day out of the heat.  It is interesting to me what is age appropriate for who. We went to a place with all kind of rides the other day and there were age limits and height limits.  I understand it is all for safety, but each kids is so different, some always hesitant, some ready to go, and how about big kids like me?

I love when kids and adults are allowed to just be themselves.  Of course there are certain places in life where we all have to respect the environment, dress codes, rules, etc.  I feel blessed that I am really in touch with the real me, and I am happy that my kids are able to be just themselves in our home and in school.  So this morning when I noticed that the blinds and sun had created an image of a fish on our wall, I had to go grab my camera, enjoy the silly, happy, childlike, deep pleasures of life.

Be Your Essense,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mind Dump

This is a concept that I learned in the Next Level Seminar about getting everything out of the head on paper, and then organizing what is priority, and scheduling it in your calendar.  There is similar concept from the book The Artist's Way, which I read way back when I used to work on cruise ships. It was called Morning pages, the goal is to right down everything running through the head first thing in the morning, so it is out of the way, and you can go on with your day.  I enjoy reading those pages from time to time to see how I thought of my life and experiences and how I expressed myself.
I really like free flow writing, that is how I write this blog, my brain thinks it and I let my 90 words per minute fingers document the stream of thoughts.

This morning I had a private class at 9am, my husband took my kids to my mother in law, the plan was when I was done to meet him there, he would go on about his day and I have plans with the kids. As usual the mornings are full of energy bright and early starting at 6am, breakfast, play time, bath time, getting dressed, and everyone has their opinion about everything and has to express it loud and clear, even my baby.

So when they finally all left the house, I had ten minutes of quiet, got everything together, ran out the door, my client lives two minutes away.  We are both moms, and we are very flexible with our meetings, sometimes something comes up for me, today she totally blanked, she was out with her kids, and I honestly felt lucky to just have me time away from my kids.  We moms gotta stick together, so I decided to run home and Mind Dump, write some Morning Pages, right here on my blog.

Next week the kids start school, I am finishing up their swimming classes and my oldest has Karate class.  Once they go to school they are there a full day, and they just need to unwind at home and be in bed by 7pm to be ready to do it all over again the next day.  I have so many projects planned, especially getting my house in order.  Every since we got back from our summer trip and decided not to send kids to camp, I have not had a moment to deal with the house.  I am looking forward to really getting everything in order, throwing out what we don't need, and starting our Jewish New Year fresh, clean, and organized.

Right after school starts our holidays last a month, not so easy to keep a routine, a schedule, after the holidays which will be at the end of September, I will be able to commit to an exercise schedule, and more time allocated to promoting my business.

I really love quiet,
It is so rare,
It really fills me with such peace,
Even a few minutes of it recharges my batteries,
Had my Herbalife Chocolate Shake for Breakfast this morning,
Happy to feel full and happy to know my body has all the nutrients and fuel it needs to start my day,
Feeling blessed for finding what works for me,
Take time to find what works for you,
It really makes things flow,
Brings calm, order, and healthy habits that become part of your life,
Happy Tuesday,
Coach Yulia

My little artst, I started noticing whenever there is a pen, marker, crayon and paper around, he goes for it

Monday, August 19, 2013

Five Years, Nine Doors, Labor Day

Five Years

Today is my son, Eli Tzvi's 5 year old birthday by the Hebrew Calendar, we will be celebrating for a month until the day he was born September 13.  He was born on Shabbat, so this past Saturday was his Torah Portion and he came home telling me that he is already five.  Sometimes I have a few ideas about what I want to do, but it really doesn't come together until the last minute.  The baby was home with my husband, I wanted to take the kids to the amazing park I taught Yoga at on Sunday, there were the coolest trees to climb.  I was low on gas, and was thinking originally to go to the beach, but it was cold today, then I was thinking to go to the Santa Monica Pier to ride some rides, and my kids decided that sounded like more fun than climbing trees, and it was closer so I was happy with the decision.

Eli Tzvi and I rode the roller coaster, it was his first time, and actually my first time on that one!!! I can't believe it took me 13 years to ride it.   I absolutely love it, it was pretty sharp curves and turns and fast at some points and it was very intense for my boy, but we made it, and he was excited that we did it.  Before that the kids went on an airplane, boat, and police car ride, my daughter was a little scared, but my son sat next to her and was a wonderful big brother.

Nine Doors -

Many observant Jews from all Jewish denominations have a qualified scribe check the mezuzot parchments for defects (such as small tears or faded lettering) at least twice every seven years.[4][5]

This was very interesting for me to read, we moved into our place a little over five years ago, I was probably 8 months pregnant with my first, our Rabbi came to put a Mezuzah on our door, he ended up putting nine.  We have nine entrance ways, everything but the bathroom needs to have one.  Many Jews in America only have one at their front door, I figure we are super protected :) So when my good friend suggested we check ours because our ceiling was falling on our head and our computer was hijacked, I thought it was a good idea, I told my husband to definitely do it this week, especially before the holidays coming up.

Labor Day

Our neighbor just had her fourth baby, her 5 year old daughter said the other day that when labor day comes, many women will be giving birth :) I thought that was very clever, I don't know if she even realized how mature and amazing that was. We are in a high production community when it comes to babies, so kids are always around this kind of conversation.  One of my Doula clients checked in with me today wondering if she was in labor, I feel so blessed.  Every woman, pregnancy, birth, and baby will be different every time.  Just stay present, open, and calm.

Coach Yulia

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Invasion - Envision

I take my boys on errands this morning, my daughter was a bit feisty so I left her at home with my husband.  When I got home I heard we were invaded aka hacked hard!  They took a picture of my husband through our webcam and are asking for $300 to unlock everything and are claiming to be the government.  Does anyone know if we can get any authorities involved, this is stuff you see in the movies, its pretty nuts.

So I had to run, my husband's good friend and my brother were helping figure it all out.   I had a class to teach in a beautiful park in Santa Monica, I took the highway, got stuck in traffic because of a car accident, just followed general diretions, then when I saw I was almost at Pacific Coast Highway, which is right next to the ocean, I stopped, plugged in the information I knew into my GPS, and was at the exact street I needed to turn right, and then a quick left and I was there.  I made it exactly at 2pm, our scheduled time, and it was magic, really felt like a storybook, with wonderful smells of nature, and amazing trees that made me want to climb.  I had the IN-Vision - or as I put above, envision.  The definition below talks about the mind, I mean more like inward vision, feeling it in your gut, being guided by intuition.

en·vi·sion  (n-vzhn)
tr.v. en·vi·sioneden·vi·sion·ingen·vi·sions
To picture in the mind; imagine.

I just got home, the screen shot you see above I just took with my iPhone, and I am using my laptop on wifi to write this blog.

Have my Mitzva Yoga tonight, come check it out ladies if you have never done Yoga, or looking for an amazing community class in Pico/Robertson area.

The Crazy of Life is What Life is All About,
Navigating, Consciously Processing and Reacting,
Moving On,
Moving Forward,
Learning From Experience,
Learning From The Wise,
Being Open,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Plans Askew

I was supposed to be jamming to Pitbull tonight, just doing something different with my husband, it was in an outside park, with other artists on the bill, I was excited to step out of mommy mode.  I recently started making a list of babysitters that I can call last minute, especially for my Doula Services, if my husband is unavailable.  This Thursday I got a chance to test it out, a client called me last minute to do a Yoga session, I reached out to three of my babysitters, and one came through.  I felt so free, now that my husband and I are getting busier, this option is a new possibility for me to be on the go like I love.

It was so cool, my babysitter came over for an hour, my older kids were watching a show, she played so awesome with my baby, and I had a great session with my client.  I originally wanted to bring them all to a park to play, but the baby was napping right up until she came.  Then last Tuesday my husband was out of town, and I figured out a babysitter, and it was also a work meeting while we had dinner with the kids, then I dropped them off at a park nearby, it was perfect.

So on our anniversary my husband's friend was out our house while the kids were sleeping, and we had our amazing dinner.  Tonight his friend was unavailable, my husband had asked me to wait to get the tickets, and I waited too long, it was too late to get the groupon, and it was a bit annoying.  I knew that if I had just gotten the tickets in advance, I would have figured it out.  I also know that my husband is probably happy we didn't spend the money, and once the kids were asleep enjoyed watching a show that we both like.  LIFE.

I used to be into concerts during my high school years, then mostly big festivals like lolapalooza, and now the prices are so ridiculous, and my life before marriage has been quite a carnival, I really do not crave going to a show.  Tonight sounded really fun, but I guess it was not in my cards. Incidentally yesterday I took my kids to the downtown splash pad again on the metro, as we were walking to it, my daughter walked in front of me and hurt my second toe on my right foot, which is longer than my big toe.  Today I stubbed it again, and it really hurt, probably would not have been fun to be out tonight.  I hurt that toe really bad before, I was just pregnant with my daughter, and was very ambitious doing a Yoga pose, and landed on that toe!!! It totally became black and blue, I usually would have just waited it out, but went to the emergency room just to make sure it didn't affect the pregnancy in any way.  They told me IT'S NOT AN IMPORTANT TOE, and gave me some tape to put the big toe together with it, and it helps it heal on its own, $300 later - LAME.

Oh the stories of our lives, my whole point of the blog today was about really planning a night out, and not leaving things to just work out.  I always keep reading about date nights, and we really have to incorporate it. Luckily our birthday marathon has begun, our son is turning five in mid September, but his Hebrew birthday is tomorrow, and he wants his party at his school which starts in two weeks.  We are going to see airplanes, and do some other fun stuff before the school party.  I figure why not celebrate the whole month through. My birthday is in October, my husband's birthday is in November, its just non stop from our August anniversary - Woo Hoo.

Celebrate My Friends,
Even if that is the only time you splurge and indulge,
Makes it all the sweeter,
Shavua Tov,
Enjoy the Rest of your Weekend,
Coach Yulia
Self Portrait:  My daughter loves my camera phone, and is enjoying learning all about photography

Friday, August 16, 2013

Did Something Change With Your Figure?

I made my husband stand in the corner to take this pic :) I am making some black beans on the stove, and he is making some tacos for lunch.  I just got back from taking a Yoga class with my amazing teacher and feel absolutely amazing.  My baby is 16 months, and I am doing various things to get back to me, lets say even better than before baby body.  So today a woman in the class that goes all the time asks me "Did something change with your figure?"  I was telling her that I am done having kids and am working on getting back in shape, and as I was walking away I was thinking that is quite a nice way to ask:

Are you Fat?
Are you Pregnant?
You look different!

We are all so busy with our lives, we cannot all keep track who had a baby when, how old anyone is, so people are always looking, especially since I am a Yoga teacher, in the Fitness, Nutrition, and Health industry, I am a walking example.

My goal is to be a real, natural, it takes time but I will get there, I have not slept in 5 years, my oldest is turning 5 in a month, and I have two more after him, there are stresses in family life, all of this affects our metabolism, energy, and our favorite one GENES that don't let us fit in our JEANS.

Luckily my body type proportions everything out, so I do not have one area that is larger, but then of course there is the belly, which I do not like to wear bulky clothes, and even before I got pregnant, I always had a firm but little belly, that I love :)  So I hear different things all the time, yesterday someone told me my face got thinner, and after not seeing me in a while told me my belly went down.  Unfortunately for me during the special time of the month and even before it begins my belly decides to get real comfortable and expand. We are all so different, and what I know is that I feel great, enough energy to make it through my day, work, take care of me, take care of my kids, husband, and home.  That is the goal, and day by day I will do things that are a treat, and once my kids go to school, I am ready to have a regular, scheduled workout plan. Really that is what it boils down to, having a plan, what are you eating?  are you exercising or at least being active? Is there balance between work and play?  Are you drinking enough water? Are you getting enough sleep?

Everything works and nothing works, and we all have to figure out at every stage of our life what works for us in the moment.  My weight has not budged, but my body fat is lower, my inches have gone down, and I am turning 41 in October, everything takes more work, and with small children, work, and life, or whatever anyone has going on, its all about priorities.  This year my focus is my health, fitness, and my business, the kids will be happy and learning in school, my husband and I will take turns having fun with the baby, those things go without saying, but my focus is ME.

It's not selfish, It's SELF CARE,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Six Years

Last night at Beverly Hills Thai, an amazing Kosher restaurant, we are so blessed in LA to have every cuisine
August 14, 2007 we had the funnest wedding every, it was a mix of our amazing Jewish community and all of my colorful friends, plus Russian relatives and Israeli friends, the open bar kept everyone socializing and appreciating each others talents.  All of my friends were very impressed with a Rabbi who was dancing with a chair and bottles on his face - now that is talent and skill!

Usually we go have a nice dinner, this year I really wanted to do something fun, different, a little crazy, so I began looking at groupons and living social deals, I found Nascar Racing, driving a Lamborghini or Ferrari, and Paragliding, but honestly those would just be a thrill, it would be hard to make time for it, and it was still quite expensive.  Yesterday I got it, this Saturday night in Downtown there is a huge festival with Pitbull headlining, I haven't been to a concert in so long, and usually the tickets are ridiculously expensive.  This has a lot of awesome artists like Prince Royce and Tribe Called Quest.  We will see what we can catch, but once married with children its all about just getting out the door.  Luckily Pitbull goes on last at 10:45, so we are good, we can even take the metro there, it closes at 2am, we will see, so excited.  Just want to hang with my man, do something different, we never got to really do this date stuff, once we met, we knew we were on our path to married, in four months he proposed, and four months later we married, Thank God.  The kids came right away, we were on a mission, feeling blessed it all worked out the way it did.  Now it is important to make an extra effort to celebrate us, not to forget us, to keep us strong.  When we went on the cruise last January without our kids for five days it was really magic, we just hung out, napped, went to amazing lectures, enjoyed every moment.

It's not easy my friends, two independent, strong, and sometimes stubborn individuals, throw kids into the mix, its a day to day dance.  I feel blessed for it all, otherwise we would be bored, I tell him he is stuck with me for life, and I mean it, my parents were the most beautiful example, 41 years and going strong, THANK YOU.

Embrace the Challenges of Life,
It Only Gets Sweeter,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Puzzle

wrote this at Midnight, so inspired by the magic flow of life
Herbalife has brought so many pieces together for me - feeling grateful


Cause (someone) to feel confused because they cannot understand or make sense of something: "one remark he made puzzled me".
A game, toy, or problem designed to test ingenuity or knowledge.

My husband is busy the next few days, and I had to figure out the kids and work and how to keep it all flowing.  I am constantly in awe of how things come when you need them, when you think about them, it is really just magic.

Since I have started to Doula, I have really needed to think about getting a babysitter that can come at night at the drop of some water :) especially if I am alone with the kids. Usually my husband is available, and with everything else it can be worked out, but in a Doula situation, go time is really go time.  So I have been compiling a list of babysitters, and one girl that I met almost a year ago called me out of the blue, and it could not have been more perfect timing.

I had met her right before our Herbalife annual event, and we clicked, she was going to school and watching kids for a living, she was going to join me, but last minute wasn't able to.  Now that I really need a babysitter, she has come back into my life, and she is interested in becoming an Herbalife Coach as well.  So we have been trying to get together just to hang out and catch up, and my time has been filled up with Mommy Camp.  Tonight I was really needing help, my husband was out of town and I wanted to teach my Pilates class, and one of my students wanted to buy some Herbalife Mango Aloe, so I reached out to my babysitter list, and my friend was available.  So I suggested we meet early at the Herbalife Active Nutrition Club so she can see what its all about.  I got held up at my kids swimming lesson, she was welcomed with open arms, loved it, we took the kids to pizza, and then she watched them at the park while I went to teach my class.  She came over, I put the older ones to sleep, they woke up at 5:30am AGAIN!  The baby was hanging with us, I am so happy she is back in my life, and hopefully we will be business partners, her energy is powerful, and she is stunning inside and out.

Thanks to my marriage and children, but also Thanks to Herbalife, I am now a Doula, I met a student teaching Yoga for my Herbalife business, she became pregnant, wanted me as her Doula because I was sharing with her how amazing my births were with a Doula.  I also met my Doula teacher through my Herbalife Mommy Hiking Group, she answered my meetup group wanting to network and promote her birthing classes.  Everything was perfect timing, just as it should be, I am in awe, and now my wonderful new friend is back in my life, impeccable timing - WOW!

I really feel like my puzzle is complete, and I love how puzzled and puzzling make so much sense as one is trying to piece together their puzzle.  Keep searching my friend, my journey is far from over, but for now my plate runneth over.  I was telling my husband once I have time I would like to look into Krav Maga, thinking a disciplined, focused, and intense workout may be just what I need to get in great shape, teach, and have balance.  We will see, now I feel satisfied, complete, content, happy, grateful, blessed, and sooooo good.

Feel Good My Friends,
Coach Yulia

Ahh the perfect picture

YUM! The best part of the digital and phone picture world is how easy it is to snap away, capture a moment and if the rest of the pic is not that great, cut it to perfection.  This was from last week when my Matisyahu was free at the splash pad, he is just loving being free.  Yesterday we were at a birthday party, there were sweets and lollipops that he easily acquired, and didn't stop walking all around, all free and independent, loving life.

My daughter is OBSESSED with my iPhone and has taught herself how to take pictures, although she knows how to push the button, but not necessarily aim, focus,and shoot the shot she wants, so I have a lot of interesting moments of life, maybe one day she will take a good one for the blog.

Today is a day of wait and see, I do not know what exact time someone is coming to finally look at our ceiling.  I have a busy late afternoon, so hopefully we can figure out what could be done this morning. Baby is napping, kids are watching some cool shows, and I get a minute to write down my thoughts.

We have swimming, then meeting a friend at the Herbalife Active Nutrition Center, following a Pilates class, she will hang with my kids at the park. My husband is working, then we will hang at my house, and I am already hoping for an early bedtime, together was another bright and shiny morning of 5:30am JOY.

Happy Tuesday,
Coach Yulia

Monday, August 12, 2013


I am coming back to finish writing this and my siesta never happened :) read on...

A for Effort, a mommy's life, gotta just go with the flow, Check out the meaning and origin,  I just love naps, they were a big part of my life before kids.  My father is the king of naps, and I was the queen, but now they are definitely a luxury, in many countries including Spain and Israel, many businesses close, people go home for lunch in the middle of the day and take a rest - ahhh that is my kind of life.

So we are taking it easy today, our roof situation is yet to be resolved, they told us best they can do is someone coming tomorrow, hopefully an earthquake won't happen before then, please pray for us that the roof stays intact.  We went to the park, had some slurpees, it was super hot sun today.  Now just had some watermelon, apples, and cheese.  The watermelon was already mushy inside, not so good, luckily got a few good bites.

I took my oldest to his second Karate lesson, the first one he felt out of sorts, this one I got an amazing simple Karate outfit from a fellow mom, thanks LA Mommies, and he looked amazing, and it was just him and I, no distraction from the other kids.  He did great, I was so proud, I really found such an amazing passionate instructor.  Unfortunately once he starts school, he won't be able to go regularly, but I think even dropping in once in a while and going full on in the summer will be very beneficial, he has great potential, and its just what he needs for his confidence and focus.

We ended our day with an amazing celebration of a friend of our kids that just turned three and had his hair cutting ceremony.  We saw so many friends, the kids had a great time, Matisyahu was just all over the place, grabbing all the sweets, enjoying his first lollipop that he found all by himself, after all babies are the masters of sucking, he was a pro!

Finally put them to sleep, wow, they are so non stop.  Every morning I tell my oldest, Eli Tzvi what his name is depending what time he woke up.  Today his name was 5:30, and that is AM, OY!  All of them were up, and raring to go, JOY.

Oh the wonderful challenges of energizer bunnies,
May this be their energy for life,
They cannot get enough of living, Thank God,
and so it should be,
that is a healthy child,
as adults we need balance,
we also teach the importance of balance to our children,
Nutrition, Sleep, Healthy Active Lifestyle,
and the best thing we can do is live by example,
Be Happy My Friends,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Magic Sunset Yoga

I love days that just flow and you really do not have any idea where they will end up.  I had a Yoga class at 5pm and then another one at 8:30pm, in between I am free to go home or to have other appointments. What do I mean by free? My wonderful husband is with the kids and I can do what I need to do when I need to do it without checking in, without hesitation, this was the magic of today.

This morning we just took it easy, then I had to get a few things, so I ran some errands with the kids, then we visited my mother in law.  I got them home right before I had to run to my first class, on my way there I got a text from my friend that their scheduled Yoga teacher hurt his back and could I do it.  I was so excited to say yes, it was the perfect opportunity to fly to the beach and see that gorgeous sunset you see in the above pic.

I had my pony tails, a cute top, this was right where Venice Beach and Santa Monica Beach meet, I just felt so free, so present, and so blessed to do what I love, enjoy, and have a beautiful energy exchange.  I ended the night with my Mitzva Yoga, I do it for my Jewish community every Sunday night for only $5, and had a wonderful group.  Got home a while ago, spent some time with my husband, now finishing up the blog and some emails, and I am off to dream land.

Have a wonderful week,
Coach Yulia

My good friend Robin, who introduced me to Herbalife, and also to the amazing world of Veterans, she asked me to do Yoga on the beach for them last minute this evening, and I was so happy I had that time free, it was AMAZING!  

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Roof, The Roof, The Roof is on...

nope its not what you think...Thank God its not on fire, but it was almost on our head!  We live in an awesome 1920's Duplex on the bottom floor, so I guess some wear and tear is expected.  This however was super scary, first there was a big crack on Thursday morning, and then around Midnight last night, CRASH! Woke both of us up, luckily not our kids, at the foot of our bed, bits and pieces on our bed - JOY.

I was not able to sleep deep for the rest of the night, and at six in the morning our baby comes quietly from his room to our room, I picked him right up so he wouldn't fall on the debris - OY.

Besides that it was a nice relaxing Shabbat, at the end we hung out with some friends down the street.

Sunday Funday coming up, not sure of our plans, depends on the weather, if its too hot we will do something inside.

Ready for bed,
Not too much in my head,
I will finish up instead,
Coach Yulia

Friday, August 9, 2013

Mothers, Fathers, Children, Good Times

I have been meeting so many awesome parents lately, so lucky, amazing that I recently discovered tons of meetup groups with my last baby.  Many moms with their first baby yearn for married friends with children and a community.  I was very blessed that thanks to my husband I married a community, so with my first I had a lot of support, and many of the wives of my husband's good friends were also just starting to have children, so it was wonderful.  When I had my second baby, I was in a whirlwind of kids 18 months apart, and working, so felt too busy to socialize and meet other parents.  Then I found Herbalife and part of my job was to socialize, meet people, invite them to our workouts and events.  So I started joining groups of moms where I can meet people that I can connect to and enjoy myself with the kids.  It is amazing to me that some of these moms were new in town, or were the only married with children in their group of friends, and started utilizing these groups with their first baby.  It is amazing, yesterday we went to a private home, there were about ten kids, the mom went all out with all kind of water play, a slide, a few pools, and then was making water balloons.  We were planning to stay there all day, but my daughter acted out, and Thank God the other little girl is OK, we went home, I really wanted her to understand it was not OK and feel a consequence.  We teach them to use their words, to go get their mom or another mom or a teacher, but in my experience three years old is way tougher than two, but with everything, whatever is the challenge passes, and the next one begins - JOY!

Today a good friend joined me, his boy is out of camp, so he is in Daddy Camp, so we went together to one of these groups in Downtown Los Angeles at Grand Park, it was AMAZING.  First of all we took the metro train which is fun in itself for the kids.  There was a huge splash pad there with an amazing fountain behind it, even the walls around had water dripping, this was my babies first time and he had a blast.  Yesterday was his first time in a kiddie pool, he got in and out by himself, had a good time.  My friend got along great with all the moms, it was very clean and not too busy, perfect weather as well.

We all just had pizza, and now everyone is getting ready for Shabbat, baby is fast asleep after a full day in the water and sun.  Little feel of our day today, can't figure out how to flip the video, enjoy the view :)

Good Times,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Just Breathe

Everything is amazing, everything is great, everyone is getting along, and then it happens, CHAOS.  Yes I am a Yoga teacher, but I am also human and my first instinct is to get defensive and attack in any situation believe it or not.  Since teaching for over 10 years, I have really slowed down my reaction time, and take a moment to breathe, assess the situation, and then react the right way at that time and maybe process it later, or just shake it off, because sometimes it is only a big deal in that specific moment.

Have a busy day in Mommy Camp, have a play date in a home of a fellow mommy, she has fun splashy things all over her yard, and then we have a swim lesson later this afternoon.  I finish off the night with teaching two classes, one prenatal and one a private couple - AHHH my balance, Thank God.

Just came back from a circumcision ceremony, it was beautiful, one of my prenatal mamas gave birth eight days ago, and she looks and feels amazing, Thank God.  Everything is good, I think that is something to repeat over and over, It's all good, because it really is.  All the craziness in between is just life, and with each others support, conversation, and breathing, we can all get through it.

Last night I had an amazing interview with a potential Doula client, it is so cool to hear of a mother's journey, and just talk about what she really wants, and allow the mom to be strong in what she wants and have support for what she wants is everything.   Pregnant mama's, take it easy, let people do things for you, enjoy the miracle of it all, and for those of you with new babies, let yourself heal, let people help you, and enjoy the wonder of the new beautiful soul in front of you.

Every stage of life is just so precious, and it goes by in a blink of an eye.  These are good check-ins, good reminders to always stop, feel, listen, hear, taste, and smell the life right in front of you.  Even the craziness stirs up passions, brings up the monster inside, and makes us face all the different energies inside of us.

Embrace the Challenge,
That's What I am Trying to Do,
This adventure of Marriage and Children is definitely my Homework from God,
Positive view will get me through,
What is cute about your kids?
Let that get you through,
Community, Friends, Support, Conversation, Getting it out Gets You Through,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What do you do to take care of YOU?

I really want to hear your answers, I was a speaker in an amazing gathering today, and I heard a lot of different answers.  Some said exercise, some said writing first thing in the morning to get all the stuff out of their head, and another great answer was to hang out with girlfriends and talk.  I know for me my work is my saviour, I love it and enjoy it and it really recharges me for my family.  I also like to get massages, maybe once a month if possible.

My oldest had a hard night with some vomit and a fever, so today was a day at home for the kids.  We were running around so much anyway, I think its good to just have a day hanging out, and it was way too hot outside.  My husband likes to be with them at home, I am the one that likes to run them around town.

I had a busy morning, now just relaxing with them until my classes tonight.Right after this I am going to put them for a movie and go lie down with my baby, who is taking a nap, it was a night of deep sleep but not too much of it, and I won't be finished until almost 11pm tonight.

Write down all the things you would love to do that you have not done yet, and all the things you would love to incorporate into your life on a regular basis.  The answer may surprise you, and you may find that it might be a good fit NOW.

If we do not make time for rest and recreation, eventually we have to make time for illness.

Excess once in a while, is moderation.

Those are a few of my favorite quotes,
I also like "don't let things live rent free in your brain,"
While you are telling me how you take care of YOU,
Tell me some of your favorite quotes as well,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hebrew Calendar - New Month Elul - Day I Said I Do

I have always been fascinated by all the different calendars, astrologies, and various ways of interpreting our world and ourselves.  So when I got married and now live in a community that basically lives by the Jewish Calendar, it was very easy and fun for me to follow suit.  Now I get to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries not once but twice, and honestly almost every day is some kind of celebration in our community, totally my cup of tea, I am all about celebration, fun, and get togethers.  What I love is that some of the get togethers about learning about the world, how to grow as a person, how to give back to the community, and sometimes its to eat, drink, and to party on.

So every year the Hebrew birthdays and anniversaries are in different parts of our solar calendar.  We go married on August 14, but in 2007 it was also today, Rosh Chodesh Elul, on the Hebrew Calendar.  So I say lets celebrate from today until the 14th, YAY.

Now it is a little challenging for us to go anywhere since the kids are not in camp, so I told my husband, I want to find something really fun we can do together, maybe find a groupon, maybe race some cars, we will see, lol, maybe once the kids are back in school.  Just to hang out and have fun together, after six years I think that will be a fun way to celebrate.

Today I had a very busy day with classes and also getting ready for my seminar tomorrow where I am speaking about "Taking Care of Mama, it's not Selfish, its Self Care," click here for details.  So I got my hair and nails done, and went to an amazing learning event for the new Jewish Month.  I feel blessed that I had a "ME" day, and my husband was hanging with the kids.  I did take them out this morning to the Natural History Museum to the Butterfly Pavilion, we took the Metro, they loved it.  Yesterday at Mommy Camp I took them to the Annenberg Beach House in Santa Monica, and for the first time since I moved to LA in 2000 have I felt like I was on a real beach, just like in Miami.  My kids had a blast in the ocean, it was chilly, but it was a hot day, and it was perfect.

After the beach I grabbed the baby and we went to a mommy and me music at a park, my other kids just played on the slide and swings.  Then I took them to a Karate studio to see if my son would like it, definitely peaked his interest. It would be good for his mind and body connection, and to learn discipline while learning how to protect himself, feel strong and powerfully use his body.

My baby's teeth are coming, they are about to burst through, the nights are hard, I am tired, but I am loving life. Tomorrow after my event taking them to swimming lessons and then a playdate, and have two classes to finish off the night.

It feels so good to write, to get things off my chest, to see in front of me all the effort I put into my children and my work.  Sometimes we feel like we are not doing enough - WE ARE - it is healthy to pat yourself on the back, to be your own cheerleader, and be your own biggest fan.  Success starts with you, and your energy and light spreads like wildfire.

Coach Yulia

Monday, August 5, 2013

Figuring out the Day

That's an airplane on my paci!  Always my big helper right by my side
My days are always fluctuating changing literally every second, I love being reachable and available and being able to modify my day as things unfold.  Every second of life is an opportunity to enjoy, learn, grow, that is what I am working on a daily basis, staying present to the positive.  I was talking with a good friend last night about finding the cute in my kids, and really noticing their expressions and phrases and letting that be a smile on my face throughout the day.

New moms are always told that babies are cute for a reason, so we can get through.  So I have decided to focus on the cute everyday, and it really keeps me present and in tune to their amazing and creative ways of thinking and expressing themselves.

Yes its hard, yes I have to consciously take breaths, but when I get through a situation with everybody satisfied in the end it feels good.  It's all about getting through - WE CAN DO IT!

Today's plans have changed a million times already, always adding and subtracting, my husband took the baby, so I am taking the kids to meet some moms on the beach.  Feels good to just give my undivided attention to them, and my husband loves to hang with the baby, they have a bond, Thank God for my magic baby.

Feels good to be home,
Counting down until the kids go to school,
But in the meantime enjoying being head counselor,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rock You Like A Hurricane

I am getting to a place where I stay calm even when I want to explode.  I just try to breathe through it, go through every solution possible, and luckily, eventually there is harmony again.  I am as usual talking about the Joy of Parenthood.  My daughter wakes up in the middle of the night crying, I ask her if she wants to go to the bathroom, she just cries, I give her the option of sleeping on the couch, she just cries, then after asking her if she wants to sleep outside, she finally admits that she needs to go pee, Halleluya, after that she goes back to sleep.

My husband likes to say funny phrases from movies like "swim with the fishes," when he would say that to my kids they would think of Nemo and want to swim with the fishes.  There is a fine line between chaos and harmony, and I find myself walking that line like a robot.  Stiff, direct, trying to solve whatever is happening before it becomes a tantrum.

Today we went to a fun music hour, everyone had one child, or a couple with two, here I come with my crew, me and three, and my oldest is not in the mood, brooding, my daughter is clinging to me for dear life, and the baby is walking all over the place, not following the flow, just clapping when he feels like it, he had a grand ole time.  Like a Hurricane, I feel like we swoop in, cause a ruckus, definitely command attention, we do have the calm of the eye, and then its always drama to leave.  The rest of the storm, the kids never want to go, there are tears, there are promises, there are warnings, OY!  I guess they are my kids, they love to put on a SHOW.

Amazing about genes and character, we never know what we are going to get, but I definitely got some strong, powerful, and intense individuals.

Enjoy Your Sunday,
Coach Yulia