Wednesday, July 31, 2013

You're Joking!

I can be pretty silly and sarcastic at times, and my oldest son has finally got it, and every time I am actually joking he says, "you're joking," and starts giggling, I love it!  So after evaluating all of our options, we decided not to do camp, my classes are mostly at night, and Sam can be with the baby if I need to take the older kids to swim lessons or somewhere that is not for little ones.  I wrote a few days ago that I realized I am so lucky to be able to do this, and now am actually looking forward to check out fun places for kids all over Los Angeles, also beyond.  Today we headed to Irvine, which is in Orange County to a place called Pretend City.  I am glad we did it and the kids had fun, especially the baby, but right around the corner we have the Zimmer Museum which I think tops it.  Here are a few fun pics from our adventure.

There was an area for the smaller ones, and he just climbed in and owned it

It took us an hour to get there, an hour to get back. Thanks to my iPhone, I have connected with another Doula client.  For my personality, this is the best part of what I do, I can play with my kids, but be available when an important phone call or message comes along. This is the life I am meant to live, and it is just amazing to be present to it.

I am so excited for next week, more Doula interviews, a learning celebration with the women of my community bringing in the new Jewish month, and to top it off, I am leading a talk about taking care of mama for the pregnant women in our community, check it out at the following link: 

Keep Being Present to The Magic of Life,
The More We Are In That Zone,
The More We Are Open For More,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Getting Down to Business

I just feel tuned in today, although sleep was not good last night, I feel full of energy and excited to get everything in place for all the aspects of Coach Yulia.  Had an awesome Yoga client this morning, and then went with the whole family to check out a camp, my kids loved it and the teacher was amazing. We are still figuring if it will work for us, we want to do a bit more travelling and their school will be starting end of August, so we want to make the most of our summer for the kids and for us.

I am waiting for the rest of my babies teeth to come, he is 16 months and only has his bottom two, which is fine, he never complains, but I bet that is what is bothering him at night.  I just got a clue that my daughter is craving the same attention we all give to the baby, she has been exhibiting baby like behavior, and it just hit me.  I was feeling so perfect after writing my blog yesterday and then my princess diva was extra special and I was out of my happy place, such are the joys of parenthood.

I am creating databases, and trackers to be conscious of supply and demand, I am ready to still keep enjoying the flow and trusting my gut, and also be aware if that is a place I am happy to stay or can I do something to amp it up.  Excited to want to know, usually I just love to stay in the moment of things, but for a successful business, it is important to be clear, available, and give great service and energy to my clients.

Baby is taking a nap, after visiting the camp this morning, my kids didn't want to go anywhere else, so we watched a movie, now riding bicycles outside, and just staying out of the heat.  Usually I am ready to get out in the world, distract them, run around, but today I really listened, and they said they wanted to stay home, and we are all getting along.

Thank God,
Happy Monday,
Coach Yulia

Sitting on the porch enjoying the shade and breeze, kids just finished riding bikes and now hanging wth me, just as I needed a picture for the blog - good timing, and they posed too!

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Whole New Perspective

It is so nice when you see a light, a new vision, a new way of being and living, I saw that today.  My glimpse into the future happened today, it is so amazing to be exactly where you need to be in life and know it full on.
I had an interview today with a potential Doula client, and it felt so good to be in my element, and just connecting with the parents.  They were asking me if I could leave at a moments notice with three kids, and I started to laugh and told them that what I am going to tell them may sound weird but it is the truth.  I love my kids and feel so blessed to have my kids, but when I am with them they drain every ounce of everything out of me because I do not know how to not be 100%.  My work revives and recharges me, I need it, and I actually prefer it, I am happy to drop whatever I am doing and run to my clients side, it is a high.

Then I also thought that as challenging as it has been for me during our RV trip, and these few weeks entertaining the kids all over town, I can actually just enjoy it and be present.  I am feeling so excited writing this, my chest is burning with this realization.  I can actually enjoy my high energy kids and not yearn for my work.

What exactly do I mean?  Well my dilemma since we cut our trip short has been that since I have to be with my kids 100%, therefore I am not able to do what recharges me, my work, and it really frustrated me. Today I realized that being a Doula is going to allow me to connect with amazing people, attend their births, and the rest of the time I can choose how I spend my time, whether it is with my kids or teaching Yoga or other aspects of my coaching.

Today I ran my kids all over town with this perspective and it was so freeing, I actually enjoyed sitting and watching them have a blast.  In the picture you see Virginia Park in Santa Monica with the most amazing splash pad, that keeps rotating, so the kids are chasing the different water fountains, they were entertained for an hour, then we went to our swim lesson, and now they are happily home.

All my life I have been striving towards balance, and having a family was very intense for me, because the scale was really heavy toward giving, but not recharging.  Because of having my children, I found this beautiful new profession of Prenatal Yoga and Doula Services, and it is just exactly my gift, and I feel so blessed that it has come to light and that I can share it and make a living and enjoy my children.

Feeling Overwhelmed with Wholeness,
Happy Tears,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Late Start

I only mean to get out of the house, other than that, quite a lot has been accomplished :) I just reposted on my Facebook a blog by a woman who was talking about things that make us happy, and even though we don't necessarily like doing it, chores are one of those things.  Feels so good when there is no clutter, feels so good when things are done.

If you have been following since last week, my clean laundry has been piling up, I like things a certain way, so unless I do it, it doesn't get done, and when I am running around with the kids and come back exhausted, especially once they fall asleep, I just want to stop, do nothing, or do something for me.  Finally today we woke up at the crack of dawn, thanks to my oldest, he has an inner 6am alarm going off every morning, no matter when he goes to sleep.  Once they had breakfast, I started on the tons of clothes, finished, more were getting washed, once everyone had their baths, I put the older ones to a movie and indulged in a nap with my baby.  Yesterday was a bit of a sleepless night, he was just tossing and turning, brought him to our bed early on, didn't want him to wake the other kids, he still likes to hold my hand to fall asleep.

So I was attempting to take them to a 10am event, and decided to be productive and rest and then enjoy the rest of the day, they just had lunch, the baby just woke up, rest of the laundry put away, and we are off to the park for a community get together, and then to our synagogue for another celebration.

It was a bit chilly this morning, by LA standards, of course it is such heat waves everywhere else, but now, wow, it is magic weather, excited to get outside.

Enjoy your Sunday,
Coach Yulia

My kids love to create a bus, RV, or limousine out of their pillows and covers, I just snapped this, they were upset that I interrupted their game - oops! and you see the little pillow on the left with stripes - that is the TV :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bumps and Bruises

OY!  When my oldest started walking, every step was a busted lip with blood, we went through a lot of popsicles.  My baby just started roaming, and is usually careful and has great reflexes, but today was a black and blue kind of day.  Some of them I don't even know where they came from.  Usually if he falls or cries I just kiss him and hold him, it is just walking, falling, and getting up again, nothing major.  Then I see a bruise on his forehead, and then something next to his eye, poor baby, but luckily after the initial crying he just gets up and goes again, Thank God, such is life I suppose.

My daughter too has been super accident prone, they all get it from me, total Klutz.  She stubbed her toe the other day, and it was a tiny bit of skin no big deal, oh yes for her it was the biggest deal ever, worth crying over the whole way home, probably a 30 minute drive, JOY.

Overall had a wonderful day of rest, but not very restful, had some new friends over Friday night, and our kids hit it off in a non stop running, screaming, going crazy way. Then today was a wonderful big even at our synagogue, it was nice to see a lot of friends, and we stayed quite late.  Then we get home and the kids are bored of course, don't want them to nap, rather them go to sleep early.  Luckily its gorgeous outside we get their bicycles and just hang outside.  Baby just recently fell asleep way later than the other two...everyone still wakes up around 6am, and Friday night I don't think they went to be earlier than 10pm on high energy with their new friend - HIGH ENERGY, INDEPENDENT, FULL OF LIFE KIDS - JOY!

Tomorrow have a busy day of fun and community gatherings, still figuring camp out, it will all work out, these are all good problems.

Happy Rest of Your Weekend,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia

Mommy Camp at LACMA last week, they have a room for kids to paint, gave my little baby artist some markers, he loved it, That art you see in the front on the yellow paper is from my oldest, look at his intensity and vision

Friday, July 26, 2013

I Love Moms

Amazing how fast it goes, just starting walking a month ago, and now climbing all on his own, today he just did it, I was just hanging out and before I knew it he climbed to the top - WOW.  My day started out famously, hmmm that word just felt right, lets see what it means.

fa·mous·ly  (fms-l)
1. In a way or to an extent that is well known: "his famously neurotic mannerisms [are] lampooned in the novels of Evelyn Waugh" (James Atlas).
2. With the result of becoming famous: "Frost had famously declared that poetry is what gets lost in translation" (David Lehman).
3. Excellently; splendidly: We got along famously.

So number three is how my day has been, started out with taking my teacher's Yoga class, I REALLY needed it.  During our travels I did not do it, and since I have been home, there was no energy and no good time.  Once I got home I took the kids to my mother in law and afterwards to one of their favorite parks. They had a blast and I got to meet two really cool moms, which I instantly connected to on Facebook.  I really love moms, it is just instant bonding, instant understanding, and so nice to just share with someone who gets it.

Just got home, baby is napping, kids are playing, and we are getting ready for our Shabbat guests, after my blog that is :)  I still have those clean clothes to put away, dinner is cooking, the house is clean, Thank God for my other half.

I am ready to really head out and mingle tomorrow,
Feeling Detoxed From Our RV Adventure,
Feeling Like Myself,
Feels Good,
Ready for the Day of Rest,
Have a Wonderful Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom
Coach Yulia

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I say Miami, He says Your-Ami

Like my mother, I have a great ear for grammar and pronunciation, and for spelling.  When we moved from Russia, my mom's English was so good, she was working right away helping new immigrants.  You can tell her any word in either language, and she can tell you right away how many letters in that word.

One thing that I hear right away is a lisp, my oldest has one and I am trying to show him the difference between "s" and "th" with his teeth.  In college I had an economics class (say that and the rest with a lisp) and she talked about elasticity, and it drove me nuts, luckily I liked the subject so I did OK.

Now when I hear my kids grammar and funny words I just keep quiet and crack up, I find it amusing and fun.  Like the phrase above, he always asks about our visit to Your-Ami, so I was trying to explain to him that the name of the city is just Miami, we will see if he got it :)

I also love I winned, I sawed, I thinked, so many more, hard to remember in this late hour, I really should right them down as they come.  So this morning we had a slow start, which was great, I didn't sleep too good last night, each kid took turns and once the first one woke me up, every little noise had me up.  So once we were all up and had breakfast, I put the kids to watch a movie and took the morning nap with my baby.  Thank God I did, my night recently ended with an amazing Prenatal Yoga class.  I love the conversation, I especially love to connect with first time moms and help them try to understand what it will be like and that they can do it, their body knows how, it's the mind we have to keep at bay.  Once our mind gets rolling in the wrong direction, it makes our body react in a defensive way and actually interferes with labor and birth.

So we went on the Metro train again and low and behold the whole science center and history museum lost their power and were evacuating, gave us the perfect reason to just hop back on the train.  I had plans to go to Mother's Beach, there was a gathering at 4:30pm, a Reggae singer performs for kids every Thursday, and a whole bunch of mom's come and hang, it is in Marina Del Rey.  It was nice, but it was COLD, we were all so not dressed for it, glad I did it, great for when they are older or in the hot summer days.  The cool thing is this Reggae guy brings drums and maracas so the kids can jam with him, my baby was loving it, my kids were playing in the super cool playground, many areas, right on a beach near the marina, a cool wooden boat play area, nice.  It is just too late for my kids, they get hungry, fussy, and tired, and the baby literally just went to sleep, he zonked out on the drive home, and then was wired, and I think really is still wired.

One more day, tomorrow I think I will take them to my mother in law, hang in the park nearby, simple, then we have guests for Shabbat, a mom I met at one of my adventures, and we met up again and had fun and so did the kids, YAY.

May I just say, although it is exhausting, I find it much easier to run around with the kids than be at home entertaining them.  I don't want them watching a show all day, and I also like to see whats up around town and meet other moms.  I love when it is fun for me too!!!  I love being myself and just hanging out, getting to know friends and potential clients.  I feel so blessed that I can just be myself in my work.  My work is my play and my kids are my work, LOL.

Coach Yulia

Can you spot my kids, this was only part of the playground, they all had so much fun, my girl is about to swing

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

From Joy To Jerk

This morning I get a call from a potential Doula client that was referred by my Doula teacher, and it really made my day.  I loved the conversation we had, I loved her goals, and I felt so happy to be in the zone. Everyone has a different zone for different reasons, for me my work zone is my high zone, my joy zone, my balance zone, and in a way my safe haven from insanity.  Sound extreme?  It is amazing that I come from a very giving family, and I also love to help and contribute, but only when it comes from the soul and it is meaningful to the other person.  Even with gifts, I only like to give gifts that the person will actually use and have a purpose for and love it for that reason.  It was such a pleasure to Doula talk, and I also love Yoga, Nutrition, and overall Health talk, it just fuels my soul.

So I was deciding what to do with the kids today, they had an awesome swim lesson early in the morning and then late in the evening there was a kids event at a local mall, so I wasn't sure how to fill in the in between.  So we ended up going on our local metro, it was so fun for the kids to be in a "train" and cheap, easy, and fast for me.  We got to a very popular museum square much faster than a car, and as much as gas is now, much cheaper.  So here is where the JERK comes in, I have never taken the LA Metrolink before, there was a guy there, not so good English, and I was asking him how do I get a pass, is there a charge for the kids.  I just didn't want to think at that point, I just wanted to get on and go.  I have no problem asking anyone for anything, especially when I am lost or need help figuring something out, but I think guy was just waiting for a sucker.  There is a card called TAP, which you have to get, if I would have just followed the directions, it would have worked.  He put his own TAP card in the machine, and had me put in my money, acting like he was explaining to me how to do it.  I was asking him where did MY MONEY go, why did he put his card, what is on my car, and then he pushed another button and got me some transfer ticket that I didn't need. OMG - I bet he was just trying to get fare money.  I walked away saying, lucky you, now you have some money on your card, please do not help anyone else, but probably not as nice.

ran into a friend, hung in his stroller, had some snacks

We didn't stay long because the butterfly exhibit I wanted to go to was booked until too late, and the kids were so happy just to hop on back on that train ride back to our car.  I decided to head to the mall early, there is a fun kids play area there, and lucky for us we ran into the kids school friends, and I got to hang with the moms, it was perfect.

My Lion on Stage, He Roared!

We ended up staying for the 6pm show, which was cute but definitely too late for my age kids, my son enjoyed it and even got on stage, they dressed him like a lion and he roared. The theme was large cats, so they also learned about cheetahs, jaguars, tigers, and leopards.

I recently twisted my ankle, luckily its getting better fast, and today while driving home from this insanely long day of Mommy Camp, my baby dropped his pacifier, his seat is directly behind mine, I did my best to reach for it, and totally twisted my shoulder and got the sharpest pain.  Thank God it feels OK now, and then I was in traffic so I stopped the car, got out, got the pacifier, got back in my car, it wouldn't go into DRIVE! Lately it has been jamming on me, sometimes won't go into park - SCARY.  I finally figured it out how to reset it, but wow, am I happy to be home, and my husband had dinner ready, and now is putting the baby to bed.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I'm Not Green

For some reason throughout my life whenever I would be exhausted and not get enough sleep my father would tell me that I look GREEN.  I just looked it up, and it was interesting of the variety of ways to use it.  My definition was in the adjectives towards the bottom, number 11.

green  (grn)
1. The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between yellow and blue, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 490 to 570 nanometers; any of a group of colors that may vary in lightness and saturation and whose hue is that of the emerald or somewhat less yellow than that of growing grass; one of the additive or light primaries; one of the psychological primary hues.
2. Something green in color.
3. greens Green growth or foliage, especially:
a. The branches and leaves of plants used for decoration.
b. Leafy plants or plant parts eaten as vegetables.

4. A grassy lawn or plot, especially:
a. A grassy area located usually at the center of a city or town and set aside for common use; a common.
b. Sports A putting green.
5. greens A green uniform: "a young . . . sergeant in dress greens" (Nelson DeMille).
6. Slang Money.
7. Green A supporter of a social and political movement that espouses global environmental protection, bioregionalism, social responsibility, and nonviolence.
adj. green·er, green·est
1. Of the color green.
2. Abounding in or covered with green growth or foliage: the green woods.
3. Made with green or leafy vegetables: a green salad.
4. Characterized by mild or temperate weather: a green climate.
5. Youthful; vigorous: at the green age of 18.
6. Not mature or ripe; young: green tomatoes.
7. Brand-new; fresh.
8. Not yet fully processed, especially:
a. Not aged: green wood.
b. Not cured or tanned: green pelts.
9. Lacking training or experience. See Synonyms at young.
a. Lacking sophistication or worldly experience; naive.
b. Easily duped or deceived; gullible.
11. Having a sickly or unhealthy pallor indicative of nausea or jealousy, for example.
a. Beneficial to the environment: green recycling policies.
b. Favoring or supporting environmentalism: green legislators who strengthened pollution controls.
tr. & intr.v. greened, green·ing, greens
To make or become green.
green around/about the gills
Pale or sickly in appearance.

I finally feel like I have gotten some good, deep, reviving sleep.  My baby woke up once because his pacifier fell out, I ate a lot of watermelon late into the night so it was a good opportunity to use the restroom, and then nobody else woke up, and nobody else woke me up once they woke up - WOW - the timing of pleasures in life.  My daughter later in the day started complaining of a tummy ache, she still ate dinner, and then went to sleep early last night.  My son finally decided it was dark enough outside and he was ready. Baby took a late nap, so we kept him up late with us, which I think was a good idea with good results.

More Mommy Camp Fun,
Meeting a friend at the park,
Looking Forward to Monday,
Camp Begins,
Mommy Freedom, Time, Getting Things Done Begins,
Nice to Keep Looking Forward,
Happy Tuesday,
Coach Yulia

Monday, July 22, 2013

Jewish Roots

My baby loves to wear a keepa (yarmulka) and my kids are Davening (praying) with little prayer books together
Single and Married were always two different states of being for me.  When I was single there were no rules, no holds barre, experience everything, go all out, and literally do anything and everything my heart desired. Good times, no regrets, but before I met my husband I was honestly ready to move on from that, I was over it and do not miss it, happy to be in my new adventure of marriage and children.

I was born in Russia, my parents left for us kids, they probably would have done OK there, but they knew we would suffer, especially with our Jewish identity.  I was so blessed that the community my husband is part of was the perfect place for me and my family in a multitude of ways.  My Yoga background is celebrated and utilized, after having kids my Prenatal Yoga and Doula Services are in demand.

For my kids it is the perfect place to learn about their ancestors, their history and traditions in a fun and spiritual way.  All of these laws and traditions have stood the test of time and keep Jewish people united and connected.  It is very important to me that my kids know from this early age how it has been done since the beginning of time, where it becomes second nature.

The Day of Rest, Shabbat, is such a magical way to teach children to disconnect from the world and spend quality time with their family, community, and God.  Kosher is a wonderful way to teach healthy eating and boundaries.  Some people I know have picky eaters and they ask me if it is challenging to have yet another "no" pertaining to food.  I personally love when my children feel good keeping the laws and truly understand the deeper meaning of them.  Learning is a staple in Jewish life, and every year as we grow understanding becomes full of layers.

What I love the most is that Jewish life blends perfectly with our modern fast paced world, respect is given to people of all levels and walks of life.

Perfect Place,
Perfect Time,
Thank God,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Birthday Parties Literally Rock

We had an awesome birthday party this morning, the kids had a blast, my oldest was all about jamming, he was mesmerized by the Piano.  The musical genes come from my mother, who graduated from Moscow Conservatory, sings, conducts a choir, and plays the piano.

My daughter and the birthday boy have a special connection, both parents approve :)

My baby is a budding artist, I have never given him colors, but whenever we are around them, he goes right to it to create art - LOVE! He was dancing to the music as well, loves to clap his hands and shake his tush.

I had a gathering with my fellow Doulas this morning while my husband took the kids to the party, and then I joined them later.  We recently came home, already a bit of button pushing, but baby fell asleep, and they are watching one of their favorite shows, so I have a minute.

Just Life and Living,
Nothing Extreme in either direction,
and that is how it should be,
but I love to say,
Excess Once in a While is Moderation,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Musical Beds

Sounds like fun? I think not, you all know the game musical chairs, right?  Well last night my kids due to various reasons ended up in a different bed, and some not once but twice.  So it all started with my baby, they all sleep in one large room, and usually Thank God, maybe one has something going on.  Most likely the baby because he only has two teeth, he is 15 months, and I bet the rest are trying to all pop at once.  So usually I just give him his pacifier that fell out, or lie down with him, but if he is super fussy I just take him to my bed.

So last night he let out a yelp and it was quite loud, lucky me, it woke up my daughter, the baby went back to sleep once I put the pacifier in his mouth, but she was inconsolable.  Luckily what usually works is if I ask her if she wants to sleep on the couch, for some reason it is exciting for the kids.  I put her on the couch, she seemed kind of fussy, but when I went to check on her she was fast asleep.  Later on the baby started crying again and I took him to my bed.  Then my daughter got up to go to the bathroom, and then didn't want to be on the couch anymore, but was willing to go sleep in the baby's bed.  Then to top it all of my oldest got upset because he was sweaty, so I changed his clothes and put him to sleep in the baby's lower bunk with his sister, it is a full, so they both fit.  Needless to say, I got no sleep.

My husband took all the kids to synagogue this morning, so I got a nice nap, but it still didn't feel like enough. I got dressed and joined them, enjoyed seeing friends and had a nice lunch.  Then once we got home, my husband went to see a friend, and I felt like I was back on the RV, the kids were in rare form.

I was thinking today, I hope that as challenging as they are now, that means when they grow older they will be angels - LOL - I will just hold on to that to keep me sane.

The older two finally went to bed, the baby took a nap, so I am keeping him up a bit longer, he is hanging with my husband and giving me some time to vent.

Ready for Camp,
One more week of Mommy Camp,
So Looking Forward to School Starting,
Will go with the flow with the baby,
Life Keeps Moving My Friends,
That is another thing that keeps me sane,
This too shall pass,
These are good problems,
and what I say most often these days is,
Coach Yulia

This was Friday right up to before Shabbat, I love play dates, and they are a big part of my Mommy Camp, because then  I get some fun mommy talk while the kids are busy playing, amazing how anothers toys are so enticing

Friday, July 19, 2013

Community Power

As I am readjusting back into my wonderful life that I love, as I am detoxing from our insane trip, getting back to work, running my kids all over town in mommy camp, I get a request.  A new family from Russia has moved to town and literally have nothing, my mother in law wants to help and asks me who to go to.  There is an amazing organization called Global Kindness, but it takes time to do the applications, so I decide to go directly to my community of mommies, and all the LA MOMMIES, you know who you are.  Wow, what a response, I am overwhelmed, one amazing woman said it was perfect timing, she wanted to switch all her furniture and is literally giving it all full living and dining room.

I feel really blessed that I married a community, my husband has been in it for over twenty years and since then it has bloomed into a multicultural haven.  Everyone is always contributing, supporting, teaching, networking, and the best part is the word spreads fast, all one has to do is ask.

I had a very secular single life, and I know many people once they get married and have kids, it is a challenge finding new friends in the same circumstances.  All of my husbands friends got married at the same time, lucky me, all of us wives have kids the same age and really click.  Then luckily with my Yoga and Prenatal services, I have met so many wonderful women, and through my children's schools so many amazing families.

On one hand I felt like I had too much on my plate to take on the task of providing and helping a new family, but one question to my community, and now I feel like its easy, and I just need to coordinate, and I am good at that.  Thank you all of you who listened, passed on the info, and had things to donate.  The family is in awe of the kindness and selfless donation.

I am finally ready to head out this Shabbat and dive into the fun social aspect,
I will however send my husband and kids first and enjoy one of my favorite things in the world,
Have a Fabulous Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

About to put him to sleep before I go get my hair did, visit my mother in law with the kids and then play date all day until its time for Shabbat - LIFE IS GOOD

Thursday, July 18, 2013

From Scotland to Bel Air

Funny how things happen at certain times and places.  When I worked on cruise ships, we were non stop, sometimes all dressed up, sometimes casual.  I was very comfortable in sneakers, running down the center staircase, and on the final step, I missed it and twisted my ankle.  The next day I had a walking tour of Scotland, and nothing was stopping me.  I went to the nearest pharmacy and bought this ankle support.

Luckily my night ended tremendously, I was a part of history in the making, Doctors, Nurses, Birth Educators, Doulas, and anything else having to do with pregnancy and birth had their second annual gathering of collaboration and learning from each other.  It was an honor to be there, to be part of history in the making, a hospital welcoming Doulas, and residents excited about learning the ways of midwives and Doulas.  Let the residents watch, they are our next generation.

So we missed the beginning of our swimming classes yesterday, so I decided why not start today, my kids are early birds, so I booked the 9am appointment, and it was perfect, we were the only ones there.  We were 10 minutes early, instructor was there early, name is Elvis :) so my kids got an extra 10 minutes all by themselves with no other instructors or kids in the pool - COOL!

Then the best thing ever happened...a meet up group I am part of posted a pizza making party, with water play starting in 10 minutes, they called it a last minute play date.  Baby was at home with my husband, I wanted to take my kids to a park with water play to take advantage of them being wet already and in bathing suits, and Viola!! Magic.  Hence the name of this blog, it was in the hills next to Bel Air, gorgeous house, below is my daughter with her new friends and later is Eli Tzvi with his pizza creation.  Whole wheat large pitas, pizza sauce, and mozzarella cheese, simple, fun, and delicious.

Now we are home and going to chill, maybe watch a fun show, my mommy camp is closed for the day.  Of all the craziness on the craziness on the RV trip, and the few days afterwards, I feel like the cloud has lifted. One more week of mommy camp, and then we send them to camp, but so far mommy camp is a success.

Feeling Tired,
Feeling Satisfied,
Swim Lessons, Play Dates, museums, parks, for the kids,
Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Herbalife, Doula Clients, and mommy talk for me,
Happy to be back in the mix,
Enjoy your day,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Thank God For Medications

I am blessed to rarely, if ever, get headaches, and really anything, Thank God I keep my body and mind healthy, so it operates at full capacity :)  Sometimes I overload it, and the funny thing is yesterday it was a very intense day, and I went to the circus, which was two hours of over simulation.  When I got home I was exhausted and laid down for about an hour, because I knew it would be a long night. When I woke up, I had a mild headache, which I usually just deal with and eventually it goes away.
It took a long time to put the kids to sleep, because of various reasons I didn't go to bed til almost midnight, and my head was not happy.  I rarely take any medications, I have a high pain tolerance, and usually it just passes.  Here is where medications, doctors, hospitals, and anything medical have its place.  I went to sleep without anything and woke up with a pounding headache, my sleep was not bad, interrupted a few times by baby, but was able to go back to sleep, even with the mild headache.

My kids are early risers (5-6am) + a persistent headache that really hurt = unhappy mommy.  So I had to do it, I took some Tylenol, and Thank God I did, because the day just got nuttier. My head felt better, but...

A few days a go I had scheduled swimming lessons for the kids, booked the dates, was all ready to go, and my daughter locks herself in our bathroom.  She cannot figure out how to get out, usually we just close the door and not lock it.  We live in an older duplex, this happened once before, our mechanic friends from the shop next door tried to open it and couldn't, and luckily my son figured out how to open it.  This time, I tried to talk her through it, but maybe she wasn't strong enough, or just couldn't figure out what to do.  I called to cancel the swimming lesson, and GUESS WHAT?! As they were trying to reschedule our session, she told me nothing was ever scheduled today, when I specifically remember the lady putting in every Wednesday at 9:20am, for forever, until I cancel it.  She said Wednesdays were never booked, but saw something for this Sunday, which was weird because I specifically asked to skip this coming Sunday because we have a birthday party.  Sooooo crazy, in a way, its good my daughter delayed us, so we didn't go all the way there without a booking.

Sooo of course once she is locked in our one bathroom my son needs to go poop, I went to our wonderful neighbor, told her what happened, she came in with a screwdriver, and opened the lock!!! She is in her 70's and saved the day, even our car mechanic shop guys couldn't do it last time - go girl :)

Don't I look gorgeous in the morning - LOL - have a fabulous day everyone!
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Greatest Show on Earth

That is a big statement, but it definitely is one of the best I have ever seen, the Circus is in town, yes the one and only Ringling Bros. and I got a great deal, kids are not in camp yet, so I am trying out all the fun stuff in town.  I was blown away, and the kids sat mesmerized for two hours, I was impressed by how it kept their attention.  My mother in law treated us, she was telling us that in Russia, that was huge when the circus comes to town.  Most of the performers were from Russia, and then there was a mix of dancers from every race and ethnicity.  Here are a few of the highlights:

1.  A basketball game on unicycles that is the picture above
2.  One man with 10 tigers caged in, and all of them following his cues,, kind of blury but here it is below

3.  Adagio which is usually a male and female performing acrobatic feats where the male lifts the female, here the females were at the bottom and the males were on top, the females were lean, gorgeous, and super strong
4. 8 gorgeous elephants doing all kind of tricks, and one did a headstand!

Those were the ones that really blew me away, there was amazing tightrope walking, the main performer did it all fast, almost on tippy toes, lifts, bicycles, jump rope, and more.

A part of me wishes I was a part of the show, I love all that strength, talent, and dress up.  I had a little taste of it in my single life on cruise ships and at night clubs, and had a ball.  I honestly mostly miss the dress up, because luckily in my work I feel like I am always on stage, and I love it.

At the circus I saw one of the Jewish camps bring kids, today was a day of mourning and loss in Jewish History.  Our young babies are always celebrating life, as we focus on remembering our history and keeping it alive for future generations.  I hope everyone had a powerful day.

Coach Yulia

Monday, July 15, 2013

No Way Out

I wrote recently in the blog that I told my husband that he is stuck with me, no matter what.  Also the same goes with kids, they are really the only thing in life you really have to face, cannot walk away from, need to figure out, grow, learn, accept, respect,


I recently went to an amazing learning session that was talking about freedom and discipline, and how sometimes we think we are free because we can do whatever we want, but then we become addicted, or a slave to work, play, food, and other excesses.  I found this very powerful, in this wonderful United States of America, everyone is free to choose how to live their life, but just like an operations manual, there have to be some rules, or something will malfunction or just will not work properly.

This could apply to everything in life, including getting fit and healthy.  I have been struggling between how I used to be, getting back there, but being OK with letting my body have healthy pregnancies and births, and in between my babies just being healthy and feeling good, not obsessing about whatever notion there is of perfection.

Yes it is important for partners to take care of each other not only for themselves but for each other.  For many reasons, but also to be healthy and full of energy for life, instead of focusing on aches, pains, remedies, and bills.

So now my baby is just over a year, and I am feeling amazing, but the pounds are frozen, I feel strong, I feel leaner, I feel full of energy - now it's time to look as good as I feel.

To me No Way Out means commitment, no going back, discipline, keep at it no matter what - have a vision, have a goal, have a plan, around everyone and everything in our lives.

Let's Do It Together,
Coach Yulia
Had an awesome play date and girl talk today, boys were jamming and my girl was in girl toy heaven

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Back to Life, Back to Reality

So grateful for my Day of Rest, now raring to go, had a ton of laundry to fold, than ran off to a private client. The kids were watching a video, and the baby fell asleep in the middle of the laundry that I will put away shortly once I am done with this.

My baby is still sleeping, God Bless Him, while my kids are still going koo koo, not stop fighting, but I guess they are totally out of their routine because there is no school.  We will do camp in a few weeks, and in the meantime I have a lot of fun things planned.

I actually feel like I am back, in the middle of kids and work and running around, and the interesting thing is I found my balance in my running around.  When we were on our trip I felt completely off balance, I do feel blessed for where we have been and who we saw, but overall I felt like a stewardess, serve, serve, serve to grouchy passengers.

I worked on a cruise ship with grouchy passengers at the front desk, it was horrible, every little tiny thing was a complaint.  People probably spent their whole lives saving up for the trip of their dreams and expected perfection.  I got things like my potato was too cold, and my bed is too small, even though they wear a 4XL.
That is why a year later I switched to the cruise staff department where our job was to play and drink with the passengers making sure they were getting their party on.  At that job I realized I liked to lead the crowd in fun, and when I found Yoga, I loved leading in balance and self appreciation and respect.

I just taught the most amazing private Yoga class, I love connecting with people, I feel blessed to have my gift and purpose in this life, it really keeps me sane and balanced.

For some people their job is their sustenance, and they do things when they are off to balance.

Coach Yulia

Saturday, July 13, 2013



Today my wonderful husband took all three kids to synagogue with him, and I had a quiet home and the most beautiful nap.  I really miss my naps, and I really love my time alone and I always have.  Even when I was single, I liked being completely OFF in my home, especially since I love to be ON everywhere else, even at work.  I love people, and I love to lead, perform, and participate in everything exciting, full of energy, even in learning groups.

It is very rare nowadays that I can be completely alone, Shabbat is the only day that it is possible.  When the kids were in school, one of us is with the baby, and the other is working or running errands.  It is such a special day for me, no phone, computer, TV, just quiet and reality, quality time with my family when we are together.  If I want the social factor, I head out with my family, but today I just need all the recharge I can get from our wild ride, so happy to be home.

I was checking out and really liked what I read.  I relate with this so much, we need to be present, open, and positive in order to receive the beauty and grandness of life.  Everything else are distractions, we are our own distractions, just be true to you, live fully, enjoy your relationships, take care of you.  All the bumps in the road can be overcome, and there is magic on the other side.

Daily Thought
Everything that occurs comes from Him, and He is only good.
But if you and your world are not prepared to receive such good, it may manifest itself as apparent bad.
Struggle hard to see the good, think positively
—and then the good will become revealed.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia

Everything passes, now he is walking, sippy cupping, and trike riding, life keeps moving, and we need to keep breathing and not missing the special moments that pass so fast - YUM

Friday, July 12, 2013

It's not about me anymore

When the going gets tough, the kids just know how to be cute :) that's what gets us through

I really do not want to believe that, and I guess in the large scheme of things, missing a Yoga class today is not a big deal.  For me it would be my getaway, my escape, my recharge, from all the intensity of our trip.  Why today, why now?  Because it is the only time my Yoga teacher that I trained with, the only Yoga that I love to do, is right now and around the corner from where I live.  Usually we have a routine, a plan, and I am able to get away for an hour, and before when the kids were in school, I would put the baby down for his morning nap, and freedom was around the corner.

I keep on thinking about the word freedom, and to every person it means something completely different.  For me it is about not losing myself in the world of mommy and wife.  Yes I feel blessed for my amazing fortune, yes I work hard to stay present, but that is exactly why it is so draining.  Thank God for my Yoga and my work, that is really my recharge.

Today there is just so much to do, we unloaded the RV yesterday, the house is a disaster, and we always like to clean for Shabbat.  There is no food in the fridge, so now my husband is running around getting stuff we need and I am stuck.  Luckily I get to let it out here on this blog, the kids are watching a show, the baby is napping, and I feel blessed to have this outlet.

Family, Team, Group, Network, or any Relationship, it truly works when its not about "ME" any more.  You know what they say, there is no "I" in team.  I think I was trying really hard to not fully comprehend that concept, I liked thinking I could always squeeze in me.  Yes the we is rewarding, but in order to give energy to the "WE," it is important not to neglect the "ME."  So I guess that is how I can come to terms with it, I know I do not neglect myself, and if once in a while I need to give up something for the whole, it's OK, as long as its once in a while.

I love talking to myself :)
Cracking up,
Looking forward to a relaxing Shabbat,
Have a Fabulous Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's OK to FEEL and then get over it

I am and have always been a positive person, I choose to stay in my happy bubble no matter how crazy the world or the circumstances are.  However, when things get ugly, I get a jolt of how things could not be so peachy, and it makes me mad.  This is not how it is supposed to be!!!  So it does take me some time to regroup, detoxify from the disappointment, and then find a new perspective and move on.  My point of today's blog is that it is human to have emotions, feelings, and ups and downs, and it is OK to be down if something really gets you.  Jumping out of it is a must to move on, learning from it, finding what was good about it, and slowly healing.  I am really not talking about anything specific, and I feel this whole RV trip I have been complaining, but so many things were thrown at us, I was barley processing one thing, when the other would slap us in the face.

I am saying it is OK to sulk, be upset, mourn, be sad, it is OK to feel instead of numb, escape, hold it in. Feeling is good, it makes us get in touch with what we really need, and steer away from what we don't need.

We were so ready to get home, my husband must of driven over 20 hours in our final stretch.  We had stopped at a rest stop to dump water and sewer, my husband got to get up and move around a bit, his neck and shoulders were so tense from sitting in one position, and he was exhausted.  Thank God we got home safe, but it was a tense last day on the road, it was hot, the kids were pushing each others buttons, and just being mean.  I just saw the following post, and yes the "mood" has recently changed, and it is very challenging to be patient when everything we say is ignored and disrespected.

"Parenting Tip: Don't Overreact to Sudden Mood Changes
Is your child suddenly slamming doors or talking back? Has she gone from sweet to sassy almost overnight? Relax! It’s a normal part of changing from a "little kid" to a "big kid," and it’s temporary.

In the meantime, don’t overreact to her moodiness, but do let her know when her behavior crosses the line. Also, keep enforcing the house rules. With your love and guidance, she’ll soon pass through this rough spot."

Thanks but not thanks, all I can do is be me, and keep on reinforcing how it is appropriate to ask for things and not to say "I WANT IT NOW," and isn't it funny that is what I titled my blog a few days ago, talking about myself.  The picture below is a picture perfect moment, mother and daughter in harmony, and my goal is to have more of these moments.  Because when my buttons are pushed, I am not nice, and I do not like to be not nice.  I am strong, I am tough, and it is not a good idea to mess with me :)  Ohhhh the Joy of Parenthood.

God Bless Us All,
and Thank God for these kind of challenges,
That make us confront ourselves,
Realize we are a mirror for our children,
Re learn what kind of an example we want to portray,
Because they will do as we do, not as we say,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sweating the Small Stuff

Almost home, Thank God, while making a stop to buy some food, I had the kids blowing bubbles,anything to change the scenery and get them outside for a bit, baby was taking a long morning nap, and took forever to fall asleep tonight

Pick your battles they say, what if the battles are 24/7 and you are sweating non stop? LOL, yes sometimes on the road the diesel is running low and the generator turns off, and outside and inside it is 93 degrees – Woo Hoo – Good Times.  Last year I remember the air not being too great on the inside too, and just feeling uncomfortable, thanks for the reminder this year.  I swear, now that I know I am going home, I cannot wait to get there, and everything is just annoying, every little detail.  My husband is really pushing and driving long hours, Thank God he is a professional, but man, we are in Texas, and you know what they say, the sun rises, sets, and then rises again and you are still not out of that Lone Star State.

Yesterday was actually an improvement, my kids got along for the most part, even played very nicely together, I had to referee a few times, but at the end everyone cooperated, took showers, and went quietly to sleep.  My poor baby has a sniffle, probably from all the sweating, air conditioning, and not enough fresh air.  My bed is going to feel soooooooooo good.

I am having tons of flashbacks, memories, and feelings like I have been exactly in a place before.  I have been to Miami a handful of times since I left almost 13 years ago, but never like this where we stayed for almost a week and literally drove all around my old hood and places I worked.  Near my house in Kendall there was an Italian restaurant that everyone in our neighborhood worked at some point in time.  It now bares a different name, but I remember how much I hated being a bus girl.  The hostess got to look all pretty, and I had to clean everyones mess, which is really the worst thing I could ever do for my personality.  We were forced to clean in our childhood and I swore that I would always have someone else do it, and God sent me an OCD cleanaholic – Thank You.  Anyway I got that job because I had an opportunity to do a semester of high school in Israel.  I was 16, never travelled by myself anywhere at that point, but for Jewish people Israel is always a yes, and my father was all for it if I helped pay for it.  So I did, and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, met so many amazing people, so cool to be on my own, it was the first time I got out of hand drunk and my parents were told :)  I am not even much of a drinker, I love my natural high,  but when in Rome...Where we were for the fourth of July at the Biltmore Hotel, I worked in reservations there, one of my first jobs out of Florida International University, School of Hospitality Management.  I worked in Downtown Miami as an operator for the deaf, they would call in and type, and I would speak to a hearing person, and vice versa, I think from there I now type 90 words a minute, and miss a keyboard on my iPhone.
I also worked on Norwegian Cruise Line at the Port of Miami, and on board ships for three years.  My first ship the S/S Norway was a transatlantic liner, my first run was all over the Caribbean, and every Saturday I would drive my car that I parked at the port for a week home, I would speed like crazy not to miss the ship, it was close a few times.

On the way down drove by Ft. Lauderdale, where I would drive 45 minutes to party all night long.  The only place we didn’t go was South Beach, it’s just not a place for kids, and its way different than when I was growing up, all fancy now.

Thanks for letting me enjoy memory lane,
Hasta La Vista Baby,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Three Vacations

We are DONE!  It has really be a struggle, and let me use a few more words, torture, disaster, insane asylum, oh yes my friends positive me is getting real.  There is no way we are doing this again for a very long time, the kids are too young to appreciate it.  We really thought they would be fine based on last year, but boy were we wrong.

On a positive note, I am happy we did it, the fun was fun, visiting my family and friends was wonderful.  Also there are a few events I will be able to attend in LA with my fellow Doulas, and a wonderful friends birthday party - YAY.  I am sad we missed my husbands family and many of my friends in Denver and New York, but our RV is malfunctioning, and the kids are pushing each others buttons and crying morning until night.  Seriously, for people in jails or other wrong doing, they should put them in a room with crying kids 24/7, that would be a severe punishment.

Here is a synopsis of the past three vacations that we have had, and we really thought this trip was something the whole family would enjoy, WE WERE WRONG.  Lesson learned, but no regrets.

1.  Last year my husband came home one day before summer began and asked if I would like to visit my family in Atlanta with an RV, without hesitation, I said YES.  We are not big travellers, its not easy with little kids, lugging all the stuff, and its a big expense.  It was crazy how it all worked out but literally a week before my husband found the perfect RV, my kids were in heaven, my baby was 4 months, nursed and slept, easy as pie.  My other kids were smaller so they napped as well, I don't remember it being easy, but it was definitely something we were excited to do again.  We were on the road about three days to Atlanta and three days back, one week total with my family.  From that moment my kids would get excited when they saw any RV on the road.

2.  Thanks to our calm, easy baby, in January, my husband and I left the kids in the trusted hands of good friends and my mom, and got away for the first time in five years on a cruise in Miami all by ourselves.  It was magic, we napped every day.  When we stepped on the plane to go, my husband said, "we did it, maybe we should do it again."  Everything was great with the kids, they had school, the baby probably didn't know what happened, he never spent a day without one of us.  We were so refreshed and happy to be home.  That is something we absolutely have to to again - SOON.

3.  For this years trip, I am not sure when all the plans started happening, but we were really excited to go all over the place, based on the experience of our first trip.  I was thinking that the baby would be a bit of a challenge since he is just learning to walk and always on the move, but I really thought the other kids would just love the road and all their toys and projects that I prepared for them.  What they were most interested in was fighting, screaming, crying, blaming, and saying, I want it NOW!  To top it off our fridge stopped working right away, our food got spoiled, luckily the freezer was OK, we took a lot of chickens.  We had medication that had to be refrigerated, but luckily the freezer kept the refrigerated stuff cool, but it was small.  Also the produce in Miami SUCKS, I am not kidding, how did I survive living there for 15 years?  I feel grateful we were able to do Atlanta and then in Miami stay at an awesome RV park where we had all the hookups and were very comfortable.  Having our car is really the only way to go, especially in Miami where nothing is around the corner.

If you have been reading all along, you read all the obstacles in our path, beginning with the first RV rental guy trashing our original plans, its all good, overall I am satisfied and happy to get home, and put the kids in camp!

Happy Summer,
Home bound,
Coach Yulia

Monday, July 8, 2013

Ready to Roll

Kissing Miami goodbye with Ziona Sofia, it was a good visit, but we are all definitely ready to go.  We are just heading out, and by the end of the day will hopefully be at the top of Florida.  When I lived in Miami, I did some travelling, and just getting out of Florida was the long haul, everything else seems like no big deal.  We are headed west toward family and friends in Denver, no rushing, my husband is driving until he is tired, and we will stop for the night.

I tried to take the kids to a railroad museum today, luckily my daughter didn't want to go because once I got there, everything was mainly operating on the weekend, so Eli Tzvi and I walked around the trains a bit and then we scored on a Thomas the Train backpack and lunchbox for school, I guess there is a reason for everything.

Ziona Sofia insisted on wearing her princess dress and crown, the best $12 I ever spent, found it the day before Purim, our dress up holiday, and she cannot get enough.  Baby is napping, Eli Tzvi is sitting at the front watching the road.

A lot of craziness in a small space, but besides that all is good, whether we would be at home or anywhere else n the world, kids would be kids, and we would have to figure out a way to be patient, deal with it, and move on.  That's the good thing about family, you stick together no matter what.

I tell my husband he is stuck with me,
No Way Out,
Hee Hee,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hot Hot Hot

If you look really close you can see Eli Tzvi int he corner
I took my kids to the Miami Zoo today, just the older two, Sam stayed in the RV with the baby, relaxed and tidied up.  Overall great, it was only $5 for the holiday weekend, definitely packed, but manageable.    Super humid, downpours for 5 minutes and then sunshine.  There is a cool splash area with all kinds of fun sprinklers, I took the kids in their bathing suits.  I think my oldest is just like his father, and humidity is really hard for him, he is sweaty, and must feel overwhelming.  Luckily they kept on getting distracted by the animals. Right when you walk in there was a cool tiger, then there was an area with three different monkeys, one was swinging all over the place, and one was hidden behind two trees, and when you caught sigh of it, it was like he was saying, I am watching you just like you are watching me.

Then we found out you could feed the giraffes, there was a short line, it was in the sun and I felt like my arms were being cooked like something on a grill.  Finally right before it was our turn we had to but the lettuce, I got the kids their own bowl, and it was the coolest thing, you can either feed him piece by piece, or at the end present the bowl, his long tongue comes out and scoops every last piece out of the bowl.

Check out the tongue and the zebras in the background

I was so excited I got to hang out with two wonderful friends that joined us at the zoo.  In the morning one from high school, with her beautiful 2 1/2 year old girl.  Later in the afternoon with a great friend that I worked with at the funnest bar ever while I was going to college.  She has a girl and a boy, the kids played so nicely, she even took them to her house and let my husband and I have a nice meal together.''

Heading west tomorrow,
Ready to wind up our journey,
Still a few weeks to go,
All is Good,
Appreciating What Is,
Coach Yulia