Thursday, February 28, 2013


Alright folks, lets get real, it's the last day of February, have you fallen off of your New Year resolutions?  Life happens, and the key is to just keep at it, keep jumping back, keep figuring out what is the best way to fit health and fitness into your life.  I firmly believe if you do not invest in yourself NOW, you will eventually invest in medical bills and drugs.  For the most part pharmaceuticals help with symptoms, but overall if you really listen to everyone out there, how you eat and how you move is the answer to EVERYTHING!

So I am getting real too!  I just took a picture of my belly, it is sooooooooooooo hard to get rid of after three babies in a row, especially since it is my first area to gain.  I feel like I have leaned up all over, I fit into my clothes better, because of my Herbalife Nutrition Program my energy is through the roof.  I know the one thing I do not get enough of is CARDIO, I do not like cardio.  So I just invested in a Rebound Air, which is a top of the line trampoline, I figure at my house, no excuses, I am getting certified so I can help others if they choose to try it.  We just have to keep trying to figure out what will fit into our life, NO EXCUSES.

My baby is turning 1 next month, I'm super strong on the inside from my Yoga and Pilates. The layers on the outside need proper nutrition and cardio, FIGURING IT OUT :)  Now that everything else has shrunk it super pops out, no baby in there!!

Many of my clients and new fellow coaches are getting restarted, and I am jumping on the bandwagon.  I am going to do my 21 day cleanse along with my shakes and eating snacks and a nice healthy meal with protein and healthy carbohydrates.  If you really want to get serious, no fruit after 4pm, even good sugars too late will not burn off.

WHO IS WITH ME?  Let's do this together, its more fun, we motivate each other.  Email me your before pic, and let me know what you are going to do to go full on in MARCH.  Summer is really around the corner, and I am ready to WORK IT :)

Coach Yulia

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


My husband has always been an early bird, me not so much.  I had worked in night clubs and on cruise ships, where I didn't finish until late in to the night.  I also love naps immensely, all of that changed once I had kids.  Naps are rare, and sleep is precious, and they are such super early birds, 5am-6am!  Luckily good sleepers, but still, OY VEY, so recently my older two have been waking up at 7am, and it makes a world of difference, I am overjoyed, WOO HOO :)

Just got the kids out the door, when they were waking up super early, we had a lot of time to hang and go slow, as good as that 7am is, we are a little bit rushed.  Now that they are off, my husband is helping take care of Matisyahu as I get our tax papers together.  I am so excited I just registered for all of my materials to be a Certified Reboundologist.  All kinds of exercises with a trampoline, I have one that folds into a carry on bag that I can bring to peoples homes.  Some people get elliptical or treadmills, I personally like to jump :)  Also I am a Certified Biggest Loser Pro, if you go to and check it out.  Some of you are all over the world, we can do live trainings on line, and I am working on developing classes for them as well, so excited.

My Doula training is finishing this month, and I have my first client at the end of the month, YAY!  It is all really coming together, all the pieces are fitting.  Everything I do is a piece of the puzzle:

1. Herbalife - Nutrition
2. Yoga, Reboundology, Pilates, Personal Training, Biggest Loser Pro - Exercise
3. For the Mama's out there - Prenatal Yoga and Doula Services

Woo Hoo!
Love Starting My Day With Energy and Time,
Have One More Hour and MY Workday Begins,
Not Done Until 10pm,
So Excited For My Day,
Where Do I Have The Energy For It All?
I Figured Out What Works For Me,
I Can Help You Figure Out What Works For YOU!
Get In Touch,
Let's Figure It Out Together,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

rat poison and bee stings

OY VEY! I am still in the middle of my teeth beautification procedures, and today I had to get my upper lip area numbed, not only did I feel like I had super poofy lips, but I could not feel my nose.  So weird, I was scared to scratch anything, I could have scratched too hard and felt nothing. WEIRD.

So it got me thinking what people do to themselves, there are so many articles about botox being rat poison, and how expensive the bee sting is because its more natural for fuller lips.

The things we do for health and beauty, and don't get me wrong, I love getting serviced, LOL, love going to my hairdresser and getting color and chatting about life.  Love getting mani/pedi and massages, but botox and other forms of augmentation, which is such a common medical term now that is so desensitized, it all scares me if it is chemical, especially if it is a poison. NO THANK YOU.

Then again I have been blessed with great skin from my mom, and happy genes that keep my stress levels low.  I choose to see the positive side of life, the other way of living just doesn't seem as much fun!

I just got home,
from a wonderful day.
The moon is so beautiful,
Enjoy every moment,
It's the only way.

I saw the moon when it was low and yellow, it just takes my breath away :)

Feeling so blessed, so many exciting plans for my business and for my family.  Who wants to get healthy and happy with me?

Coach Yulia


Monday, February 25, 2013

Love My Life

Mommy has had a busy day running the kids all around town.  It's kind of funny, for the past couple of days we have been partying for our dress up holiday where it is mandatory to eat, drink, and indulge.  So today there was no school, I guess for everybody to recover from the fun :)  So this morning one of my Yoga clients is so awesome, she told me to bring the kids over so they could play with her kids while we did our Yoga session.  Then I went and visited some work clients who had tons of toys because they run children's programs, and ended up meeting a friend and client at Griffith Park, they had so much fun running around and playing.

We rushed back home, my son is totally not interested even a little bit in gymnastics, although the boys there looked like they were having fun.  So I just took my daughter, she loves it and follows directions so nicely.  Got home, had a great dinner, and the picture you see above is the baby bathed, ready for bed, his hair perfectly brushed by my husband.

It's so amazing how I have realized to just do what I love, and the people who are ready will come.  That is exactly what is happening, and life happens too, cancellations always happen, and its all good with me.  I was supposed to teach tonight, and now that it was rescheduled, I get to chill at home from my nonstop, productive, and fun day.

Love The Grind,
Do You Love Your Grind?
Coach Yulia

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fireworks and Costumes

Everyone driving through the Jewish hood last night saw quite a sight.  My African American neighbor is not Jewish, she is the protector of our building, called the police when she thought she heard gunshots.   Yeah not so funny in our modern times, but when she called the police later for the status, they told her it was fireworks for Purim.  She told me she was surprised she didn't know about it since we live next door.  If you look closely the girl next to me has a tag that says, Devil's Advocate Esq. and she told me her husband is a devil :)  This was my version of an angel, the theme for the adult party was Purim in Heaven.  The Rabbi's wife came as Whitney Houston, there were pilots, cowboys, bees, and a few super scantily clad bunnies?!#$%

At the children's party earlier, my kids had a blast.  For the first time ever my son wanted to get his face painted, one of his friends was a tiger, and he wanted that too.  In the picture above they are watching a fun show with a ventriloquist and magician.  My daughter loves being the favorite and only niece to her uncle who came to visit.  Today we all drive around to our friends houses and drop off gift baskets made with love.  My kids were excited to receive gifts from their friends.

Now we are off to enjoy a festive meal with our community,
Chag Sameach,
Enjoy Your Sunday,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, February 23, 2013

One of the few things that scare me

I was driving to teach a class the other day, and already on the road I saw this bee through my windshield.  I wasn't sure if it was inside our outside, and it scared me.  Since I was moving down the road, but the bee was not moving at all, I totally thought it was inside.

Finally I stopped at a red light, opened my window, I had a paper ready to shoo it out, and realized it was hanging out in the windy breeze on the outside of my windshield.  Thank God, there really are very few things that scare me.  Besides bees, I don't like to drive on the highway in between to large trucks.  I really feel like they are going to both veer into me, and go figure, I married a trucker.  My husband and his father had a trucking business for 10 years.

So its late, we had a wonderful day of rest earlier, and then when Shabbat finished we got our costumes on and went to the Purim celebration for the kids.  It was great, they are all in bed, and I am still dressed up for the adult party.  My husband is totally not a party person, so he is happy to just relax at home.  I just love to dress up and dance, its the only thing I miss from my single life.

Pictures of all the fun coming tomorrow,
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
That bee was totally eyeballing me!
Maybe he was trying to convey a message, LOL,
Or maybe he just got stuck somehow,
Very soon after I snapped that pic with my phone he was gone.
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia

Friday, February 22, 2013

Hoarse, Costumes, and No School

This is what is on my agenda today, luckily my voice is a little better, it is my weak spot.  The weather is hot one second, freezing another second, yes I know we are in LA, but for us Angelenos, its WINTER!  I, being a Miami girl, the moment I see rays of sunshine envision a beach day, and don't dress warm enough, yes still learning after 12 years in LA.  When I first moved here, I was so cold, but after a few super hot summers with Santa Ana desert winds, yeah, the cool air is my preference.

Luckily teaching yoga works with my hoarse voice, but being a referee to the kids does not, when I needed to raise my voice, I made it super deep and scary, I couldn't go high.  Man have they been super wild, lucky me, no school, due to our Jewish holiday Purim, Day By Day.

So today my brother in law is in town, we are taking the kids and going downtown.  That is where you find the original stores that things come from, go to other stores and get expensive.  I am looking for party favors for my daughters birthday next week, and a wig to complete my costume.  I used to have so many wigs for my performances, I gave them away to friends, and its been so long, the wigs have retired :)

First have a private Yoga client, then its off to complete all the party pieces.  Overall an adventurous day.  Then ready for the Day of Rest, and tomorrow night, the party begins, first for the kids, and when they are asleep for ME!

Shabbat Shalom,
Chag Sameach,
He stood up at the window, and they ran in for a pose, oh how cute and sweet they all look!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Size 1 and crazy morning

Trying to stay positive this morning, whoa! kids are extra special, he is yelling and she is using her hands to scratch and hit - Lucky Me :)  They are off of school for our Jewish Holiday Purim, and my husband is busy all day.  It's kind of chilly for LA, so we will go out later when it gets sunnier.

I am excited about Purim, it is our dress up holiday, and I love to dress up and be creative, and the kids are excited this year as well.  Below you will see a Super Hero, as my son explains it, and also a Baby Super Hero.  We do not watch too much TV, so the kids do not know the branded heroes or princesses, which I kind of like.  My daughter is now fully interested in princesses, and I scored yesterday at Ross, she picked out the dress you see, she wanted purple and pink, and I found Eli Tzvi shoes.  I was shocked that he already fits into a size 1, it is what goes after 13 for toddlers.  Wow, he is only 4 1/2, but wearing 5 and 6 year old clothes, he is really my big boy.

Now they are playing so nicely in their room, with the baby, I have a minute to get into a positive space, the excitement of the holiday.  My outfit will be revealed night of, I still have one more accessory to find today.
I feel like this holiday lets me delve into my dress up adventures that I love so much.  Baby just lost his balance and fell, had to run and check on him, he is OK, Thank God.  My right ear just rang, I forgot what it means, maybe someone is thinking of me :)
The mommy brain bounces all over the place, do you know how I got all those things in one store yesterday?  We went to get shoes at my favorite shoe store, it didn't have a bathroom, so we went to Ross to use the bathroom, I found shoes for him, a dress for her, and gift bags, a bundle of 13 for $4.99 for the gifts we give on Purim - SCORE!  Had 10 minutes to speed to teach my Yoga class at the 24 Hour Fitness down the street, put the kids in the kids club, made it right on time, whew :)
I love getting everything done, my goal is not to run and just make it, it gets exhausting, but then again, maybe I like the rush (double entendre), LOL.
Have A Great Day Everybody,
Gonna Have My Breakfast Shake,
Kids Are Busy Playing,
Oh I Hear The Baby Crawling,
It's All Good,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Child's Energy vs Adult Energy

I had a conversation with one my children's teachers about how non stop kids are, and so loud, and always running.  I was telling her that I could not imagine being like that all the time as an adult.  I admire it, and I love that it is happy, discovery, want to experiences every ounce of life energy.  I just want energy to make it through my day, give 100% to my kids, enjoy my work, spend time with my husband, and end it all by enjoying a good nights sleep :)

There are many driven people out there, and some of them have the philosophy of why sleep? Just go go go,  I am more of a balanced mentality.  I guess it depends on your goal and life situation.  If you are training for the Olympics, then yes I see that leading up to it, it has to be 100% focus and practice.  Some people are money driven, and they want to achieve a certain status or position and have a timeline.  All is good, and hopefully they also have other things they are passionate about.  Money does make the world go round, and yes you need it to live, give, and survive.  However, once you "made it" and "have it all" many people feel something is missing. 

I am exactly the opposite, I am working on loving money, realizing that with it I can help people, and give my kids wonderful choices in life.  My parents brought us from Russia in 1980 and were workaholics.  They never resented it because it was all for their kids future, but money was not happiness, my dad now says he wishes he spent our childhood more with his kids.  So I went the opposite route, all my life I just want to have fun and enjoy, go with the flow, yes work hard, but genuinely love what I do, and the money will come.  That is what has happened and really supported me well as a single person.  Now with a family, I am ready to expand my professional services, reach out to more people than ever before, and keep the money flowing towards me, so I can flow it towards what is important to me and my community.

Bring It,
Show Me The Money,
I Am Ready,
Are You?
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


One of my friends send me this on Facebook, it was some random ad that came up on her page.  It totally looks like Ziona Sofia, except for her gorgeous curly Locks.  But it totally would be her digging into a piece of cake.

My little princess just started getting into princesses.  Because of her older brother, she loves the cars movies, and enjoys playing on the train table.  Maybe because of her little school friends, she now insists on princess underwear, and for Purim, which is a dress up holiday like halloween, she only wants to be a princess.  The cutest part is she really does not know the princesses by name.  We do not watch movie, or disney stuff, all she knows is she likes the long flowing hair and beautiful dresses.

Eli Tzvi will be Superman, and Matisyahu will be Baby Superman, I am so excited.  I am going to be an angel, one of the parties for the holiday has a heaven theme, and I am good at throwing stuff together, its even quite kosher and creative, excited for the big reveal Saturday night :)

We are just having flip flop weather in Los Angeles, it was perfect over the weekend, sunny with a cool breeze.  Today its pouring rain, and my throat is the first thing to get sensitive.  Drinking tea, having ricollas, and will make some chicken soup tomorrow.

The kids will be home for a few days due to our festival, so I am figuring out how to entertain them and have some fun.

I was talking to a friend who has not had children yet, and was telling her that you just have to do it.  There is no perfect time, it is not easy, your world will revolve around them, and that is how it should be.  Nevertheless, I find time to do what is important to me, you just figure it out.

Figure out what is important to you,
Then figure out how to make it work,
Anything is Possible,
Coach Yulia

Monday, February 18, 2013

Nothing to Complain About

Yes, I guess it seems like sometimes I am talking about all the crazy things that go wrong, and how challenging things are sometimes.  I just like to share, but honestly, I am not complaining one bit.  I would not change one thing about my life as a whole.  Sure there are certain aspects that could be worked on, but overall, I am exactly where I want to be with family, work, and quality of life.

Complaining is really a waste of time, yes its good to face reality, even to be sad sometimes, that is all human.  The easy way out is to just stay in that place.  I always say easy is BORING. 

I am in the process of having my teeth done, totally numb today, cannot feel my nose or upper lip, its a process.  Trying to enjoy the process, journey, adventure, and experience of it all.

In the American society as a whole, many things seem attainable the "easy" way such as dieting, winning the lottery, even labor, I am talking about the childbearing type.  Once you face the fact that life is just not easy, and that is the whole point.  To navigate through it, learning, growing, and eventually flowing.

I hope this makes sense.  Because I am not in the complaining business.  I am in the sharing, brainstorming, and helping each other business.

Took my baby to the doctor today, he is just fine.  Took the kids to an extra curricular activity after school, they both drove me nuts, buts its OK, they challenge us like nobody else can.

I get home, there are a million and one things to do, THANK GOD!

Be Grateful For Everything,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fever, Cuticles, and a Non Stop Day

I just called the on call doctor at my children's office, and he gave me totally different advice than my regular pediatrician.  Who do you believe?  Who do you follow?  I guess ultimately you just have to follow you gut.  It is kind of annoying because as a parent, I want to make sure my kids are healthy, and take preventive measures as well as healing measures when medication is needed.

My baby has had quiet a high fever for the past few days, he is 11 months old.  Other than the fever he has been eating, playing, and going to the bathroom regularly.  I am a non worrier parent, and I remember when my oldest was 8 months old, we were in New York, he got his first fever, the family we were staying with did not have a thermometer, we didn't bring one with us.  It was kind of funny, she was a mom of 5 and he was a doctor, and no thermometer, her kids were older, but still, kinda silly.

So I remember my pediatrician told me just to give Tylenol, and if the fever lasts more than 5 days then call her.  The doctor I spoke to today said just the opposite, he said that as soon as a baby gets a fever he likes to see them to see if anything is wrong, and after 5 days it means that it must be OK.  Different philosophies I guess, but my baby is teething, he has had fever before, I did notice this one was quite high, and today I noticed an infection in his finger.  I started reading about it, and it was kind of scary, so I called to see if its an emergency or I can just wait until tomorrow to bring him in the office.  He said I just need to soak it, its an infection in the cuticle, he jammed his finger a few days ago, I cleaned it and it seemed fine until today.  The scary thing is if that is the reason he has been having fever, but they say fever in kids is good, because it is actually the body fighting infection.

I am probably 3 with my cousin Roman, all dolled up in Moscow

As this is happening my kids are fighting over toys, my husband had to go to synagogue this morning, and I am getting ready for a very busy day.  We have a birthday party for a friend of my kids, and then I have a CPR re-certification, and three private Yoga classes to follow.  I won't be done until after 10pm.  My kids wake up us up around 6 every morning no matter what time they go to sleep, and the baby was fussy because of his fever, my sleep was not deep at all last night.

Luckily, when I teach my Yoga classes, I actually feel like I rest from the world and recharge and share energy.  I am looking forward to end my evening with wonderful people, and then have the best sleep of my life.

Always the positive view my friends,
Is there any other way to view our crazy lives?
I don't think so,
There will always be challenges,
I choose to see the triumphs,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy Happy, Joy Joy

This month of Pisces is all about happiness.  Do you notice how all the astrology signs begin and end somewhere in the middle of the month?  That is because they go by the moon calendar, and so does the Jewish Calendar.

What is interesting is by the regular calendar I am a Libra, and by my Hebrew birthday I am a Scorpio.  It makes a lot of sense, I have always been attracted to the intense Scorpio energy.  The best way it was explained to me is I am a Libra salad with Scorpio salad dressing.

I love to learn about all the stuff out there, it is fun, ultimately there is a master plan, and we have choices along the road.  We do have freedom of choice which path we choose, so if you are getting a psychic reading or reading your astrology sign for the day, enjoy the information, but know it is ultimately up to you how you conduct yourself, how you react to your day, and how you feel.

I think it is interesting the characteristics of the signs and how they do seem quite true.  A Libra loves balance and beauty - check :)  Scorpios are very loyal, and intense in everything they do - check :)

So far this month has started out with a bang, so many parties, not to mention Ziona Sofia is turning 3, and at the end of the month Matisyahu is turning 1.  Time really flies when you are having fun.  They say your children grow up in a blink of an eye.  Today in our synagogue it was a wedding celebration, in our community after the wedding, there are seven more celebrations that follow.  I was talking to the mom of the bride, and she, and everyone else says just how fast kids grow up.

Trying to enjoy while they test my patience, pull my hair, want every ounce of my energy, its not easy, but they deserve it all.

Happy Week,
Happy Month,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia

I am 27 years old, on the road from Miami to Los Angeles with no plan, just knowing that is my next adventure

Clarity, Awareness, and Being Ready When It All Connects

Sometimes we try so hard to make something work, and it just doesn't.  Whether its a job or a relationship, sometimes your gut knows its not right, but our brain or ego doesn't want to let it go.  Once we do we feel free.

There are other instances where we are searching for what will fulfil us.  It really is a lifelong journey.  I have had both instances in my life, where things just didn't work but I wanted them to work.  When I met my husband, it was just the opposite, it just worked, and my wonderful friend and roommate at the time wanted details.  I told her there is nothing to tell, no drama, no stories, it is just good and all going with the flow in the right direction :) Thank God.

Now I am in a place of searching professionally how to balance what I love while making a living, and giving 100% to my kids.  I keep on finding things that will be a perfect fit to what I do, so I keep learning and keep adding.  Recently I saw the big picture of how it will all fit together, and it is very exciting.

My most recent focus is the Rebound Air, it is the ultimate trampoline that was designed by engineers in Hong Kong, with a lifetime warranty.  I will lose my baby belly, my husband will start exercising and improve his health.  My kids will have fun and get strong at the same time.  Anyone that wants to know more about it, please let me know, I am in the process of getting certified as a Reboundologist! So Excited :)

Health, Wellness, Preventive Mainenance, and Easy, Fun, and Yummy way to have a Healthy Active Lifestyle.

Life is Good,
Signing off,
Looking Forward to the Day of Rest,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

They are all so busy all the time, Thank God, do you notice baby is standing :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day of Love: Hot/Cold - Wet/Dry

I hope everybody who celebrates has a wonderful Valentine's Day.  My husband has never been into it, and lucky for him neither have I.  I want to love, celebrate, and have fun everyday, one day a year is just NOT ENOUGH! LOL

I wanted to be silly today and list times when its good to be HOT or COLD and WET or DRY.  Of course if you are with a significant other, these take on a whole new meaning, but in life in general, sometimes one is good, and sometimes its the other.

The unconditional love between parent and child is beautifully displayed in today's picture.  My husband spent all day with the baby yesterday, they just get each other.  No matter what, my husband is always smiling with him, he is the only one that knows how to put him to bed, they really have a bond, THANK GOD.  They were shopping, for hair products apparently, baby had snacks, and even tried on some shades!

Feels Good When It Is:              (Make Your Own List, Be Silly With Me Today:)

HOT                                             COLD                                 BOTH                               

LA sun when its cold                   Drink on a hot day             Coffee, Tea

WET                                            DRY                                   SWEATING                     
Swimming                                  Diapers                               All forms of exercise (wink)

Love Every Day,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


One of the benefits of Yoga is that it improves coordination, which is so important for our balance and our brain function.  The amazing fact is that anyone can start from anywhere and with practice keep improving.

We also need balance, coordination, and brain function in our daily lives and schedules.  Especially when there are big events in our lives, so many details, to make it all run smoothly.

I love the details, I had so much fun planning my wedding, and still enjoy how everything flowed, and how every detailed made it unique and fun.

During the planning process, just like a beginner in a Yoga or any other class, it could be a bit shaky and frustrating.  The best way to work through it is to get out of the negative thoughts, because that is just what they are, they do not affect reality at all.

I was teaching a Mat Pilates class yesterday, and one of my students was saying that her abs hurt, meaning that the workout was super intense.  I told her to change the "hurt" to "I FEEL IT!"  Doesn't it just make you smile, and know that you are doing it right and getting results.  Words are sooooo powerful.

Negative Connotation/Positive Connotation

I Can't/I Will Try
It's Hard/It's Challenging

The beauty of life and people and work, is that each person has their own goals and dreams.  There really is no direct competition ultimately.  Yes both may want a similar position, but usually the one that gets the job is passionate, well suited, and educated exactly for that position.  The key is passionate, are you passionate about what you are doing whether at work or in your personal life?

The money will come, do you love what you do, is your excitement contagious?

Ask yourself these questions, and if the answer is no, then sit down and write a list of everything you ever wanted to do in your life.  Be open, the answers and options will start appearing.

That is how the world really works :)
Coach Yulia
Almost ready for my date night/fundraiser for my children's school
Eybrows - check
Manicure - check
Hair - On My Way

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Can We All Just Get Along

In different parts of our country and the world there are different customs on how to interact with each other. In some places it is second nature to say hello to everybody that crosses your path. In other places you are slamming into people as you say excuse me while you rush to your daily tasks.

Which comes naturally to you? I think being polite, professional, and courteous is important in many circumstances. But if you are needed some you time, are busy with your baby, or even just enjoying your space, it is not necessary to go out of your way just to say hello.

Of course like everything else in life, communication, when and where to have it, is a personal choice. I am in the people business, I enjoy building relationships and making friends, while promoting all the different things that I do. I guess some people just want to be in a quiet space with a computer, and that fits their personality.

For some reason people ask me all the time if I am from New York. I grew up in Miami, where a lot of New Yorkers come to play. I love the New York straightforwardness, some people make think it rude, but I love to know exactly where I stand, even if it may not be so nice at first, I would rather know.

My brother lives in the South, where everybody is very sweet and polite all the time. I think it is beautiful if it is genuine, and maybe overall people enjoy always getting to know each other and sharing each others lives.

As long as you are genuine,
You Feel Good in Your Own Skin,
You are True To Yourself,
You have Empathy Toward Others,
But Always Check in that You Are Not Draining Yourself In The Process,
Be Conscious,
Be Courteous,
Just Be You,
Coach Yulia

The Beauty of Children:
They are 100% real, honest, genuine all the time
When does it Change?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Teeth Tingles

OMG! My new venture into getting my fabulous teeth back has taken a sensitive turn, LITERALLY.  I just got bright smile, and they told me my teeth would be sensitive for 24 hours, and it has not been unbearable, no its not worse than labor.  However the whole day I get bouts of super sensitivity, I make a face, cringe, and wait for it to pass, having to explain to anyone who is around me what just happened.  Oh the road to health and beauty, wrought with uncomfortableness :) that is much more fun to say than discomfort.

Yesterday was chilly in the morning, and got a bit nicer for our day at a birthday party outside, the kids had a great time, and then went into one of the rooms on the inside, it was great to have them all contained in one place before we had to go.

We are in a month filled with celebration in the Jewish Calendar, so much going on, besides holidays, birthdays, weddings, and babies.  Thank God, we always have a reason to party.

Hopefully tomorrow I will wake up with no more teeth tingles.  It is just so good when everything works right.  Thank God we have our Doctors and Dentist when we need a tune up, but man, is it nice to just maintain and keep up, but it is not always enough.  Genetics play a big role, my mom's teeth got destroyed after she had kids, and so did mine.  Before kids I never even knew what a deep cleaning was, cavities were not in my vocabulary. 

It's All Good,
Happy Rest of your Monday on the West Coast,
and everybody else, Happy Week,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Strong Personalities Who Know What They Want

My handsome boys :)
Every time I talk with parents, I explain how Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia are high energy, independent, in your face, non stop kids, and they have been like that from the womb.  They have both been needy, always wanting something, and quite a handful.  When Matisyahu came along, we were wondering if we were doing enough, he was just OK, and only fussed when something was really wrong.  We are so grateful for his demeanor, especially after our first two, but I always say, I love that my kids know what they want, ask for it and go after it.  It really will serve them later in life, I would rather have them super intense instead of scared, not sure, and afraid to just dive into life.  The challenge is that my husband and I are also strong personalities, so when our children's strong personalities are in our face, we have to learn not to fight fire with fire, but to make the kids feel they are in charge, even when we are pulling the strings.  Easier said than done, and I guess that is what we try to navigate for the rest of our lives as parents.

I am always in awe how every child is a completely different being, soul, character, personality, and I am so grateful for teachers that understand that, and love and respect each child for their traits and energy.  So important not to lump them in a group, so important to let each one thrive.  Even with siblings, they are so different, to make them all sit down, be quiet, watch TV, read a book, play a game, might not work, they might want to do different things.  Luckily my older two play so nicely together, but when conflict happens, I try to separate them to do other things.

I guess it is all a work in progress, I am trying my best to fully listen, but also to be clear when I need to do something, and communicate effectively to them, that what I need to do is important to.  It is bargaining, negotiation, debate at its best.

They are all miracles.

Sometimes we think they should just know something automatically, especially as when they are super young, but they do not, so its up to us to be patient, teach them, reward them, recognize them, encourage them, and celebrate with them :)

All good advice,
I hope I start doing it on a regular basis,
Coach Yulia


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Genius Inventions/discoveries/delicacies

1.   pacifier
2.   cheese
3.   chocolate
4.   Boppy (nursing pillow)
5.   Thai Food
6.   Indian Food
7.   pickles and lox and anything pickled or smoked

This might seems lke a quirky list, baby things and food, LOL, I guess as a mom at this stage of my life I just really enjoy delicious things and things that make life easier, especially where babies are concerned.  I am sure there are tons more but the things above, every time I use them or eat them I think to myself, I could eat just this for the rest of my life.  Pacifiers are just magic for me, self soothing, and just to calm the kids down, I love it so.  The boppy has made nursing easier, and even travel, I took the babies on the plane, they were in my lap on the boppy, its so awesome.

I would love to hear from you what you think is the most amazing invention, and how did we ever live without it.  Of course cell phones and internet are obvious, I love to be reachable, and I would not be able to blog, or to connect with all the people I have met throughout my life on Facebook, and stay in touch, as we keep up with each others lives as we are immersed in our own.

It is all MAGIC, I just feel so grateful for all of these things.  Every Shabbat the Rabbi gives a talk, and today's theme was about doing things 100%.  No matter what you do, just give it your all, and if it doesn't work out, then you will be led in an amazing direction that will be even better that you ever imagined.

I just came back from a wonderful celebration of the new Jewish month of ADAR, it is the month of joy.  The intention is to see the joy in everything we do, really be connected to it. 

Hopefully it will be a habit that will be carried out the whole year.   I also found one more thing to add to my list above - AVOCADO!!! Oh yes, they served it in guacamole form, and I could definitely eat that for the rest of my life.

Feel the joy my friends,

Oh Joy!!! Not bad, these teeth that you see are temporaries, not so bad, am eating ok with them, kinda feels wierd to drink with them, but they look pretty good...I even got a compliment, LOL - Feel the Joy in the temporary :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Morning After

Not so bad sleeping, baby woke up a few times, just needed a pacifier again.  Eli Tzvi, Thank God, sleeps like a log.  Ziona Sofia woke up a few times with her covers off, and luckily "LET" me go back to my bed.  We have early mornings in this house, baby usually sleeps longer, but 5am he was raring to go.  Then Eli Tzvi came along right after, so we just hung in my bed for a bit.  It's 6:30am now, kids are playing all together while the Kasha is cooking :)

My husband is in good spirits, and its Friday, so today is all about getting ready for Shabbat.  We are so blessed to have this tradition, we prepare everything so on the Day of Rest we do absolutely nothing.

We are having guests tonight, so my husband is going all out, he is such a talent in the kitchen, I am so blessed.  Hopefully I can enjoy my meal tonight, I am finally focusing on my teeth after kids, they really took a beating.  So I am in between, started the work yesterday, Thank God for my Herbalife Shakes to keep me full and give me a complete easy meal, chewing is not so easy right now.

Speaking of "the in between" stages of life, it's the in between that is a challenge.  When we are happy and satisfied, its all good.  When we are unhappy, we focus on change, and doing something about it, and sometimes those are the best times, because the results make us even happier.  But the in between is just that, now that I am in between my not so good teeth and my fabulous teeth, I just have to deal until my next appointment.  It's just like in Yoga, during a pose it is so important to find where it feels best, and just feel it, our brain doesn't want to stop and feel, it wants to push, compare, and compete. 

Luckily our whole Day of Rest is about just accepting and celebrating what is, not creating anything new, not doing anything about anything.  Just appreciating all the good, and focusing on nurturing what we already have.

This day puts everything in perspective,
We need to take a break, or we will break,
Fully enjoy your Breaks from life,
Think of Nothing, Feel Everything
(This is the wonderful words of my
Yoga teacher, Raghavan, at the end of
class during our relaxation)
Yoga is like a mini Shabbat,
How do you disconnect and recharge?
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
These are my kids bright and early, ready to spring into life, 6:30am!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

What is Happiness?

Is Elmo Happiness?  It is interesting what kids latch on to, I met a friend a a kids hangout at the Century City Mall, it was cute, but so much over stimulation.  My kids are in school all day, but once they get home, it seems they still need to unwind.  I needed to meet my friend, and she has a little girl so I figured we would make it fun for the kids so we could talk.

My kids were probably over exhausted on the way home, super whiny, nothing was satisfying them.  I always want to take them places and have them experience new things, honestly I would rather just be writing me blog or be on Facebook sometimes, but I want to make the effort.

So for me who is making an extra effort, when it is not appreciated by anyone is quite frustrating.  I believe real happiness is when you are appreciated and respected, without that what is the point?  Of course it is important to love yourself, that is a whole different subject.  However, life is about relationships of all types, and these interactions make life full or make us crazy :) or a little bit of both!

Today we were stuck, I had an important dentist appointment, and my husband had work far away.  Luckily my mother in law was available to be with the baby.  Little did I know my appointment would be 4 hours long, and my husband would be gone late into the day.

Was it bad planning on our part? Maybe, but I honestly thought that my appointments would be all broken up into at most 1 1/2 hour blocks, I had no idea I would be there all day.  Not much else got done, I went to meet my friend with the kids, was so looking forward to getting home, putting them all to bed, and just having quiet time.

Oh what drama, everyone was so grouchy, I think there is too much over stimulation.  All our kids need is for us to be with them when they are having fun, and want to make us proud.

As adults we also want to make people proud, with our efforts, with our hard work, with our results, with our energy, and when it goes unnoticed, unappreciated, disrespected.  It Really Sucks.

I guess all we can do is wallow a little, then get on with stuff that fulfils us, makes us happy, and after all life goes on, tomorrow is a new day, the craziness passes, moods shift - such is life - the ups and downs flow, and I guess what we need to focus on is that the ups will come.  I guess that is the positive view of life, feel it, acknowledge it, and then just move on.  It can only get better.

Feeling better,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Do you feel it in your throat?

I always talk about the gut, luckily I am very in touch with when something feels right or wrong.  Another sign for me is my throat, that is my weak spot, when it starts getting sore or dry, I need to tend to it right away.  It is my body telling me I have not drank enough, or it might be the beginning of getting sick and I should take a break and take care of me. 

Another thing that happens is when I am tired I start losing my voice, it becomes super raspy, and throughout my life if I overused it, it is really my weakest spot in my body.

So one of my friends asked me the other day if I was getting sick because my voice is definitely cracking.  I started laughing and told her since I got back from my vacation with no kids, I have stopped sleeping and started yelling (lovingly of course) at my kids.  So I feel great, but as soon as I got back, I jumped right into my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way, LOL.

So when my throat starts feeling off, I start drinking tea, tons of water, Ricola is great to keep it lubricated.  I am also drinking my Herbalife Green Tea Concentrate every day, it is so potent because it is in a concentrated form full of whole leaves, I only use half a teaspoon.  It helps boost my immune system with antioxidants, gives me natural energy, and the best part, activates the metabolism to burn 80 calories per cup - YEAH!

I try everything in my power to heal, so it does not get me sick, because I love to be busy, I need energy for my kids, I need my work to recharge.  But one of my favorite quotes is:

"If you don't make time for rest and recreation, you eventually have to make time for illness."

Since I got back from my trip, it is so amazing, that everything that I have thought that I really want to happen has happened.  What I am specifically talking about is my schedule.  For instance last week when my mom was here, clients were also conveniently out of town.  This week I had a few appointments that last minute were reschedule, so it freed me up for things that had to get done.  Today is a free day, and my husband and I are taking the baby and running some important errands.  Also appointments and classes that I have needed to take for checkups and re-certifications, every 2 years I have to do continued education for my yoga and personal training certifications, as well as renew my CPR.  So classes just became available at the perfect time.  I had the most amazing Prenatal Yoga class yesterday, so nice to get pregnant women together to feel good and talk about things that they can share in this setting, and learn from each other.

My girl is getting so big, now fully in underwear, and now to find her a big girl bed, she will be three in a month, unbelievable.

So as I am running around, I am going to try not to use my voice, save it for my three classes tonight.  When I used to work on Cruise Ships, my job was to talk all the time to the passengers, and of course I talked all the time to my fellow crew members.  There were times where it was really on the brink, kind of scary.  The funny thing is my mom is a trained musician and singer, and I have no clue how to use my vocal muscles correctly.  Luckily I have now found a career path that suits my voice, Yoga is perfect to talk soft, no strain, its just magic.

Wishing everyone a magical day,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I am a mom first

Took my kids to California Scence Cente, it was amazing, they all had a blast, they have a whole aquariaum room
In different times of our lives our identities change.  In our childhood we are our parents children, and then as we begin to "find" ourselves, we create new personas.  Whether its musical, creative, smart, athletic, etc.  Then we begin to delve into our career path, we start travelling, or start partying, everyone is so different.

Fitness has been my life for over 10 years, but before that I enjoyed being active, but in no way was in the gym, played very little sports, just more of a social butterfly.  Luckily my parents passed down some healthy and fit genes, so with healthy eating habits, I didn't have to work too hard to look and feel good.

After babies it all changed, and luckily I had found fitness before that and enjoyed it.  My metabolism slowed down, and it wasn't as easy to just get rid of a few pounds.  I am also grateful for Herbalife for making me aware of Nutrition being 80% and Exercise 20%.  That really was a game changer for me, I felt so free not to have to go work out, but instead focus on finding my own way to include plenty of protein in my day, and find exercises that were something that I would do just for fun.

Here are things that identify me, it is an interesting thing to list, maybe do it for yourself.

1 Female, First Born, Daughter
2.Born in Russia
3 Parents moved to America for Freedom of Religion, left everything behind for my brother and I
4.In Russia Judaism was considered my Nationality, and I feel it is my culture and heritage
5.Sister, Cousin, Grand Daughter
6.Love to Travel, Love Different Languages and Cultures
7.Love Exotic, Alternative, Unique, Creative Extroverts, and Love To Be One :)
8.Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, Worked on Cruise Ships - Good Times
9.Free Spirit, Risk Taker, Thrill Seeker
10. Yoga Instructor (as well as Bodypump, Mat Pilates, Nutrition Coach)
11. Personal Trainer
12. Performance Artist
13. Wife
14. Mother
15. Prenatal Yoga Instructor and Doula
16. Focusing on spreading the energy of health, wellness, success, and happiness

At different times of my life, some of the descriptions you see above were my one and only, it was who I was at the time.  Now I love to keep adding to my well of knowledge, and sharing energy, networking, and just working together with my fellow health and wellness colleagues to bring awareness and education to everyone around us.

I feel so blessed that my kids are in school so I can work, but when they were on a break the last few days, I dropped everything, rescheduled everything, cancelled everything to give them all of me.  The best part is that things just happened that way, I didn't have to lift a finger, most of my classes didn't happen for various reasons, which was perfect.  I feel like I put it out into the universe that I would prefer not to work.  On the other hand, since I have been back from my vacation, the work has been pouring in, now that I do not feel pressure to be one thing.


I always say take care of mama, but I finally really feel like a mama, it took me a while, jumping into married life when the timing was just right, jumping into a family one after the other, I was in it, but it didn't sink in.

It finally has,
I am a mom first,
I feel blessed,
Even when it's a challenge,
It is a way to work on ourselves, grow, be patient, be a better listener,
Children really make us take a good hard look at ourselves,
Thank God,
Coach Yulia


Monday, February 4, 2013

Back to the Grind

Oh how I love to be busy, to have a million things going on, to juggle, to get things done, always go go go, to have fun, to be excited, to keep the kids busy and use up all of that non stop energy!

Today they are off of school, we are meeting a good friend and her kids later at the California Science Museum, and I just made an appointment with the Los Angeles School of Gymnastics for an assessment.  Ziona Sofia turns 3 in March, and they have a program where I can send both of them together.  From my recent seminars about the benefits of exercising up and down against gravity, I am so excited for them to do something for fun, as well as for their health, balance, and coordination.  Thank you Safta, my husband's mother, offered to send them for extracurricular activities, and it is perfect timing.

My side of the family is hopefully coming to visit a few months, I am so excited, my brother, wife, and his kids have never been all together here.  My kids really love their cousins and have such a great time.  Love planning fun, events, and family get togethers.  That is what life is about.

So this is my grind, and yes vacation was great, and yes sometimes the kids drive me  nuts, but I would not change it for the world.  I am so grateful that today is a free day so I can have fun with them.  At this moment I indulged them to watch a show they like, baby is napping, and I am squeezing this in before we go to the museum.  Tonight I have three Yoga privates in a row, all really close in my neck of the woods.  My work is my recharge, I need you as much as you need me.

Life is Good,
We have our perfect Hollywood weather,
Cool with a warm sun,
Sending all my happy energy out to all of you,
Coach Yulia


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Chocolate Everyday

Yes we are definitely back home and back in our routine, maybe a little off because the kids are off of school for a few days.  But overall little things are starting to get on our nerves again, that recharge from our trip is slowly wearing off as we are back to the grind. 

In my life I try my best to stay present, it is not always easy as everything around us is happening and sometimes in the negative direction.  I am very energy sensitive, and today for some reason am really feeling not happy energy come my way from other people, and it is coming directly at me.  All I do in those situations is just move on, but part of me wants to let the monster out and tell someone off, I feel it start to burn inside.  Yes I may be a calm Yoga teacher when I am teaching, but I am ready to jump to my own defense in the blink of an eye, LOL.  It's as if I am saying "please do not let me leave my happy place, you better not!!!"

So this morning I got the kids ready and we went to Santa Monica Fit Club, I had a few clients to meet, it was an absolutely gorgeous Los Angeles day, 70 degrees by 10am, left the baby at home with my husband, wanted to give all my energy and have fun to the kids.  They really weren't intersted in breakfast this morning, but they are always interested in the Herbalife Chocolate Healthy Meal Kids Shake, DONE!  They were satisfied until snack time, and had a ball at the beach and later at the park.  I threw some strawberries into my chocolate shake this morning, YUM!

Above, Fit Club happening behind kids, we brought sand toys and shared
Below, a few of my fellow coaches striking a pose after Fit Club

I also met a good friend and passed on some baby stuff to her, I am so happy to start getting rid of stuff, it will be such a big deal to get rid of our Pack N' Play, it has been the crib for all of our babies, and we put all the kids in their own bed by the time they are walking.  My motivation is always, TAKE CARE OF MAMA, I would rather keep sleeping and stay in bed, if they need me they come to me :)

If you don't take care of yourself who is going to do it for you?
Would you like to eat or drink chocolate everyday?
Then I definitely have a Nutrition Program for YOU :)
Yes we have other flavors, but for me there is nothing like CHOCOLATE!
Coach Yulia


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Loving My Routine and Freedom

Shavua Tov - This is the greeting that is used at the end of Shabbat, wishing everyone a good week.  We had such a wonderful "Day of Rest," there was a big celebration at our synagogue, the kids had a great time, and the food was delicious.  I saw so many people I haven't seen in a while, and met a few new friends.  Socialization is what I love, and the best part is that what I do is exactly what my community needs.  I love to talk to moms, and people from all walks of life, my kids play, the baby naps, and I get to dress up, look pretty, and have my social hour :) or few hours.

My husband likes to take a nap when we get home, he fell asleep with the baby.  I actually have been sleeping quite good since we got back from our trip, I feel much better physically, my sinuses are gone so I could breathe, Thank God.  Everyone I have talked to that got hit hard with whatever has been going around, has had a similar super sinus pressure headache, and they said they never experienced anything like it before.  Thank God I have never had a migrane, but it was quite unbearable, and then on the descent in the airplane when we landed in Miami, OY VEY, it really was some of the worst pain I had ever experienced in my life.  My blog that day was "worse than labor," and I am not kidding, it really was, I would have taken an epidural for that - LOL!

So while my husband and baby were resting, I attempted to keep the kids entertained and as quiet as possible, they are just super dosed up with energy, so my daughter as usual screamed ran out of their room, and I really think startled the baby so much he woke up screaming from a deep sleep.  My husband was so upset, but luckily he is so amazing with the baby, he calmed him down, and he slept some more.

So I just put my older two to sleep, since we came back the baby has been with us in our bed, so I am attempting to put him to sleep in his bed.  We are thinking of getting my daughter her own bed, and eventually he can sleep in the bottom bunk under my son.

Right before bedtime, everyone is hanging out and having fun on our bed

Tomorrow taking my older two to Santa Monica Fit Club on the beach, I have some clients to meet and they will play in the sand, baby will be with my husband.  So happy to be able to just flow with the kids and with my schedule.

I Love Freedom.

I am working on the concept that Financial Freedom is the ultimate Freedom.

I have Freedom in my Religion and Spirituality.
I have Freedom how I want to raise my children.
I have Freedom to choose the career path that I want with a flexible schedule and doing what I love.

I think all of these Freedoms are equally important, so I got one more to go.

Coach Yulia

Friday, February 1, 2013

Withdrawal :)

I tell you, this vacation totally spoiled me, the napping, no diapers, and no whining and crying really is the way to go. LOL - My body literally feels like it wants to nap, and turn in when night time comes, but duty calls.

It's like a got a fix, and now am going through physical withdrawal, whereas before I was on auto pilot, go go go.

The past few days have been a blast, the kids are on their winter break from their Jewish school, had a great time at an amazing museum yesterday.  Today we have fun visiting their Safta, my husband's mother, its the Hebrew word for Grandma.  We went to a park near her house, and just enjoyed our beautiful LA weather, so happy its back!

Just got home a little while ago, ready to just enjoy Shabbat with my family again.  There is nothing like it, it really is my recharge and reconnect.

Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia