Thursday, January 31, 2013

Every Day is Different in Mommy World

I was thinking of scheduling and making friends throughout the day.  When you are a mommy to little children especially, the day really revolves around them.  Napping, feeding, and just general when the baby is in the mood could alter your plans for the whole day.

Today was just classic, my kids have a break for a long weekend starting today, and I have a wonderful friend that had passes to the Kidspace Museum in Pasadena, WOW, what a place!

Everyone had so much fun, and below is on the drive home taken from my driver's seat, baby was snoozing too
My friend told me her daughter takes a nap around 10ish, and that worked for me, we took a long time getting ready today, and getting three children and myself ready for a whole day out takes time.  It was so cool how coordinated we were, while we were totally taking our time, doing what we needed to do for ourselves for our children.  She lives probably 20 minutes from there, and I live 30-40 minutes depending on traffic.  We got there within minutes of each other, and they are so smart, they have a wonderful park right outside the museum, where the kids have fun playing while waiting for friends.

Everyone had a ball, even Matisyahu, there were music classes and a room just for his size.  I enjoyed hanging out with my client and friend, and took her measurements so we could track her success on her Herbalife Nutrition Program.  Another mom noticed, and later asked me what I was doing, and we exchanged information.  This is how I do business, I just live my life, enjoy my kids, and enjoy meeting people, learning from each other, and offering to find the best way for them to feel and look their best.  I really love that in my line of work I keep on making friends, and I really mean real friends, we mommies need each other, we never run out of things to talk about, and I really love talking to adults, it is my sanity and recharge.

When I got home the kids were cranky, they had such a good time, partially fell asleep in the car, it was too early to keep them asleep, my husband was busy, so all my energy had to stay with the kids.  It is so amazing how we get exhausted from even the fun things in life. 

All day the kids have been wonderful listeners, went to sleep nice, but the baby was just full of energy.  I keep saying that before our vacation, we put him down for a nap, and then left for 5 days.  He is thinking, nope, I am not going to sleep, you might disappear :)

So I literally just woke up from falling asleep with him, kind of a power nap, got a few things to do, and then hopefully a peaceful night. 

Man! Those naps on the cruise have just spoiled me, my body is like...I want more of that :)

Mommies with kids of all ages have to either put the kids into their schedule, and Thank God Nanny's and Daycare really work for working moms.  Now that my older two are in preschool it makes scheduling a bit easier, but when they are on a break, I don't get a break.  I feel blessed that my schedule is so flexible that I could take a day to spend with the kids with no plan, while my clients keep in touch, stay focused on their programs, and focus on figuring out the best way to feel good in their world.

With all the diets, exercises, and programs out there,
Everything works,
and Nothing works,
It's all about finding the combination that works for you,
That is what I help you figure out,
Be You,
Be Unique,
Don't Stop Until You Find Your Way,

Coach Yulia

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bag of Tricks

I have just had the most fabulous day. My mom and my baby have been running around, went for a doctor's checkup for the baby, Thank God he is right where he needs to be. My mom has translated a book from Russian to English. Her brother and niece wrote it, and she is shopping it around to agencies. Anybody that has connections to movie or literary agencies to even publish it as a book in America, please let me know.

Then we had a delicious lunch, and went home. The kids were still in school, she packed, she leaves tomorrow morning. I am so grateful she was here, she was a rock star, and my kids love their babushka.

I just came back from teaching an amazing Yoga class, 40 people, all types, shapes, sizes, nationalities, races, and levels.  It was amazing, everyone was in their own zone, doing what was right for them, and we shared the happy group energy - LOVE!

Then I just stopped by a friend and clients house and dropped off our awesome post workout shake, Herbalife Rebuild Strength.  For all of you working out like crazy, if you are not fueling your body right, you are kind of wasting your time, pushing your body without fuel could have consequences.  From not getting the results you want, to getting sick.

We had a great conversation, we both love our workouts for our sanity, she is an instructor as well,.  We were talking about how I keep on adding hats to my back of tricks.  I feel it is rounding out what I do, so I can be completely of service to my clients. 

1. Herbalife is my Nutrition aspect
2. Yoga, Pilates, and Personal Training are the exercise focus
3. Prenatal Yoga and Doula Services for the mommies out there
4. Coming soon, Certified Reboundologist, check it out

I am also always learning in my Jewish community and in seminars about the Law of Attraction, how it is so important to be in touch with the real you, connect to what works for you God, The Universe, Energy, I love to talk about this stuff over tea :) and I love to have adult time, call me PLEASE! LOL

How can I assist you to feel, look, and be your best?
Let's Talk :)
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

86 - gone, out of stock, zilch

If you are in the restaurant industry 86 is a number that you know well, and then it has carried over into American slang.  If you type in 86 in Wikipedia, you will see the information below:

"According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, "86" is a slang term that is used in the American popular culture as a transitive verb to mean throw out or get rid of, particularly in the food service industry as a term to describe an item no longer available on the menu, or to refuse service to a customer.[1]
Today, the term "86", and especially its past tense, "86'd" is widely used in American culture and beyond."

I fell asleep with my baby, thought it might be for the night, got cold, decided to have some tea, started helping my husband with some computer stuff, and BOOM! My brain alerted me we did not have a blog release today :)

What a fabulous day, so this morning I treated my mom to our favorite Korean Spa, and you get locker numbers, mine was 91, and she thought hers was 86, it did not fit. Then we flipped it around and realized it was 98, lol.

Got a great deal, it was 15% off day, got a scrub and massage for the price of one, and had exactly 20 minutes to get to my next destination, this is how it went:

12:40pm Done with massage, get dressed
12:45pm Done getting dressed, power walking to car
12:50pm Driving home to drop my mom off
12:55pm Dropped her off, made it to work on time 1pm

My mom hung with the baby, my husband ran errands, and I worked at my children's school for a few hours, it was great to see everyone again, I really love my life, my community, and everything I do.  I never used to be an office person, the thought of sitting at a desk nauseated me.  Now, however, it is a pleasure to have my kids busy in class, they wave and go back to having fun, they love school.  I love to interact with the teachers, and I am actually really good at office stuff, so they appreciate my skills, and knack for getting things done. 

After school ended drove the kids home, hung out a bit, had friends over for dinner, ran to teach a Pilates class, got home, passed out with the baby.  I think he doesn't want to go to sleep anymore because last thing we did before we left for 5 days was put him down for a nap.  He probably says, "I'm not falling for this!"  He is the best, he seems to have grown so much since I last saw him, yummiest baby ever :)

So now I had my tea, wrote the blog, and am going to have a Hollywood kind of day tomorrow, will explain in full detail in the blog, stay tuned.

Coach Yulia

This was a White themed party on the ship, and we had dinner with some good friends, I did not feel guilty, enjoyed every minute, loved getting dressed up again, had a ball, my husband was relaxed and had fun, we deserved it!

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Final Hours

Right outside our hotel room, a family of ducks come daily, take a drink, take a bath, and relax - LOVE!
We are in our hotel room preparing for our trip home.  I am ready to jump back into my life full on.  I had a chance to talk to the kids, my mom, and my wonderful friends who were with them.  Heard some of the "fun" that went on, not such an easy time, but everything was handled with love and care.  Overall my older kids did great, but I think deep down they miss us so much and wonder why we have been gone so long.  My baby was looking at the Skype connection thinking, "hmmm that lady looks familiar" LOL

I am so appreciative of this opportunity, how it all came together, all the wonderful people that we met, and my family and friends that loved and cared for my kids.

Yesterday I tried to squeeze too many things in, to jump in and out of my wonderful friends ongoing lives.  So grateful to hang out with my first roommate from when I first started working on cruise ships.  Totally relaxed, catching up, felt like home, I am so excited for our kids to play again soon :)

Missed the opportunity to hang out with my girlfriend that lived in the house next door to me practically almost the whole 15 years I lived in Miami, FL.  Even when she was in college, or I was on cruise ships, in our hearts we are always next door sisters.  She had told me that she was going to a birthday party for her son's friend, so I thought max 2 hours.  There is a system to kids birthday parties, and eventually the parents are ready to go.  What I didn't realize is she was going to a Latin kids/parents party-athon.  Where she text me "the capri-sun and the beers are flowing."  I am sure if I was there, I would want to enjoy the whole day with the adults while the kids were occupied!

I had a whole plan in my head, and I think we really thought we were somehow going to make it happen.  I also had another plan in my head that another girlfriend from my party past was going to give us a ride from Miami to Ft. Lauderdale to meet up with a mutual friend that we have, and we would comfortably end up in our hotel with a shuttle to the airport the next day.  Nope, we could only control our own decisions and choices, and she chose to have other things on her plate, so my wonderful friend with that cool car I posted yesterday came down from Ft. Lauderdale, picked us up, we went to an amazing sushi dinner, and brought us to our hotel.

I feel it is so important to appreciate how it all just came together, the whole trip has been a dream, and I am going to keep dreaming.  I also love reality, I am excited to see my kids, my mom, and my friends and jump back into my life in Los Angeles.

See you soon my friends,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, January 27, 2013

We Plan and God Laughs

I was so excited to get back in touch with the world.  I had a great time but all of the excess food, sleep, and non stop people energy is quite overwhelming.  I am seriously still feeling full and its late afternoon.  It was wonderful to get away, but I still need a vacation from the vacation.  Even though we got to nap, and leisurely go about our day, all the interaction, seminars, and just being around people, is in a positive way exhausting.  I am so looking forward to tonight, just my husband and I, as much as I am a social butterfly, I need to recharge and turn off.

Excited to see my family, I hear all the plans I made for my kids, some didn't work out, and now all the plans I had with my friends awry.  LIFE HAPPENS.

See you soon LA,
Coach Yulia

This is my friends cool ride, this is what we were in from Ft. Luderdale to the Port of Miami, and now will make the return trip shortly, it is so cool 1998 Town Car, totally loaded, top of the line at that time, so comfortable


Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Luxury of Napping

The simple pleasures of life,  I think that is what vacation is really about.  One of my favorite of life’s pleasures is the art of naps.  I really had it down to a science when I worked on cruise ships, and when I was single in Los Angeles.  Of course after marriage and kids, it is just not possible, rarely do I get a window to recharge with a nap.

For some people a nap makes them more tired, even if they haven’t slept well the night before, they will keep going until its bedtime.  For me with my 3 kids 4 and under, sometimes the nights are not so restful, and for my personality that recharges with sleep, it really saps my energy.

Every day on our trip my husband and I have taken an afternoon nap, and this is easily the best part of our time away from kids, work, and routine.

I know my older kids are having fun with all the adventures that I planned for them.  However my baby has not spent one day without me or my husband.  I am missing him, I want to hug him, I feel he is missing us too, he is teething, I know he is getting a lot of love.   I am thinking of him a lot and sending him love and happy energy,  so he feels that his mama is always by his side.

You know that you have had a great vacation when you are ready to go home.  I am happy that we will be home soon, excited to see my kids, friends, and my mom who has come to help and visit.

So grateful that this opportunity came together,

So grateful for friends that I trust with my life,

So grateful for wonderful parents that support my unique view of the world,

So grateful for my community,

So grateful for the friends I have made throughout my life,

So grateful for my family all over the world that is so close, thanks to Skype,

So grateful for my husband,

So grateful for my children,


Coach Yulia

Friday, January 25, 2013

Beach Day

OMG! The Miami girl in me really misses the warm ocean.  Yes we have an ocean on the West Coast, but it is not the same, it is beautiful and it is great for sport.  In Miami and Gulf of Mexico, they are warm, therapeutic, fun, and a total beach culture.  We are in Cozumel, Mexico for the day, went to Paradise Beach, so beautiful, not too packed with people.  They even had an obstacle course, where I climbed up a blow up ladder and slid down a slide into the ocean.  It felt really good to swim, I enjoy it in a leisure way.  The salt water is so healthy for the hair and skin, and the ocean air is wonderful to replenish ourselves, as well as the humidity is so good for our dry skin.

We are planning a relaxing evening, will check in tomorrow night.  I see so many people with kids, and talk to them, some people are on family vacations, which seem fun when the kids are older and can enjoy it.  We got them some cute souvenirs, they are in love with Maracas :)

Meeting so many amazing people, and talking about the good life, how we can create it for ourselves, not worrying about the how, sharing energy.

Excited to share this with my kids one day, get them to love the ocean as much as I do.

These are my thoughts while I am letting myself be away from it all,

So important to do,

Have you taken some time off?

If you don’t make time for rest and recreation, eventually you have to make time for illness,

I am still recovering from my sinus nightmare, but I am excited for my new discovery of rebounding,

Excited to share with all of you when I return, I have found the fountain of youth!


Shabbat Shalom,

Coach Yulia

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kung Fu Panda

So far our time away has been an amazing experience.  My husband is so relaxed, nothing is frustrating him, and we are totally going with the flow, which is really as it should be, and choices will be presented along the way, and you choose what vibes with you.  That is what this cruise is all about, it is seminars about this concept of wanting to go for things, but not being attached to whether you get them or not.

Today we went to an amazing seminar about an exercise that not only helps with weight loss and strength, but it gets your body to heal itself from the inside out.  It is as simple as jumping on a trampoline, but the science behind it is mind boggling.  I now know how I am going to get my before baby body back, along with my Herbalife Nutrition Program, Yoga, and having a healthy active lifestyle.

For my husband it is going to help with his health concerns, drug free, this is very powerful to me.  I realize that many amazing preventive maintenance options are just not in the public eye because the pharmaceutical industry is so powerful.  It is scary to me that drugs always have side effects.  My husband has a dermatological concern for which the doctor wanted to prescribe a medication that one of the side effects is suicide – NO THANKS!

Anyway Kung Fu Panda is one of the movies referenced, and I am getting it for my kids as soon as I get back, the deeper meanings of everything in the movie are AMAZING.

This is not just rest, relaxation and fabulousness as you see below :)

It is a whole ship full of positive and interesting people from all walks of life, having conversations about health, wellness, success, and networking.  I am in heaven, besides the food, weather, great service, and husband time.

I worked for Norwegian Cruise Line for 3 years from 96-99, and I am very impressed by how it all feels upgraded.  The technology, services, choices,  it is really impressive.  I recognized one person who I have worked with before, haven’t had a chance to say hello, saw him in passing. 

I encourage everyone reading this to make the choice to plan some time away from it all.  Honestly, I am happy to be without kids, but I know when I come back home, they will have every refreshed ounce of me.

If you don’t put yourself first, who is going to do it for you?

Coach Yulia

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Worse than Labor!

I am sure everyone has been watching the flu epidemic, California did not escape, and my family had it full on about a month ago.  So I was feeling just fine, but the last few days leading up to my trip, so much to do, not sleeping, go go go, and then when we stop, the body says ok, now that you are relaxed I will let you heal.

I was feeling a bit stuffy, but nothing bad, little did I know how it would affect me as the plane was descending, WOW! I had heard about sinus and ears and travel, but I am serious my girlfriends, worse than labor 100%!  I am a very high pain tolerance, and my ears and head were unbearable.  Thank God those effects have worn off, but still tired, stuffy, and kind of out of it, so it did not lend itself to the best sleep.  However it was nice to have uninterrupted sleep :)

We board our cruise today, tons of seminars, and humidity (which will be great for our dry skin from LA) and relaxation.  I keep on texting with my wonderful girlfriend who is with my kids, it will be weird to be unable to connect when we are out at sea, but I know and trust 100% that its all good.

I will come back refreshed and recharged in body and mind, and jump back into the grind again.

Getting away from our routine makes us appreciate what we have.

I am so grateful we are able to get away, and even my husband said, wow, we figured it out, we should do this more often - POSITIVE PROGRESS - Woo Hoo!

Will try to blog while I am at sea, they do have Internet, if it doesn't work out, you will know why.

Stay warm Northeast,
Enjoy the Weather La La Land,
I am enjoying where I grew up, Miami,
It was always a fun, unique, multicultural playground,
and still is, but I mostly enjoy seeing family and friends,
and super looking forward to unlimited husband time :)
Coach Yulia
This was my grandma's 90th birthday in 2005, 2 years before I met Sam, we all made crazy or smiling faces, This is my mom's side of the family, my father is on the far left, my uncles by him, my aunt and cousin.  Second row is my mom, my grandmother, and me, and my aunt.  Bottom row my cousin, brother and wife, cousin and his wife.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Shalom :)


Used as salutation by Jews at meeting or parting, meaning “peace.”.

I was thinking of a word that would embody everything that I wanted to say, and Shalom is perfect, in Hebrew it means Hello, Goodbye, and Peace :)  Even in our modern culture, sometimes when people are leaving they say "peace!"

I am saying goodbye to my LA family and saying hello to my Miami friends and family.  I am also saying peace, hoping my children will be wonderful for my friends and my mom.  My daughter Thank God is wearing underwear, so I have had a few sleepless nights with some accidents, my baby is a little under the weather, so he wakes up when his pacifier falls out.  My oldest makes a noise when his covers are off, but luckily has learned to put them on.  I was feeling fine, and now a little stuffy, I know the humidity will clear it all up :) and give some relief to my dry skin from our LA weather.

We are leaving shortly, so excited for my adventure with my husband, it will be fun to just be the two of us.

Wishing everyone a wonderful rest of your week and weekend,
Coach Yulia

Monday, January 21, 2013

When you know what you want...

Ok people, the last few days have just left me in awe, everything that I have been looking for appeared before my eyes.  My trip is tomorrow, I ended up going to the right places and finding exactly what I was looking for, and at amazing prices.

What am I talking about?

Is there coincidence or is it luck?  I don't know what you call it, but I have been living my whole life by the concept of always trusting my gut.  In the few instances where I made the decision not to, it did not work in my favor, at all.

This goes back to meeting my husband, in 2003 I wrote a list of all the qualities I wanted in a partner.  My husband seriously fit every one of my bullet points, I am not kidding.  We met in 2007, and we were both ready, timing is so important, and everything fit, married 8 months later, Thank God.  Before meeting him, I had decided that I was a really happy person, and hopefully I met someone, but if I did not, maybe children were not in my cards.  I feel so grateful for God, the universe, and all the stars aligning when I was really ready, I knew I could never do it alone.

That is what I am talking about, most of us do not get what we want because we are not clear about what we want.  So I have been wanting a jogger type stroller for my Hot Mama Power Walk, and also for my baby getting bigger and soon wanting to be out of his car seat.  The car seat to the stroller is the most convenient for me, but now that he is sitting and crawling, he likes to be loose and free.

So I saw that in Babies R Us they had a special for people trading in car seats, strollers, and other old baby gear, giving 25% off, and decent strollers were in the $100-$150 range, not bad compared to what's out there today.  So we go to target yesterday to return something, and my husband suggests we take a look at the strollers, and there it was, 3 left, maybe discontinued at the store baby trend expedition jogger for $70!  Coincidence? I THINK NOT.  We knew what we wanted, and were actively looking.

So today for my trip I needed a white dress, a bathing suit, and cute everyday shoes.  What did I find? 3 dresses!!! A fabulous white dress for a white party, YAY :) and amazing shoes, and a bathing suit that fit pretty good, considering, I am still working on getting better than before babies.

I didn't have a lot of time, we leave tomorrow, I squeezed in a manicure before work, had my baby with me the whole time, God Bless Him, he is an angel.

Countdown to Kid Free,
Coach Yulia
Brother and Sister will take care of their baby like they always do :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Attention Miami Peeps

Now that's some good balance technique! LOL, drinking my Herbal Green Tea Concentrate for immune, energy, and burning 80 calories per cup writing my blog, woo hoo! We have some gorgeous weather, warm and sunny :)
I am so excited, we are going on a business/relaxation with no kids! In one week, next Sunday we will have a day in Miami.  I am still figuring out all the details, but Sunday afternoon I would love to meet up with whoever is available in central fun location, that is good for those of you that have kids, and for us adults to schmooze a bit,  maybe 4ish?  If anyone has any ideas please text or email me, info will be below.

Today is mostly a free day, so I am focusing on getting super organized for my wonderful friends and mom that will be playing house with my kids.  I am so happy the weather is absolutely gorgeous, warm 70's, we were all freezing with the flu the last couple of weeks, Thank God everybody is feeling better.

Got some errands to run, then will take the kids to a park to play.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Vacation - We All Deserve it!

Throughout my life I vowed to have fun no matter what, and I have to say overall I have enjoyed my work, travels, friends, and adventures.  This is the first time in my life where its not just me, so the decision to "get away" is something that has to be planned, researched, and figured out for all parties involved.

As I am getting closer to my business/rest away from the kids, I am hearing so many people say either they do it once in a while, or they have never been able to get away.  I guess in this circumstance the starts just lined up, THANK GOD!

In LA most people have a lot of different things that they do, for instance under my Wellness umbrella, there is Yoga, Mat Pilates, Personal Training, Herbalife Nutrition Coach, Prenatal Yoga, and starting in March a Labor Doula :)  I am also a part of a few organizations, one of which is the Global Information Network, there are amazing seminars about health, energy, wellness, and success.  When my husband and I joined last year, part of the membership was a free cruise.  If anyone wants more information about this organization or anything else that I do, please do not hesitate to ask.

So on this cruise there will not round the clock seminars, I am so excited to be 100% present.  It will be the first time away from my kids for a long period of times.  When I was just pregnant with Matisyahu, I had a 3 day seminar in Las Vegas, it was the Herbalife annual convention.  So grateful for my husband for staying with the kids and letting me go.  I love my work, it keeps me balanced and re energized for the kids.

I have arranged everything, have wonderful friends that I trust, my mother is coming to enjoy them and play with them, I have already told them and prepared them, and Thank You God my baby is just a happy go with the flow guy.

In Europe people have month long vacations, and in American many people are waiting for their retirement to start enjoying life, while working for someone else, in jobs they do not love, for not a great income. 

My goal is to be my own boss, set my own schedule around my kids, enjoy what I do, and get filthy rich so I can keep helping others, donate to my community and people I love.

Does this sound like something that you have thought about?

Coach Yulia


Friday, January 18, 2013

Princess Underwear

Just woke up, my daughter already made a bed, a pillow on both ends of my Yoga mats, love their imaginations, and when they start playing and make up stories, and entertain Matisyahu :) Thank God he sits and crawls along
The world of parenting = the world of pee pee and poo poo/kaki/making/#2 whatever your family calls it.  It just gets very intersting from birth, the colors change, hopefully everything is coming out as good as it is going in.

With my oldest, potty training was not easy, luckily by 3 he got it, and had random accidents for a little while.  My daughter is a decision maker, and only she can make it, nothing can be imposed on her strong will.  So she decided to wear underwear, and she is doing quite well overall.  During night and naps sometimes there is pee pee, so she is learning about that.  I like cold turkey, either only diapers or no diapers at all, luckily we have liners on her bed so it doesn't ruin the mattress.

One more diaper tushy to go!!! I will have a celebration when I am fully done with diapers :)

So Ziona Sofia's incentive is princess underwear, she asked for it, and I told her once she learns to go without going in her bed, she will get them, after all we wouldn't want to throw them away...and she agrees.

My baby doesn't like being dirty even for a little bit, he tells us right away when he needs to be changed.

I'm starting off my day with a pedicure, I have the best girl in town in my Pico/Robertson area, she really tends to my heels which are very dry and cracked, after her they look like a baby's.

Then I have a few hours at my children's school, and then getting ready for Shabbat.  I love the concept of getting everything done and ready, so on the Day of Rest, you have nothing to tend to.

I wish everyone a wonderful weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia

Thursday, January 17, 2013

iCloud 9

OMG!  I have a MILLION things to do before our trip, we had a few appointments yesterday, and popped into the 99 Cent Store, found cool pink sunglasses for my daughter, and 2 kids gloves for 99 cents, one pink one black.  Then my husband asks the question:

"Where is your iPhone?"  It was nowhere, and I had the baby stroller with me, I was wheeling him around to the glove section, to the glasses section, it was nowhere.  I saw a few young kids near the gloves when I was looking for them, and thought maybe they took it.  Was I Wrong!

So I had a client in 10 minutes, 10 minutes away, for half an hour, it was in a workout studio, so I suggested my husband come with me, get on the computer there, and go in icloud, and track my phone.  When we got there, it was still in the same location as the store, so while I was with my client, who was very excited for my baby to stay with us, my husband went back, NOTHING.

In hindsight this was all a blessing, by the time I finished with my client, I called my brother in law to stay on the computer while we drove to the location, and we got sooooooooooooooooo lucky.  I have seen situations where they see the the signal of their phone but it doesn't tell the exact address or location.  So if it is in a business district or in an apartment zone, then you really don't know exactly where to look, you would have to knock on every door and ask every person.

It was wild, from the 99 cent store to the hills in Coldwater Canyon, near Beverly Hills up from Sunset and Beverly.  So my brother in law narrowed it down to 3 houses, the first house my husband went into, a older lady answered the door, her english was bad, and she said "cellular?"  She probably picked it up as a gift for her grandchildren - HOW SWEET!  Luckily she gave it right back, and we didn't have to threaten to call the police.  CRAZY - ok my friends if you have an iphone, please connect it to iCloud, it really works sometimes.  Unfortunately in some situations it is not that pin pointed, and my friends have lost not only a physical phone, but all of their pictures, data, notes, but now I think iCloud saves all of that.  Whenever a crazy, challenging situation arises, whether like this or even with kids, I get in numb, calm, focused, lets solve this problem mode.  No time to get angry, no time to waste energy, lets just do this, and whats meant to be is meant to be. (Drives my husband crazy, but that is how I operate, and Thank God this time it was in our favor)

Luckily once I got my phone back I was able to hear from two clients who had success on their nutrition programs combined with a workout.  My recent client lost 10 pounds in two weeks!!!! I am so excited and inspired by her.

Kids just went off to school, baby just woke up, I fed him some kasha and put some yolk in it, he like it, now just changed him and he is happily playing, God Bless him :)

I have been in tune with my gut all of my life,
Some people call it the Universe,
Some people call it God,
Some people call it the Inner Voice,
Whatever it is for you, tune in, because it will keep you calm in challenging situations,
and steer you in the right direction, even if you don't really know it at the time
Coach Yulia
I was trying to line up the perfect shot, and he just nailed it :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Second to Second

Oy Vey
A week Away
Til I get to play
on my Vacay
Enjoy the Partay
With no babay's


I tell you my friends, it really is second to second when children are angels, and the next second she is throwing a toy on his head.  I ask her, do I throw things at you? Do I hurt you? and she says "NO", So I say, why would you do that to your brother, or a friend?  Please tell me when you don't like something, please tell your teachers when you don't like something.  Is this an animal instinct in us that has to be tamed?  Man my boy and girl are just super intense, and they want what they want, and they will do anything and everything to get their point across.  I guess it is a good quality to have in life, but just not to throw things or hurt people while you are stating your stance.

My wonderful friends are going to stay here with my kids, as well as my wonderful mother.  My husband always asks when my kids have an explosion how they are going to handle it.  I honestly say "I DON'T CARE."  I fully trust them to make the right decisions, and kids will be kids, and mama needs a time out, away from it all, first time in 5 years.  My brother says, your kids are not 5 yet, but I am counting pregnancy up until now.

Just had my chocolate shake with almond milk and peanut butter, its like somebody told me every day for the rest of your life you will have a peanut butter cup, I would say BRING IT ON!  The best part is I don't have to think about breakfast, my mornings are nuts.  Kids wake up 6am or earlier, and its go go go, until they have to be in school at 8:30am.  The baby gets fed, and now Thank God just crawls around, hangs out, and plays with the kids toys while we are getting them ready, then when they leave it is his nap time, and I could BREATHE AND BLOG!

I tell you, my husband and I are going to be on our business trip, and yes it will be great, but I really think we are going to enjoy sleeping with no interruptions the best.



Do you have all of this in your life?
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Celebrity Body

Everyone I work with at Herbalife is doing a 90 Celebrity Body Challenge, they are picking which celebrity they would love their body to look like.  For me it took a while to figure out, because I had a time in my life where I loved how I looked, and have that goal in mind.

However I was googling, "celebrities with hips," and Shakirah in this picture is exactly how I envision my body with the right nutrition and consistent workouts.  I love how she is not large chested, but definitely nice, and love those hips, I totally identify.  I also like how her abdominals are muscular, but not just flat.  She is of lebanese descent, so maybe I identify with the mediterranean side of her, and I also adore belly dancing.  In my Prenatal Yoga poses, there are belly dance influences, it was a fertility dance for women by women originally.  The circular movements massage the baby, and make the mom feel so good to just move.

I took this picture when I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter, and now my body is in between.  Definitely getting leaner, fitting into all my clothes, but the belly needs to tighten up, and overall firm and tone in the arms, legs, and back.  I am excited to be feeling all better, going to jump back into my workouts and Yoga, as well as my two shakes a day, and snacks throughout, and one colorful meal full of protein.

I find pregnancy so beautiful, we are really vehicles of miracles, Thank God.  I hope this image does not offend anyone.  I want to stand for women feeling beautiful at all stages of their life, even in the in between.  Before marriage and my observant life, I enjoyed performing and modeling.  So through pictures and a few holidays I get to reach into my creative tool box and express myself.

It is all a journey, the Yulia before babies, was different than the pregnant Yulia, and now after babies is a work in progress.  I think our whole life is a work in progress, not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Keep Delving In,
Express Yourself Where and With Whom You Feel Comfortable,
Be the Best You That Fulfills You and Can Nourish Those Around You,
Life Is Grand,
Coach Yulia

Monday, January 14, 2013


Every second life changes, and this is the essence of life, there are always a million things going on at the same time, our mind is trying to focus, we get distracted by family, phone, or something that pops into our mind that we have to get to asap.

I am having that kind of day today, there is a week left to our business trip without kids, so it will be work and sleep :) No kids in 5 years, really looking forward to that.  Right now my older two are in school and my baby is napping, and my brain is clear to organize, figure out, plan, and get things done.  Yesterday I was at an amazing yearly business seminar for Herbalife, to get the year started with a bang.  Everyone is always looking to get healthy, and many people especially in our current economy are looking for alternatives.  Thank God with my husbands support I was able to go alone, it was so inspiring to see my fellow coaches in two years reaching six figure incomes, even more impressive, Brian Holifield became only the second African American in the company's USA market to reach President's Team Status, which means he has created his own successful organization, paid all of his mothers hospital bills, helped his clients and coaches see the vision of health and wealth, and is making $20,000 PER MONTH!

My beautiful baby just woke up, so now I am going to do some house stuff, have some gigs and clients later today.  This week I am focusing on getting everything done, so on my trip I can be 100% present.

I was listening to NPR about an author who wrote a book that was very complex, he wanted to show that our brain never stops, its not like the movies and shows of today, where its all rehearsed, and its super drama.  He was saying that people watch all this stuff and think that is how life is...NO DRAMA FOR ME, THANKS!

I just love reality,
Do you love your reality,
I want to feel it all,
I want to love every moment,
I want to live every moment,
What do you want?
Coach Yulia

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Finding time for it All

I have one hour to get dressed, make some food for the day, put away the kids clothes that I sorted last night, clean up breakfast, set up the clothes for the day, while getting interrupted by the kids running over to me, and I hear the baby asking "where are you?" As a mom you learn to read the baby talk :)

OK, just put the baby for his morning nap, already cleaned up floor and breakfast dishes, kids are playing their usual mommy and lion game.  So I'm going to do this really quick before getting myself ready.  Luckily I am quick, my husband has a morning ritual, and so do the kids, I like to shower at night and just go in the morning, especially when its cold, yes I know in LA we really have nothing to complain about, but its cold for my Miami self.

They just ran over to me yelling, stomping, screaming, singing, so I had to remind them that the baby is asleep, and tell them their Abba (father) will not take them anywhere fun today if they do not keep their voices down and listen, the usual daily bargaining.

Excited to have a full workday, and now that I feel better, starting tomorrow, back to my workouts and full days.  Thank God our body heals, and I think that is with everything, all the medications and homeopathic remedies help us get by by treating symptoms, but everything just takes time.  I have been drinking my Herbal Green Tea Concentrate, and that has really helped to boost my immune system and give me energy for my kids and my day.  My shakes have kept me satiated and given me the nutrients my body needs to work right.  My head and nose feel like me, I have a full day seminar where I need my thinking cap on, so excited to get back to business.  Grateful for my husbands support, and my overall go with the flow kids.

Have a great day everyone,
Coach Yulia

Got my hair did last night, Eli Tzvi also got his haircut, I feel 20 again and fabulolus, Get ready world, Here I Come!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Peace in the Home

This is one of the most important concepts in the Jewish culture, Shalom Bayit is the Hebrew term.  It goes higher than many of the other laws and observances, because when a family is communicating, happy, loving, that is the way the children know life can be.

Today I decided to be a good wife, and was thinking of this concept.  My husband took Eli Tzvi to synagogue, and I stayed home to rest with the baby and my daughter.  I had a few things I wanted to do tonight, it is a new month by the Jewish calendar.  The Jewish Calendar is by the moon, our regular calendar that most of the world goes by is Solar.  It is interesting to me how every culture has their own New Year, Chineese, Persian, and so many others that are celebrated in the communities around America.  So every new Jewish month, there are many celebrations with food and seminars, and I enjoy going to a women's seminar, I love to hear discussions and deeper meanings of the Torah, Old Testament.

Tonight I decided Peace in the Home was the priority.  I have a crazy day tomorrow, a business Seminar all day, then a women's event to promote my businesses, finishing the evening by teaching an 8:30pm Yoga class in my community.

My husband will be with the kids all day tomorrow, so tonight, the things I wanted to do were not the priority.  In my single life it was all about me, I needed many naps, if someone didn't flow with my vibe, see you later!

I put away all the clothes (my husband did the laundry the other day) hung with the baby while he had some errands to run.  I am very blessed, all the domestic stuff is shared, he is the cleaner and I am the organizer.  My kids know exactly which drawers their clothes are in, I am still working on organizing the toys :)

Now the kids are asleep, and we are hanging out, talking about our week, enjoying the quiet.

Thank you God for having Clarity when we really need it,
Challenges make us Stronger,
Effort and Energy are what Relationships are all about,
Coach Yulia
My older kids demand my energy, my baby is easy going, its easy to just enjoy but not give it all, my husband is the one that really deserves all of my energy for everything that he does.  Gwen Stefani said the thing she is most proud of is her 10 year marriage.  The kids are a must, our work we love, but our other half deseves to be treasured, appreciated, listened to, supported, recognized, and unconditionally loved.  Relationships are what life is about.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Why don't the kids listen! Do we listen?

Every morning we have bath time, yes I said morning, its a compromise with my OCD husband who likes to shower twice a day.  I bargained for the kids to be showered only once a day, and we decided on the morning, because he likes them to be clean after they poop.

So every morning, its a whole thing, now they are getting better when we are ready for the baths and getting dressed, but its always a conversation.  Every evening, I always hear:

"I don't want to go to bed"

Even thought they have been go, go, go all day, Eli Tzvi does not nap.  My kids get up 6am no matter what time they go to sleep.  Ziona Sofia takes a nap around noon at school, and I try to give Matisyahu his 2 naps early enough so he is tired for the night.  Even he does not want to go to sleep, now that he is crawling, when we lay him down, he sits right up :)

So its always a debate, always asking them, "Do you wan to go to school tomorrow?" Then eventually they lay down, and lately my daughter comes out of the room multiple times asking for food, a drink, and now the bathroom - YAY! She just decided to wear underwear, and overall it has been amazing, she just went #2 all by herself, and totally gets it.  I think the only time she has a little accident, and then goes to the bathroom for the rest, is when she is busy playing or watching something.  One of the girls in her class has princess underwear, so I told her once she stopped going pee pee in her underwear, then I will get her the princesses.

Incentive, bargaining, and even taking something away are all daily methods for me to get them to listen.  So it makes me think, how good of a listener am I?  I am trying to really listen to what they are trying to tell me.  Just a minute ago they were both talking at once, and it was not easy.

They were having the cutest conversation today about my hairdresser who has little dogs.  My son for some reason is a bit scared of all types of dogs, my daughter has learned to give her hand and pet them.  We are going to my hairdresser this weekend, I am getting some color, and my son is getting a cut, and my daughter is just coming along for the adventure, I am not touching her shirley temple curls.

So they were talking about the doggies, one of them is named diesel, just like the Thomas train, so Eli Tzvi was explaining to her that he likes Diesel the black dog, and she was confused because I don't think she ever met him.  Then she asked him if he likes big dogs or small dogs, for some reason he used to like big dogs, but not really, he likes to look at them but runs when they get close.  We have a cute dog in our building, his name is Diamond, I think he is a Pekingese, and they know him and play with him, but run when he comes close.  It was a fun conversation to listen to, they are both very articulate, have a great vocabulary, and use full sentences - I am blessed.

This year I am going to focus on listening more intently to my family, friends, and clients.  It is their experiences I want to know about.  Most of my life I have loved to talk about me, now that I can do that in a fun way through this blog, in my face to face interactions, I am going to enjoy listening.

Happy Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia
I just took this picture, and believe it or not, the room was spotless, my husband just cleaned the whole house for Shabbat, and my son asked me if he could spill all the toys and whn I ask him to clean it up he will.  The balloons are from a Brit (circumsicion ceremony) we went to last night.  It is so awesome now to just plop the baby in the middle of it all and let him roam, now that he is crawling.  Eli Tzvi is always running over to me asking me if a certain toy is safe for the baby to play with :)  Thank god for these high energy, intense, unique, fun, creative, and adorable souls!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I Love to Breathe

What a wonderful day so far, I have an amazing client and friend who is in her last trimester.  We met when I was teaching Hatha Yoga, I was 9 months pregnant, she was not pregnant yet.  Then through an online advertisement, Meetup, her and I were reunited for my Hot Mama Power Walk, and now I am very blessed to be her Doula in a few months.

Every Thursday we get together, and she has brought some friends along, one that lives close by, is not pregnant, just enjoys the company and the Power Walk.  The other has the cutest 2 year old, and pushes her in a stroller.  So today, the day started out sunny and nice, there was a chance of rain, and it started to get super windy.  I didn't want my baby to get sick, and I am in recovery of my sinus invasion.  So I suggested we do Yoga at her friends house that lives around the corner from the Active Nutrition Club, where our walk begins.  They were all game, my baby and the 2 year old girl played together, I did prenatal Yoga with my client, and regular Hatha Yoga, with the other two ladies.  It was just perfect.  I just wrote about flexibility of time yesterday, and this go with the flow with life, especially when you are a mom, or when you are not feeling good, or just when something else feels right, that is my personality to a tee, I feel so blessed to be able to surround myself with people of the same nature, and lead them in a fun, yet powerful workout for the mind and body.

So my baby fell asleep on the way home, as I laid down next to him in my bed, I took a deep breath, and for the first time in 3 weeks, I was able to take a full breath, both nostrils were open, and I just felt so good. 

We really take breath for granted, it never stops, Thank God, and when we tune into it during Yoga, Pilates, Labor, and Birth, it really keeps us present, calm, and able to get through anything.

There are actual meditations where you take a natural deep breath in, and then hold for a few beats before breathing out.  This meditation is like being out of this world, breath keeps us in this world.  So I find it really powerful, in the final stages of birth, when we take a deep breath and then push the baby out and hold the breath, it is like that point from heaven to earth, we are the vehicle, it is such a miracle.  The baby takes its first breath out of the body, and then starts the adjustment of being in a new world, environment, energy, space, and time.

I love these terms in our language:

Breath of Fresh Air
Took My Breath Away

There are times when breathing fast and intense is healthy like during exercise.  There are also times when it is unhealthy, during times of fear, distress, anxiety, tension, and stress.  Getting in touch with your breath during challenging times will calm you down, cool  you down, help you flow through it.

I always say in my Yoga class, that while they are doing poses, everyone should ask themselves:

Am I Breathing?

So many times we are thinking and not breathing, we are figuring out the pose, wondering how our neighbor does it so good, or not so good :)  WHO CARES!  Give yourself the undivided attention you deserve when you do things for you, don't you deserve it?

If you don't put yourself first, who is going to do it for you?
Coach Yulia
I was probably 12, and for some reason decided to take a series of "modeling shots"  This shows my roots of health and love of being active and having fun :)  I didn't start my fitness career until I moved to Los Angeles with no plan, and met my Yoga teacher, and new that is what I wanted to do with my life.  My degree is in Hospitality Management, which I decided I didn't like to be in the complaint business, just the people business.  Thank God I found a positive and fun way to work with adults, as I said before I need you as much as you need me!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Flexibility (as in Time)

What is your character?  What makes you tick?  In what environment do you operate at your best and happiest?  These are really important questions to have balance and quality of life.  I always am in awe how with children and all the science out there, you really do not know how the genes or character will come out.  They are unique souls, yes which need to be guided and educated, but I feel it is so important to let them express themselves, have a voice, and be allowed to try and fail, and then keep practicing, and succeed.  Life is not easy, but the struggle, the work, the challenge, is what makes everything we achieve so much sweeter.

My character is easy going, yet workaholic, and I need a complete balance of fun and work.  Luckily I have found myself in a career that feeds my fun, and it actually recharges me for my home life.  Many people enjoy their work, but then relax at home.  I don't know how its going to be later, but now with 3 little kids, and a relatively new marriage, 5  years, we are all still learning the ropes, and its anything but relaxing.  Not boring, for sure, fun, sometimes, I found that I feel relaxed and recharged with adults.  It is so important to figure it out for yourself, so even if there is something overwhelming, you know the situation will end, and have something to look forward to.

I work at my children's school a few days a week.  Today most of my clients and classes are in the afternoon and evening, so I didn't have any set plans for this morning.  I got a call about 45 minutes before my kids had to be in school, and asked if I could work today, someone called in sick.  I checked in with my husband, and in that moment we rearranged our whole day.  I feel so blessed that both of us have our own businesses, and are able to be super flexible with our schedule.  He was able to take the baby, and I could work in the morning, and then go straight to my private client in the afternoon.

It all depends on the choices and lifestyle that we prefer, living in LA is very expensive, but my community is priceless.  Yes it would be nice to have more things like a house and more cash flow, but I would not change anything for the time I get to spend with my children.  As intense as it is, it makes me so happy that I make them happy.  Yesterday I had a Prenatal Yoga class that I was teaching at 8pm, my husband was already in the middle of putting all the kids to sleep.  My baby did not take his eyes off me, I was running around, getting my coat and everything I needed for the class.  I love that he gets so excited when I am around, and Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia know that when I am around its fun and athletic time.  Thank God my husband takes care of their baths and meals, its actually quite funny.  I am the breakfast person, but then again he makes the best eggs, but for the kids I make them hot cereals, so today I mean oatmeal with raisins and honey, and my daughter says:

"Your are not the cooker!"  so I ask her who is and she says "Abba (father in Hebrew)"

Thank God for all of us figuring out our roles in our own unique families, I know that I must have done something so good in my past life to get the perfect match for me.  Our second date he cooked for me and I was hooked :)

Delve into YOU,
What makes YOU tick?
Figure out YOU,
and share with me,
I need some adult conversation to recharge for my kids!
Coach Yulia
High School in Israel, I was 16 turning 17, it was a semester of my 11th grade of High School, my parents let me go because it was Israel and they wanted me to know my Jewish roots, I had to work to pay for it, I was a bus girl, hated it :) It was so amazing, I am so blessed my parents let me be the free spirit and adventurer that I am, this trip made a big impression on me.  So important to let our children be themselves, let their soul sing and dance and play.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Take Care of Mama (that means YOU)

I was watching something my husband had on TV, it may have been the Biggest Loser show, and it had two women on there that were told that their bodies were so toxic, they are almost at the point of no return, even with medication.  The only way to get a handle on their health was diet and exercise.  They were crying and saying how scary it was, it was a life or death situation, and they had to take it seriously.

For many people this becomes the place from which they decide to make themselves a priority and take their health and preventive maintenance seriously.  My amazing father took out out of Russia in 1980, and continued to be a workaholic to support his family until his retirement.  Due to genes and stress he had Thank God, mild heart attack, and it changed the way he approached his health.  Now over 10 years later, he looks better than ever, exercises daily and watches what he eats.  I am so blessed my parents take care of themselves, so we can enjoy them for a very long time.  Today they are celebrating 41 years together, God Bless Them, what a beautiful example they have been in my life of how it should be :)

During pregnancy and with our children we are so concerned with doing it right, and teaching our children right, when does it stop with us.  Children watch what we do, not what we say, so lets be the best example not only for our children, but to be healthy, active, and enjoy our own lives.

Today is a beautiful day, and I actually was thinking being outside and doing some cardio might help move things around, and I googled it and yes exercise is good for sinuses.  I really do not want antibiotics, thank you everyone for all of your advice.  The article below has some great practical tips, I hope it helps some of you who are also going through this.

I want to thank all of my readers for enjoying and commenting to me about their own life situations.  This blog is actually a dialogue, I learn so much from all of you.  Please keep sharing :)

Coach Yulia

Monday, January 7, 2013


How does one discover or just know they are artistic?  Is it from the genes or just following in the footsteps of family?  Or is it something stumbled upon and instantly clicks with your soul?

You always see sons and daughters of actors and musicians follow in their parents footsteps.  Are they as talented?  Well they have the outline of how to achieve the success of their parents or grandparents, classes, teachers, connections, etc.  Ultimately we are all unique, and even with famous or talented parents, have to find our own way to express ourselves.

My mother graduated from Moscow Conservatory, she is an accomplished piano player and choir conductor.  In our home we didn't have music because for her it was work.  I really enjoy quiet in my home as well.  Some of my friends always need the TV, or even to fall asleep to music, I need silence to fully turn off, no outside stimulation.

My brother and I love and appreciate music and we are definitely creative in our own ways.  Neither of us plays an instrument or sings, but we both love to be on stage and perform, and we both love people.  My brother for his thesis in college created a performance on stage that worked on the issues of the community, and the problems and solutions were acted out and resolved on stage.  I have modeled, acted, and performed on stage, led events when I worked on cruise ships, I really love to host.  I love to dance, but have never had professional training, and that is why I was drawn to Yoga, it is like a dance, yet you make it your own, and that is when it is the right way, when each pose is your own way and your own expression.

My mom is coming to visit soon, and I am excited for her to infuse our kids with her musical talents, She is always singing fun songs, and maybe she can show them some tunes on the rubber piano she gave them :)

My kids are definitely musical, my daughter sings all day, not only songs she learns in school, but she makes up her own tunes to whatever she is playing with.  They all love to dance, even the baby :)  Eli Tzvi loves musical instruments, and is quite amazing with his photographic memory, and very powerful voice.

As much as we all get lost in work and the day to day, what survives in all cultures of the past is the music, art, and artifacts that were made by the creative souls who followed their passion.  I am excited to see how my kids will want to express themselves and light up the world.

Coach Yulia

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Home All Day/Day We Met

Everybody is home today, and we are all still recovering from being under the weather.  It is kind of chilly outside, so overall I am trying to make it entertaining at home while getting a few things done.

We had a celebration this morning of one of Eli Tzvi's teachers, she had
a baby boy, luckily it was down the street, we walked, bundled up, with umbrellas for fun, even though it stopped raining.  Then came home and watched a few shows that the kids like.  It seemed a bit sunny so we went outside to ride bicycles, and then the wind became stronger, and the clouds were swallowing the sun.

We went back inside, all they wanted to do is watch mor
e shows, so I gave in, to get a few more of my things done, and told them when food was ready we would stop watching all together.  Usually they play so nicely, and in our house the TV is barely on, so I figured I would indulge them a bit.

I have a class tonight, so hopefully they will be exhausted and go to sleep early.

Excited on these kind of days where I cannot do much, business opportunities happen all the time.  I love the "relationship business."   At events in our community it is great to connect with people I haven't seen in a while, and to let them know what I have been up to.  So excited to Doula starting in March, so many little babies everywhere, Thank God, they are going to light up the world.

Feeling blessed for being busy,
Feeling blessed for hanging with my kids,
Feeling blessed to not feel pressure when my body is still recovering,

It is so important to appreciate what we have, to look around and acknowledge the positive in our lives.  Only then do we clearly see a path to growth and our dreams.  It is funny how certain decisions we make in our lives affect how our lives turn out.

The picture below is me and my father when I turned 33, he flew to Los Angeles, we first went to mineral hot springs, that's where we are hanging out in Desert Hot Springs in the mineral bath, then we went to Las Vegas.  33 was a big number for me, my father got married at 33, and I decided that would be the age that I would check in from my wild, single, secular life to see if I was ready.  I decided I was ready to at least date someone seriously, and a year later I met my husband through a lady in one of the classes that I taught.  We met today, January 6, six years ago, which happens to be my father's birthday, and married 8 months later.

Coach Yulia

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Relatively Calm Day All Around

Yes it is my Day of Rest, however, being together as a family with no distractions is intense.  Last night the baby was a bit irritable a few times, but overall a good night.  This morning we took our time getting ready to go to synagogue.  It has been 30 days since my father in law passed away, we had a special meal in his honor at our synagogue.  My husband left a bit early with my oldest, Eli Tzvi.  They have a fun supervised kids program, the kids love to go.  I took my time getting ready, and took my daughter and baby, it is about 6 blocks away, and this was the first time my almost 3 year old daughter decided to walk.  I usually have the double stroller, she sits in the front, and its mostly easier for me, just in case she gets tired, or even better falls asleep on the way home.  She overall did good, the last block she became a diva princess and wanted to be carried, luckily I figured out a way to prop her on the mini stroller that I use with the baby car seat, and rolled her home.

She fell asleep right away with me and my husband, the baby already was asleep from the walk home.  Eli Tzvi was playing quietly, which I like better, then he is really tired when its time to go to bed, Thank God, he loves his sleep :)  The baby woke up hungry, so I did not get much of a nap, I am still recovering from my sinus invasion, so I really didn't want to get out of bed, but I also wanted to get the baby up, so he would also sleep good later at night.  After I fed him, I left him in the Eli Tzvi's room, he is crawling, and there are toys, and Eli Tzvi is the best protector, and went to lay down a bit more with my daughter.

After a while Eli Tzvi came running told me the baby was crawling out of the room, it woke up Ziona Sofia, which was good because I also wanted her to sleep at night, yet not so good because she was super cranky and clingy, but manageable.

My husband went back to the synagogue, and the kids ate and started playing an awesome game together.  They laid out my Yoga mats like a racetrack, had a flag to start the race, ran around it, were yelling NINJA! for some reason.  I love to listen in on their creative games, the baby was eating his dinner.

My husband came home with his brother, Shabbat was over, and they both looked so handsome I had to take a picture.

Now just relaxing, hoping all of our sniffles will go away fully this weekend.

Have a great Sunday,
Stay Healthy,
Stay Warm,
Keep your Immune System Strong,
Coach Yulia