Friday, August 31, 2012

Health - Energy - Strength

Doesn't Health, Energy, and Strength sound so much better than what we usually hear all around us or even out of our own mouth - SICK - TIRED - WEAK?

Thank God for my Nutrition Program, I don't know how I would be able to handle three kids and work, and life if I didn't have the right fuel.  This past weekend we jumped into our car and drove 5 hours north to visit my brother in law for a day and a half, it was chilly there, and in Yosemite it was too hot in the sun, and cold in the shade.  It was super dry, so my body just had it, my throat was scratchy on Tuesday so I skipped my Tuesday and Wednesday workouts, drank my Herbal Green Tea Concentrate, and today I had the best Yoga class ever with my teacher.  I felt so strong, and totally finding my poses.  I do not sleep too much due to baby, and I am amazed that what could have developed into a bad cold, is not gone, and I feel great.  However, I am totally ready for the Day of Rest :)  We are celebrating the Hebrew Birthday of my oldest son Eli Tzvi, he is 4 today, and will celebrate again on September 13 :) WHY NOT? 

I am focusing on putting more protein into my day of eating as well, especially since I have committed to working out 5 days a week.  The body needs the protein to keep the lean muscle, and to burn the body fat. 

I remember when I was 8 months pregnant with Ziona Sofia, I felt so helpless and frustrated on how I was going to find time to exercise.  Since I am a Yoga teacher everyone is always looking at my body as an example.  Thank God I found Herbalife, and now I am not hungry, although I eat all day, small portions, focusing on protein, making sure to keep my metabolism moving.  My days are always changing, so I am consciously preparing my snacks to keep my energy going.  I can do this for you too :)

Did you know that the reason most people go see the doctor is to say they are "TIRED!"  If you didn't put gas in your car it wouldn't go anywhere.  The body will eventually stop, break down, malfunction, we are a type of machine of sorts.

I feel really blessed and excited for the upcoming year, kids have started school, my husband and I are focusing on our future, its so nice that we can always restart, there is no "DONE" there is always a choice.
One year older, and trying on his father's shoes
Anything that seems overwhelming in the moment, especially with kids, will soon pass, and the next challenge will fall in our lap.  Look at the picture above,  my daughter is already walking in heels very proficiently.

Shabbat Shalom,

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I don't know what I'm doing

Do we ever really know exactly what we are doing?  I guess it depends on what specifically we are talking about.  Sometimes in life you just leap in and learn along the way, especially where children are concerned. 

I have been teaching Yoga for over 10 years, there are so many different styles, some more workout based, some more meditational.  People that connect to the Yoga I teach love that its a little bit of everything, and we really step of the world for an hour, and feel like you get a full body massage.  To each their own, and honestly, I am so passionate about what I do, It does not matter to me if it is not someones style, and they would rather do another type of yoga.

So I get to the gym last night, drop off my kids at the kids club, the girl who works there is a friend of mine, and when she went to the front desk earlier that day, she heard a lady complaining about my Yoga class, and this is what she said that "I don't know what I'm doing!"  I guess the phrase just makes no sense to me, and I really don't take things personally, but whoa, that is the most ridiculous and hilarious statement I have ever heard.  I let it go, taught my class, a few regulars came up and asked to buy my Yoga DVD/CD Combo, and I thanked them for understanding and loving my style, and I shared with them that someone said that "I don't know what I'm doing."  We had a laugh, but it is just so odd, my brain cannot wrap around the comment.  I wish she came up to me and told me exactly how she likes her Yoga, and sometimes for new people, it is confusing, so they get overwhelmed, because my Yoga is very psycological, its about facing yourself, dealing with learning something new, forgetting that there are other people in the room, and just doing your best.

In our world of over stimulation, we are always distracted from life, when it is quiet, and you are supposed to relax your body and find where it feels good, if a person does not want to feel, or has a nuerotic mind full of junk, like we all do, but won't let it go, then Yoga could be frustrating, because it is about saying, this is my reality, I am here, I accept it, I respect it, and I am working at it.

I tell people, just like everything else in life it takes practice.  Ok thank you for letting me get that out, and now back to the thought of, does anyone really know what they are doing?  It is all about how you feel about yourself, its all about feeling inspired, passionate, and in love with your life.  I think that is the only way you really know, and when something you don't know comes along, we try our best to keep anger, frustration, and feeling overwhelmed to the side, take a deep breath, and figure out a way to deal.  Family, friends, or people in the same circumstances could give great advice and support.

I feel that life is always throwing something new at us, and I think that is the point, when we decide to make it work, when we decide to commit, when we decide to be consistent, when we decide to learn a system that will work for us - then things do not pile up, you know where everything is, and there is no clutter in the mind because of the clutter in life.

That is what I am working on, a system to de clutter - but there is one thing I know that I know, and that is that I love exchanging energy with my Yoga students that need my Yoga for their own mind and body.  I need them as much as they need me, when I teach I completely turn off from the world, and recharge.  Thank God I was open, and found my teacher Raghavan, and had my parents support to get certified, and had people resonate with what I knew, I knew that I would be doing Yoga for the rest of my life.  For my sanity, for my health, and to inspire other people to find their peace, and get everything working right.  When bodily functions are working properly, we can really live our lives, otherwise we are in the moment of DIS-EASE - Yoga at all times, even the power Yoga should be done with EASE - like a dance or a martial art, flowing, everything balancing and counterbalancing to find where it feels good.

Coach Yulia

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Last Minute

I am declaring my intention to transform into a schedule that gets everything done, without chaos, without being tired and leaving it for last minute, something that I will create a habit, so things get DONE.

We had to get some items for my kids first day of school.  I knew I had most of the things so I left the gathering to the day of, the only thing I had to do was make current pictures.  It was such an odd experience going to Walgreens 24 hour Monday night after my Bodypump class with my camera to find, fix, and print two pictures.  It was so weird to see people coming in and purchasing prints the old fashioned way.  So funny how times change, the best part of going to the machines with the camera instead of on my computer, is I can really single out exactly how I want the image to look, and the print comes out just right.  In my daughters pic she was surrounded by extended family, but I just loved how her face and hair looked in this pic, it really shows her personality.  With Eli Tzvi, I like the laughter in his eyes, he is all dressed up, probably about to say something silly, with my other kids around him.  I am happy I got two awesome pics that are true to who they are today.  DONE, but last minute, and yesterday same thing, throwing things together, and this morning, there were some forms I had to fill out, and I kept on putting it off, thinking I would have time this morning.

Do we really ever have time?  Everyone has 24 hours in a day, some people got it handled, and I am committed to focus on a flow that will not overwhelm me, to stop procrastinating, to stop making excuses.  My seminar leader said something very true and powerful about my mommy world.  She said that while I have my mommy world, everyone else has other stuff, some people have 3 jobs, others have a competition or a marathon they are training for.  We are all in our own heads and our own world, and the coolest part is, its just in our heads, if we can put overwhelming thoughts in a box, get into a routine that gets little things done, so they don't become big things.  Commit to a minimum per day, of whatever it is you are striving for. 

I am going to talk to a minimum of 2-5 people a day starting today about health, fitness, and building a life they want.

Thank God we can keep restarting, there is never a block, there is always an answer, we just have to keep wanting to grow, learn, transform, and get everything our heart desires :)  WHY NOT, RIGHT?

Who is ready to take their Health or Wealth to the Next Level?
Coach Yulia


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

People are noticing

Baby just turned 5 months, and I have been doing my workouts seriously for the past couple of months, and have been doing my shakes continuously throughout my pregnancy, but took it up a notch by adding my post workout Herbalife 24 Rebuild Strength.

People have been noticing that I look leaner all over, and I feel stronger, and I was super excited to button this skirt this morning.  However, I WANT MORE!  I want the number on the scale to go down, I want to be able to go shopping, and feel good about it fitting exactly how I want.  I refuse to buy clothes until I am at my goal, and I am throwing away things that do not fit, and that were stretched out during my 3 pregnancies.

My arms and legs are definitely leaner, and I have lost inches in my hips, the final place that has got to go, and I think I speak for almost every woman out there, is my belly.  I feel like it has been super stretched in my pregnancies, and while there is definitely body fat, it is also a lot of skin.  I feel that eating right, Yoga, Pilates, and weights together will get it back naturally.  That is my preference, Thank God in my pregnancies I felt great, and during birth I was drug and surgery free.  I will be the example of steady, consistent, and permanent.

I saw the the most amazing sentence about health in the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey.

"Exercise is one of those...activities that most of us don't do consistently because it isn't urgent.  And because we don't do it, sooner or later we find ourselves...dealing with the health problems and crises that come as a natural result of our neglect."

So powerful, seems like in our 20's we are just living, and if we do not form good habits then, we spend the rest of our lives undoing, fixing, working on, and hopefully forming healthy habits.

Exercise is also amazing for stress, check out the link below:

Bottom line is, I know things are going in the right direction, and I am going to keep at it, fully commit, however be in the moment.  Today nobody RSVP for my Hot Mama Power Walk, so I was able to be with my kids for their Open House in their new school.  I was going to do some cardio before teaching my Pilates class tonight, but I am feeling a little scratchy throat from my non stop weekend, and will listen to my body and take a break today, so I could go full on with my workouts the rest of the week.  I will throw in a Sunday workout to make up for it.

Gotta Have a Plan,
Gotta Listen to the Body,
Gotta Have a Vision for the Future,
Gotta be in the moment with our children,

Coach Yulia

Monday, August 27, 2012

Just Got Back and Still Going

Thank you uncle Micha for a wonderful time, there is Eli Tzvi in the back exploring
Wow, I am the queen of wanting to squeeze everything in, and then being exhausted of running around like crazy, and sometimes getting frustrated that it did not all get in, or go as planned, or not everyone had the best time ever.  This is a part of my personality that I have had since childhood, I always wanted to be the leader, and everyone else had to follow.  I gotta say most of the time it worked, because I did fun stuff, but the times that it didn't I was annoyed. 

Especially when it comes to my kids, I just want to make sure they are having fun, and they get to do and see everything.  This morning we were getting ready to drive back to LA, and there was a playground across the street, I really wanted them to play and have some fun, but my husband said it was a long drive, he didn't want them to get dirty, and I let it go, and the kids had fun running around the large balcony outside our hotel room, that was the length of the hotel, so it was used by all the rooms.


So the drive back was good, sometimes fussy baby, sometimes fighting kids, but overall, we got back right on time.  I originally had a business call scheduled for 8am, and I thought it would be perfect, the kids would be busy at the hotel, and I could slide away and be on the call.  It got changed to 5:30pm, and I really want to commit to be by myself and child free for these business seminar calls.  So we got back at 5:15pm, I helped get the kids in, had to changed two diapers, my husband was busy unloading the car, it had food inside, so it couldn't wait.  I got on the call on time, but the baby started crying, so I started nursing him, luckily things settled down, I got to sneak out of the house, and contribute to the call, and get some wonderful guidance.  I am really looking forward to learning about time management, scheduling, and putting my life into the business, which will support my family, and let me do wonderful things for the kids all the time :)

Finally they are all asleep it is 7:45pm, my husband should be back any minute, he had to run some errands, and I am going to go workout, I NEED IT, it is totally ME TIME.  Then I got to do some things for the kids school tomorrow, and then I will post some pics to today's blog, and get the best sleep ever.

Love the non stop,
Looking forward for the non stop to flow,
Learning how to make everything fit together,
Thank God
Coach Yulia

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Got to bed sooooooo late last night, kids were just not having it, my brother in law hooked us up with an amazing room with a loft, my husband and I are upstairs with the baby, and kids are downstairs, and they just want to play, and play, and PLAY!

We had to options this morning, one bus left at 8:17am to Yosemite, and the next bus left at 9:17am, we tried our best and just made it at 9am to catch the later bus, but then I noticed that we were going only to a certain area of Yosemite, and not the main area, and the research I was doing was yet in a different area.  Overall glad we did it, but with kids you definitely had to drive, it was just too long of a day with Trees, Rocks, Lakes, Rivers, which is beautiful, but not much else to entertain my younger kids, and not too enthusiastic adults who are not in love with hiking, and were indulging my desire to do this.

In a way Thank God we caught the later bus to the closer part of the park, so we got home earlier, kids were so exhausted, passed out on the bus back, and now its fun, fun, fun trying to get them to sleep for the night.

The weather is interesting, in the sun it feels too hot and very bright, and in the shade it literally gets really cold and windy.  Luckily I brought jackets for everyone, so we were ok, my baby was a trooper too, had him in my baby carrier for the first part of the day.  With young kids the hikes are a little too long, other experienced hikers had those big kid carry packs on their back.

I didn't sleep last night, had a long day of managing kids and trying to make it fun for everybody, and now hopefully we will all get a good night of sleep, we will be here just for the morning, and will head back to get home at a decent hour, so we all could start our week refreshed.

Life is an adventure,
or at least I am trying to make it that way :)
Coach Yulia

Great Pic in Mammoth Lakes, CA, sorry for the funny eyes, couldn't fix it :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Woo Hoo

Little Brother and Big Sister hanging out

I tell you my friends, you just have to keep on living your life and doing things you like even after you have kids.  Travel for instance, a total headache, tons more to pack, can't do stuff that is not kids friendly.  Before getting married, travel was a way of life for me, I worked on cruise ships for 3 years seeing most of Europe and the Caribbean, done some fun trips with school, Israel and Prague, and with friends, Costa Rica and all over the USA road tripping.

I am always exhausted after, but traveling is in my blood, so when an opportunity comes along I jump on it, and still usually don't pack til the last minute, even though I am packing for me and the kids, my husband likes to take his own bag.  My brother in law works in Mammoth Lakes just a few hours away, so we are going to be there tonight, wake up early and go to Yosemite - so excited :)

I am still figuring out exactly what we are going to do, but so far the drive is beautiful, and its always good to get out of your routine, even if it is going to be nuts and not relaxing at all.  We will only be here for a couple of days, so I am excited to explore.  The poor baby is sick of his car seat, luckily my older kids had a good nap and are happy with food to distract them.  Hopefully sleep will come quick tonight and we will have energy for our adventure.

Thank God for my genes of happiness, all of the craziness is always justified with something positive, I just know it will all work out and will be a memory to remember.

Coach Yulia

Friday, August 24, 2012

The End

It is interesting how in our American culture, The End is something that could be sad, or something that is just finished, like a movie or a book.  What's funny is my 2 year old daughter is opening up a book and saying "once upon a time" and "the end."

I personally love change, and when something ends something new begins.  My kids finished camp, and will be starting a new school, and I am very excited for what was and for what will be.  It is all positive and it is all good, and I feel very grateful and blessed.

Where babies are concerned, or even children of all ages, we are so in the moment of our children's lives, and then the moment passes, and we are 100% in the next moment.  Here I have captured one of the most delicious moments ever - he pooped all over himself, through his clothes, I cleaned him up, put him down on his back to go grab something, and when I came back he flipped over on his belly, and then gave me the best, cutest, most delicious face ever - love this guy!

I wish everyone a wonderful end of summer, and a beginning of fall, it is so wonderful that the seasons keep moving, and we keep growing.  Change is beautiful - be in the moment of change, be conscious of it, live it, appreciate it, be open to where it takes you, keep striving for what makes you happy.
Had an amazing Yoga this morning with my teacher, and an amazing private Yoga, met with a client at Active Nutrition, picked up my kids from camp, and now getting ready for the Day of Rest, and then we will spend the latter part of the weekend up north, so excited, pictures to some.  Kids do not start school until Tuesday, so we have some time to play :)
Shabbat Shalom,
Have a FABULOUS weekend,


Thursday, August 23, 2012

15 minutes, 1 mile, 100 calories

Every day is completely different for me - I have to figure it out as I go most of the time.  For instance yesterday it was too hot to take the baby to work out with me outside, plus he is a little under the weather, so I decided to come in a bit early before my 6pm class and do some cardio.  By the time I pumped for the baby, since I was leaving him at home with my husband, I got to the gym, got the kids to the kids club it was 5:45pm - and I forgot my water cup.  I said ok, I am going to go hard for 15 minutes on the Eliptical machine, which is my favorite, and my goal was to burn at least 100 calories, and go at least 1 mile.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Today is another, go with the flow, figure it out day - I showed up to my Hot Mama Power Walk, other mama's cancelled, I have an appointment at 1:30pm, so I decided to go get my eyebrows threaded, do the Culver City stairs with the baby, he is sleeping right now, so I am back at Active Nutrition in my car, so I can catch the Wi-Fi to write my blog.  #GOTTAGETITIN

I also am about to lose power on this thing, so I will write as much as I can, and will probably have to finish it up later.  Finally the day is a bit cooler, but still super humid for LA - I tell you we want our Hollywood Perfect weather all the time, and when we don't get it, we are so confused.  But LA is different morning, noon, and night, so it is always important to layer.  There is a nice breeze, but it is sticky out here, that is probably why the baby is fussy as well.

Tonight, I have a private Yoga class with the ladies in my community, tomorrow is the last day of camp for my kids.  We have a little fun road trip to my brother in law, and then back to school, so excited for my kids they are going to an amazing school - Thank God.  I am also excited for my husband and I to really get it together this year, focus, learn, and grow.

My handsome little fella is 5 months, one more month to go and I can take him to the gym that I teach Yoga, and my husband can have more free time to do his work, and I can have him close to nurse.

Life is always moving and changing my friends - what may seem crazy and intense now will pass soon enough.

Rejoice your history
Cherish Now
Embrace Change

Got the perfect shot for today with baby at the top of the stairs, now back at Active Nutrition having my post workout shake and finishing the blog before my appointment.  Of course I forgot the wipes, baby pooped, gas is low in car, OY VEY - all good, he is happy now, tushy is clean, fed him in the car after the walk.  #figureitout

Coach Yulia

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Do you have those days where there are a million things to do, and your head is full of stuff, and you just don't know where to begin?  It is not positive or negative, it is just figuring out how to prioritize, what is important, and where should I start.

My beautiful baby boy is sleeping, and my older kids are in camp for a couple more days, in a way I am glad summer is over.  I am excited they are going to go to an amazing school, I am excited for them to keep learning and growing with all of their life experiences.  Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia just eat up life, they are go go go 24/7, I am so amazed by their energy and excitement, and really being ready for anything.  I take them with me to the gym when I teach classes, they already know which gyms have which toys, they even know the drive and the area, its so amazing that at almost 4 and almost 2 1/2 my son and daughter can probably get around LA on their own and not get lost.

There is a lot of transitioning going on from this week to the next, we are going to break it up with a visit to my brother in law before the kids start school next week.  This is a picture of everyone below when he came to visit last month.  Then its back to the grind, Thank God the kids go to school and I start my Next Level Seminar to focus on building my business, and then the Jewish Holidays are around the corner, non stop, but that is how we all like it, honestly, who wants to be bored?

Right after I write this, I have some pre homework to do before my seminar, then I have a client at noon, and then the kids come home.  Once they come home, its all about them, and then they come with me to the gym for my evening class, I finish up with a 9pm private Yoga class with some amazing ladies in my community.  I really do love this pace, and yes some times it is overwhelming, and sometimes I just want to stop and do nothing, mostly because there is so much, I do not know where to begin, and I have to take a breath.
Friends with older kids keep telling me to enjoy my babies, because it all goes by so fast, and that is exactly what I am trying to do.  I jumped into it, as I always do throughout my life, and I am going to live it and be in it full on.  I guess strong personalities create strong personalities, my older two are going to be a force in this world.
Fierce Force!
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


When is sweat good?  Only when its on purpose...this heat is so intense in LA, I know we really have nothing to complain about.  It is only for a month at most, and the nights and mornings are cool, I really do not know how I grew up in Miami.  I guess when you are on the beach in a bathing suit, you just jump into the amazing Miami Beach to cool off, or anywhere in a bathing suit for that matter.

Sweat is also good when you are having a good time :) dancing, exercising, enjoying some love!  I tell you yesterday I was so sweaty all day, and I am not a sweaty person.  Must be a combination of the heat, and nursing, hormones, and life.  I took my baby to the pediatrician for a check up, he is a little under the weather.  Got home, my kids somehow are restless from a full day at camp, but seemed overtired, so tried to entertain them til bedtime.  Finally 8pm came and I went to my workout, did I feel like going to sweat more? NO but I tell you, this sweat felt good, the energy felt good, the me time felt good.  I even filmed a little video on here, but now I cannot find it, I thought I saved it, I must have been feeling so good, I forgot to save it :)

It's just amazing to me from feeling yucky and sweaty all day, and exhausted with a headache, after all the kids were in bed, I dragged myself to my workout, and felt so strong, excited, loved my me time, and came back feeling re energized, and the sweat felt good, the shower felt good.  If its not a workout that does it for you, then go for a walk, do something that is just for you.  I had to do the workout because I committed to a Monday through Friday workout, and I am firmly committed, I will not miss a workout, if I cannot do a planned workout, I will go on a hike, or do a cardio machine, I WILL NOT MISS MY WORKOUT FOR ANYTHING.

It is also amazing how a headache just makes everything horrible, and I am so lucky I do not know migraines or pain in general.  Thank God for good genes and a healthy active lifestyle and healthy eating habits, I do not believe in doctors at all, there is no use unless it is to treat something that is wrong, or to catch the baby, there really is no other reason.

When the body is working as it should we do not think about it, we just go on with life.  When there is discomfort, or pain, or something even worse that becomes the focus of everything.  I am so grateful to have my parents for an example of taking care of themselves for themselves, and also not to be a burden to their kids - THANK YOU - and for helping us any way you can, we are blessed.

I just feel blessed,
Coach Yulia

Monday, August 20, 2012

All Dressed Up

I am still in my pajamas hanging around with my baby, happy to have the house to myself for the day.  Many things are running through my head, I am thinking about our anniversary dinner last night, we both got dressed up really nice, went to an amazing restaurant in our hood, enjoyed it, and were in awe that it has been 5 years.  I am happy we got out, and dressing up and cleaning up nice felt good, and it is really important to do for a relationship and to keep your sanity.  Have some quality time away from the family, just you and your partner.  On the other side of it is feeling exhausted from no sleep, kids waiting for you to put them to bed when you get home, Monday with tons to do, hoping the baby is doing ok.  I guess that is where being in the moment becomes very important, and also just doing it, getting out there, even if you are exhausted and not in the mood.

This morning I was a week ahead in my head, I had an important phone call at 8am, and was trying to get everything ready so my husband could have all the clothes and lunches ready for camp, and baby would be sleeping, so I would not be disturbed.  I could not find the number in any of my emails so half hour before the call while getting the kids ready,  I had reached out to my colleagues for the phone number, Thank God someone in charge of that call text me and told me it was next week, but I said there is one today Monday the 27th, and she said no today is the 20th.  The funny thing is when I looked at my calendar, I thought the 27th seemed off, but in my head I had that today was the call, and for some reason I had the 25th, so I reasoned it was the 27th.  Even when I was reading the email, it didn't occur to me to check the date.  Call it mommy brain or whatever you want, but today I am really over it, I am done.  I have been early, late, wrong date for some important events that have even cost me money for a babysitter, and time, and energy.  I know I have a baby, I know I have two kids under 3, but honestly it is the positive side of me stating the obvious, but also making easy excuses and I AM DONE!

I am excited for my call that starts NEXT MONDAY AUGUST 27 :) It will be the beginning of my Next Level business seminar, and I am ready to screw my head on correctly, stop making excuses, accept responsibility and follow and learn what successful people do.

There is an amazing website out there that talks about even when working from home, it is important to get ready as if you are going to an office.  Especially dressing up and putting on shoes, then your whole mentality is in work mode.

I will take this on next week for my call.

So please indulge me a little more while I give reasons for why I am off, I am smiling as I write this, because somehow human nature is to defend ourselves, make ourselves look good, and sure these reasons are valid and contribute, but honestly folks call it what it is, excuses.

1. I am hot
2. I never get headaches, but have one today from lack of sleep and the heat
3. Baby was fussy whole time I was writing, now finally put him down, now all about me moaning for a few more seconds I promise
4.  Want to wash dishes, put away clothes, tidy up - help out my husband who usually does the deep cleaning, and a 90 year old friend of his mothers told me this is wrong, and what do I do, so I told her I am a business woman - now I better step up and be that business woman.


I think its also important to get it out, but then get over it, I'm over it,
now back to happy me, LOL
Have a Fabulous, Productive, and Happy Day Everyone
Coach Yulia

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Made of Honey

My maiden name is Medovoy, in Russian it means made of honey, so hence the themes of my wedding.  I had those cute little candles, a few of them on each table, with the most brilliant bee pins, they were like thumb tacks, that I pushed right into each candle.  Our wedding was right before Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, so our gift for the guests was a jar of honey, which is the tradition, we eat it for a sweet year ahead.  On top of the honey you see a jewel, my husbands last name, Edelshtain means precious stone, even our wedding invitation was designed by me, and it had a stone being dropped into a honey jar.

Last Tuesday was our 5 year anniversary, and today by the Jewish Calendar is the day we got married, so we are getting a babysitter, and going to a fancy dinner, we also got some massages that we will enjoy later on.

Each of my babies, when I smell the top of their head, I smell honey, maybe it comes from me :) maybe it is the smell of all babies.  I cannot inhale deeply enough, it smells so delicious, I want to keep that yummy head right next to my nose all day.

Today we have a birthday party for the kids in the morning, then have to pop into my mother in laws, her birthday is the day after our wedding, she is celebrating it today.  Then we bring the kids home and enjoy our dinner, I am excited, my husband is the most amazing cook, and there really is no place like home for an outstanding meal.  However, I got my degree in Hospitality Management, and enjoy the ambiance of dining out, I enjoy being served, I enjoy tasting new things.  I really do enjoy being served period, love getting the mani-pedi, the massages, you name it, I love it - getting my hair done with Glenda is the best!

I am always trying to see the positive side of every situation in life, I think that is what keeps me sane.  When reality hits, I do everything I can to spin it to my favor, I guess being super positive is as intense as the other option.  Thank God I get it from my mom and her mom, they have been through so much, and are still laughing every day, dreaming, creating, always seeing possibilities - Thank God I have those genes.

Wishing everyone a happy, positive, enjoyable, blessed Sunday
Coach Yulia

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bringing Yesterday into Tomorrow

My amazing hairdresser, Glenda and I at my wedding, seriously folks, she is the best :)
I am reading an amazing book called "The Five Love Languages," and it had the most powerful sentence:  "I am amazed by how many individuals mess up every new day with yesterday."  This really resonated with me, because I see this every day, everywhere, especially in modern media, its always about drama, revenge, and "all about me."

Especially in a relationship it is so important to be there for each other, always focus on moving forward, and checking in with each other, making sure the "yesterdays" get faced, dealt with, taken care of.  Easy to say right?  We grow up in this world of being tough and taking care of ourselves, and then we find "the one," and realize it is work.  It's amazing, and the work makes it more amazing, but while you are doing the work, it is so important to step out of our own way.

Tomorrow by the Jewish Moon Calendar, it is Rosh Chodesh Elul, it is my wedding day 5 years ago, and my baby is 5 months old.  This is a very special month, it is the month before the Jewish New Year, and many important holidays that follow, where we take a look at the past year, forgive and ask forgiveness, and then celebrate starting fresh, with a new awareness.

Yes it is important to learn from yesterday, and know your history, and learn from it, but on a day to day basis, it is all about being present, yes planning for the future is good, yes embracing the past is good.  However living now is what its all about.

Yesterday is History
Tomorrow is a Mystery
Today is a Gift

Coach Yulia

Friday, August 17, 2012

One door closes, another one opens

Just got home from taking an amazing Yoga class, and had my yummy chocolaty post workout shake
Oh life, sometimes we really think its the end of the world, and for many people the only thing they argue about is money stuff.  I love when something amazing happens, and it never would have happened, unless something else didn't fall apart.

I am being very vague, because the details just do not matter - and once again I want to emphasize that it makes no sense to "worry in advance," and to just give up on it all.  It is so important to be open to circumstances that can come your way exactly when you really need them.  That has happened to me all of my life, and Thank God, I just know it will all work out, I really deep down have that trust.

It drives my husband nuts, because he is a realist, and it is good for me to have him as a counterbalance.  Honestly it all comes down to respect - I love the quote that "a good relationship is two independent people choosing to be with each other."  In order for that to really be the case, ups and downs will happen, disagreements will happen, but when its all said and done, you are a team, a support system for life. 

In Judaism it emphasizes that the husband is the king and the wife is the queen, both as important, and as a woman, it is up to us to treat and make our husband feel like the king.  Not always easy for a strong personality like me, who after being single for 34 years, I have either had it my way or go away.  Now, different priorities, especially that we have our babies, time to step out of my "all about me," world.  Not so easy, especially since that is my main message in Yoga, take care of you,or who else is going to do it, its not selfish, its self care.


I am so ready to turn my brain off from this crazy week!  One more week of camp for the kids, then I have to become the "entertainment" before school starts.  Thankful that tomorrow is Shabbat, and I get to sleep in with the baby, while my husband takes the kids to synagogue.

Love my sleep,
Miss my sleep,
Love my balance,
Miss my balance,
Thank God for Shabbat to put it all in perspective,
and then to be ready to face life all over again :)
Shabbat Shalom,

Thursday, August 16, 2012

One after another...

Still a bit of belly, but definitely tightening up, Everyone is noticing!
  I make my husband  keep taking pictures because
 that is where you really see the progression.
  I look so serious, the sun was in my face :)
Believe it or not, I am not talking about kids :)  I just had a DAY yesterday, and it was just one of those days that I said, what else can happen, and crazy things kept happening.  I just tried to keep going, but man it was nuts.  The morning started really calm, I was planning and organizing, and then as soon as I left the house, the craziness began.

I think my baby is on a cluster feed during the day, which is good, because the nights he can sleep for quite a bit.  I went to visit a friend before I had to pick up the kids from school, and the baby wanted to nurse.  I did not have any milk saved for later, and I had to leave him with my mother in law for a few hours, so I was trying to pace him, so he would be fine with her.  I brought everyone home from school, we all had an early dinner, and I really wanted to get out of the house in time to drop the baby off and take my own workout class at the gym before teaching my Yoga class at 6pm.

Needless to say, squeezing too much in, putting too much on my plate, my husband had to leave early for a meeting, I didn't make it to my mother in laws til 5pm, which is when the workout class began.  I had to make a quick stop before to get her some flowers, it was her birthday, the big celebration is this weekend.  This silly corner flower shack had FAKE FLOWERS! and the only real flowers were not ready to go in a bouquet, I just grabbed something to say it was from the kids.

The baby was already fussy, I brought some rice cereal, a sweet potato, and some almond milk, and I fed him before I left the house.  Unfortunately my mother in law was not feeling good, and said that the baby screamed the whole time, did not want any of the food.  He usually does not scream, so I felt bad for him and for her, she said she couldn't even go to the bathroom.

I ended up getting to the class at 5:30pm able to drop the kids at the kids club quickly, it was a bodypump class, so I did the last half of the class, triceps, biceps, squats/lunges, and the squats that I currently love, jump squats :) finishing up with shoulders, and abs.  See that is the fun about getting stronger, more coordinated, being able to do stuff, when you can do stuff, it gives you a rush, and it becomes fun.  Things are not always fun at first, that is why trying different things out, maybe even for a month, so you can really see if you are really not coordinated, or its all in your head.

Tip of the Day:  It's usually all in our head - we can do anything!  Take the words I can't and it's hard out of your vocabulary, instead I'LL TRY and CHALLENGING, and take the challenge :)

So I forgot my Yoga music, but luckily with Yoga, it is nice to have just quiet once in a while, I was telling the class, I just try to look at the positive in every situation, especially on the crazy day I was having, but it was not over yet my friends.  Get my kids, get to the car, realize I forgot their water bottles, go get them, get to my mother in laws, feed baby while she stays by the car with kids, my daughter climbs out of her seat belt, hops into the front seat, which I did not notice til I got back to the car.  An old man with a lady in a wheelchair is yelling at me that he is going to call he police because I was blocking the driveway.  We are finally on our way, daughter is hungry as usual, older son is tired, baby is ok most of the way, starts crying at the end, mother in law lost the pacifier.

We get out of the car at our house, my son says, I see an animal, I saw something run from my building to another, don't know what it was, but it looked gross.  Got inside to put kids to bed, left cell phone in car, when I finally found house phone it was drained of battery.  OY VEY.

Thank God we always start fresh the next day,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I have what?

Being your own boss, especially out of your home, leaves a lot of room for the 10 million other things you have to do.  Of course there is also the case of, its quiet, nobody is home, maybe I should just rest.  I just read an article about parents with older children, and how even after they have grown up and left the house, all the things that changed from the day they were born, are still ingraned in parents.  I love how she said, even when her teenagers were sleeping til noon, she still slept with one eye open, listening for cries, and she used to be a night owl.  For the full article, click on the link:

So today classes got cancelled, I am doing my workout tonight before my Yoga class, so the day is mine to figure out the "to do" list, and get things DONE!  I love the word done, it feels so good for things to be done :) 

I am excited that my blog is inspiring people to get on the health journey with me, I welcome anyone that is ready to take their health and fitness to the next level to join me.  As I coach I recommend exercises, and a nutrition plan for you to reach your goals.  You can jump on the same one I am doing, it is the Ultimate Plan that is costing me just over $10 a day for two meals, tons of energy, and getting in the best shape of my life.  Recently on my Facebook I posted a before and after of a girl who ended up a size 4 and 142 pounds - I love that example, she was lean, strong, and feminine.  If you would like to see the picture and you are not on Facebook just email me at and I will forward it to you.

On Monday I did my favorite Bodypump class, why do I like it?  Because its a little bit of everything, full body workout with weights, to fun music, and the best part its, we are stronger than we think.  I put a little more weight on this time, and totally kept my form, and was not even that sore the next day.  I definitely felt it, but it is a low weight, high repetition workout, so its about keeping the heart rate up, so the cardio factor helps you burn more calories, while accentuating and forming your lean muscle, it looks great and helps keep your bones strong.

Little by little my friends, getting it back :) (sorry for the appliances in the background, office is in the breakfast nook)

I coach my clients to find what they find fun and do that for their workout, whether its in the gym, a hike, a sport, anything and everything works.  We literally have to fit it into our life, even with all the changes and stages of life, as long as we keep setting goals, recommitting, being consistent, and focusing on feeling our best, then health is yours for the taking.

I am happy to talk about options, give suggestions, and I would love for you to join me in my workouts as well - come aboard the happy, positive, and healthy ride I am on, I don't even want to think about the other option of tired, giving up, no hope, settling, its all up to you - DECIDE - JOIN ME- LETS GO HAVE FUN!

Coach Yulia

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

5 Years!

Wow, time does really fly, especially when you are living :)  Five years ago I said yes to a wonderful man, and a new life.  I am happy that my personality just dives right into things, because this definitely has been an adventure.  We met January 2007, engaged in April 2007, and married in August 2007.  In 4 1/2 years we had 3 kids, our oldest turns 4 this September.  We decided to dive right into it since we were both in our 30's and were ready to move on from single life.  We also decided to have children right away, not only because of our age, but my husband's father is 11 years older than his mother, and he didn't want such an age difference between him and his kids.  Also for me, Thank God we met when I was 34, since I really wanted to finish having kids by 40, and luckily everything went according to plan :)

Our wedding day was magic, all of our friends from all different walks of life came and celebrated our finding each other.  An open bar had everyone happy and appreciating each other's differences.  From childhood friends, to night club friends, to family, to my husbands religious community.  Everyone had a great time, it was definitely and amazing ceremony and an amazing party.  I had fun planning many details, and was happy that it all flowed, and was a blast.  I also feel so blessed that I "married" my amazing community, my husband's friends got married around the same time, and now our kids are friends.  Through my Yoga I have met so many amazing people, and now that my kids are going to school, I keep on connecting with the most amazing families and women. 

It is so important to have gratitude for all the blessings in our lives.  Even when times are challenging, just know that things keep changing and moving forward.  I really believe that if you work at something, communicate, and stay true to what is important to you, then you will keep growing, learning, and enjoying the beautiful parts of life.  How would we know how good the ups are if we didn't know the downs.

Thank God for it ALL,
Coach Yulia

Monday, August 13, 2012


The first thing I ask someone who wants to get on a Nutrition Program with me is, "what do you usually eat for breakfast?"  It is amazing how there are a variety of answers, from nothing, to coffee, oatmeal, or a full breakfast with eggs.

Since I have started having my shake every morning for breakfast, I wake up STARVING, which is great because it means that the metabolism is moving and the body is being very clear about what it needs.  My mother was telling me that is the difference between what you need and a craving, and listening to when your body is actually hungry might make a big difference in maintaining a healthy weight.

Any personal trainer will tell you to eat small meals every 2-3 hours, that way you can keep the portions small and keep the metabolism moving.  It is amazing how my daughter is always hungry, my older son used to be, but now he is busy playing, and is picky about whether he wants to eat or not, food wise he will eat anything, but it has to be his decision whether he is ready to eat or not.  My little Matisyahu, Thank God, is a great eater, and I am excited to start him on solids, we already started on the rice cereal and bananas, I would rather supplement with food than formula, that is just my personal preference.  He is 5 months just around the corner, my older son we started food at 4 month because of a condition he had that made him projectile vomit, he needed something solid to keep food down.  My daughter I believe it was also 5 months, she was just ready.  Nursing for me is a pleasure, and I was going to try to go 6 months just nursing with the baby, but he is ready for more, and to all you moms out there, listen to your gut, you know what is best for your baby.

Healthy Mama, Healthy Baby
Another kind of hunger is the hunger for success, and unless you are really hungry, then the "comfort zone" is where most people will stay for all of their lives.  I have always dreamed big, but also have complete trust that everything will turn out ok, and just follow my instincts.  However, in order to achieve big, planning, work, action, and the right support all come together to help you achieve your goals.  I am so happy I found that with Herbalife, I am going to take an amazing course called the Next Level which I look at as business school, although I have a 4 year degree, in the environment I am currently in, I have no specific experience.  I am excited to take my business to the next level, and am ready to commit to my homework, to accountability, and to be a good example, inspiration, and motivation for everyone around me.

Anyone else interested to jump on board with me and reach your dreams and goals?
Coach Yulia

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Power of Two

Never a boring moment with these two, THANK GOD!  They have so much energy, and the best part is they have fun together.  My brother and I are 18 months apart, so I really wanted my kids to be 18 months apart as well.  Thank God that is what happened, it was not easy in the beginning having them so close, but I knew that one day they would be best friends, just like my brother and I who are close to this day.

What is also wonderful, since they have each other, and do not even remember where there was a day without each other, they are both so sweet to baby Matisyahu.  I love to watch how they invent interesting games, and have amazing imaginations.  It's cool to also see Ziona Sofia taking the lead sometimes, but they really like to play together and take turn creating the game.

Yesterday when we got home from synagogue it was so hot, I really felt like I was back in Miami, by the time we walked the 5 blocks home, I was literally dripping.  Baby started crying, kids started getting rambunctious, and I just had to take a minute for myself.  They were trying to calm the baby, and I had to go take a quick shower to get my bearings.  How I survived Miami for 15 years, I honestly do not know.  The funny thing is I do not like being cold, but I am so spoiled now by our LA magic weather, too much heat gets me, even when we get the hot Santa Ana winds from the desert.  Last year in August we went to Miami to visit friends, and it was hard to breathe, its like the humidity gives you a hug.  The only place you can handle it is when you are at the beach, and that is the only thing I miss, I love LA, but there is nothing like the Miami Beaches, warm, therapeutic, sexy, fun, and 24/7.  I took my kids to the beach here a few weeks ago, and they were scared, even to get our feet when, the water was FREEZING.  They have been taking swimming lessons in a pool, but the beach is scary with those waves sucking you in.  We want to visit my brother in law a few hours from here, and there is a lake we could swim in, I hope the kids try things in life without fear.  I think that applies to everything in life, food, events, exercise, etc.  How do you know if you really like it or not if you do not try?  I always say to people who have never done my Yoga, try it once, and then decide.

My husband has a busy day, and later on we are going to a celebration with friends, so now I am just trying to "clean and organize," the never ending task for my personality, and add kids to the mix - OY VEY.

Stay Cool,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, August 11, 2012

All Natural

What does that mean anyway?  You hear that phrase everywhere, food, birth, the way someone looks,etc.  The not so funny thing is that it doesn't really mean anything, especially where food is concerned.  It is an easy way to help sell products, its something that is general enough that it is allowed to be put on a label, but what does it really tell you?  Some of the food out there is poison, here are a few examples:

Where birth is concerned, as far as I understand, all natural means no epidural, but people also think it means vaginal vs. c-section.  People love to ask that question to friends and strangers, just for the record all three of my births were no epidural and vaginal, Thank God, I have a very high pain tolerance, and it all happened int he way that I had hoped it would.  For some people medical intervention is absolutely necessary, everything is there for a reason, but honestly since the beginning of time women have been having babies, and I firmly believe 99.9% of the time the doctor is just there to catch the baby.  Also intervention leads to more intervention, so I recommend staying home as long as possible before going to the hospital.  I am also a realist, so I had a doula for my first two and labored at home as long as possible, but felt comfortable giving birth in the hospital, just in case.  I do not worry in advance, but I know my personality, and if God forbid something needed a doctor's attention,  I didn't want to stress on the drive to the hospital.  I respect every woman to do her research and choose a way to birth that feels best for her.

My performance days :)
Then there is the all natural of how someone looks, what does that mean anyway, especially the phrase, all American girl, when many American girls are getting plastic surgery on their body and face to look like every other all American girl.  The funny thing is when I moved to California, I was surprised how many different nationalities there were, when all you see on TV is beautiful blondes that are surgically enhanced.  I love how in LA there are a million different areas that are their own little world, for instance Koreatown, Little Tokyo, the Russian hood of West Hollywood, Chinatown, and even where I live, the Jewish world of Pico/Robertson, with every nationality of Jew you can imagine.  The best part is in each neighborhood, the ethnic language is spoken, you feel like you are really in that country sometimes, everything from restaurants, to stores, to night clubs.

I have lived in Los Angeles for almost 12 years, and I am married 5 next week, so for 7 years I never heard of this Jewish area where I live now.  I used to pass by a fringe of it when I drove to my Yoga class, which is a few blocks down, and I would see people going to synagogue, and enjoy the feeling it gave me - little did I know it was a preview in to the way my life would become :)

I love either being a simple, no make up yoga gal, or the other extreme of super diva :)
Coach Yulia

Friday, August 10, 2012

Go Go Go - STOP

I found this amazing article in our community magazine about tips for life, and for the Jewish people in my community, some of these will really hit home.  I also love how there are great tips about laundry, grocery shopping, and how to conduct ourselves in life to get the most out of it for us and people we love.

TGIF has a whole new meaning for those observing Shabbat, the Day of Rest.  I am so ready to go, non stop, full on the whole week, but when Friday comes I know Shabbat is around the corner, and my body and mind are so ready to STOP!  Whatever routine you have in your life, make sure you have rest and recreation inserted in there somewhere.

There is a sad story that happened in the gym that I teach, I do not know all the details, but a woman in her 50's who has been working out for over 25 years, religiously coming to every kind of class, went home after a class last week, had a heart attack, and passed away.  I do not know this woman personally, but I keep hearing from all the students and teachers what a shock this was and how sad it is.  I was wondering if she had any pre existing conditions, or how she was nourishing her body.  Even if she was pushing it in a positive way, we need to fuel it with the right nutrients, water, and rest.  What would happen if we didn't put gas in our car? Also what would happen if we would push our car to the limit without preventive maintenace and care?  The body is the same, so it had me wondering, why did her body just give up.  I had a woman in my Pilates class a long time ago have a seizure, she was completely healthy, had no clue why it happened, and when the paramedic checked her out, he told her she was dehydrated!  Seems so simple, but it is easy to do, and it is easy not to do.  We are so busy with the "TO DO's" in our life, that we FORGET to eat, drink, rest - doesn't it seem crazy how we put ourselves last?  We treat our kids, pets, and cars better than we treat our own shell, which we only have one of in this lifetime, and when something hits us, we wonder, where did it come from? Usually, unless genetic, things don't just happen overnight, it is years of neglect, not paying attention, not getting yourself checked out.


Even a little extra weight affects your body, having low muscle mass affects your bones, when will we all WAKE UP?

LET IT ALL GO (not your body :) just the worries, regrets, what if's)
Happy Day of Rest,
Happy Weekend

Thursday, August 9, 2012

No Matter What

Life is changing every day, so many choices, so many options, so many decisions - its up to each person to pave their path.  One of my friends was surprised how I make time for exercise, honestly it gives me energy and makes me feel so good.

Yesterday I was ready to take a nap after my Zumba class, but I came home feeling awake and ready to work.  Zumba was created so that everybody could do a simple dance class with simple moves and have fun to good music, and have a good cardio workout.  Overall I personally like more challenging dance classes, so I really feel like I am dancing.  But there is one area where my body just does not get it, and that is  hip hop, I cannot move sharply, I am more of a belly dancer.  So in Zumba it is fun, since the moves are so simple, I can hip hop pretty good, lol, its all about attitude and working it, right?

So we tried to take my baby to a doctor for a checkup, something was off with the insurance, so he couldn't be seen.  Luckily last night was much better, and he is doing good today, he slept at my Hot Mama Power Walk this morning.  One of the mom's I was walking with was telling me about her "stuff," and its so good to talk to other moms and other women, because it puts everything we are going through in perspective.  Everyone has got "stuff," and all we can do is be honest, deal with it head on, communicate with our family and get assistance when we need it.  The funny thing is that in my happy world where I know everything is going to turn out ok, I sometimes don't deal with stuff, because I know it will pass - then when things get super in tense, I am in a bit of a shock of "what happened?"

Oy Vey, all we can really do is take it day by day - just like getting into #BBB, no not the better business bureau, but Before Baby Body :)  I know its going to happen, it just takes time, probably once I stop nursing, and my cycle comes, everything will get moving a little bit faster.  Although with my older kids I nursed both of them for 10 months, then my milk ran low.  My goal was always a year, just personally it seemed doable, good for the baby, and after a year they would be eating a variety of things already, so I can get back to myself.  We will see what happens with my new baby, I definitely want to do 6 months, and we will go from there.

I love science, whats in your body?  This is where Body Fat vs. Lean Muscle is much more important than how many pounds or kilos you weigh.  Lean muscle takes up much less space in your body and gives you a lean and toned look.  I tell you, my weight has not moved, but I have dropped body fat and inches, and clothes are fitting that haven't fit in a long time.  After looking at this picture, I just want more of that to happen,  I know the weight will eventually follow, because lean muscle burns 14 calories a day, where fat burns only 2 calories per day.  I am setting myself up for SUCCESS!

Who wants to join me?
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


So I get to my Hot Mama Power Walk yesterday, as it happens, sometimes moms have things come up, so people cancel last minute.  I decide to get my workout in some other way, I really wanted to go to the gym and do Zumba, but until my baby is 6 months, I am unable to take him to the gym with me.  For all of us who live in LA, there really is just no excuse not to be active, there are so many places to take a walk or a hike, or even a free beach workout :) message me if you want more info on that.

Nearby we have the Culver City Stairs, which I have done once a few weeks ago with the baby in my carrier, it was super intense.  Today, felt much more powerful, and full of energy, made it up faster, partly thanks to my Herbal Green Tea Concentrate, that also burns 80 calories per cup!

So my baby fell asleep when I got to my Active Nutrition Club to lead my Power Walk, and he was still asleep when I arrived at the Culver City stairs. I didn't want to wake him up, I sat in my air conditioned car for 45 minutes, checking emails, listening to a variety of music on sirius xm, and waited patiently for him to wake up.  I was not going to miss my workout, and I wanted him to get the sleep he needed, especially since he is a little under the weather.

I feel so blessed to have the time and flexibility to accommodate my baby and myself.  Bless all the parents that have to work all day and have their kids in daycare, or even the stay at home moms, but the dads work all day.  It's not easy to hustle and only depend on yourself, and no steady paycheck.  It's a lot of work, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I met an amazing mom who had her 4 year old in camp and is off for the little bit of summer that is left.  She helped me hold the baby while I put on the carrier.  That was her first time ever at the stairs, then on top I met a couple, she is always there, mainly for her peace of mind, and her other half drove up to see the view and surprise her.  On the way down I met a really happy, friendly guy, I invited all of them to my beach workouts.  I figured, they like the outside, they like our free natural resources, I can hook them up with more of the same.

I love what I do, I love being social, I love the fulfillment of inspiring others, I love making my own schedule, I love that part of my job is to get in the best shape of my life.  Does this sound like you?  I am looking for more leaders to join my team.

Last night took patience to a whole new level, first time every I didn't have a happy baby, he cried most of the night, I even put him in the car and drove around, it worked for a little bit, I am exhausted, but he deserves all of me, all of the time.

Coach Yulia

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


OY VEY - I was going to get my workout in no matter what!  I decided to go to the West Hollywood 24 Hour Fitness, they had a Bodypump class at 6:30pm, I took Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia with me.

And then the "FUN" began, at first it was great, got a good parking spot, got the kids inside, but since it was their first time there, I had to fill out a lot of paperwork.  I remembered to ask for a pass for the class to make sure there would be equipment for me, it fills up so fast, if you don't get a pass there is no room.  I noticed it was 6:25pm, and realized I forgot my Driver's License in my car, I needed it to show to the Kids Club before I left the kids.  I get back from the car with my License and the girl tells me Ziona Sofia pooped.  GREAT!  I ran out of my house so fast, I didn't take any diapers for her.  For my baby I always have a bag, but I guess for Ziona Sofia, even though she is still in diapers, I think of her as a big girl already.

I had no diapers, and the girl tells me that there is a CVS down the street, just for the record it was way down the street, so I put my thinking cap on and decided to find a mom with a kid and ask for a diaper, why would I buy a whole pack?  So I am in West Hollywood right, not a lot of kids in that part of town :)  I see a mom walk into the gym with a girl who is obviously potty trained, but decide to ask anyway - no luck - Alas, I see a Trader Joe's, and I figured more than any other place, there had to be a mom with a kid in there.  On my way to the store I see a mom with a kids in a stroller, I tell her I need a diaper, and she tells me her kid is trained already. 

So I get inside the store, I see a lady with two kids in a wagon, she speaks no English, she is obviously their nanny, I explain my situation, and she thinks I am looking for a babysitter, I ask where the mother is, and she gives me a blank stare.  I give up on her and head towards the cashier and see a mom checking out with two little kids, I run up to her and say.  "This is a little crazy, but I am trying to workout, I forgot the diapers for my daughter who pooped, do you have a diaper?"  She was the sweetest thing, she told me she knew exactly what I was going through, and gave me her two last diapers, they were a size 5,  just what my daughter wears.

I jaywalk, running across the street with two diapers, run into the club, of course I have no wipes, luckily there is a bathroom in the kids club, was her tush, put it on, and run towards the class.  I really did not want to miss the squats, and get all excited when I see they just started that workout, the class always starts with a full body warm up first.  I run in, and low and behold, there are no bars left!  This is a free weight class where you need a bar, and you put whatever weight you need for the bar.  I guess someone snuck into the class, cuz I got a pass in advance, so luckily there were free weights, but no room anywhere in the class, so I just stayed where the equipment was, grabbed some free weights, and jumped right into squats with the rest of the class.

The rest of the class was great, for the last part of the workout, someone left early, and I got to use her bar and do the lunges and jump squats, it felt awesome.  Then I look at my phone, my husband calls telling me the baby is crying and I need to get home ASAP.  OY VEY - I grab the kids, we run home, and my poor baby is still congested, so I barely slept last night.

Now getting kids ready for camp, and baby and I headed to the Hot Mama Power Walk, hopefully the fresh air and sunshine will make him feel better :)

If you really want something, you will figure out a way,
but you have to really want it first,
Coach Yulia

Monday, August 6, 2012


When kids get around other kids, they make friends, and sometimes borrow each others colds, sucks!  My daughter had a little sniffle, luckily it went away pretty quick, but since she is always hugging and kissing Matisyahu, now he is super congested.  I was thinking of the word congestion, and when its in your nose, life is just not pleasant.  As well as in traffic, or any other area in your life, and as you know with colds, you have to let them run their course.  However, in your life you can make choices that head you out of the cold :) In traffic it only helps if you know your way around, know alternate routes, or have a GPS in your car.

Thank God with kids, even if they have a cold, they still want to run around, have fun, have energy.  It's amazing what a baby goes through the first couple of years, no adult could handle it.  Growing and changing bones, teeth tearing through the gums, the digestive system constantly getting used to new things.  How about congestion in adult digestive systems - OY VEY - now that is not a pleasant way to live.  I really strive to have a quality of life, health is everything, investing in your health now, will make such a difference in the way you life your life.  Thank God I have the amazing example of my parents, that exercise daily, and watch what they eat, and are able to enjoy their grandchildren and still travel and enjoy each other and their lives after 40 years of marriage.

Just got home from teaching a couple of classes, feel blessed that I could hang with my baby today while he is not feeling so well, but luckily he still has smiles for his mama.  I will work from home today, and go workout later tonight, bring the older kids with me to the kids club.  Thank God I could plan my day around my kids, as much as I feel happily drained, I could not imagine not seeing them all day.

So how do we transform the congestion in our lives? Day by day my friends, its all about facing where you are, accepting and respecting your reality and your circumstances, and realizing nothing is permanent, life is about change and growth, and unfortunately it is in either direction, and its up to us to have it in our favor.  Figuring out what steps to take is also challenging, in all areas of life there are so many options, and so many what ifs.  Even getting opinions does not help, because everyone only talks from personal experience.

I firmly believe that we are all unique, and have to figure out what is right for us, listen to your gut, ask people you love and trust, seek help.  I also believe it is important to try everything, how do you know if something will work or not work unless you try it.

I am being very general because there is not one right answer for anything.  We all have to do the work, we all have to stand firm about what we believe in, and keep striving for excellence in every area of our lives.

I am ready to live a life of excellence, without congestion, are you?
Let's Talk :)
Coach Yulia