Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween past and present

When we just moved to Miami, must be 14 or 15
In my Jewish community, believe it or not Halloween does not exist.  We have our own dress up holiday, and like most of our holidays it commemorates a time in our history, and traditional food and song follow. 

I used to love Halloween mostly because of the dress up factor, the dark and gory stuff was not really my style, I liked the sexy and creative costumes.  During my single years Halloween was a night when everyone would step outside of themselves, and how a glimpse into who they really are or wanted to be.  Most of my friends at the time were very creative, ran fun night clubs, and loved to be the life of the party.

I did like the dark beauty of it all, I felt like my exotic looks fit in, and I felt beautiful.  Luckily growing up, I was mostly in diverse areas, so I never really stood out, but I never really fit in with any specific crowd.  I had friends from all walks of life, but was mostly drawn to the tall, dark, and handsome, like my husband :)

I just got home from my last Yoga class that was across town, and the crazy thing is I did not run across even one trick or treater.  Maybe in Los Angeles it is certain areas that everyone goes to, like the west hollywood parade, which is probably the wildest party in town.  On Facebook people are posting their Halloween adventures, and its fun to see mom's who are doing it with their kids for the first time, as opposed to how they partied before having kids.

I guess it is just a metaphor for life, we are always growing, changing, evolving.  I used to look forward to Halloween, and now I am happy to be home.  I actually do not miss the single years one bit, yes marriage and kids are a beautiful challenge, but I wouldn't change it for anything.  I feel like I did it all full on, and that is how I have been all my life.  Jumping into the next adventure, and the funny thing is that people from the different adventures of my life only knew the character that I was at that time.

I love being a mom.
I love being a strong woman in her 40's.
I feel blessed to have found my other half.
Thank God I met my Yoga teacher, Raghavan, everything else has bloomed from that point.
I am so excited to continue my journey of empowering women in pregnancy, birth, and all parents to be their best, feel their best, look their best, strive to be the best, so the kids see that is how to deal with life.


I am excited to start reading again, more details on that tomorrow, I keep discovering new things.

Be open to keep discovering yourself,
Magic Happens,
Coach Yulia 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Babies make the world go round :)

Procreate, woo your wife, these are some of the wonderful things we are meant to do in this world.  Be Fruitfulf and Multiply, after all that is the only way we will stay in existence, physically through our children, and also forever in their hearts and minds.

My husband just took the kids to school, baby Matisyahu is taking his morning nap, and my sister in law had a baby boy an hour ago, her third boy, God Bless her and her family.

Check out my style in the 80's, love those hand me downs
I'm probably 8 or 9 - don't miss the bows in the hair

As I sit down to write, I stop for a moment and see what is swirling around in my brain.  I did not get much sleep last night, this weather is just making me so dry, and the baby is totally teething, poor baby, he is so wonderful, with him something is really up when he is fussy.

I just got the news now about my sister in law, and it just brings a smile to my face.  No matter what is going on in our lives, a new baby is just a miracle, new hopes, new dreams, new possibilities.

When I give my prenatal classes, I always say that women are miracles, everything that our body goes through, creates a new life, and then with work and time, snaps right back into the mom on the go that we need to be.

At this moment as it is all quiet in the house, I really appreciate what I have, when we are in the middle of "life" and getting through our day, or even getting the kids ready for school, its non stop, but when it is quiet, it just feels good.

I really love quiet, no music, no TV, even in Yoga classes, music is nice to keep our mind from wandering, but the quiet is magic because it is so rare.

I have my Hot Mama Fit Club this morning, I am excited to meet a new pregnant mama who is coming for the first time.  After that my day is filled with kids, until my pilates class tonight.

There are two more days left in the month of October, and it has been a magical month, I am focusing on staying genuine, sharing my story, and inspiring everyone around me to put themselves first, take care of themselves, so they can be there for everyone and everything in their life, and in turn they will inspire everyone in their lives.

Life is Beautiful,
Coach Yulia

Monday, October 29, 2012

Extravaganza Video For My Team

Technology vs. Old School

As I am working on finding my best method of time management, note taking, and organization, now I feel I have more stuff :)  We are in the process of switching to the iPhone world, mainly for my business, they have an Herbalife App, that will let me easily place orders and introduce interested coaches to the business opportunity.

Today I had the best workout in the morning with my friends who are running Spring2Fit, it is a combination of sprint training and pilates.  It is just my style, a little bit of everything, your mind is occupied in focusing on form and technique, and the next day you feel it all over in an amazing way.  Anybody in the LA area that is interested to check it out, please get in touch.

We headed to my Nutrition Club afterwards and had a great time getting to know each other and the vision for the workout, I am so excited to add something new and fun to get in shape.

The rest of the day was all about my kids, I had an important call this evening, and I just could not leave my kids, they were all acting up, my poor little baby is teething.  It was too much going on, I couldn't just walk out and take my call.  I felt I had to put my family first, and that is what I am doing everything for.  I kept on listening, and caught some great points, while my kids were climbing all over me, luckily my husband put the baby to sleep.

So I have been learning so many techniques of time management, and its all about staying consistent.  Some people love their computers and phones, others like a good old fashioned calendar, where you can color coordinate all the events, that just seems like more work in itself to me.  Google makes it really easy, so I am excited to get my iPhone and coordinate it with my calendar, but always have paper around when I have something in my mind that I don't want to forget.

There used to be a time when it was all in my mind, and even before kids I would sometimes forget something important like a class or a client.  Luckily my phone has been a great tool for me, but then its been lost, and then forgetting to enter things in.  I guess for some people this is the easy part, I really love juggling, but it leaves me exhausted, and I am really done with being exhausted from running from place to place, instead of knowing exactly where I need to be, scheduling everything else around it in an easy to get to, giving myself 5 extra minutes, go with the flow manner.

I always look like its all good, and it really is, but the second before I was stepping on the gas, unhappy with the slow driver in front of me, and why the red light is taking so long to turn green.

We are Human,
We have to figure out our priorities,
and everything else will fall into place,
as long as we schedule it :)
I feel good that I am aware and working on it,
But is feeling good enough,
Not really,
Thanks for letting me figure it out as I write,
Have a wonderful productive week,
Whatever I do, my team will duplicate,
I am focused on finding an easy and fun way to have everything I want fit into 24 hours,
We all have 24 hours,
What do you do with yours?
Coach Yulia
So many people tell me Matisyahu looks just like Eli Tzvi, I guess I see that they are brothers,
but other than that, nobody has that amazing dimple that looks like a mercedes symbol :)
Also super light features, he must be about 8-10 months here, he loves to look at this picture.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Parenting Styles

Parenting is one of those things that you have to learn as you go, birth classes is something you can sign up for in advance, and learn all the different methods, places, and ways to create the birth you want.  There is no degree for parenting, and all we have is how our parents or other family memebers raised us, what we have learned from society, and our friends to bounce off of when the rollercoaster is a wild ride, or even when something is really working.

I spent the day with friends and kids at a birthday party at the park.  I absolutely love the park, it is an easy way to please 99.9% of any child.  My kids right away ran to play, not even participating in the party.  My daughter came to eat, as she always does, and my son was interested in the cake, he is not really a sweet tooth, I think he likes the whole experience of singing happy birthday and eating something yummy.

Some parents were watching their child's every move, and I guess it really does depend on the age as well.  My baby was in my carrier and my 4 year old and 2 1/2 year old were happily playing and I just hung out.  They easily make friends on the playground, even kids that were not part of the party.  It was a cozy little neighborhood park, perfect to know they would not get outside the gates, and not too busy.  They would come to check in with me from time to time, and I would make sure they drank water. (notice the great article about water that is attached - everyone needs hydration:)

I am realizing now how grateful I am that my children are so independent, and keep themselves busy.  That was one of my goals having them 18 months apart, just like my brother and I, still super close and friends for life.  If they were more clingy, it would be even more challenging than their intense, non stop energy.  The energy I get and I admire, and I am really enjoying my happy baby, but I am happy to know that I am satisfied.  God Bless women who fill their home with many children, your patience, strength, and spirituality are amazing.  For my own personal balance, I need to stop here so I do not lose myself, and to give 100% to each child.  That is why I feel so drained, I am so exhausted, and I have one more class to teach tonight at 9pm, which is in an hour.  As tired as I am, the adult interaction and spiritual exchange rejuvenates me.

Thank God For It All,
Happy Week,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sleeping with one eye open

Man, I was soooo looking forward to this Day of Rest, was it restful? not really...nice not to be in the world yes, but my kids are just so full of energy, I am exhausted.  The baby as well must be teething, bit fussy here and there, but the nice thing is the nights have been great...except yesterday :)  He woke up at 2:30am, and nothing worked to get him to sleep, I do not feed him at night anymore, so I just put him in our bed, and hung out with him. 

We have had the Santa Ana winds visiting us, they are dry hot winds from the desert, when they come to visit, it is hot like a blow dryer.  Luckily our mornings and nights are cool, but that sun is strong, and my skin and throat get so dry.  So last night when my baby woke up at 2:30am, I went to the kitchen to get some water for my throat, and I felt like my nose started running, I grabbed a tissue and it was blood, SCARY, that never happens to me.  I put some ice on the top of my nose and a tissue inside, and hung out with my baby until we both fell asleep.

So today was nice when we were at the synagogue, kids were playing, baby was fine, the moment we got home, we attempted to take a nap, my kids have been getting up between 5am-6am daily, I thought for sure at least my daughter would fall asleep in her stroller on the way home. NOPE.

Thank God for all of their energy, it will serve them later in life.
All we can do is be grateful and look on the positive side.
I bet I was a super intense kid too.
Do your kids cry and whine and fight all the time?
Any advice would be appreciated.
All I can do is hugs, kisses, and letting them know I love them no matter what.

Feeling blessed for the adults in my life.  I love adults.  I love teaching adults.  I love working with adults.  I get recharged.  God Bless everyone that works with children, you are brave, dedicated, and Thank God for your energy, they come home better, smarter, and happier little people.

Coach Yulia



Friday, October 26, 2012

Clarity - Magic of Part Time

Life is just beautiful, Jim Rohn was my personal development this morning, and as always I felt like he is talking directly to me.  Last weekend I realized how important my time with my family is, and my Shabbat is a necessary balance that I cannot live without.  I wear a lot of hats, and I am adding one more - #SO EXCITED - I have committed to my Doula Training, and I already have a client :)

I feel that life really takes us anywhere and everywhere we want to go when we are open and ready.  I love the title of this video - The Magic of Part Time - because that is how I plan to approach my work, but with a Full Time Attitude.  I am focused on attracting leaders and people that are already inspiring their communities.  On my morning hike up a very steep paved road yesterday, I saw a guy in a wheelchair starting his hike, I had to ask, "Are you going up," and with a smile he nodded, all I could say was "WOW!"  I was running to my next client, but man, that is the kind of energy that I am looking for to build a team.  My family comes first, and I will teach Yoga, Pre Natal Yoga, Pilates, and any other formats, Group or Personal Training, based on someone who is really ready for results and to feel good. 

I am not a therapist, I am not a babysitter, I am not a doctor, I have always been drawn to the preventive maintenance side of things, and being a Doula goes along those same lines.  For those of you that do not know what that is, when a woman is in Labor and even during her pregnancy, I assist her in educating herself to have a birth that she wants, and to keep her present in the moment, to feel life, but also to be realistic to keep mama and baby healthy.

I labored at home and went to the hospital to give birth, my doctor let me do what I needed to do, he did not interfere, he literally, "caught my babies.," Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time with no intervention, all this medical stuff is so recent.  However, Thank God it exists, to monitor and to make sure mama and baby are doing just fine, and to see if any assistance is needed.

Ladies, the most important thing we can do is have great prenatal care and in the moment trust that our body knows exactly what to do.  I feel a wave of feel good energy as I write that, we are such miracles.  Let's breathe, get out of our head, no what ifs, JUST BE!  For all you new moms out there "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOUR BABY NEEDS - YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO - TRUST YOUR GUT."

So here are a few powerful notes from the video above that keep jumping out at me every time I hear it.

Profits are better than wages.

Wages make you a living  - FINE (example, going to work to pay the rent)
Profits make you a fortune  - SUPER FINE

Anyone can start part time, 10-15 hours a week.

I found a way not to make a living but to make a fortune - Woo Hoo!

It's not what happens but what you do about what happens.

For things to change, YOU have to change,
For things to get better, YOU have to get better.

Shabbat Shalom,

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hair and Skin

I mostly talk about inner nutrition, and now I want to delve into outer nutrition.  I just took the most amazing shower, and feel so good after two workouts this morning.  One steep hike and then my Hot Mama Power walk with wonderful fellow mama's getting it in!

I was talking to a good friend of mine was on some kind of diet that for the first few weeks not only did not allow to eat any fat, but not even to put lotion on the body, because the body would absorb the fat it was not getting from food.  So interesting, I learned so much science from our UCLA partnering Doctors this weekend.  One of the most amazing things I learned was that Omega 6 from wheat and corn causes inflammation.  Believe it or not a little inflammation is necessary, but in our culture, its all Super Sized.  Omega 3 reduces inflammation, and we get that from fish and avocados, but we usually do not get enough.  It is so good for our heart, as well as for pregnant mommies, a great nutrient to for the development of the baby's brain.  Quality is also important, did you know that when you go to a store they have shelf grade which is 5% of whatever nutrient that is on the cover, and pharmaceutical grade is 95%.  All the Herbalife Products are Pharmaceutical Grade, the highest quality ingredients, and a great low price.  I love our Omega 3 Herbalifeline, I take it daily, and I just learned that all of the Herbalife Shakes from their inception 32 years ago have never contained Omega 6 - now that's forward thinking :)

So last year Herbalife came out with a hair and skin line using our Herbal Aloe that is grown in Mexico, in our own fields, we operate with the SEED TO FEED philosophy.  We are currently constructing plants that will extract the nutrients and best part of the plant, in China where our Green Tea is grown, and here in the USA. 

I have never been particular about shampoo, and have never preferred brands or expensive salon varieties, but since this is my store I decided to try it.  My hair feels clean and light, and what I love the most is it is all plant based.  Instead of using Laurel and Laureth Sulfates like most shelf grade shampoos use, we use coconut and apple to make that lather we love so much.  The conditioner is also light and has a subtle pleasant scent, but what I love the most is the Hand and Body wash.  When I wash those areas that are sensitive, anything chemical does not feel good.  Afterwards the Body Cream is so nice, also subtle scent, and absorbs immediately and not oily.

I don't know about you and where you live, but here in LA, right now I am so dry, in my throat, on my skin.  Miami was magic for my skin, here it needs constant attention.  For my face I use our SPF 15 Moisturizer, so light and I know I am protected.  I am excited to try our line of skin products with glucosamine complex wih is great for a smooth face, if you know what I mean.  Most products out there are made from Shellfish, ours are from Beet Sugar - LOVE IT!

I like things simple, I like to get ready quick, feel good, look good - I love top quality products that make life easy.

Thank you Herbalife,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Law of Attraction - Good and Bad

This morning my husband and I went to a courthouse to set up a trial date for a traffic ticket.  It is this horrible corner right next to my nutrition club, where cops sit all day, because everybody does not see the signs.  So the day I got the ticket there was construction, and the baby was crying, I was trying to get around it and I made the fatal "no turn on right," $238 dollars later, I am hoping the cop doesn't show up, actually, I KNOW HE WON'T SHOW UP :) or the worst of it I will do traffic school.

I have been listening to these amazing cd's about the Law of Attraction, for anybody that wants to borrow them just let me know.  So one of the things they say in there is that when someone has something bad happen, like a car accident or a ticket, of course nobody asks for those things to happen, but when frustrations and negative energy is happening in your life, other frustrations and negative energy is attracted to you.  So as we all do I have been dealing with stuff, nothing horrible thank god, but marriage and children and career and balance stuff, and trying to stay positive, but trying to get all done, and this was right when I started my time management seminar.  Now I am aware of how important it is to preplan the day, down to the clothes.  Do I always do it, NOT YET, but if you know where you have to be then you know what you need to wear.  We have the laundry machine working non stop, and even now clean clothes need to be sorted and put away.


Anyway, back to the Law of Attraction, based on how we appreciate our life now and based on how present we are, we can create the life we want.  We have to take responsibility for everything that happens in our lives, it is no body else's fault, and there is no fault, it is just an awareness of what we are attracting and how we are conducting ourselves in every area of our life, and if we are being true to ourselves.

Today has just been one of those everything sync days, I went to the court, and luckily since a sheriff gave me the ticket, it was not Downtown Los Angeles, which is an insanely long wait, this was a small court with a small line, and I got a court date a few weeks away, so I can just be done with this.  I KNOW THE COP WILL NOT SHOW :) That is my mantra until then, and I really know he won't because at the exact time of my trial is when he is by my nutrition club writing tickets, there are no turns from 7am-10pm, and my court date is at 8:30am.  I am not kidding you, I bet they get at least 50 tickets a day!  Right when I got married I had two tickets I went to traffic school for, one online, and the other had to be in person.  One of the main reasons people get tickets is by not reading a sign, you can make a right at most red lights, but always check for the sign first.


Then I was running 5 minutes late for my client and she called me and told me she was running 5 minutes late.  Other things were confirmed that I was wondering about, another client that I misplaced his number, I called a phone I thought was his that was not saved, and it was.  But as you notice as wonderful as this all is, I am just making more work for myself, and taking more energy to do it all, no wonder I am so tired, especially mentally.

It feels good to be aware.
It feels good to be present.
It feels good to know how blessed I am.

Find where you feel good, and good will follow you wherever you go.
Coach Yulia

My two tall, dark and handsomes - Eli Tzvi has light eyes and lighter hair, and Matisyahu is not that tall yet :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

For those of you that had fun at my 40th Women's Celebration and met my
beautiful friend Angela, here we are performing together way back when
I love people, I love to be on a stage, I love to perform, and everything in life is about ACTION.  We can get inspired and motivated by so many beautiful things and people in our lives, but unless we take action, change will not happen.

It is all about figuring out your own way to express yourself and what really connects with you in the thing we call life.  There is really not one formula, we are all unique, and the beauty of life is, everyone has a different dream, yes we admire people and strive to emulate our mentors and other success stories, but bottom line is, it has to be 100% you or it will not work.  Make whatever you are doing your own.

I have always been a creative person, I love to dress up, have fun, and socialize.  Therefore I am in the perfect business, the people business.  My job is to connect with people from all walks of life, and find out what is it that will make their life happier, better, more efficient, results, money, health, etc.  At one point I wanted to be a life coach, but I am a sensitive soul, and although I care and connect, I am unable to be a full on therapist, I will take things on as my own, and that is not healthy for me.

I am realizing more and more that my family is who needs me most, I know that may seem like an obvious statement, but after jumping into this new life of marriage and children 5 years ago, I am still figuring out my role, my balance, and how to show up 100% in everything I do.  So it is all about priorities.

1. You, Spirituality, God
 - whatever you need to do to fulfill and recharge YOU
2.  Family, Friends, and Relationships
 - This is the juice of life, keep communication open, and good energy close
3. Purpose in this world
 - Career, Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Father, Brother

We are all here to light up the world with our passion, drive, skills, talents, and love!

Figure it out for yourself, its great to talk to people you love and trust, brainstorm, keep delving in.  Personal Development is essential to growth and change, seek it, be open to it, be coachable.

In my Yoga classes I say wise things, I feel like it is channeling through me, do I always listen? Not Always :) So this blog is such a beautiful release for me to let it flow out, and then to read it and apply it directly to my life.

Let's Take Action Together,
I Need You,
You Need Me,
We  All Learn From Each Other,
We Are So Blessed To Be Walking Through This World


Coach Yulia

Monday, October 22, 2012

Running a Marathon

He loves gnawing on my chin - He is so YUM!
Am I?  Not exactly, but today I got a taste of the flow, form, and training and its looking closer to a YES!   I joined a good friend of mine and her partner for an amazing workout, and I feel amazing, its so cool how when you allow yourself to be open and experience new things, you never know how the universe will open up.

I am so fired up from my weekend, I am looking for fellow leaders to spread the vision of a healthy America, inspiring one person at a time.  I tend to want to take care of everybody even at the expense of myself.  I AM DONE!  I have always believed in balance and energy exchange, and that is the name of the game from now on.

What it really all boils down to is time management, and knowing exactly what you are doing, and exactly what you want to be doing, whether its growing your business or spending quality, 100%, no distraction time with your family.

I am going to focus in on being true to myself and my family, and do my work that I love around them.  They are the priority, They deserve the best of me, I have to be true to my beliefs that recharge me, plug into my community that feeds my soul.  Everything else will come - one of my amazing mentors who is running the Next Level seminar that I am taking right now, says that just by being the best that I can be, its not the income, but the soul-come, that will come. LOVE!

Signing off,
#Hot Mama,
#Family Fitness
#Being an example for our children of Health, Integrity, Happiness, and Love
Coach Yulia

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Extravaganza and Zumba

Wow!  What a weekend and what a night!  It's 11pm, I just got home from one of the celebrations for my 40th birthday.  I gathered the women in my community for a Zumba dance party, it was wonderful, exactly how I pictured it.  I am so exhausted, yet feeling great, tomorrow morning up bright and early for my friend Jessica Moon's boot camp at 9am, if you are reading this and want to join, message me or call 323.377.0707, I can text you all the details.

One of the main points I got from this weekend is that it is important for each person to find what clicks for them.  One of my friends was telling me that she admires me for doing it all, I told her thank you, and I really appreciate it, but I am a good actress, and like to look, act, and feel like I have it all together.  But like everybody else, I am still figuring it out :)  However, I feel blessed and grateful for everything in my life.  It all starts with #FEELGOODNOW.

We are going to start our community Yoga again, please get in touch if you would like to join in the Pico/Robertson area.  I am excited to get LEVEL 10 results myself in my health, energy and fitness.

It all boils down to a decision,
Coach Yulia
Here is #mamaonamission - She is so inspiring, we bonded at the Herbalife Extravaganza.
 We are going to bring hope, inspiration and Health Results to #Hot Mamas all over the World!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Woo Hoo! Meal Bars :)

This weekend I am getting answers to different areas of my life.  One of those areas is an easy way to stick to my nutrition program.  I think many programs out there are either not enough food, or cutting something out, or not so yummy.  So far my program is awesome, my shakes taste amazing, I feel like its a treat, and they are so easy to make, so my breakfast is always DONE.  It's the second shake that is an effort for me.  When I workout, I automatically have the Herbalife 24 Rebuild Strength afterwards and that takes care of my second shake.  The days that I do not workout it's not so easy, and I have just found the answer.  I am so excited to announce Herbalife has just come out with a meal replacement bar!!! YAY - it's just like the shake, and chewy, and he flavor is cookies and cream - DOUBLE YAY.

So now, I will always have one with me when I am on the go, or when its late at night, instead of snacking on "snacks," that will be the perfect, healthy, satisfying meal.  It has all the vitamins, minerals and even more protein than the shake 15 grams - TRIPLE YAY.

So I have told y'all about protein, it is so important to maintain our lean muscle, which looks good, burns 14 calories per pound, and keeps that metabolism turning everything into dust.

Tomorrow I have an all day seminar and I am so excited to be trained by our UCLA Doctors teaching us all about the Science behind Herbalife, and how our CEO implemented a seed to feed philosophy.  We have our own green tea, aloe, and soy fields, and our soy does not produce estrogen.   I love knowing all those facts, but what I really know is I like it and I feel great.

I feel so blessed working with the #1 Nutrition company in the world,
Life is Good,
Coach Yulia


Friday, October 19, 2012


This is a skill that I am still refining, today for instance is when many people in my community prepare for the Day of Rest, and on that day no work is allowed to happen.  Some people even start preparing on Thursday, so Friday does not become the storm before the calm.  I am also preparing for this weekend, want to have food, writing materials for taking notes, rest so I am 100% present.  I am feeling grateful to my husband for supporting the entrepreneur in me.

This weekend is a huge one for my career, I have an annual event called Extravaganza, it will be lots of fun and learning from amazing leaders and doctors who will explain exactly how the Wellness Industry is the main one that is booming right now.  Our company is in the top 5 of the New York Stock Exchange.  Especially now, since we are full force in the Sports Nutrition market, and have been named the best post workout shake on the market with our Herbalife 24 Rebuild Strength.  24 stands for the 24 hour athlete, and athletes are using it to fuel their success, David Beckham and the Galaxy, Olympic athletes, and the top international soccer player Leo Messi, just to name a few.  We are in over 80 countries and have been around for over 30 years, and this next decade is going to top them all, everyone is looking for health alternatives, and unconventional ways of making a living.  Conventional is not a guarantee anymore.

If it's good enough for top athletes, I am excited for my own Hot Mama, Wonder Woman, Fabulous at 40 results :)  You can read more about it at:

I have always loved being in the preventive maintenance world, and now the official title that everyone calls it is Wellness, I have been teaching Yoga for over 10 years, and didn't have a clue how much our culture was going to embrace investing in themselves, so they can lead healthier, more active, and fulfilling lives.  I feel so blessed that I am one of the vehicles that can steer anyone who is ready for results in the right direction.  I am excited to meet people that are inspired to inspire - if this sounds like you, I would love to hear from you - If I am touching so many lives, imagine what we can do together.

Thank God For It All,
Shabbat Shalom,


Thursday, October 18, 2012


I am enjoying all of these fun words...A shrinking bank account not good, a shrinking waistline very good.  That is my favorite part of losing weight the right way, it is all about inches and Body Fat, and yes pounds are important, but they don't tell you what is happening on the inside of the body.  You see a lot of people that look skinny, but they are weak and have low energy because of poor nutrition and low lean muscle mass, which is dangerous as we get older.  Lean muscle not only looks good, but it protects and strengthens our bones, as well as helps our metabolism burn 14 calories a day instead of 2 with body fat.  Our body has a Resting Metabolic Rate, the amount of calories burned at rest, our "machine" is always working, our heart, circulation, breathing, all of our body systems, that takes energy.  The more unhealthy we are, that energy becomes a stress on the body.  With excess weight there are risks of developing all kind of diseases, such as diabetes and high cholesterol that can lead to heart problems.

So this is my theory, as I clearly see by the pictures, and feel in my body, everything else except my belly is shrinking.  It is funny or not so funny what decides to go first, and where it lingers.  I think that part is probably genetic, and we have no control, and honestly you cannot spot reduce, which means doing a million sit ups will not get you the abs of your dreams, its everything 80% nutrition, cardio, weights, and core.  My baby is 6 months old, within that period I have always done my nutrition program, but started exercising full on when he was 4 months.

So since I am shrinking everywhere else, my belly pops out even more - LUCKY ME :)  I am constantly told the two extremes, some say they see me losing weight, and the other day a very nice lady in one of my classes told me I look 4 months pregnant, AND SHE KNOWS I HAVE A SIX MONTH OLD - Oy Vey!


Here are the stats:  Weight has only gone down 5 pounds, I just stopped nursing so hoping that will change, I lost 4% of Body Fat, definitely feel my clothes fitting better, and wearing things I haven't worn since my first baby.  The best part is I have lost 10 inches all over my body, and I can clearly see I am toned all over, and what's left over is my stretched out belly.  Let me use this exact word, I FIRMLY believe that with my nutrition program, Yoga, free weights, and Pilates, as well as hiking and cardio machines, I will bounce that skin right back. 


I am looking for anybody that is ready for results no matter how long it takes, no excuses, maybe you can inspire your own family and friends to make their health a priority.

Coach Yulia


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Following directions

2 tablets twice a day, clearly stated in the back, I was wondering why I felt it in the beginning but not so much lately, last night I realized I have started taking only one tablet for some reason DUH!  I knew this Thursday would have been my 3rd week, 21st day, and I had quite a bit left over - OMG! No wonder - MUST FOLLOW DIRECTIONS

The right direction my friends?  What is it for you? Are you good at following directions?  Just like a movie needs a good director, so do we all for things we want to accomplish in life.  There was an example given in one of my spiritual classes about how when we buy an appliance or a gadget, if we decide to just put it together without following the directions, we may miss something or it might not work at all.  That is why there are guidelines for life, and in everything that we want out of life.

There is school for certain goals like doctors, lawyers, etc.  There are nutrition programs for getting lean and fit, or adding some lean muscle mass.  There are specific trainings for different athletic endeavours, and if we really want to succeed we must sign up fully committed, or else it just wont be 100% if we do not give 100%.

Even with creams or medication, too little does nothing, and too much can be just a waste or even cause harmful effects.  How about children's medicine, too small of a dose doesn't help all, and where antibiotics are concerned, the whole series must be finished for the bacteria to be fully eradicated.

Furniture as well, you don't want to have a few screws left over when putting together your baby's crib.  For some reason we easily revert to old habits, give up, or like me, just stop paying attention, and then wonder why we are not moving forward.

At this point all anyone could do is take responsibility, admit what happened, and make a new plan.  So I will just finish off the cleanse by taking two tablets from now on, it probably will not be as effective since I did not do it 21 days straight.  I will stick to my workouts and nutrition program, and just keep at it.  That is another thing that must be done, just get back to it, figure out ways that flow with your life and who you are - and I am talking about anything in life, not just nutrition and fitness.

Ok, Here we go again :)
Still Buzzing,
Kids at school, Baby with my husband,
Have some time to have some quiet and get things done,
Preparing for this weekend,
It will charge me up to take off like a rocket ship,
Note to self: Bucket List - Skydiving from Space (someone just did it to break Guinness world record)
Coach Yulia


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Bees - BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ - Funny I was telling my friend this today on our morning hike at the Culver City stairs, we both had our babies in our carriers, and made it to the top.  So awesome to do it together :)  So Halloween is around the corner and I was telling her that one year for our holidays, I was Queen Bee and Eli Tzvi was a 6 month old Baby Bee.

I don't necessarily want to be around bees, I don't think I could ever bee a bee keeper, I could say that I am even afraid of being stung.  I am really not afraid of anything else except when I am driving in between two large trucks, I feel claustrophobic.  Life is funny, my husband was a trucker for 10 years :)

However, I love the honey, and you may think I am talking about my husband, but at this moment I am actually talking about honey.  My maiden name, Medovoy, means "made of honey" in Russian.  Yes that is where my sweetness comes from :) ANYWAY....I thought of the title this morning, because my mind and energy are buzzing.  Let's go to the dictionary:

v. buzzed, buzz·ing, buzz·es

1. To make a low droning or vibrating sound like that of a bee.
a. To talk, often excitedly, in low tones.
b. To be abuzz; hum: The department was buzzing with rumors.
3. To move quickly and busily; bustle.
4. To make a signal with a buzzer.
1. To cause to buzz.
2. To utter in a rapid, low voice: "What is he buzzing in my ears?" (Robert Browning).
3. Informal To fly low over: The plane buzzed the control tower.
4. To call or signal with a buzzer.
5. To make a telephone call to.
6. To give a buzzcut to.

1. A vibrating, humming, or droning sound.
2. A low murmur: a buzz of talk.
3. A telephone call: Give me a buzz at nine.
4. Slang
a. A state of pleasant intoxication, as from alcohol.
b. A state of stimulation or overstimulation, as from caffeine.
5. Slang
a. Excited interest or attention: "The biggest buzz surrounds the simplest antioxidants: vitamins" (Carol Turkington).
b. Rumor; gossip: the latest buzz from Hollywood.
6. A buzzcut.
Phrasal Verb:
buzz off Informal
To leave quickly; go away: I told them in no uncertain terms to buzz off.
Fun to read!  I feel like the slang explanation of a pleasant intoxication, a state of stimulation or over stimulation - YES - this week is exciting, I have been meeting the most amazing people, really connecting with people that are ready to take their health and fitness seriously and people who are ready to transform their life and take a chance.
This weekend is going to rock, and until this weekend, I am playing full out and it feels so good.
Feel Good My Friends,
Reach out if you want a Positive View,
That is My Specialty,
Coach Yulia

Monday, October 15, 2012

Gotta Get To Work - Then Play!

Mornings at the Edelshtain house - food, toys, and babies
This is going to be an exciting week, so much going on.  Getting kids ready for school and squeezing this in before I run off for the day.  I am realizing that it is very important to realize how much time we actually have in a day.  I mean this on a very individual basis, everyone has such different schedules and life situations.  I have realized that for myself, the only time I have to work is when the kids are in school, I may have said that before, but it is just really sinking in.  My fellow health coaches are reaching such tremendous heights in their businesses, many of them are making six figures in less than 2 years! 

At this time of my life my priorities have changed so much than when I was single and just out for myself.  When my children are with me, it has to be all about them, no matter what.  I have been talking to my accountability partner from my business seminar, and she is such an inspiration.  She is taking her business to the Next Level, which is the name of our course.  She is plugging into the amazing trainings and structure that have taken other coaches to full time money at a very quick pace.  All of this talk is swimming through my brain, because I am trying to figure it out for myself.

I like the phrase working part time with a full time attitude, I think that is what will work for me.  So I am going to put it in motion this week.  Monday through Thursday while the kids are in school, I will promote my business, follow up with clients, and work on getting myself into the best health and shape of my life.  Friday is always a day that is getting ready for our Day of Rest, I have clients in the morning while the kids are in school, then it is all about getting our house and myself ready.  Saturday is fully turned off from the world, and then Sunday the kids are home all day, so I finally understand that I will be fully with them, enjoying our day, making it fun, family time.

This weekend will be a bit different than the rest, it is Extravaganza in Long Beach, CA, I will be at trainings and at parties, learning and getting inspired to be my best and inspire others to take a chance on themselves.  After the whole intense weekend, I will keep celebrating my birthday with a women's dance celebration. 

I am so excited,
Life is Grand,
Have a Great Week,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, October 14, 2012

What should we do today?

Today there is no specific plan, no birthdays, no events, so it's figuring out how to get things done and make it fun for the kids.  They just came to see what I was doing, so we recorded our first rendition of the alphabet, baby is sleeping, and I am trying to get this blog done before we start our day.

Last night I had a wonderful gathering with women in my community, learned some amazing new things, such as in the story of Adam and Eve, the fruit that they ate was not an apple, and the reason apple is used is because in Latin it is the same word for sin.  I love learning the details, we started our Torah, Old Testament all over right after all of our holidays.  The beautiful thing is every year you hear it differently, depending on age and stage of life.  Children hear it as beautiful and intense stories, and adults dig into the layers and learn lessons and guidelines for life.

When I got home the all the kids were sleeping, Thank God, and overall the night was good.  My daughter wanted to go to sleep in her nice dress that she wore to synagogue earlier, and it was a simple cotton dress, so I didn't care.  So the baby was amazing, woke up once, I put the pacifier in and he went back to sleep, at about 5:30am my daughter starts crying uncontrollably, I run to her room, and I figure out that she is saying "I don't wan't this!"  So I realized she didn't want to wear the dress anymore, she was having a fashion emergency - OY VEY.  So I took it off, got a pajama, and laid down with her for a while, until the baby got up.  For some reason my daughter is just waking up way too early, and it seems so wrong because it is getting darker, Ohhhhh how I love my sleep, Ohhhhh how I miss my sleep.

Depending on the weather, I will decide where we will go to have some fun.  Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday.  Tomorrow they go back to school, and I have to focus on next weekend, big business seminar coming up, so excited, anyone that wants to join me is welcome.  It is all about how the wellness industry and my company are the best place to be to build the exact life you want.  I am so ready to focus on me and my career.  If you are ready for a change, join me this weekend, get in touch and I will tell you more about it.  

Coach Yulia


Saturday, October 13, 2012

End of the Day

Wow, I tell you my friends, thank you for all of you who relate to my experiences with intense kids.  I don't know how my baby Matisyahu will turn out, but compared to my older two, he is just a go with the flow kind of guy.  Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia are non stop all day, their energy is mind boggling, demanding, and intense.  I am literally exhausted at the end of the day, and am grateful that they love their sleep, and most nights sleep a good 11 hours.
The end of the day is heaven for me, when hopefully all three are asleep, and I get to regroup and and focus on planning my following day, and focusing on my own needs.  Overall it has been a wonderful Day of Rest, my kids had fun with friends, and I had fun socializing, and then we get home and the "fun" begins.  The kids are not tired at all, it is mid afternoon so I don't really want them to take a nap, I would rather them go to sleep latest 7pm.  So that means I get no relaxation at all, and even if the baby goes doesn't for a nap, my other kids are climbing all over me, want entertainment, and its all me, because on this day there is no TV or computer, there is just me.  Yeah they have fun together, but fights always erupt, and I think they are tired in the middle of the day, so its just really not relaxing once we get home.
So the older kids are out, now my baby after a good nap is quite full of energy, I am going to head out for a big for a New Month celebration, we have one every month in our Jewish community.  I love connecting with people, adults to be exact, it really recharges me, I love adult conversation, and when there is a spiritual gathering, even more so, I learn what its all about and what and why we do it all for (sorry if that sentence doesn't really make sense - it just puts life in perspective.)
I wish you all just appreciating the good in everything,
Life is tough,
Would you want it any other way?
I would NOT.
Coach Yulia
We would be bored otherwise,

Friday, October 12, 2012

Off The Hook

Have you heard of this expression? It could mean one of two things, first of all, it's when something is amazing, like "this party is off the hook!"  I am referring to the other meaning which is letting yourself "off the hook," instead of getting things done because of excuses, procrastination, or just life.

In my always happy state of mind, I always find reasons why I could not finish something.  I am a hard worker, and enjoy doing a good job and getting things done.  Especially now, married with kids, life is always happening, and that life is in the moment, there is no escaping it, when a diaper needs to be changed, we must do it now.  Then there is work, and some people are stuck in jobs they don't like just to pay the bills, and they sit at that job not necessarily being productive, or resent every second that they are there, and call in sick often. 

Then there is my situation where I am doing exactly what I want, but in order to support myself and my family I have to get out into the world and let them know what I do, and I have to do it consistently and clearly so people know where and when to find me.  So this is the "off the hook" I am talking about, when things don't work out, or a client cancels, I just go with the flow, don't worry to much about it, always want to give my energy and time to my kids, even at the expense of my business sometimes.  So that is my mission, to keep working on creating a schedule that I utilize my time when the kids are in school to work, even with the baby, make a goal, complete the goal, no excuses.  So when the kids are home they have all of me without guilt or resentment or frustration.

It's all a balancing act, wherever you are in your life, and we all must figure it out for ourselves, everyone is different, there is no one way that works for everyone. The real question is are you figuring it out? Are you aware where you are now?  Do you like it or are you ready to change and grow?  Based on the answers to these questions you will face reality and take action steps.  That is what I am focusing on doing.  Let's get real my friends, share with me your goals and dreams, and we can inspire each other, get ideas, and a light bulb will go off, and we will change our lives forever.  It is with relationships that we truly grow.  I am reaching out, because I need you as much as you need me, the energy exchange is my sustenance.  Email me or call/text 323.377.0770 and lets brainstorm and explode with brilliant goals, plans, dreams, and put them into action.

I just googled "off the hook" and found another meaning "free of a difficult situation"  (you are no longer responsible for any part of a tough situation) -  relieved of any personal responsibility such as in a court case I suppose - Encarta World Dictionary

Here is yet another one someone suggested and I thought it was cute - if the phone is ringing off the hook, it probably means your popular, which is a good thing.

On that note,
Happy Day of Rest,
Have a Great Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom
Coach Yulia

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Blog Must Go On!

Yay, Happy Birthday To Me - I wake up to tons of Facebook congrats, phone calls, and texts - Thank you everyone, I really do love birthdays.  In my family it was always a reason to celebrate and have fun, no attachment to a number or even overdoing anything, honestly it was just a fun activity or adventure.  We were not a big gift giving family, and I am grateful for that, I have no attachment to material things, brands, or any item that I can think of that has some symbolism.  I love to live life to the fullest, and experience the moment, and always delve inside myself and grow.  Even when it does not feel good, I would rather feel than not feel, and figure out what I can do to learn and grow from the situation.  There is no walking away, there is no drowning myself in sorrow or substances, there is just "it has to get better, and I want to learn the lesson." 

My father always said a mistake is made once, so mistakes themselves are OK, failures are ways that we get closer towards success.  He also was always asking questions, even if it seemed like a silly question, he always wanted to keep gathering information, even if it was embarrassing to ask.

I realized that I am 40 for the whole year - Woo Hoo - so the name of my blog will not change, and next year I will just add the plural 40's :)  It feels so good to share with the world and in turn make people smile, and feel, and connect, I feel so blessed, Thank you all who are reading, commenting, and being touched daily.

The agenda for today - Go with the Flow - Do What Feels Good - Going to have a nice lunch with my husband, and keep celebrating for the next two weeks.  Why you ask?  Lucky me, since I got married, I became aware that I have a birthday on the Hebrew Moon Calendar, and it is in two weeks, so I reserve the right to keep celebrating until then :)  I am still figuring out what exactly to do, but its all brewing, and I am excited.  I think the last few years was all about wedding and babies, and that is why this year it feels so good, because it feels like all mine.

The Fabulous Must Go On!
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kids, Work, Play

That is the structure of my day today, this morning I have the kids til around noon, then my workday begins.  My husband will take over until I come pick up the older two when I go teach at the gym and they could have fun in the kids club.

It is nice to have a structure and a plan, then when you are doing one thing, the mind is not on another thing.  The funny thing is as I am writing this, the baby is napping, the kids are playing together, and I have a moment to write the blog.  I tell you my friends, I am so grateful for all of you that are enjoying my daily musings.  For me it is really like therapy, I feel like I am talking directly to you.

Women need to talk, of course we all need to talk, but for women, we really cannot live without it.  In my prenatal classes, if a conversation is flowing, I do not interrupt it to continue to the exercises, it is as important as the physical.  That is why I am excited to get all of my womenfolk together to share energy, share verbiage, dance, and celebrate my birthday.  I am still figuring out the details, and am not stuck on a certain date, details coming soon.

In between it all I am squeezing in a mani-pedi, and am focused on getting out my comfort zone everywhere I go, inspiring people to feel, when you feel, then you appreciate when it feels good, you connect to the good, and keep on finding that place when challenges come your way.

How do you feel?
How are you?
How is your day?

These are common hello's that we say to each other as we are running from one place to another, maybe even sharing a hug, kiss, or a handshake.  Do we really care or are we just being polite?  That has always bothered me, what we do from etiquette, and not from heart.  Some people love the niceness all around, I prefer nothing or reality.

Of course in business there is networking, and it is a different ballgame, it is niceness mixed with purpose, but I feel it just all has to come from the heart, from who you really are.  For that to happen, you have to dig deep and figure out who you really are.

I feel blessed to know that I am blessed, but in my world of happiness I feel I have to dig even deeper to drive me to build my dreams.  Something deep down is stopping me from action and full on success.  I am so happy with every little thing, the big things I know will one day come, but are always in the distance.  I am working on figuring out how to bring the big things into my life NOW.

Dig Deep With Me,
I would love to hear your thoughts and dreams and digging,
It is when we share with others, we get an insight into ourselves,
Coach Yulia
They love their Herbalife Kids Chocolate Shake, for their picky days I'm happy to know they're getting what they need

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Here we go again

Tomorrow I get my life back, I get my routine back, kids will be going back to school on Thursday, and I will be turning 40.  There really will be no more excuses, Extravaganza is next weekend, and I am really excited to learn and put into action everything I learn about the wellness industry, and how to inspire and coach people to results and success.

We just got home a little while ago from the final celebration of our holiday season, and it feels good to be home.  My daughter fell asleep in my arms, but now is up again, super fussy, and hungry.  The baby is asleep, and hoping he will not wake me up in the middle of the night. 

Just getting back to the blog, older kids asleep, baby woke up, these holidays really got everyone way of schedule.  In a way I am glad because I wanted to feed him good so he would sleep as long as possible.

My husband and I are hanging out with him, and planning our week.  That's what happens with kids and especially babies, unless you have a nanny, or they are in daycare or school, your time is never really 100% yours.

I keep on getting interrupted, and honestly quite blank in my mind.  It is amazing, I am just finished with a very spiritual month, and also a very intense seminar I am currently in, that really focuses on delving deep inside ourselves and how we operate and why.

I feel drained, yet excited to push myself these days leading up to extravaganza.  What I do in these next 10 days is going to show me how I can commit to my goals and get results for me and my clients and coaches on my team.  Check  out the video below, a preview to the energy of Extravaganza.

Anyone ready to be their best,
Best Shape of your life,
Best Health of your life,
Best Life,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Go With The Flow Day

My kids barely letting me get this little bit out, they go back to school on my birthday, October 11 - even they are excited
Tonight starts the last days of our holiday marathon, it all ends with a big party on Monday night, and a day at the synagogue on Tuesday.  So today we have a chance to run around and get things done, and get organized for the week.  There will be no blog tomorrow, I will resume on Tuesday night.

We are going to have a meeting with my business seminar at the leaders house, and it will be interesting to meet everyone, and see their successes and challenges, it is so good to be around people on a similar mission and learn from each other.

It's been a little bit over a week of my 21 day cleanse, feeling good, and excited to see my body happily disposing of excess.  Everything in life is a work in progress, even when we reach exactly where we want to be, then something else comes up.

I just had this conversation with a group of girlfriends, and it was a recent topic of my seminar.  In order to allow for new things to come into your life, it is important to evaluate where you are now, and let go of what is not working.

Everything that happens to us is a choice, and at this point of my life I choose to let work be less of a priority than my children and my lifestyle in my community.  There are some days where many of the coaches that I work with are at events that I am not able to do to because there is nobody to watch my children, or I choose to have my Day of Rest with my community instead of growing my business.  I know that in the long run, that Day of Rest will balance me, and I will have it all, because at this point I really do have it all, Thank God. 

I have always loved Slowly but Surely, as long as it is moving forward then #ItsAllGood.
Coach Yulia

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Comparing, Competing

In our society, we are always looking for "what's next," even when we reach a huge goal or accomplishment, sometimes the celebration is brief, and its already planning the next endeavour.

I always talk about being present, and overall feel like I am making a good effort, that must be why I am so exhausted at the end of my day :)  However, I have always been driven, especially when I was single, it was always more about adventure rather than money.  Marriage and children brings different priorities and dreams, as well as a realization that money is not happiness, but in order to provide your children with the tools they need to become happy independent adults.  My amazing Yoga teacher said those exact words, our children do not owe us anything, we brought them into this world, and we owe them 100% to enable them to realize all their hopes and dreams and become who they are meant to be.

In my Jewish culture, ancestors and family stay close, children look after their parents, because they want to, and because it is one of the foundations, honor your mother and father.  So it's not like the children owe anything to the parents,  I really believe that respect is earned no matter who you are, I would go to the end of the earth for my parents for everything they have done, and are still doing for me.  The word that describes it all is completely "unconditional love."

I love my balance, but I love extremes as well, one of my favorite quotes is:

The best things in life are free, and the second best are expensive.

I have always known one day I will have a private jet, simply for travel.  I have worked on cruise ships mostly for the adventure of it, and have travelled all over the USA as well abroad.  I also firmly believe that it is important to be happy in your life, listen to your gut, and money would not make it better unless it was already wonderful.  In saying that, at this point of my life money is the only thing missing, but I am exactly where I want to be to build it my way.

On one hand when I see people being successful, especially in my Herbalife business, the competitive side of me knows I am a hard worker and if I just do exactly what the training instructs, I can get there too.  Then life happens, my priority is my community and my family, and I see things moving forward, just at a slower pace then everyone else, and I am OK with that.  That is where I have to compare and see that many of my fellow coaches are single, in their 20's, athletes, and this is their 100%.   There are other coaches that have families as well, and anything is possible, but just like anything in life, everyone has to find the right fit for them.

Coming up October 18-21 is EXTRAVAGANZA, our annual grand event, where we get trained by UCLA doctors and our CEO explains exactly why our company is in the top 5 of the NYSE, and how the Wellness industry is the only one that hasn't been affected by the economy.  Everyone is looking for preventive maintenance, investing in gyms, health food, nutrition programs.  Also our aging population and hardships in the economy is making people take a chance on something new.

Are you ready to take the chance? Join me for an event that may change your life, it changed mine.
Coach Yulia
There is also a Free Pary, Work Hard, Play Hard

Friday, October 5, 2012


I am getting clued in more and more to how scheduling works, I had a few classes this morning, and as usual I calculate travel time, but do not take into account traffic, so I was running a bit late.  I wanted to squeeze in a work out and take my kids to the play group at the gym, but once late, everything else was late.

I had to get the kids out of the house, they were home all morning with my husband, so at first I took all three on an errand, then decided to go to a local mall where they have a cool play area, there are big plastic imitations of a watermelon, ice cream cone, hot dog and a few other fruit, and the kids can climb and jump all over it.

So I just realized that I even need to schedule in and time block my time with the kids, so that way I can see what other time I have in the day to do other stuff.  Little by little I will get it, I realized that I have always been looking for a way to really understand time management, and at this time of my life, I found the perfect course, which also teaches many other aspects, but this is the skill that I will master, because it is going to allow me to enjoy what I am doing in the moment to the fullest, and block out everything else consciously, and not have anything swimming in my mind of "oh no" I better not forget that, and maybe end up forgetting it.

Feeling blessed to keep learning and listening to my gut.  My birthday celebrations will begin after our holidays, I am still figuring out exactly what to do.  I am going to have a women's dance celebration and want to invite women from all walks of my life, details to come.  Please message me in Facebook or email to and let me know.  I am also going to have a thrill, I decided to go zip lining, it is about an hour away from Los Angeles, anyone that is interested to join is welcome.  My husband is not into these things, so I will just party on, and he will be wonderful and be with my kids.

Excited for it all,
40 here I come,
Have a fabulous weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,

My son is a pro, and yesterday my daughter joined the bike riding world, she got a bike from my brother in law for her
 2 year old birthday, and at 2 1/2 I am proud to say I taught her how to ride a bycicle, I must schedule in more of this stuff!