Saturday, June 30, 2012


I read an article today about milk that really bothered me, I have felt in my gut that it is not healthy nowadays with all the processing, and all the vitamins are added, only the commercials claim its health benefits for sales.  Apparently milk comes from not one cow into one bottle, it is a mixture of farms from all over, and nobody knows from exactly where.

Since I got married, we keep kosher, and the laws are very detailed and make a lot of sense, where animals are concerned, they are checked thoroughly for diseases before a Rabbi deems them Kosher.  Where dairy is concerned, since the animal is still alive, you cannot check their organs and tissues for disease, and many dairy cows have infections in their lungs, and their mammary glands are infused with bovine growth hormone so they are large and produce more milk, this leads to health problems.  Another interesting kosher law is that an animal is not kosher if it will die within one year.  This article was saying that how the industry is now, milk on the shelves is not kosher, and even Cholov Isroel milk which is supervised by a Rabbi, does not guarantee how the animals are treated.  I was reading that the cows feel an electric shock periodically to keep their backs in a certain position, so their wastes go into a certain area, and are chained by the neck.

Don't get me wrong folks, I eat meat, I am not an animal activist, although I believe in treating animals with respect.  What I am specifically talking about is how an animal is treated, the stress as well as the hormones and antibiotics are ingested by us when we eat them.  There are some organic farms that let their cows graze in the fields, but for them its hard to compete with the big guys.  The food we eat affects our mood, weight, energy, even spirituality. 

As a nursing mom, I feel so lucky that my baby is getting the best food, immune, and nutrients through my milk.  I have heard that after we don't need milk anymore, we really don't need any milk anymore.  Cows milk is not for humans, saying that, growing up in Russia and in Russian culture, I love everything dairy, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt - and those processes make the milk products healthier.  Milk however I have never been a fan of, there are many ways to get calcium and vitamin D from other foods.  Nowadays there are amazing substitues, I love my almond milk, which is really just almonds and water.  Our body needs healthy fats, and my philosophy is a little bit of everything is ok.

Here I am, probably 6 months old, do you see a resemblance?
 I think Matisyahu looks more like my father,
will have to dig up his baby pics :)
I nursed my older two for 10 months, and hoping to nurse my baby for a year, and the first six months just my milk - feeling blessed - tomorrow is the first day I have a full day seminar, and my husband will be giving him my pumped milk.  Thank God for modern technology!

Happy Sunday - Have a Great Week - Shavua Tov

Coach Yulia
My cute 3 month old, maybe when he turns 6 months
he will look more like his mama :)

Friday, June 29, 2012

La Familia

Thank God for family, for the good and for the not so good.  Once you get married you also marry your other half's family, for better or worse.  Your own family has seen your worst, so you can be  yourself all the time.  Your partners family is another story, you want to be civil for yourself and the grandkids, and you just want to get along, but also not have them in your business - whoa, this is not an easy feat.

To the right is my family in Atlanta, my parents, brother's family, and his wife's family.  To the left is in front of our place in LA, my sister in law's family, my mother in law, missing is my father in law and my fabulous brother in law.
I have been really blessed in this life, and appreciate it every moment.  My family has always supported my brother and I, but also let us be independent, free spirited, and make our own decisions.  Other families love to always be involved, and helping, and knowing every little detail.  I feel once you get married and have kids, that is your family now, your priority.  Yes, gatherings, communication, support is still very important, but up to a point.  I really value privacy and keeping things to ourselves, kind of funny since I'm writing this blog, right?
Well as they say with family, you love them, but you don't necessarily have to like them.  Lucky for me, I really do like both sides of the family, but luckily I got my mother's personality of getting along with almost everybody.  I am really conscious of keeping good positive energy around me, so that is the only time I will be nice, but not let someone get close, if they are draining or dark.
I used to be attracted to the dark, but mostly for the fashion and fun, I have never been into emotional darkness.  I feel blessed that although I have experienced ups and downs, they have made me stronger, and I feel I have learned, and moved on, and have attracted exactly what I want into my life.
Can you say that?  I have an amazing audio set that really has helped me focus in on visualizing what I want in my life.  I would love to share it with my friends, family, and blog fans.  Please email or call/text 323.377.0707.
Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, June 28, 2012

View From The Top

We gotta aim high my friends, that is the only way, in Yoga I always say look a mile ahead.  Yes its important to be present and enjoy the moment, but dreams, desires, and goals give you quality of life and something to look forward to.  It is interesting how goals and dreams change at different stages of life, and I find that beautiful.  No two people have the exact same destination, especially the way they view their own unique journey.  There is nobody to step on, there is no jealousy, there really just is inspiration, admiration, and motivating yourself to reach for your own goals and dreams.

Have you asked yourself "WHY" are you doing everything you are doing in your life?  What drives you, what are the reasons for why you work so hard, go for it all, what is at the root of all that.  This is a very important question that will get you through the lows, dips, valleys, and challenging times.

Here I am fresh out of high school, 18 years old, these were our professional pics for our yearbook.  We had a few different looks, and I loved this "fancy diva poof."  Some people have the best years of their life in high school.  That was not the case for me, it was not horrible, but it also was not the peak.  I feel like the peak is still to come, and feel lucky for that to be the case.  I think nowadays kids grow up so fast, as you see I had no idea about eyebrow waxing (now I only get threading.)  I did however tweeze those few hairs in the middle, yes my friends not a full unibrow, but after all, dark and exotic has its fun dark thick hair in the wrong places.  In some countries, even within my own family, women don't care about their hair in the wrong places, and men do not care either.  In America in the media, the women are all trying to be prepubescent pop princess like.  I have never been "cute," I have always looked older and adult, never like a little girl.  Luckily as I get older I still look the same as I did back then.  In Russia where I am from age is just a number, it does not define you.  Birthdays are just a reason to party and have some vodka shots, you never hear over the hill and all of those other negative phrases that you here in the good old U, S, of A. 

Coming out of high school, your life is ahead of you, the possibilities are endless, the sky is the limit, its the first day of the rest of your life.  Hopefully that is how you feel, for some people they are sad to see it go, not for me, I was so ready to leap, to be an individual, to really find myself.  In high school you are trying to figure out where you fit, and after that hopefully you realize that you are you, and that is enough.  Surround yourself with people who treasure you, admire you, inspire you, and the best is where you can learn from each other. 

We never stop learning, growing, aspiring, you could only go higher, that's the way I see it, keep on experiencing, keep on being true to yourself, keep on learning from wrong turns.  The wrong turns lead us in the right direction.

Speaking of hair, look at my mane!  That is what happens with brushing, POOF, so now my husband likes it straight and presentable, and I love going to my amazing hairdresser and looking sleek.  It is so easy to have straight hair.  I would never do the permanent thing, I love my curls and wild style when I am in the mood.

Coach Yulia

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Few More Days

So here we are, took a few weeks vacation, and now a few more days left before the kids go to camp and we are pulling our hair out :)  Why you ask, those of you with no kids? It's that being present thing again while trying to get a million things done.  It's the end of the month, which is a busy time for me in my coaching business.  Also my baby just turned three months, my maternity leave is officially over, so I am calling all of my clients before baby, working on getting my flow back.

Speaking of pulling hair out, my daughter cannot get enough of playing, pulling, eating, playing peekaboo, etc.with my hair.  Now my baby is jumping on the bandwagon, his grip on my hair if it falls into his hands is fierce.  she twists it in her hands and sings "we are gonnna roll the Challa Dough!"  OY VEY - sorry folks but I gotta throw this in, I don't like my hair pulled anymore.

In my Diva days, had a catwalk gig, that is my friends design,
and my gorgeous makeup was the same artist that did my wedding
I have had such an amazing day of things happening that I needed to happen.  I really do not see a reason to get upset at anything anymore, it is just a waste of energy. 

Tips of the Day: IT IS WHAT IT IS

Everything else is just our emotions, interpretations, scenarios, feelings, explanations, opinions, (insert synonym here.)  When things are not going your way, think of what you need to happen, and it will happen, that is how the world works.  I have been having issues with my phone, my girlfriend gave me her phone she is not using, so now I always have both phones.  My old one has all my info, contacts, etc. and the new one is live.  Today I had a lot of people to call but could not find where I put my old phone.  Every person I was thinking of calling called me today, or I went on Facebook, sent messages, and there they were on chat.  Everything that I had wanted today happened, can you say that about your day?  Yeah this does not happen everyday, but I am just in appreciation that I realize the power of today.  Yes there is a lot on my plate, yes I have to change from maternity mode to supermom mode, yes we have STUFF that is not easy, but YOU JUST DEAL.

One of my good friends calls me a normie, she knows a lot of people that have addictive personalities, and when life gets rough its hard to handle.  Maybe alchohol, drugs, or even eating disorders are a way to cope.  For me it never made any sense to hurt myself, if I ever did anything it was for the fun and adventure of it all.  Don't you remember that cheesy song -  "When the going gets tough, the tough get going," that is the only way I operate.  Yes I feel down, yes I want to scream, yes sometimes I feel like my "Homework From God" (that is a quote from my dear mother) is right now.  Would I have it any other way? NO WAY JOSE - LOL - sorry for all the CAPS - just in a silly mood now.  Everyone is asleep including my husband, we are still recovering from our road trip.  I took a good nap today with the baby, my husband took the kids to visit their Saba, grandfather in Hebrew. 

Looking at this picture, all I really miss from my single life is the dress up and the amazing people that I met.  Other than that I feel blessed, I love where I am, I love who I am. B'H

Feeling connected to the purpose of it all, wishing the same for all y'all
Yulia - Yulichka - Yehudit - Julie - Medovoy - Edelshtain
(All of my Aliases :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Fourth Trimester

Happy 3 months Matisyahu

Did you know that the first three months of a baby's life is like the fourth trimester.  Although they are in the world, they are helpless creatures, their head is wobbly, they need to be fed, changed, and handled very gently.  Some mammals are almost ready to walk once they are born, I hear with humans our brains are large, so in order for the head to fit we are actually born 3 months too early.  Many people say its at the 3 month mark that the sleep is longer, it seems like your baby actually sees you instead of looking wide eyed into space.  Their tummy gets used to digestion outside of the womb, and you see them smile and make the cutest sounds.

My gorgeous little man was born 5 weeks early,and with some things they are their actual age, and with other things their gestational age.  I really feel that every baby is so different, but it is interesting to see how big other babies his age are.  I am nursing only, sometimes formula fed babies get bigger faster.  With my other two kids I nursed til 10 months, and then my milk ran low.  When Eli Tzvi was 9 months I got pregnant with Ziona Sofia.  With my daughter at the 10 month mark I got a bad cold, and she was eating great, so I felt good stopping at that point.

I am hoping with Matisyahu to only breast feed only for 6 months and then start introducing foods.  With Eli Tzvi we started rice cereal at 4 months because of a condition he had called Pyloric Stenosis.  At one month the muscle between the stomach and the intestine gets so tight, no food could go through, and the child projectile vomits.  He was eating fine, and it was my first baby, but I went to the emergency room the first time and they told me I wasn't burping him right.  The second time I was afraid he was going to choke on his vomit, Thank God they took an ultrasound and saw his pyloris was the problem.  In our modern world its a quick surgery through the belly button, and now he is a healthy big boy.  Apparently 1 out of 3 first born males get this condition, and in third world countries the children without the surgery have to be fed through a feeding tube.  I remember the night before I took him to the emergency room the second time, he was sucking on his pacifier so hard,later I realized he was starving.

With each child I have experienced something different and challenging, but for my personality I would rather them be checked out, know what is wrong, handle it, and then never have to go to the hospital again - only to the pediatrician for checkups.  I am all about preventive maintenance, that is why what I do is so important to me.  Doctors and health professionals have their place, but I firmly believe if you treat your body right with nutrition and exercise, and plenty of happiness and find your own spiritual path - you will live an amazing life full of health - without health there is nothing.

Wishing everyone a conscious healthy active lifestyle, find what fits you, I can help you figure it out.
Coach Yulia

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Last Leg of our Tour

We ended up staying at an RV “Resort” in New Mexico, and it was really nice, what they called a spa was a hot tub outside, had a few desert creatures floating in it.  Beatles, Grasshoppers, and a few others I did not recognize.  We pulled in after the office was closed, luckily the wi fi and Sattelite TV worked, but we didn’t have access to the showers or “spa.”  There were not that many RV’s there, and it looked really cool as the sun was setting, beautiful colors while we were having chicken, cooked in our oven on the RV, sitting outside at a picnic table.  Literally it’s a house on wheels, we took showers, had the TV on, and went to bed with our slides open, the AC was perfect, I think it’s the best sleep I had the whole vacation.  Interesting fact - Our RV is 40 foot, and the entertainer busses that you see celebrities and musicians tour in are 45 feet.

I was thinking that if we had camped in a state park it would have been more of a social experience, but I feel we got the woodsy feel at my brother’s house.  Here it was more about relaxing at “home,” after a long journey, nobody was out of their RV’s, it was a quiet and dark night.

This morning we all dipped into the Jacuzzi, it was warm, turn the jets on, my daughter splashed on the edge and Eli Tzvi and I floated about pushing bugs out of the way, I was telling him not to mind the beetle and grasshopper sitting on the edge, they weren’t bothering us and we didn’t need to bother them.  Matisyahu slept soundly in his travel bassinet in the shade, I swear everything else is an effort, he is just a happy, chill baby – I wish everyone to experience a baby like this.  I think the universe gave me a gift after my independent and intense older two.  Matisyahu literally means Gift from God.
It was so awesome having a professional trucker at the wheel, on the way there 17 hours per day, on the way back we took it easy with 12 hours per day, and a stop at an RV park - so happy to be home

We are in the home stretch my friends, I am excited to jump back into my life, and ready to get to work on my goal of losing 30 pounds by 40 in October.  I feel like this was a cleansing trip, since it was so hot, I did not eat non stop as I usually do with nursing.  I choose healthy snacks dairy, nuts, fruit, what I think is that I just had less of everything.  I lost 5 pounds on this trip, maybe I should write a book “how to lose weight on your vacation” LOL

I officially go back to work from maternity leave in July which is around the corner, and I am going to jump into my workouts full on.  It is 80% Nutrition which gets you healthy, but adding the 20% Exercise gets you level 10 results – lets go! Who wants level 10 results?

Coach Yulia

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I grew up from 13-27 in Miami, Florida, total humidity and tropical showers that flooded the highways.  It  didn’t bother me at all, the nights were gorgeous and during the day if we were not at the beach we were in air conditioning. 

When I first moved to LA I was literally freezing, I did not understand the concept of layering, or the jean culture.  Every outfit for girls was jeans and a cute top, and it could vary from casual to a night out.  Jeans have never been my friend, my hips never looked quite right in them, the only ones that have ever really fit were 7 for all mankind.  That is what was great about Miami, it was so hot, that everyone wore as little as possible, and the Cuban girls were curvy and loving to work it, good times J

So Atlanta this time of year gets white humid, and I am so not used to it anymore.  We went to Miami last August for my 20 year high school reunion, it was liked getting hugged and sometimes choked by the humidity.  Atlanta is not that bad, but the temperatures are high, in the 90’s, and when it rains the bugs are everywhere.  It rained before we came, and when we got there it was the perfect weather, just like when LA has the perfect weather, then it got hot, the last day we were there it sprinkled.  My kids were playing outside non stop with their cousins.  Their oldest cousin loves bugs, and introduced my son to all kinds of insect delights.  He has a glass that he puts them all in, likes to collect, and the other day he found a centipede.  My son did not know that word, and he was excited to announce they found a “recipe.

So after the rain the bugs must have come out in full force, on our way home we noticed our kids were covered head to toe in bug bites.  I was telling my husband that as much as he liked the properties and the prices, the humidity and bugs were not his cup of tea – he is a cleanaholic – the kids were filthy before their bedtime shower.  I am happy they had a chance to get in the dirt and in the woods, I hope this vacation will be ingrained in their memory.

We are looking for an RV park/resort/campground to stay in tonight, on our way here, driving through Texas we stopped to get gas, actually diesel, our RV is called a diesel pusher, and is powered like the huge trucks you see on the road.  I saw all of these little black bugs that looked like grasshoppers.  I asked the girl at the travel shop and she said they were crickets and they are everywhere, she always has to sweep them out of the bathroom – YUCK – they were everywhere.  I don’t know if I have ever seen a cricket – only heard the noises.

Reports from our journey home coming up tomorrow,

Coach Yulia
Hangin' in the RV

Saturday, June 23, 2012

On The Road Again

We decided to take off towards home, the plan is to stay at an RV park for the experience.  I had a few places I wanted to go to, I hear Arkansas is beautiful, then we were thinking of a Lake in Alabama, but as it happens, going with the flow is the only option.  My husband wanted to take highway 20 back, we took highway 40 here and it was  full of hills.  Should be more of a straight smooth ride a little lower, and this time we are going to see the sun set, rise, and set again in Texas.  We don’t have a definite destination yet, I have a few options, but it most probably will be the lone star state (another name for Texas.)

I am really ready to be home, want to really focus on clearing everything I do not need, especially in my home, and putting my energy into my business.  I am excited, I have a prenatal group starting, and I have a huge event with my Herbalife Health Coaching business.  Work is really my recharge, and its really because I am doing what I love. 

My husband is really fixated on owning a house, he feels money is wasted on rent.  We even looked at a few properties in Atlanta, everywhere else except Los Angeles the prices are reasonable.  I was telling him that I do not want to live in a box in the middle of nowhere with no community for our kids and for me.   I feel really blessed with my three kids, but I cannot imagine that being my  only focus, and I feel in Los Angeles my hustle is flowing.  My brother was asking me if I would ever go back to school, and its something that would only incur debt and not get me any further in my career path.  If anything it would hold me back, don’t get me wrong, I love to learn, I am constantly taking classes to renew my certifications, and going to seminars, it’s a different kind of career path.  Definitely for some school gets them to the next level, but in this economy even that is not a guarantee.

What I love is that I have no boss, what I put in, I get out 100%, and its only going to grow.   I cannot imagine being in any other business for my personality.  My sister in law was telling me the person they bought their last car from just retired because of a successful Herbalife business.  Other coaches on my team are making six figures in less than 18 months.  My priorities have been to reproduce and then build, so I am excited for the business building to begin.

Anyone that is feeling stuck in their job or has no idea what they want to do with their life, please come check out our open house at Active Nutrition Club, just message me for details.  I love spontaneity, my husband got this RV idea less than a month ago, and the universe brought it all together, new business came in, last minute a private owner popped up,  plus I officially start working in July  and the kids go to camp.   Not many people can drop everything and go on a two week trip with their kids – feeling blessed, because I am a free spirit and an adventurer.  This great idea my husband had was right up my alley.  Overall RV experience was awesome, sometimes hot on the road, and sometimes stinky before the dump, kids fell out of their beds a few times…Matisyahu was magic J

Will let you know where we end up,

Coach Yulia

Wierd angle I know, but this is the couch on the right, Eli Tzvi somehow in his sleep flipped from his couch on the left onto Ziona Sofa's couch, without crashing into her, they are both sound asleep - Ahhhh RV life!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Fancy Plastic

Hi Y'all it has been a cool day, my husband and my parents got the house and food ready for Shabbat, while me, my brother and family took the kids to an amazing waterfall an hour away.  I stayed with the girls and my baby on the playground, while the boys and my brother and his wife and her father the stairway from the top of the waterfall to the bottom.  I usually would be the first to jump into some hiking, but I wanted my oldest son to enjoy this experience, and I really just wanted to relax this trip, the girls would have to have been carried down.

We are about to begin our meal, and my mom has brought her finest plastic :) those fancy plastic wine glasses that have to be assembled and easily fall apart when the children play with them.  We have my whole family, my sister in laws father and brother and two guests - full house.

The best vacation is when you feel like you got what you wanted out of it and are ready to go home, and that is exactly how I feel.  I really love my Beverly Hills adjacent, Pico/Robertson community, and I love my life.  I think this experience made my husband realize how happy we are, and now its just time for our seeds to grow in every area of our life - children, business, community.

This one is short and sweet, Shabbat is right around the corner, and I am ready to REST!

Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Honestly folks without things moving in the right direction, and out of our way life would not be as pleasant.  Today besides our activities we are figuring out where the closest dump station is, what is that you ask?  All the bathroom delights that fill up in the RV have to be discarded into a special dump site, there is a gauge that is telling us we are overflowing - too much information right - the funny thing is we have been using the house bathrooms, but since the beginning of our trip we have not dumped - lol - and just like anything in life, what comes in must come out :)  Even an RV gets congested, constipated, and fully loaded!

Digestion is really everything, that is why most of the processed food that Americans eat today is giving them all kinds of health problems.  Not only digestion but absorption, so important to make sure you are getting enough fiber and probiotics in your body.  All the dieting in the world wont help if your digestive system is not working properly.

As a Health Coach, I like to address all of these important areas with my clients, and what matters most is how you feel.  Weight loss is just a side effect, when the body starts working as it was meant to, metabolism is moving, digestion is flowing, cleansing is a daily event.

Challenge yourself and write down for one week exactly what you are eating, you will see for yourself the exact reason of why you are where you are.  There really is no magic my friends, its about proper nutrition and exercise.  Some of my clients look thin on the outside but on the inside are weak and lacking the proper daily nutrition.

Feel free to email me your weekly food log, and I can give you some tips,

Ziona Sofia, Willow, Reed, Eli Tzvi
(Arkady, my brother, in the back)

Just got back from a park with my brother and all the kids, 90 degree weather, super hot and humid.  I ended up hanging out in the car with the baby with the AC on while the kids and my brother played.  Overall great to get the kids out, but honestly I am exhausted, I have had no time for myself, I definitely need a vacation from the vacation.

Happy Travels
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Surviving the Week

Whoa! it's amazing how its so fun to visit, but ultimately we love to come back home. Many people dream about their vacation when they are at work, and then when they are on vacation are ready to get home. Then there are other people that are so excited for their vacation, and spend the whole vacation dreading to get back to work. I am trying my best to be present for it all, and the family dynamics are very interesting. We see different philosophies of raising kids, and different personalities, but ultimately as adults we can communicate and discuss and have a great time together.

Even strangers love to give advice on raising kids, I think every family has to decide what is right for them, and respect what other families have decided. The best part is when extended family supports each other through tough situations.

I start this blog at the crack of dawn before my kids wake up, and even with my whole family here, my kids still want mama 24/7. Overall I have no complaints, but when all three want me at the same time, that is the biggest challenge.

Today my husband went fishing with my father, he found it boring, my father loves it, goes every week, catches fish, and my mom makes it delicious. My mother and I took my kids to the Atlanta Zoo, very toddler friendly, tons of trees for shade, overall a good time. I am exhausted from a non stop day. My husband and I visited friends he knows in town, driving home around 6pm both my of my kids passed out in the car on the way home, and the worst thing happened, my daughter woke up, and is still up. I keep on stepping away from this blog to put her to sleep, but her little power nap in the car has revived her energy, OMG! My husband went to my brother's house to shower and get ready for the night, and luckily just came back. I swear, if its not one its the other, soon it will be time to nurse - OY VEY! However, I was just talking to someone who has an almost 4 year old child, and they are thinking of having another baby. I know now its physically taxing, but once they are all potty trained and sleeping, I will appreciate having them one after the other. I am counting down the days to get rid of all the baby stuff like the swing, pack and play, and all the baby clothes. I am honestly enjoying my little baby, I know it is my last so I am savoring every moment.

Tomorrow we are going to a beautiful hike with a waterfall in the afternoon with all the kids, and in the morning we will visit a children's program and my sister in laws museum. Fun filled busy week with kids equals not a relaxing vacation. Also I cannot be away from the baby for too long since I am only breast feeding. I was even wanting to have a date with my husband, get a mani-pedi, but I think all that will have to wait until we get back to La La Land. My family here is super busy with their lives, so the plan is to enjoy the city of Atlanta and enjoy my family.

We are here until Sunday, and plan a more leisurely trip back to California. Happy Hump Day - that means mid week for those that have never heard it before - over the hump.
Coach Yulia
Pilot and Co-Pilot figuring out the route

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

15 Chickens

One of the great things about having is RV, is that it is literally a house on wheels.  When I was trying to explain it to my kids, I told them their father was going to drive a big house.  For my husband the best part is we could put all the food we need in the fridge and freezer, and not have to spend any money on food.  He packed the freezer with 15 chickens and 2 roasts, we haven't used one yet :) but tonight is the night.  Sam suggested we barbeque on the grill, and my family was excited, except for my brother who is a vegetarian, and the funny thing is his son is a total carnivore, that is the main things he wants to eat, any kind of meat.

In my brother's living room, outside this window is where he saw our RV when we parked and were sleeping inside,
he is holding Matisyahu, the kids are playing, and my mom is hanging out on the other side of the room.

My son Eli Tzvi on the other hand loves anything dairy, and my Ziona Sofia all day is telling me she wants to eat anything and everything.  The funny thing is at her last doctor checkup they told me she has a high BMI (Body Mass Index) it just made me laugh since that is my business.  My brother was offended by this, he feels like he has never heard that before, and girls in our society already have body image issues.  My brother was always a champion for women's rights, he was the director of a planned parenthood in Florida before he got married and moved to Atlanta, Georgia.

So Sam took out three chickens to defrost for tonight, once everyone comes home from work for dinner, we will start grilling.  In the morning my kids love cottage cheese, yogurt, or anything dairy.  Lunch is always different, depends on the day, and for dinner we like to have some kind of meat.  On our few days on the road, it made no sense to cook dinner,  Sam had to pace himself driving, and we were snacking all day.  Fruit, sandwiches, popcorn, bamba, raisins, and persian cucumbers were our favorite snacks.

Today is going to be a chill day, we will plan the rest of our week, and the road back.  Tomorrow Sam is going fishing with my father in the morning, and my mom and I will take my kids to the Zoo, which is supposed to be designed for little kids, easy to get around.

Have a fabulous Tuesday everyone,
Coach Yulia

Monday, June 18, 2012


Yesterday was such an amazing day, my father, brother, and husband celebrating Father's Day together.  We are trying to figure out how to make the most of our week, I am so happy we have our RV as our home, we don't bother anyone, and everyone can still live their lives and have their routines.  My husband just rented a car, so we can get around with everyone together, we are waiting for the cousins to get home, they go to camp half day until 1pm.

My brother Arkady, his wife Ginger holding Matisyahu - Reed is the oldest cousin 5 in July, Willow, his sister, will be 3 in August, she is winning the race.  Eli Tzvi is inching in on Ziona Sofia in her Tow Mater, she is still learning to ride a bicycle.  We are on the back deck of their house, their yard has humongous trees, and tons of space for kids to play.
My parents have a morning routine of breakfast and exercise, and then they pick up my brother's kids from school and watch them until my brother and his wife get home from work, they are professional grandparents :)  They all live in Atlanta because Ginger, my brother's wife works at the High Museum of Art , it is the most prestigious one in the South, and she is in charge of Education for Public Programs.  Saturday night they had a viewing of a silent movie on a big screen outside, the weather is gorgeous, very Los Angeles like.  They hired a piano player that works for the Library of Congress, and doesn't have a set score, he makes his own composition as the movie goes along.

We get to see my parents at least twice a year, but have not seen my brother for over a year because of their work schedules, it is hard for them to get a good chunk of time for vacation.  I was so excited when Sam had the idea to surprise them in an RV, I love go with the flow, spontaneous adventure, I married the perfect guy!

Overall the trip to Atlanta on the RV was great, the kids and I took turns eating, napping, and sitting in the front with Sam.  I am lucky that they are very social and up for anything, I was telling them we were getting a big house on wheels, and they were excited. 

Yesterday for father's day we went to this amazing public pool, its outside and only open in the summer.  It is lined with rubber on the bottom, so little kids don't get hurt on the concrete, and the water in toddler area is designed for my little Ziona Sofia to walk in it up to her waist.

More adventures to come, today after the cousins get home from camp we are headed to an inside bouncy house playroom.  The kids will have fun, and the adults can hang and chat. LOVE!

Happy, Happy - Joy, Joy
Coach Yulia

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Big Reveal - Father's Day

Wow what an adventure, my husband has super powers, we were thinking about what we were going to do with the kids between school and camp, and he suggested we get an RV and drive cross country to visit my family in Atlanta, GA, without hesitation I said YES!
Yes, I said RV, 40 feet, 3 slides, I think larger than our apartment!
In our minds the trip was a definite, and we told my family we were coming, we had a lot of leads but were not sure til last minute if it was going to work out.  The last few weeks were very "life thrown in our face," kind of days, always something out of left field, but luckily a weeks before we were due to leave on our road trip, a private RV owner was renting his out.  This is the best part, its the first time he rented it, was a bit nervous, liked my husband, is from Saudi Arabia, name is Mohammed, and his second wife is the driver.

Although my husband was a trucker for 10 years, and RV has many things about it that we are learning as we go.  The title of yesterdays blog was a few things that happened along the way...a shoe got stuck in the slide, a paper towel flew into our Shabbat Candles as we were lighting them, and on the final leg of our trip the sliding glass door to the closet in our bedroom slid off the rail (yes our bedroom with a queen size bed! my husband really hooked it up:)

Everyone that has seen the RV up close automatically said that they are scared to drive it, our neighbor said she wouldn't get behind the wheel for 4 million dollars.  I think that was one of the most amazing parts of our trip, I really got to see how my husband was in his trucking days.  This RV is monstrous, and only someone with the skills not only to drive it, but plan a route, and get cross country in 34 hours knows his stuff.  It was interesting to see him pace himself with his food, drink, and bathroom breaks.  The crazy thing was he didn't look tired at all during the 17 hour stretches.

We surprised my brother and parents by just pulling up in front of the house, and the best part is when my brother saw it, he questioned who could it be, but then with logical deductive reasoning he called my father and told him it had to be us.  My father still didn't believe it, and my mother kept on explaining how great our minivan was, they didn't know we sold it.  The universe was smiling down on us by providing the perfect parking spot.  My brother's driveway is literally just a little longer than our RV, even when he didn't know it was us for sure, he measured it all around.

We had an amazing father's day, just enjoying each other's company, and the best part is that the kids cannot get enough of each other, and that was the whole point.

Happy Summer,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Shoe, The Paper Towel, and The Sliding Glass door

Tomorrow is going to be a magical day, I will give full details on our journey, we are in Atlanta, GA.  The title of today's blog is some of the adventures we had along the way.  It wont make sense now, give me a call or an email and I will tell you the full details.  For now I would like to focus on the curves life throws you, and we just have to keep on truckin' (wink)

Going on the road is a lot of fun, you never know quite what to expect.  Overall my oldest son has been enjoying it immensely.  He loves to watch the road, and talk to his father about what he sees.  I try to keep my daughter busy with games, movies, and books.  My baby is just hanging out, he is going to be the calming force, the balance to all of our intense personalities.

This perfectly describes the personalities of my children, my oldest is curious and gets close, my fearless daughter
 is ready to dive in, and my baby is just chillin' and happy to just hang out on a beautiful day with his family.
My parents are excited to see us, they think we are coming in our minivan, little do they know we sold it over a month ago.  We talk to them and my brother and his kids on Skype often, so my kids are really excited to visit.  Overall I am lucky that my kids are open to my wanderlust, and I married the perfect guy who loves to travel, and focuses on the important details of directions, maps, and timing.

It has been an amazing day, I love how life always has new chapters.  No matter how intense a situation is, all we have to do is remember that it will pass, and new situations will arise.  All we can do is go through it, hold hands, rely on each other, and know that no matter what we will get through it together.

This week will be a vacation of a lifetime, get ready for some fun posts.  Have a Fabulous Father's Day, a Superb Sunday, and a Wonderful Week.

Coach Yulia

Friday, June 15, 2012

Travel Bassinet - Check

Oh Goodie, I have a moment to write and save and post it later once we get wi-fi signal.  Eli Tzvi is focusing on the road, Ziona Sofia and Matisyahu are asleep.  Where do I begin…so we decided to leave yesterday so we don’t push ourselves, our goal was after we picked up the kids from school after 3pm.  Of course the day gets away from us and everything is taking much longer than we anticipated, we don’t leave til 9pm with a goal of a five hour drive to get us into Arizona.  Luckily my husband was a trucker for 10 years, he loves the road, and is good at long, focused driving.  I am being a bit vague because we have a big surprise for my folks in Atlanta, I will do the full reveal on Sunday, Father’s Day.  I am really excited to have my husband, father, and brother together with our families.

I am a total adventurer, and yeah 3 kids is a handful while traveling, but really folks, is there every really a “right time” to have kids, and then you just keep on living your life with and around the kids.  When my husband suggested we do a road trip, I was thrilled, especially since my kids will get to see their cousins that they do not get to see that often, they are all around the same age. 

So I realized that with each child, quite young, we did a road trip or a flight, or both.  With Eli Tzvi  we flew to New York, to visit friends and family, and also took a road trip to Denver, CO to go to a wedding.  We had just got married the year before, and were excited to meet each other’s friends and families, and introduce our amazing first baby boy.

With Ziona Sofia we flew to Israel when she was 2 months old, it was all really careful planning, with airline miles, and Thank God she came only 3 days late, and we had to get her  a passport!  She had to have her eyes open in order to take the picture, and total has a look of “where am I , and why are you bothering me?”  In Israel we rented a car and road tripped from North to South and everywhere in between, both Sam and I have family and friends there.

I am eating and thinking, life really is a “bowl of cherries,” so far so good, all trying to be patient and listen to each other, and respect each other’s space and needs.  Kids are great, as you see Matisyahu was chilling last night in his travel bassinet, and I brought tons of games, toys, and activities for everyone.

I hope everyone has a fun and adventurous summer, wherever your path may lead.

Coach Yulia

So Sorry!

OMG!  I was so excited to blog yesterday, I had a chance to write and save it in a word document until we stopped for the night and got wifi.  But after a 17 hour drive, we all just were focusing on showering and getting to bed asap.  We passed out around 10pm, I woke up at 2am to feed my baby and realized I never posted the blog.  I tried to sleep a little more, the baby woke me up at 4am to eat, and here I am.

Everyone else is asleep at the moment, and I am getting mentally ready for the long drive ahead.  Here is the dealio...Sam is the driver, and that is his main job, he also does breakfast and dinner.  I am the activities coordinator, and service attendant while we are on the road.  Overall it has been manageable, and even enjoyable.  I will post my post from yesterday directly after this one and you will get an inside view of our plan and happenings.

I am really enjoying the road and looking forward to our adventure, I am hoping this will be be an amazing bonding experience for my immediate family, and my family that we are on our way to visit.

The kids are doing great, really enjoying getting out of their routine, and we are working on using our words, helping each other, and sharing.  As most of you know travelling with someone really lets you see the real person, everything is out in the open.  So even for a family that is always together, it is a time when everyone has needs, and we need to be sensitive to each other and communicate.

Most of my life I have always looked out for number one, me, moi, yours truly.  I think this is the first time since getting married and having kids I realize how that really doesn't work anymore.  Yes of course its important to take care of mama, and take time for yourself.  But besides the "we" of a marriage or any relationship, kids are a whole different ballgame.  They need to be validated, acknowledged, celebrated, recognize, hugged, kissed, and played with 24/7.  OY VEY what have I gotten myself into? :)  Hey I am the first to say, Bring it, Otherwise we would be Bored!

Have a wonderful Father's Day weekend everybody,
Shabbat Shalom

My father with Eli Tzvi to the righ, he was 18 months, and his cousin Reed who was born on July 2007 right before our wedding, we visited Atlanta before our trip to Israel, Ziona Sofia was 2 months old.  Reed also has a younger sister, Willow.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bodily Functions

Oh the fun of throw up, pee, and poop, once you are a parent, in the first years of your children's lives, these are all very exciting things that happen, and start very interesting topics of conversation.  Especially poop, color, consistency, how often, etc.  My oldest son is 3 1/2 and fully trained, but has his accidents here and there, especially since the new baby came.  My daughter is 2, tells me she wants underwear, and recently just started to spontaneously take off her diaper, but she doesn't get the concept of when it comes out of her body its supposed to go into the potty.   Then there is not yet 3 month old baby, which is pee and poop non stop, as my older son very accurately points out, "MUSTARD!"
Sorry kids, I had to do it

It is Tuesday night, all three are asleep at the moment, my husband had to run some errands, and I had a fun night of each kids taking turns doing something wonderful (insert sarcastic smile here:) Before I got home my husband told me my daughter did a "Picasso,"  I thought he meant again they colored with crayon all over their walls, but no, he meant the art of poop.  She took off her diaper, and had fun decorating the whole bathroom.  It is very interesting to learn that for kids it is all fascinating, it is not in the least bit grotesque.  We teach them that it is something not to touch, and we were recently recommended to let the kids play with play-dough because it is the consistency of poop, okie dokie!

Once I get home, I decide to recruit the kids in helping me pick out the toys for our road trip.  The baby had a doctor check up and got some shots, and was resting by our side.  I did not notice that my daughter had taken off her diaper again, there was a big puddle of water, thank god not on the bed, but on the floor next to the bed.  I had no idea what it was at first, and then I touched her clothes, and realized she had no diaper.  Then right after I cleaned it up, my son says his poop is in his pants, so I tell him to run to the bathroom with me, yep there was some stuff in there :) told him I had to throw his pants away, and explained how he should not wait until last minute, instead when he feels something in his tushy, to go right away to the toilet, and just sit and wait (luckily he is good at sitting and waiting."  After that I was DONE, and it was past their bed time, and they luckily knew I was serious, and went to bed.

After that I guess my babies shots kicked in and he was screaming his head off for a while, oh what fun right before a two week road trip.  In my deep gut I know everything is fine, but when I get taken out of my happy place by anyone, including husband or kids, that is when my "monster" comes out, and you see the not so nice me.  Yes she exists, and you do not want to mess with her, she is a tough cookie who is persistent in getting her point across, luckily my other side kicks in as well and realizes that sometimes I talk too much, and should just listen, support, and breathe.

Today is the day my friends, we prepare, pick our kids up from school, and Bon Voyage,
Have a Fabulous Summer Everyone
Yes I am going to keep blogging
I find it a good release for me
and fun to hear how everyone relates
and for some people it helps them in whatever place they are in their lives
Feeling Blessed
Feeling Grateful
Wishing Everyone a Happy and Healthy Summer Season,
Coach Yulia 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Really Being Present

I ran across this comic, and it got me thinking about our world today.  We all have different lives, families, and experiences, but nowadays most likely everyone you know including yourself and myself have their face, consciousness, and reality 90% in our "smart phone."

It's amazing how now not only does there have to be a law against driving while talking or texting, and even some states have laws against walking and texting, but how everyone is missing out on a beautiful blue sky, flowers, and maybe even their potential soul mate walking by :)

I was reading an article that was talking about how kids feel like they are in better communication with their parents now that they can text each other - huh?  I remember when texting first came out and everyone was all about it, I didn't like it, firstly because I had an old phone where one key was ABC and so on, also it just seemed impersonal and short, I just did not get it.  Now I have grown to love it for short, quick, and to the point messages instead of leaving a voicemal and waiting for a call back.  I guess its the instant gratification we all are so used to in our society.  One thing that texts do not convey is the mood, tone, and energy of the person sending it, I have had a few misunderstandings because of texts, and had to really explain myself out of them, and it was not pleasant.  One of my friends does not even check her voicemal, email or text works for her best, nuts!

I find emails are more of the chore, my phone was acting up and I was not receivng them on there for a while, and I totally lost touch with checking my emails on the computer.  OY VEY, the problems we have, lol.

So for me also being really present is about having an awareness of not only your surroundings, but giving 100% attention to the people you are with.  Nowadays as we are having even the most intimate of conversations, if our text chimes, we glance at it, and sometimes lose our train of thought.  In my Yoga classes someone always forgets to turn of their cellphone, and we are jarred into reality by a festive tune.

I have been working on being 100% in the moment, present, aware, attentive when I am with each child, even if I am with three of them all at once like I was Saturday and Sunday. Whoa! I got to tell you my friends, I am exhausted, I have been going to sleep everyday by 9pm.  Before I would be busy with my stuff and then when one of my kids asked for something I would stop what I was doing and help them out or read them a book.  Now my husband and I make an effort for one of us to just hang with the kids and anticipate their needs, or be there before something leads to a fight, while the other works.  This "anticipation" with three kids is very intense, I feel totally energy drained, but not negative.  I guess with babies so small the challenge is more physical, and I am already experiencing  a glimpse into the challenge of kids speaking their minds - GOD HELP ME :)

Cheers to the Challenges of Life,
Happy Tuesday,
Coach Yulia


Monday, June 11, 2012

Diets Don't Work

I am a true believer that everyone has to find what works for them, we are all different, and there is not one way to do anything.  I also believe that nothing out there is magic, the quick fixes are just what they are, not a permanent, healthy way, just something to get you started.  In saying that, all I am doing in today's blog is giving my opinion.  I am not a doctor or a nutritionist, but anyone can go online today and learn the basics about how to eat right and exercise, it really is not rocket science, but what it really is, is SCIENCE.  So the people that are getting results are the people that are following the directions step by step, not even a little cheating, because if the directions of most things are not followed profusely, then the result is not guaranteed.  The funny thing is in our society we love to blame everyone but ourselves, if we really take responsibility, then we will realize everything we have done in our lives has brought us to the place that we are today.

Oprah has said it on national TV, she has figured out the secret to weight management, its "diet and exercise!"  No fads, or even surgeries are permanent.  Did you know that in liposuction, fat just goes to other places, and in the lap band frenzy people are dying for the quick fix, scary.  The key is forming healthy habits, it takes 21 days to form a habit, so I tell my clients to do their customized program full on for a month and I am there to support.  Some people need bootcamp support others like to just flow with their day and check in.  I really feel when a person is ready, they will commit to themselves, whether I am bootcamp style or not.

I recently had a client that realized that she needed something more drastic and quick fix to boost her system, and I am curious to see how it goes.  I think cleanses and quick starts could motivate someone to keep going, sometimes when the goal is big, people feel frustrated when things are moving slowly.  For myself these lose weight quick diets are very expensive, and do not form healthy habits, and usually cut something essential out.  Even with them, if they are not followed exactly, you will not get results.  A lot of times even if you do get results, you feel hungry, low energy, and like your body is missing something.  Our body needs carbohydrates and good fats, I love to educate my clients on what that means exactly, and the right way to incorporate it into their lifestyle.  Everything works and nothing works, it all depends on a person finding the right fit for them.

I just want to be clear why I represent Herbalife and why it makes sense to me.  I always tell my clients to try it for a month, and if its not for them, no problem.  I love that we are not only a weight management company, but also a Sports Nutrition company, David Beckham and the Galaxy are our clients, Leo Messi is our client, and if its good enough for them, it's definitely good enough for me :)  I also love that we partner with the UCLA School of Nutrition and the only nutrition company to have a Nobel Prize winning Doctor on staff.  I am not a school person, I don't want to learn chemistry, but I love that our whole philosophy is cellular nutrition, everything is made up of cells, so your body gets healthy, and weight loss is just a side effect.  All I know is I feel the best I have felt since starting to have kids, and want to help others feel their best too, I am on my way to looking my best as well :)

Already living in LA, 29 years old, went back to Miami to visit my folks, we were hanging out on South Beach

Find Your Fit in Everything in Life,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, June 10, 2012


I already wrote a really good blog this morning, but it does not fit my mood now, I will post it tomorrow, it is a lot of good information about reaching your goals.

One thing that I always try to do is EVERYTHING ALL AT THE SAME TIME, and maybe I will get things done, but I am spending all my time and energy trying to figure out how to get everything done, and its exhausting.  Throw kids and a change of plans into the mix, and then nothing gets done.

I had a good day planned, but they always say, we plan and God laughs.  Had a Yoga class to teach at 11:30am, hang out with the kids until 4pm where we had an event to go to all together, and then I had an evening class at 6pm.  My husband told me late last night that he had some important business to take care of most of the day, so I had to figure out how to do the first thing on my list.  I could not reach anyone to babysit so late in the evening, and all morning was spent figuring this out, around feeding the baby, writing the first blog, and stopping to read a book with my older two and play with them and give them something to eat, eat something myself.  It was down to the wire, I had someone that told me she might be able to, but would let me know last minute, and it fell threw.

What sucks the most is I was really looking forward to this class, we had not done it since I gave birth, and today was the only day that worked for everybody, we had it planned a month in advance, and now most of us including myself will be out of town.  Everyone was really understanding, and was helping me find a babysitter, but especially on a gorgeous Sunday, I mainly got voicemal.  For myself and my students the Yoga is something we crave, it is something that starts our whole week off on the right foot.  I was as disappointed as my class, as I have mentioned before, staying with the kids all day is very draining for my personality, and I did it all day yesterday, my husband had to tend to his ailing father.  OY VEY

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest, I am staying as calm as possible.  Did I mention my daughter had a fever yesterday, and today is ok but super cranky, and the baby hasn't pooped in a while, so he is a bit fussy.  My oldest craves my attention the most, we have read the same book over 10 times.

My night class got cancelled, so I am happy to enjoy our event with my family, have the kids play, get together with parents and learn how to be the best for our kids, aren't they the reason for everything we do?

It's not about gifts, taking them to playgrounds, parties, all they want is to know that we are there cheering them on and loving who they are.  I had to have a moment, they are watching a movie, the baby just ate, and I needed this release to make it through the rest of my day.  I won't get my Yoga recharge today, when I teach I literally feel like I stepped of the world for an hour.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous Sunday, Stay cool, Drink Plenty of Water, and stay tuned in tomorrow for some great tips about healthy habits and giving your body the nutrition it craves.

A much calmer aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh,
Coach Yulia
I was 3 my brother is 18 months with my awesome father in the woods, we are so blessed

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Don't You Dare!

In my modeling days, representing
 Italian Renaissance

I am in awe of my kids!  We had a wonderful Day of Rest, I really feel from everything that I am learning from the past week, they feel I am more present, and I am noticing the most beautiful and amazing things.  So my son has a photographic memory, after reading a book once, he repeats it word for word "reading it" back to me.  My daughter is just repeating everything period, and I just noticed today that she also has a great memory, there are two books that I read her for the first time yesterday that she knew the titles of, and said them when she picked up the book to look through it today.

So they always say that we must be careful what we say, because our kids will repeat it.  I honestly do not know when this was said in my house, but she kept on saying "don't you dare," and I asked her where she heard that, and she said at school, maybe she heard it today from someone at the synagogue, who knows...but then they had a book, The Little Engine That Could, and at the end of the book it says "I think I could," and that is what she kept repeating right before bed.

So lately instead of putting them to bed right away, I let them play in their room for a while, all of a sudden it was really quiet, and when I walked in the  whole wall was in crayon, I just took some breaths as they told me they drew me rainbows.  OY VEY :)

I am preparing for my road trip and will use this as a perfect time to get rid of clothes that me and my kids don't need anymore.  I love to throw things out!

I was explaining to a few friends today that this blog is so fulfilling.  I feel it not only lets me express myself, and satisfies the exhibitionist inside of me.  It also touches people from all walks of life, and as a wife and mother, where my priorities are in my home and my family, I really feel blessed to have this as an outlet, but also as a way to learn about everyone that is enjoying it.  It cracks me up because my Yoga, Coaching, and this blog is my social life, and I LOVE IT!

Shavua Tov
Happy Sunday
Have a Great Week Everyone
Coach Yulia

Friday, June 8, 2012

Parenting 101

Single vs. Married are two different states of being, and when you add pregnancy, birth, and children to the mix, whoa! are you thrown into a whole new world that you new absolutely nothing about.  Even if you are in the medical or holistic world, or teaching about pregnancy and birth, until it happens to you, you really do not know how you will react or feel.  The best thing to do is educate yourself, ask everyone you know, and decide what feels best for you.

Baby Me and Mama
I remember when I was 8 months pregnant with my first, we had to go somewhere with my nephew, and my mother in law and her friend and I could not figure out how to close a stroller.  It cracked me up, all I thought was "why would I ever need to know this before?"  There are people that are around kids all the time, whether its family or babysitting.  Before I got married, very few of my friends had kids in LA, and I just was not around that world at all.  I am all or nothing kind of gal, and as my good friend pointed out the other day, in 5 years I have a new marriage, 3 kids, and I also threw in Health and Wellness Coaching on top of my Yoga, I got a lot going on, and I think I am still learning, growing, and figuring everything out.

This week we were faced with situations that we literally had no idea what to do.  Luckily I inherited the positive view from my mom, I do not put myself down, all I want is to ask questions, that is from my dad, and learn, grow, and always looking for direction from the people around me.  Ultimately the decision is mine, and I am surrounded by loving and caring people, I feel confident that all we can do in this life is keep learning, and mistakes are ok.  My father always points out a mistake is made once, after that it is not a mistake.
Baby Me and Papa

So this world of parenting is so different in every stage of childhood, and in the early years it is physically challenging, but when kids start talking and expressing themselves, having their own opinion, its a whole other ballgame.  You want to find the right balance between making them feel independent, and make their own decisions, to listening their mother and father, and treating everyone around them with kindness and respect.

So what I learned this week is that it is very important for parents to listen to their children.  This may sound obvious, but in our non stop world, especially for my husband and I who have our own businesses, there is never a time when we are not working, a client call can happen anytime.  It is amazing that without our conscious knowledge, when we are all home together, we were always trying to "get everything done," instead of just spend time enjoying our kids.  I guess that is what living in the moment really means, and not a selfish living in the moment, or extreme high living in the moment, but when your kids are home, your undivided attention should be on them.  So now my husband and I take turns doing what needs to be done, and one of us is hanging out with the kids.  I feel our time management is much better because of always checking in with each other, and wanting to make the most of our time with the kids and with what needs to be done.  Luckily my older two play together all the time really well, and they even play alone very well, in their own world of stories, cars, and dolls.  But having us sitting by their side, appreciating them, watching them, being there when they need even the littlest thing, has made all the difference in the world.

The other day Eli Tzvi said to me "You are smiling at me," and I really got it that he got it, that he knew I was there 100% present.

As I say in Yoga, there is not one way, there is no perfect way, each individual has to find their way.  Yes there are rules of form and alignment, and we all have similar puzzle pieces, but completely different sizes, shapes, flexibilities, and energy.  Each child is a unique soul that we have to get to know, and learn how to communicate and interact with, while we teach the rules of society, family, and connection with God.  For me this connection means absolute trust that everything will be ok.

Whoa! TGIF! I am soooooooo ready for the Day of Rest :)
Shabbat Shalom,