Thursday, December 27, 2012

Child Please!

This is the best face ever! Child Please, something looks delicious, mmm, mmm, mmm - or "What you talking about Willis (will only make sense if you grew up in the 80's)

I just am enjoying the "nice happy baby" side of motherhood so much, Matisyahu is just so much fun, and even when he complains, its for something, so once I figure out what it is, he is just fine.  He just started to crawl, just turned 9 months, he is trying to keep up with his brother and sister.

My older kids are in school, many Jewish schools in Los Angles have their main breaks over the High Holidays and Passover, so they are in school throughout the holiday season, and it is sooo good for us.  I have spent the past few days just hanging with my baby, yesterday mostly at home, I have been a bit under the weather.  Both my kids have runny noses, luckily the baby is ok, so I feel good, Thank God not sick, but the body is definitely fighting.  So Yesterday I decided to just stay in, do some house work and office work, and enjoy baby time.

Today he was at work with me all day, I had my Hot Mama Power Walk this morning, with a pregnant Mama, mine in my baby carrier, and another mama pushing her 2 year old in a stroller, awesome day to be outside.  Then I met my next client in Runyon Canyon, we didn't have too much time, sometimes having babies with you slows you down a bit, but moms understand :) we will meet there again, I love Runyon Canyon.

I feel like in the holiday season many people just give up til after New Year, but one of my friends and clients was ready right after her Christmas holiday, I am excited for people being ready to feel, look, and be their best as an example to everyone in their life, especially if you have kids.

Love my Life,
Love my Work,
Excited to Doula,
Excited to Inspire Health Starting with ME,
Coach Yulia

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