Sunday, December 23, 2012

Herbalife is KOSHER

Good Morning everyone,

What are you having for Breakfast?  In our world of Organic, Macrobiotic, Whole Grain, and other measures of healthy,natural eating, Kosher is at the top of the list.  Many people are buying Kosher products simply because they know there is a supervision on how the product is put together, and its cleaner than many other foods out there.

If you notice at the picture above, not only is this flavor called Strictly Kosher, but to the left of it is a little circle, that is called a Hechsher, a stamp of a Rabbi that certifies that it is Kosher, and in this case Parve, which means that it has no meat or dairy ingredients.

Everything else in Herbalife does not have this Hechsher, however it is on a Kosher List that comes out yearly, and is signed by a Rabbi, a direct phone number is provided for any questions.  The only products that have a Hechsher are Parve, everything else either contains dairy, or was made on Dairy Equipment.  Our Healthy Meal Shakes are all soy based, there is no Dairy inside, but since they are made on Dairy equipment, then they cannot be Parve.  This is important for some clients in my community who drink a certain kind of milk, they can only have the shake above.  Other clients who are able to have all kind of Kosher Dairy, are able to have all of our shakes because they are all Kosher and under the supervision of the Rabbi I mentioned above.

I love that Herbalife has thought ahead to make quality meal replacement and nutrition for athletes, that includes the Kosher Market and the Jewish Community.  We like to look and feel our best too!

If anybody wants more information or a copy of the Kosher list, please call or email me.

Coach Yulia

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