Sunday, March 31, 2013

No No No, I Will Not Let Them Go!

My kids are singing songs that they learned in school about Passover, this is the song that Pharaoh, King of Egypt said to the Jewish Slaves, even through the horrible 10 plagues, until the last one took his own son.

I am signing off for a couple of days, will check back in Tuesday night, and then life begins again.  One of the main lessons of this holiday is how we subconsciously enslave ourselves in our lives.  Whether its to a job or our own business, we get "married" to it, it becomes our life, and sometimes at the expense of health and people we love.  We are hard workers, and that is good, but that is why the Day of Rest is so important, it puts everything in perspective.  On that day we are grateful for what is, there is no creation of anything new, there is just appreciation and feeling good about what we have.

Gratitude is so pertinent to our mental health and our progress in our lives.  The greatest mentors and leaders tell us to start each day with gratitude.  What are you grateful for?

I am honestly grateful for every single breath of my life, where I have been, and where I am now, and looking forward for every step forward.

Happy Holiday Weekend To Everyone,

Saturday, March 30, 2013

It's Late and I'm Up

In my single life this phrase would not have been surprising to anyone.  I lived and worked in the nightlife world, it was great to have fun and get paid for it.  I have never been a big drinker, and have always loved my natural high more than anything else.  What I loved about night life was dressing up and dancing the night away.  I think the dressing up was the best part, and the only part I really miss.  You can check out a few highlights below, from Miami and in Vegas when I was moving to live in LA.

We just had a wonderful Day of Rest, my kids had a blast with their friends, as we enjoyed socializing with our friends.  Passover is still here for a few more days, we have one day to run around tomorrow, and then a couple more days of celebration and looking back and learning from our ancestors.

I wanted everyone to nap during the day, but by the time we got home it was almost 4pm, me and the baby laid down for a bit, the kids played.  I got up around 6pm and Ziona Sofia was passed out on the couch, that was the perfect opportunity to put her in bed for the night.  The baby woke up and was hanging out with all of us.  At 8pm I told Eli Tzvi it was time for bed, it was dark, and he was tired.  Now the baby was all full of energy from his nap, so I just finally got him down for the night at 9:30pm.

After a snack and a cup of tea, I am hanging out, enjoying the quiet, and doing one of my favorite things, writing this blog :)

Because of my nap I am not tired, and luckily nothing big or specific planned for tomorrow.  We all need shoes, so we are going to our favorite shoe store in Hollywood, DB Shoes, anyone in LA, I would be happy to tell you more about it.

Nothing exciting to report,
Sometimes that is just perfect,
Shavua Tov,
Happy Holidays to Everyone this weekend,
Coach Yulia

Los Angeles

Las Vegas

Friday, March 29, 2013

What's your "Problem Area" on your body?

My wonderful cousin Natasha in Russia,
She came to visit recently, and just had a
birthday :)  This was 2000, I was 27, overall
lean and my belly is saying hello, LOL
We all have that one area, no matter how hard we try, it will always be the one popping out at us when we look in the mirror.  Lucky me, all my life it has been my belly, and I really do mean all my life.  Yes I have been very lean and fit before kids especially, but I always had a little belly, and I like to wear form fitting clothes, so its always saying hello.  It especially likes to say hello if I have eaten a big meal or at that time of the month.  So today more than one person has insinuated that they are so happy I am pregnant again - I AM NOT NOR WILL EVER BE AGAIN, I AM SATISFIED AND BLESSED, THANK YOU :)


I feel like my clothes are fitting, everywhere else I am leaning out, so my belly is popping out more than ever.  My baby just turned one, and I know my body, my food is good, I have to get fully committed to exercise on a regular basis.  The Yoga and Pilates that I teach is amazing, but I teach it, it is not my workout.  It is great to lean and tone, but the layers on top nead proper nutrition and cardio.

After Passover I am starting the 30 minute challenge, whoever wants to do it with me, message me to  My goal is to do some kind of exercise, whatever fits into that day, for at least 30 minutes, if it is more, than fine.  I will document it, and that way I can track what I have been doing, and track how it is working.  Anybody that is on board, I would be happy to do your bodyfat measurements as well as inches, and we can check in after a month and see how its going.  I also would be happy to give you nutrition tips depending on your goal, whether it is to lean, build, or maintain and have more energy and proper daily nutrition.

Let's do this my friends,
Summer is around the corner,
I am DONE with this gut,
Now its time to eat some more LOL,
Our Holidays are Delicious,
Shabbat Shalom,
Chag Sameach,


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Legoland = School is Gold

Last year I had just given birth at this time, we already had tickets to Legoland since I was due the following month.  My husband and brother in law ended up taking the kids and it was a whole ordeal for a million reasons.  The positive that came out of it is that my husband said he would gladly pay for school so he never has to do that again :)

This year I wanted a redo for the kids, and was actually to see it for myself, since I had never been before.  We got back a little while ago and I am wiped out, also because its almost 2 hours away depending on traffic.

The amusement park itself is really amazing, they built whole city replica's out of legos, it is just mind boggling and so creative.  The rides were super fun too because the ones we went on we controlled completely.  We went on a helicopter ride that we had the hand controls to move up and down and also left and right.  Eli Tzvi had fun doing it all by himself, and then he went into a car that he had to step on a pedal and drive in a circle.  Ziona Sofia and I went into a boat, I had my foot on the pedal and she steered, it was so cool.  There are many areas that its just fun to play or to look, we spent a total of 4 hours there, overall ok, but then Eli Tzvi disappeared, luckily all turned out ok.  Ziona Sofia wants to eat every minute, and since its Passover we are really limited on the variety of food we can bring, but all ended up being enough.

Would I do it again by myself? Yeah all by myself and go on all the rides, LOL!  I would love to bring someone that both kids could go where they want and would be satisfied.

My husband had a nice day with the baby, and yesterday I actually saw some teeth almost coming through - YAY!

The weekend is almost here, and the last days of Passover, super YAY :)

Coach Yulia

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mommy Camp

My kids just do not realize how lucky they are to be in Mommy Camp.  I am always planning fun activities, they are always meeting new friends and hanging out with the friends they love.  Sometimes their refusal to go to bed or to listen is just UNBELIEVABLE!  There was so much fun so far and so much fun in store, and the whine doesn't stop :)

All I can think on the positive side is that I am happy they have strong personalities and are not afraid to say what they want.  However, some mama appreciation and cooperation would be welcome.

We had a couple of days of Passover so far, it was nice with friends, super late nights, so our schedules are totally off, with each other 24/7 is not so easy.  So now we have a few days to play before the end of the holiday.  My husband is hanging with the baby, and my community is throwing a huge event in Legoland, so I am taking Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia, and we are going to have a blast.

I feel like most of the time as they are complaining I am explaining.  I keep on telling them to give things a chance, that there is so much fun in store, just wait and see.  I suggest to use their words instead of whining.  At what age is it inappropriate to not whine anymore?

It's finally quiet, we are trying to put the baby in the kids room tonight, we will see how it goes.  We are going to have a super early morning, Legoland is far, and I want to be the first one at the gate, so we can go on all the rides, and have no lines, and get out early too.

So the baby went to sleep first, then my kids were fussy and loud so he woke up, now they are asleep and he is up.


Good Night,

Monday, March 25, 2013

Bye Bye Bread

This is it my friends, for the next 8 days, we do not just stop eating bread, any grain, as well as anything that would make us think of grains.  Matza gets exciting and all the different things you can do with it :)

I took my kids out today to a meetup of mommie's at a cool park in Playa Vista.  Whoever designed it really put some thought into it.  This was a picture perfect moment and a wonderful fellow mom who organized the even was ready to take the shot :)  The kids had a great time, my husband finished up the house, and I just got a manicure. DONE!
Now we have a bit of down time before we start getting ready for our first passover seder.  I am excited we are going to be with friends and our whole family who is in town.  All of our kids are friends so they will have a great time together.
I won't be blogging tomorrow, our holiday is a couple of days.  I will give you the rundown on Wednesday night. 
Enjoy your week everyone,
Chag Sameach,
Signing off,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Inspired and Exhausted

Whoever created schools and day cares and nanny's is a godsend, I have had my kids for almost a week now.  We have been doing fun things, but it is non stop energy going out, and very little recharge.  Adding on our Passover cleaning, it is literally exhausting having all the kids home 24/7.  God bless all you home schoolers, I really don't know how you do it. 

Today we had a fun day with a community event, they brought something called a hamster ball, I tried it, and it totally winded me, Eli Tzvi couldn't get enough.

Right before we left the park, I decided to get rid of our Chometz, crumbs my friends, all Jews are ridding their house of every last crumb.

Finally got home, had something to eat, the kids were tired, getting whiny, and picking on each other.  Got everyone ready for bed, Matisyahu turned one today, but fit into 2 year old pajamas!

I am enjoying some quiet computer time and facebook time.  I love seeing what my fellow Herbalife Coaches are doing and I am so inspired.  Not only are they motivating everyone around them to get healthy and fit, they are also making a successful career out of it with a great income.  I know where my priorities are, and that is why I am moving at my own pace.  The great news is that everyone is into wellness, everyone is looking for income opportunities, and with our aging population, obesity, and healthy people wanting to fuel their bodies with the best, I know I am exactly where I need to be.  I feel so blessed to have all the pieces of the puzzle in my life, Herbalife is my nutrition piece, and Yoga, Pilates, Rebounding and Personal Training are my exercise piece.  I also have added Prenatal Yoga and Doula Services to support the amazing mothers that give so much. 

Coach Yulia

Saturday, March 23, 2013


How would you describe your character, personality, or way you present yourself to the world?  My whole family except for my peaceful warrior, my baby, Matisyahu, are quite explosive in nature.

Me, the Yogi, you say? Oh yes, the Yoga keeps me balanced and remembering to breathe and turn off from the world and recharge.  My baby is the real Yogi, he has such a calm, peaceful, and happy nature, all of us melt when we are around him.  He was sent to our family for that specific reason, for the "go with the flow" perspective.  Tomorrow, March 24, he came into the world five weeks early, already taking care of his mama.

He saved me one month of pregnancy, came in almost 6 pounds instead of almost 9 like my first boy, and we went home in 2 days after my most manageable labor out of the 3, and he has brought pleasure into our lives from that moment.  I remember my husband brought the kids to visit on the second day in the hospital, he was so tiny.  It must be amazing for young brothers and sisters to see the belly of their mom, and then see a tiny creature, they say the first three months are the fourth trimester.  They are so sweet with him, and help me everyday, I feel so blessed that there is a wonderful connection between all of my kids.

Yes, explosive, the rest of us from my husband down to his cookie cutter Ziona Sofia, we react with fervor, ready to attack, ready to defend ourselves, ready to prove how important our side is.

Parenting is a challenge and a test to keep these explosive reactions in check as our children fire away :)

Thank God For It All,
Passionate People in the House!
Coach Yulia

Friday, March 22, 2013


This was yesterday at the Zoo, with all the animals, they loved to watch all the water fountains, little pleasures of life!
In Jewish communities all over the world preparations for Passover are in full effect.  The holiday begins Monday night, however we have Shabbat until Saturday night, so really Sunday is the last day to really finish up the deep cleaning and shopping for eight days of the holiday.  Monday will be the last touches, hopefully most of the work has been done by now.  Most people wait until last minute to make their kitchen kosher, it is a whole turnover.  New dishes, blocking off cabinets that will be off limits during the holiday, and covering everything including the refrigerator in foil or towels.

The goal is not to have one crumb left in the home, and get back the feeling that our ancestors had when they were freed from slavery, led by Moses out of Egypt, not having time to let the yeast rise, so today we eat Matza in their memory.

Every year we tell the story, and every year it has a new meaning for all the different ages and stages of our lives.  It is amazing how the lesson is always so true for each person, it is really timeless.

Thank God my job is to keep the kids busy and organize the house, my husband does the deep cleaning.  My son got his haircut and I got my hair done today, my daughter's hair is perfect as well as the baby's :)

We just came back from the park, my husband is running errands, and the house is ready for our guests for Shabbat tonight.

Feeling blessed for the freedom to live as we choose,
To commemorate our ancestors,
To live how our culture has lived since the beginning of time,
Thank God,
Have a Wonderful Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom
Coach Yulia

Thursday, March 21, 2013

You Know You Are A Parent When...

Today was quite an adventure, my poor baby has had the worst constipation, thanks to my mother in law's advice, she is a nurse, we were able to clear him up.  It was a whole procedure, it was too large to fit, poor guy, vaseline, enema, we finally got it.  It made me think of one thing, now I am really ready to be a doula.  In the thick of it, it is a natural process and I was happy to help, it didn't gross me out at all.  Yes its my cute and precious little guy, but before kids, you just don't dive into poop.

Then I spent most of the day with the kids at the zoo, I met an amazing new friend who also had three kids.  It was awesome that our energy and outlook was very similar.  I wonder if this happens with people that have more kids.  We have to be conscious of and tend to three completely different energies, and not forget ourselves in the process.  It really was a great day, the kids got along great, and I loved the go with the flow vibe.

I squeezed in a Reiki session, if anyone out there has never experienced this, please get in touch and I will refer you to the most powerful practitioner in town.  Right after ran to my pedicure with my favorite gal, my heels need some major love, and I like a super thin line on my french pedi, perfect!

No I don't only have three toes, it was a challenge to take a good, natural, and nice looking pic :)
I ended my evening by teaching a private yoga class to one of my favorite couples, they have four kids, who were also home from school for the holiday like mine, and were also restless and not wanting to go to sleep.  It is amazing how school tires them out, but we can run around with them all day, and they still have tons of energy, and say "I don't want to go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!"


What we do for our kids,
We are blessed,
They are blessed,
I wouldn't want it any other way,
Just always make time for Mama (and Papa)
Feel Good My Friends,
Good Luck in your Pesach Cleaning,
Happy Holidays for all the Holidays coming up,
Enjoy the wacky moments of life,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Long Day

Totally squeezing this in before I go to my cozy bed.  Kids are home from school for Passover holiday break, I had a few clients this morning, and took them with me this afternoon to have some fun.  Even fun is draining, I had to work at the gym tonight teaching Yoga, and they have a kids club, so all the kids had fun there.  I could not wait for them to go to bed, get just a little bit of me time.

I tell you, all the work in the world does not tire me out like my high energy kids.  Plus my baby is still not so good with his digestion, so poor little guy is irritable.

I am so ready to sleep, but since he has been irritable, instead of getting up all night to soothe him, he has been in our bed.  Luckily we have a King Size but honestly, those little babies turn in all kinds of directions.  My body feels sore from not being able to just find a comfortable sleeping position, and sleeping on one side while soothing him makes that side sore.


These are all good problems, my husband and I day by day are focusing on getting the house ready for passover.  Not one crumb can be left out, room by room, closet by closet, cars, car seats, you name it, its getting a cleaning.

The kids had fun seeing their Safta, my mother in law, and I took the boys to the park nearby, Ziona wanted to hang at the house.  Eli Tzvi had so much fun climbing on everything, he is really getting so big, and not scared to try anything.  Matisyahu was also just going for tunnels and slides, maybe that is why I am tired, just keeping up with the FUN!

Chag Sameach,
Good Night,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bodily Functions Should Be Pleasant

This might sound weird, but it is so true, if something hurts or doesn't work right, that is when we have to think about it, deal with it, hopefully get it to work right.  I am specifically talking about elimination, pooping, number 2, kaki, and whatever else you call it in all of our different cultures.

My wonderful baby has luckily never had a digestive issue, UNTIL NOW, I just took him off formula, I had to stop nursing at 6 months, my milk ran low, and he was not interested in food.  He was five weeks early, and many things do go by gestational age.  So he is just a year, and I figure I can give him enough of what he needs in his food, and stopped formula, was supplementing with all kinds of dairy like yogurt, cottage cheese, and cheese.  I personally am not into cow's milk myself, I did not grow up with it, and I feel that it is just not so healthy and full of all the good stuff after all the processing.  There are also philosophies that we are the only animals that keep on drinking milk way after our body needs it.  I do love my dairy products though being of Russian descent.  My other kids I nursed until 10 months and then my milk ran low, but they were already great eaters.  I started giving them almond milk, just for them to have a milky substitute for nursing, and they loved it.

I was just reading that some babies are just not ready for nut milks, or any processed milks, it was suggesting goat milk or even coconut milk.  Anyway a few days ago he started yelling when he was pooping and only a pebble would come out, poor baby.  I decided to go the natural route and give him prunes, raisins, oatmeal, and apple juice.  Today so far so good, the poop is much smoother, but I think he is still super irritated inside.  I am stopping the almond milk, and will just give water, now giving water with a bit of apple juice to keep things flowing.

Bodily functions such as:

1. eating
2. going to the bathroom 1 and 2
3. intimacy
4. ears, nose, mouth any any other orifices
(need to have the right amount of good and even bad bacteria),

Or something is not right.

Coach Yulia

Baby is feeling better :) went to the park, he was climbing on and off the slide, and always has fun playing with Eli Tzvi


Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Cleaning, Houseplants and Freedom

My daughter put a few dolls under her shirt this morning and said there was a baby in her tummy.  I love that their world is full of bellies and babies.  They both woke up bright and early this morning, and so did the baby.  I got their breakfast going, and my husband and I got them ready for school.

Passover starts in a week, and one of the things I have wanted for a very long time is a new water machine.  My husband goes and gets those five gallon jugs filled, but the machine we had was from his apartment before we met, who knows how long.  This is just the perfect time to start fresh, especially with something so essential to our body.  Even if the water was quality, who knows what happens to it as it flows through the machine into our cups. 


We are going room by room for our passover cleaning.  I really want to get a tree or a large plant, it helps to purify the air in the home.  I used to have a plant way back when, and I forgot the name, it was specifically an indoor plant to clean the air.  I just googled it and the plant I used to have was Chinese Evergreen, but I just saw something else called the snake plant, which has a really cool look, and here is some info about how awesome it is:

"Scientists at NASA have found out that this plant has the amazing ability to absorb formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides, and a variety of other chemicals present in the air."



I love our yearly "inventory"
Out with the old,
In with the new,
Keep what we need,
Appreciating the Tradition,
That has its roots in History,
We were slaves and were set Free,
Feels so good to be Free,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Gotta Go,Gotta Go, Gotta Go

Trying my best to be present for all of the wonderful things in my life.  This has been such a full day, and luckily my kids had a blast too.  I had my Doula Training this morning, had to run to a birthday party for friends of my kids, then straight to a Yoga class.  As soon as I got home around 6:30pm it was time to put the older kids to bed, and hang with the baby until my husband came home to give him a bath.  Now he is giving me a few minutes to finish up a few things, and I am running to my next two classes, will be done by 11pm tonight.

Appreciating everything that we love and everyone that we love is so important.  Having gratitude for the time we have with each other.  Trying to set up times to have quality time with special people in our lives.  Busy-ness is good, however we do not want it to take us away from life's moments.  We look back on the past five years and cannot believe how fast they flew by.

It is up to us to make every moment count!
Gotta Go,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Holiday Takeover

For most holidays there is a day or a long weekend involved.  Since I have been married, holidays in my community take over the whole month.  There are preparations, and then the actual holiday, and then many relatives visit, so there is usually a day to decompress :)  This mainly happens two times a year, in September/October from Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, into Yom Kippur and all the way until the last day of Sukkot.  Not every Jew around the world celebrates this traditional way, many people just go to synagogue for a couple of days.  My community and many observant ones all over the world literally step off of the world and get into holiday world. 

Now this time of year it happens again for Passover, everyone starts with a deep spring cleaning of every nook and cranny of their home, cars, and anything else that may have a morsel of anything made from grain.  The holiday does not actually begin until Monday the 25th in the evening, but my children's last day of school is this coming Monday, so I have a week of figuring out how to entertainment, while my husband gets the house ready for the holiday.  Yes I am blessed, I am the entertainer, and the organizer.  I am in charge of out with the old, I just threw away so many parts of toys, broken toys, and reorganized the kids room.  Next is our room, the kitchen, bathroom, and living room to finish it off.  I actually love throwing things away, and I am looking forward to going through all the closets.  Especially with kids soooooooooooo much stuff gathers, piles up, and takes up space.

Passover itself lasts for 8 days, and we celebrate it all the way to the end.  Many Jews in American only celebrate the first night, which I used to do.  I am really enjoying going full out, the learning, the meals, and just gathering with friends and the community.  Everyone comes home from abroad, families get together, it is the Christmas through New Year's vacation block in our community.  Two weeks or more, some people already arrived earlier this week to spend as much time they could with their families.

What I am excited about that in my children's Jewish pre school, they already know the songs, traditions, that we don't eat pizza, cookies, pasta, and we eat Matza.  They are actually teaching me, and I am very proud.  The kids were having a snack, and the baby decided to join them, so I cut up his banana.

I have so many fun plans for them starting this coming Tuesday, once school ends, the mommy party is on!

Have a great rest of your weekend,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia

Friday, March 15, 2013

Sharing Energy

I had an early class at a workplace this morning.  I helped my husband get everything set up to take the kids to school, and was on my way.  The class started at 8:30am and the kids have to be at school at 8:30am, luckily it overall worked out.  I got to my gig, and because of meeting set up last minute, instead of a whole group from the office, I had one person.  So the positive view kicked in, she would get a one on one session, and I would get to do some Yoga with her.  It turned out really nice, and I felt so blessed for the opportunity to have an easy morning and also squeeze some Yoga in while we were doing it together.  Usually when I teach, I instruct, and adjust everyone's form, it is not an exercise hour for me, it is an hour of complete 100% focus on my client.

I just got home, have an hour before I have to go to my next gig, my husband is with the baby out and about, the kids are at school, so I have some blog time - yay.  This is a life of parents, there must be a go with the flow factor in there somewhere, yes structure and planning are good, but sometimes you got to squeeze in what is important when you have the opportunity.  Sometimes you plan the perfect day, and the kids are not into it.


So I love that I am not only in the business of meeting people and building relationships, but in the business of sharing energy.  I have always been in tune to my energy levels, I used to recharge with naps.  Now I recharge with people, when all parties are in a positive, happy, and open space, it is amazing how the energy just flows.

Some people like more structure, and are not really into the whole "energy" aspect of things.  That is fine with me, to each their own.  I just feel blessed that what I have always known is now what I do for work and share with other like minded, open, happy, positive, or at least willing to give it a try kind of people.

Life is good.

It's all good.

Happy Friday,
Enjoy Your Weekend,
Passover cleaning in full effect,
My daughter just got her new bed put up :)
Tangents are fun.
Shabbat Shalom

He had a ladder, so it was only fair for her to have a ladder, now eventually the bottom bunkbed will be Matisyahu's, Thank God for Large Bedrooms :) She slept so good all night, Thank God

Thursday, March 14, 2013

All I did was walk!

This is La Cienega Park at Wilshire, they just installed an amazing workout platform that has machines for almost every body part.  What I like best about is in order to move the machines you use your own body weight, so you are always activating your core.  There are no electronics, no buttons, no settings, just your strength, focus, and goal.

Yesterday I met a friend here, walked from my house to the park, which is about half a mile, and then 3 times around the track, and I was really feeling it today on the way to the park to meet another couple of friends.  It occurred to me how powerful just simple walking is, no we didn't power walk, yesterday I was with a mom who had a 2 month old baby, who was fussy, so we had to stop, change diapers, hold her, and even with that being out in the fresh air, we got our workout in.  As a mom that is really all you can commit to, that you will make it, not at the exact time, maybe with not so much energy, and may not be able to do too much, but just being there is a big accomplishment!

I am so inspired, because I just need to walk too, I got this stroller especially for easier walking, before I was addicted to the snap and go, which just makes life so much easier when you are on the go, but my boy is getting big for his car seat, and I wanted him to be comfortable and enjoy it.  Today one of my friends also has a one year old and brought her five year old too, and the other friend is 7 months pregnant.  It was so much fun to talk mommy stuff, we made it once around the track, but we made it, and it felt so good to be "working out" no matter how we were doing it, we were doing it!!!!

On my walk home I ran into another champion in our community Michal Levin, she does stroller workouts that really give you an amazing full body workout, but also consider the moms at every stage of babyhood.  Please contact me for more info and I will connect you to her.  She also does Physical Education classes for young girls in schools in our community, so important to get these messages of health and wellness young. Go Girl!

So anybody out there in Los Angeles area that wants to join me for my Hot Mama at La Cienega Park, please email or call/text 323.377.0707.

Wednesdays 2pm
Thursdays   10am

I am also open to any time that works for anyone, I love to be out in our beautiful weather, with my wonderful happy baby, getting my workout on.  I know Pesach is around the corner, but we can make a plan for after.  It is amazing when you start dreaming, wishing, planning, it all eventually does come together, even in mommy land.

Enjoy this gorgeous day,
Coach Yulia

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Babies and Work

No I am not wearing funny makeup, sometimes my web cam has funny coloring, Eli Tzvi wanted to take a picture. Before I picked them up from school I had my Herbalife 24 gear on as I took a walk with one of my fellow moms. I met a cool girl the other day wearing my gear, asking me if I am an Herbalife Coach. Can't wait for more shakes to come in, I was giving so many samples, mine ran out! So I had to use the kids chocolate shake, I was desperate :)

Once you become a parent you can still do everything you want to do, but it has to revolve around the kids.  So during my walk with a fellow mom, her baby is almost 3 months old, she had her own business before, but now she is not sure if she wants to do that anymore, and then wondering what other options are out there, and then throwing the baby in the mix, who will watch the baby, when can she work, etc.

My brother and his wife work full time in jobs they love and worked hard to get.  Luckily my parents live in the same city, so they have been professional grandparents from the beginning, and now that the kids are in school, they are always there to help when they are needed.

Other parents have to hire a nanny or put kids in a daycare or preschool while they work.  Some work because they have to help support the family, others work because they enjoy what they do.

Everyone has to find the right balance for their family.  Luckily my husband and I both have flexible schedules in our businesses, so one of us has always stayed with the kids while the other met with clients.  Luckily I am able to take my baby on my Hot Mama workouts, and even to meet with clients, I feel blessed.  It is not always easy, sometimes I feel drained, but I want them to know me and I want to have fun with them.  Thank God for school, God Bless the home schoolers, I could never do it.

It's all about finding what works for you,
There is no one way,
There is no perfect way,
There is just your way,
This is my Yoga talk,
It applies to everything in life,
Be You,
Coach Yulia


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Always something to Celebrate

Today by the Hebrew Calendar, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, Matisyahu is one year old!  I really cannot believe it has already been a year.  As I was about to take the web cam pic, I told my husband to hop in, he is not a picture person, and started to make faces, this was in between the faces, so I was cracking up, and the baby is just delicious as always.

I have one brother, and we are still very close, and it has been perfect for me.  Sam is the oldest and has a brother and a sister, and we have duplicated his family, but also mine, since Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia are 18 months apart just like my brother and I, although I am the older girl.  It's all good, Matisyahu is a blessing, he brings such pleasure and calmness into all of our lives, I am so excited to see him in all of his stages.

My other kids got their teeth at 8 months and started walking at 13 months.  He has no teeth yet but eats everything, and is now standing and holding on to everything.

His birthday is coming up on March 24, he was five weeks early, saved me a month of pregnancy, and came in at almost 6 pounds instead of 9 like Eli Tzvi.  Thank God all was healthy, nursed right away, and we went home in a couple of days after a natural, drug free, vaginal birth.  He actually inspired me to be a doula, my doulas that I had lined up were not available on our Day of Rest, and I just felt calm.  I was not sure it was really it since it was early, but I was counting, and the contractions weren't stopping, I called my friend to stay with the kids, we went to the hospital after two hours of steady contractions, five minutes apart about 30 seconds to 1 minute long.  I was so proud when I arrived that I was already 7 centimeters, was it easy? Is life easy? Is pregnancy, labor, and birth the worse pain in the world, I don't think so.  Luckily my Doula's with my first two, my yoga breathing, my husband, and a very high pain tolerance was a great combination to get me through.

This is just my person, I like to feel every morsel of life.  In order to know the highs, we need the contrast of the lows.  How can we figure out what we want without every option, every side of everything.

Feel Life,
Coach Yulia

Monday, March 11, 2013

What is your priority?

Figuring what to give my almost one year old with no teeth
I have been chatting with many people who have completely different schedules.  Sometimes both parents work and either have a nanny or full time day care.  Others are stay at home parents so the other one can work.  My household is two entrepreneurs with schedules that are all over the place.  Luckily our older kids go to school so that frees us up for most of the day.  Our baby is amazing, but when one of us works, the other one has to stop everything they are doing and be with baby.

Only now I am realizing just how much my time is worth.  When I was single running around was kind of a high, I enjoyed being on the go, non stop, doing things I loved.  The only way I would balance it out would be by tons of naps and Yoga.  After marriage and my first two kids, it still felt like the same go go go, with the kids in the mix.  Now my balance was my classes that I taught and the time I spent with my adult students and the energy exchange really recharged me.

Now I am feeling how important it is for me to actually block out time to be 100% with my kids, and if I am offered a job opportunity that interferes with that is not my priority.  When I was single I would jump at any opportunity because I had the time and the work was fulfilling.  I still love my work, but it is not my priority anymore, no amount of money is worth the quality time with my kids. 

I am being more conscious of what my time is worth, and it feels good.  Before my family I just wanted to give as much as I can to anyone that asked.  It feels good to be in a place that I can set my priorities and not feel bad when I cannot take a job.

Love to figure it all out,
It takes a lifetime,
Otherwise we would be bored,
Keep Learning,
Keep Growing,
Keep Transforming,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Squeezing in the Kids

My beautiful angel when she gets what she wants
Full day my friends :) For many of you Sunday is your day off with your family, your relax day, go on a trip or an outing day.  For me and my community Saturday is the family rest day, and Sunday our week begins.  I had my Doula training this morning, then ran home to take my kids to the park for half an hour.  I put Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia on their bycicles, and pushed Matisyahu in a stroller, yep just me.  Disaster? I will try to put a positive spin on took us a very long time to get to the park which is only a few blocks away, my daughter was whining and crying the whole way, and my time was running short.  I had a class in an hour, and now right after this blog have two more classes.

I really wanted them to enjoy this beautiful day, be outside, but I think it was late after a day of laying around, and she was tired, I really wanted them to run around a bit, I barely made it to my next class on time because we had to walk and bike back from the park.  I want them to have fun, I don't want them to just be home, or not be on my schedule at all.  I spent the morning with them, we read some books.  I love everything I am doing, and I honestly have no guilt, but I really think I need to schedule them in too, LOL. 

Kids do not like to be forced into anything, non even fun, Thank God Eli Tzvi was going with the low, and my Matisyahu is just a Godsend.

These are all good problems,
Have a Great Week,
Coach Yulia


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Good Friends

It is amazing how good friends are like family, even if you are not able to hang out or talk for a while, the moment you are together, it is a great time and you just jump right back in.  Today I had a chance to see some wonderful friends, our kids played so nicely, and it was nice to catch up.

I have been blessed to make a really good friend during each of my adventures, and have kept in touch.  It is amazing when you know people in one stage of your life and then see each other as life goes on.

It's amazing how the years keep passing, and it is really up to each individual person to decide to make their life their own, seize the day, enjoy every moment, because it will keep going.

My brother in law came in town to celebrate his beautiful niece, we had her Safta over, Sam's mom, and a good friend.  She really enjoyed a big deal made out of it, and all the fun things we had planned throughout the week.  Today all the kids went to synagogue with Sam and his brother, and I had some quiet time.  It was nice to lay down, but I wasn't able to get into a deep sleep, so when it was time to get ready to meet them, I was a bit spacey.  Luckily on this nice and easygoing Day of Rest, it was all good.

Tomorrow is a full day, have my Doula training, then three classes late into the night.  Everyone in my community is getting ready for Passover, it is deep spring cleaning time, and arranging where to have all the celebrations.  I am so excited to throw away everything that we do not need and clear out space.

I love the "out with the old, in with the new" concept,
There will always be new, in every sense of the word, whatever you are open to,
so it is important to clear out, clean out the baggage, clutter, and things that live rent free in our brain.

Be Free,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia
One of my favorite dresses, hugs in all the right places, but still shows the belly that I'm working on getting off!  My goal is to be real, keep working, it will go, I know it will :) Don't give up ladies, it just takes time, patience and work!

Friday, March 8, 2013

International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day, embrace your femininity, feminine power, and intuition, women are amazing

Today my little lady was born, March 8, 2010, I am so blessed to have her light in my life.  I had an amazing session with a private client this morning.  Then was called to work at my children's school for a few hours, we just got home, and family and friends are coming over to celebrate my beautiful lady.

It's amazing how life happens and scheduling can create opportunities or just the opposite.  This just happened to me this week where a referred client and I just could not find a time that would work for both of us.  Part of me wants to change everything around, but I have to let it go, and know that she will be fine, I cannot be there for everybody.  On the other hand, when I am available in my schedule I am working on a mutual beneficial experience.  Yes I am there leading the group or the individual, but it is in no way automatic or robotic.  I completely turn off the rest of the world and tune into the groups needs.  When the individual is letting go of everything and tuning into the group energy, it really is magic and a true energy exchange.  Even in one on one sessions, wow, when me and my client are on the same page, even with the routine not changing much, just tuning into what the body needs at that moment, the mind and body connection is so powerful.

So I am letting go of what did not work out, and embracing new opportunities that present themselves.  I am so grateful for a new coach that I am working with Ana, she is just so passionate, so full of energy, and such an inspiration.  I am so excited to post her before and after pictures, she was telling me how her kids are so in love with her shakes, she has to reorder more for the whole family.

Thank God For It All,
Shabbat Shalom,
My son saw the picture above and asked, where is my picture, and as we snapped the baby came a crawling

Thursday, March 7, 2013


My new beautiful smile, Thank God, as life goes on it takes work to be fabulous.  Our teeth and mouth health is such a big part of overall health.  Mostly people are focusing on nutrition and exercise, which is very important.  It is also important to get check ups of every kind, to make sure if your machine needs a tune up.
I am continuing my studies with Reboundology, and the trampoline is the only exercise that does not only use gravity but also the forces of acceleration and deceleration vertically.  We mostly experience these forces horizontally in a car or a plane.  Einstein said that when we are vertical the body does not differentiate between this forces.  It is so interesting that the word cell is in both of them, and that is exactly what exercise like this accomplishes, cell health.
I am also discovering more and more resources for new moms and all moms in our amazing Jewish community.  If any one has other amazing classes, doulas, or anything else please let me know.
More and more of my friends are realizing how wonderful the Herbalife shakes are as well, just for the nutrition aspect.  Yes losing weight, maintaining lean muscle, and energy are also a great part.  Especially once kids are in the picture, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves.  When exactly the opposite should happen, our families need us to be strong and healthy.  What are you putting in your body?  Is it Nutrient Rich?  Is it Delicious?  I would love to give anyone that is interested a sample.
Everything is clicking,
Life is Grand,
Coach Yulia 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I Love To Learn

It is interesting that when we are looking for something or enjoy something, it tends to cross our path.  I am luckily very good to being open to new things crossing my path.  I am currently getting certified as a Reboundologist, and I am watching some fascinating videos about how our cells function.  If they get the nutrition and hydration they need, they know exactly what to do.  We are really just miracles, how our body works, breathes, circulates, and eliminates.

I keep on quoting my Yoga teacher Raghavan, "bodily functions should be pleasant."  I recently read that even birth is a natural elimination, and our body knows what to do just like with anything else it eliminates, and we just have to let the process flow.  When we interrupt any process, there could be complications and intervention is inevitable.  Elimination is positive, beautiful, and necessary to our well being.

I love how Al Carter, who is the creator of Reboundology, makes scientific processes very easy to understand.  Once I am fully certified, I am going to hold conferences about the benefits of Rebounding, it is so fascinating and also tons of fun, and that's my middle name!

I am noticing that everything that I am interested in has to do with the body healing itself.  I really believe in this concept.

Feels so good to keep learning,
Keeps our brain young,
Keeps us fascinated and enjoying life,
Keeps us helping everyone around us,
What interests do you have?
Take a course,
Read a book,
Have lunch with a friend and have a creative brainstorm,
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Soooooooooooooo Gooooooooooood,
Coach Yulia

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Aunt Flow and Chocolate

If any of my guy readers are checking the blog out today I am sorry, but it might give you an insight into that time of the month.  Luckily it doesn't make me moody and it doesn't get painful, but it does make me feel BLAH!  I find a beauty in it, I feel it keeps us young and beautiful with all those happy hormones, and I like that its like a cleanse every month.  I never usually do but I had a headache most of the night, my baby was not sleeping too good either.  My daughter woke up crying and screaming, for what I feel is no reason, I finally asked her if she had a bad dream and she nodded, would not elaborate.  Maybe it was something like this "OH NO MY PRINCESS PARTY IS OVER!"  Is it ever really over, I don't think so, maybe it was an overdose of attention, and she was having withdrawal, LOL.

I always feel like I am more swollen, a few pounds heavier, and nothing really fits right during Aunt Flow's visit.  Luckily afterwards it all just feels good, for a million reasons.  I have a few clients and classes today, and planning to visit my new parents who had a beautiful baby girl.  Life is really a miracle, and besides thanking God, we also have Aunt Flow to thank.

For some women sweets and chocolate are huge cravings during that time, or even comfort food.  For me chocolate is a necessity on a daily basis, not a lot, and luckily I love dark chocolate, and my Herbalife Healthy Meal Shake that I have for breakfast every morning.  Some people have coffee every morning, I love to feel full and to taste yummy chocolate, to which I indulge and add peanut butter. Yum, my own peanut butter cup every day, I look forward to it :)

So I got the call about my client starting her labor on Sunday around 7am, I had to think fast, luckily I had a busy day anyway, so my husband had plans with the kids.  I let all of my clients know that I might not be available, and the first thing I had to do was have my shake.  I knew that I could not think straight or be a good support if I was hungry.  Thank God it only takes me 2 minutes to make, I also grabbed some water and I was out the door not knowing how my day will go.

That is why I always say each person has to figure out what works for their lifestyle, because we are all different.  I know I want easy, yummy, and affordable. CHECK, CHECK, AND CHECK.

I would be happy to bring a sample to anyone in my area or mail a sample to anyone abroad,
Coach Yulia,

Monday, March 4, 2013

Last minute rush and perfection

My daughter was so excited and went with the flow with all of the attention and activities.  I totally love all the details, the purple and pink mini cupcakes had princess rings and sprinkles on top.  Her goody bags, plates, and cups said princess party.  We brought Jewish grape juice, what is that you ask?  This is used with or instead of wine to make a blessing before a meal or for a celebration.  We all heard toasts and drank and were merry :)  The morning teacher had many traditions with birthdays, she said some blessings, gave charity, and led the group in a rally.  I was quite proud.

In her afternoon class I blew up a whole bunch of little balloons and the kids had so much fun playing with them in a parachute and jumping around and eventually popping them.

I bought everything I needed the week before, but this morning I was packing goody bags, and this afternoon I was finishing the balloons.  Yeah I had a Doula client that started earlier than expected, but honestly I probably would have found something else to do.

Why is it with exams, projects, and even events, sometimes that last minute inspiration is such adrenaline?  I did feel quite organized, mainly because I had a vision, kept asking questions, and everything came together.

I planned every detail of my wedding and it was such a blast, maybe I will talk about the details in the following blogs.  I so enjoy the details of things that are meaningful and to find out why.

I have learned that I am not perfect and that is OK, but to make my vision come to life, to actualize it, is such a thrill.  I can only do this for myself or my family, the details would literally drive me insane if I did this for a living.  Luckily even though I have a perfectionist streak, I also have a "oh well, lets just go with it and enjoy what is going on" personality.  More to come on that later, when the first part of my wedding was not what I planned, but the rest ended up being the funnest night ever.

I guess its like what I tell my clients with labor and birth.  No birth, baby, pregnancy, woman, or experience is the same.  All we can do is educate ourselves, make a plan, be in the moment, reach into our tool box and support systems, and enjoy the ride.

I love being fully present for the ride,
The Downs are as important as the Ups,
It's how we grow, and steer ourselves towards the right direction or us,
Embrace the Downs,
Embrace the Pain,
Embrace Feeling Everything,
It's So Powerful,
Coach Yulia

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I am about to have my first baby!

As a Doula!!! I am so excited, my wonderful friend and client is currently in labor, and she is amazing, I am thrilled for her and her husband who are such a good team and going to be the best parents.

It has been quite a non stop day, full of everything I love.  Finishing up Doula training, my client is 4 weeks early, which is perfect.  I have two Yoga classes tonight starting in a few minutes.  One of my fellow Herbalife coaches started a Weight Loss Challenge, I was supposed to be there, but was with my Doula client for most of the day. 

Thank God my husband kept the kids busy all day, I feel so blessed for his support of all of my passions and my work.  I just spent a little bit of time with the kids, we just put them to bed, they were totally OK this morning when I was leaving for the day.  Tomorrow they have school, my daughters princess birthday party, work, a few Yoga classes, and possibly my first baby :)

Life is a Miracle,
Coach Yulia

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Party Time

Makes me laugh that party time is all the time, but that is exactly how I envisioned my life from a very young age.  Thank God my parents took my brother and I out of the Soviet Union in 1980, with a little bit of English language and a lot of guts.  They worked so hard, we never lacked anything, lived in a wonderful house both in Denver and Miami.  I remember little things were a big deal, we were so excited when we got orange juice instead of orange drink.

I understand without this focus and perseverance we would not be where we are today.  However, I consciously decided that I wanted to have fun in whatever I chose for work.  It is amazing to look back how this keeps happening in my life.  During college I worked in night clubs, I figured why not get paid and dress up and have fun, so I cocktailed and bartended.  After graduating in Hospitality Management I worked on cruise ships for 3 years.  After moving to Los Angeles, I found my Yoga teacher, so I got a free gym membership working for 24 Hour Fitness, and worked with an amazing performance troupe in a night club.  So I got to workout and party while getting paid, soooo good for a single girl wanting to be healthy and have fun.

Some amazing friends from Canada, German Switzerland, and Wales, we hung out together all over the Mediterranean, I miss those girls, if anyone knows if they are on Facebook or how to get in touch, please let me know
Since getting married and having children I have expanded into Prenatal Yoga, Nutrition Coaching and Rebound Air Trampoline trainer.  So now I can keep myself healthy, full of energy, and doing a fun cardio that I enjoy.

The one thing that is not really for me but for my community is my Doula Labor Coaching.  I had beautiful birth experiences, Thank God, and along with other women in my community have very inspirational stories of Vbac, Natural Drug Free births, and also where an epidural at the end of a long labor helped the mother calm down, rest and have a wonderful birth.  There are also stories of being open to whatever is in store for mom and baby to be healthy, Thank God hospitals exist to monitor and operate if necessary.  My goal is to educate, create a birth plan, and be present in the moment, open to whatever is necessary to have a conscious and rewarding birth experience.

With everything that I do, I enjoy the "People Business," I love building relationships and making friends.  I love figuring out along with my clients what is the easiest, best, most delicious and fun way to stay heatlthy and fit.  It is all a beautiful energy exchange that is essential for my soul.

I love my kids, but they in a positive way drain me of it all, I only know how to give 100%.
I recharge with adults who put their well being and health in top priority, so they could be there for everyone and everything in their life.

Wherever you are, in Los Angeles, get in touch about the groups I already have going on, or lets create a group of your friends to Yoga together.  First baby? Let me tell you how a Doula made a big difference for me.  Please feel free to ask me any questions about anything.

My Work Is My Balance,
My Work Creates Beautiful Friendships,
Envision For Yourself What Is Your Balance?
Putting Yourself First Is Not Selfish, It Is Self Care,
Coach Yulia

Friday, March 1, 2013

It's Princess Time!

I am finishing all of the final arrangements for my daughter's princess birthday party in her school.  She is actually dictating everything she wants, pink and purple cupcakes, CHECK, princess party goody bags, CHECK.  We are also wearing her pink and purple princess dress from our recent Purim dress up holiday, and I am surprising her with a Pink Princess that will come into her class and sing happy birthday - YAY! Luckily a family friend, so all of these details are coming together nicely and not costing an arm and a leg.  Did I mention that on the princess cupcakes are little princesses?

So what do the boys in her class get? Luckily there are only two boys, they will just enjoy the cupcakes and get some boy stuff in their goody bags.  I also have extra goody bags and treats for her other class, she has different teachers in the morning and in the afternoon.  I don't want anyone to feel left out.  Honestly I also just want her to keep celebrating, she is so excited.  We also got her a new bed, so excited to put it together for my big girl.

Looking forward to Shabbat, I didn't sleep too good last night, baby was fussy, and my daughter woke up to go to the bathroom, which is awesome, but then had a hard time falling back asleep.  Thank God telling her I was going to write her a note about how wonderful she is still does the trick, the teachers acknowlege it and read it to the class, amazing how important recognition is even at that age.

We are invited out tonight, excited, hopefully the kids will nap after school, I am getting my hair done, had the eyebrows done yesterday.  It's all of those little details that make us feel good on the outside, Thank God I feel amazing on the inside, I am specifically talking about energy.  Even with little sleep, I am having a very productive day -YAY!

Enjoy this Gorgeous Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,

Hair Done, Almost Candle Lighting Time, People were checking me out on the drive home, LOVE IT!