Saturday, August 25, 2012

Woo Hoo

Little Brother and Big Sister hanging out

I tell you my friends, you just have to keep on living your life and doing things you like even after you have kids.  Travel for instance, a total headache, tons more to pack, can't do stuff that is not kids friendly.  Before getting married, travel was a way of life for me, I worked on cruise ships for 3 years seeing most of Europe and the Caribbean, done some fun trips with school, Israel and Prague, and with friends, Costa Rica and all over the USA road tripping.

I am always exhausted after, but traveling is in my blood, so when an opportunity comes along I jump on it, and still usually don't pack til the last minute, even though I am packing for me and the kids, my husband likes to take his own bag.  My brother in law works in Mammoth Lakes just a few hours away, so we are going to be there tonight, wake up early and go to Yosemite - so excited :)

I am still figuring out exactly what we are going to do, but so far the drive is beautiful, and its always good to get out of your routine, even if it is going to be nuts and not relaxing at all.  We will only be here for a couple of days, so I am excited to explore.  The poor baby is sick of his car seat, luckily my older kids had a good nap and are happy with food to distract them.  Hopefully sleep will come quick tonight and we will have energy for our adventure.

Thank God for my genes of happiness, all of the craziness is always justified with something positive, I just know it will all work out and will be a memory to remember.

Coach Yulia

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