Tuesday, August 28, 2012

People are noticing

Baby just turned 5 months, and I have been doing my workouts seriously for the past couple of months, and have been doing my shakes continuously throughout my pregnancy, but took it up a notch by adding my post workout Herbalife 24 Rebuild Strength.

People have been noticing that I look leaner all over, and I feel stronger, and I was super excited to button this skirt this morning.  However, I WANT MORE!  I want the number on the scale to go down, I want to be able to go shopping, and feel good about it fitting exactly how I want.  I refuse to buy clothes until I am at my goal, and I am throwing away things that do not fit, and that were stretched out during my 3 pregnancies.

My arms and legs are definitely leaner, and I have lost inches in my hips, the final place that has got to go, and I think I speak for almost every woman out there, is my belly.  I feel like it has been super stretched in my pregnancies, and while there is definitely body fat, it is also a lot of skin.  I feel that eating right, Yoga, Pilates, and weights together will get it back naturally.  That is my preference, Thank God in my pregnancies I felt great, and during birth I was drug and surgery free.  I will be the example of steady, consistent, and permanent.

I saw the the most amazing sentence about health in the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey.

"Exercise is one of those...activities that most of us don't do consistently because it isn't urgent.  And because we don't do it, sooner or later we find ourselves...dealing with the health problems and crises that come as a natural result of our neglect."

So powerful, seems like in our 20's we are just living, and if we do not form good habits then, we spend the rest of our lives undoing, fixing, working on, and hopefully forming healthy habits.

Exercise is also amazing for stress, check out the link below:


Bottom line is, I know things are going in the right direction, and I am going to keep at it, fully commit, however be in the moment.  Today nobody RSVP for my Hot Mama Power Walk, so I was able to be with my kids for their Open House in their new school.  I was going to do some cardio before teaching my Pilates class tonight, but I am feeling a little scratchy throat from my non stop weekend, and will listen to my body and take a break today, so I could go full on with my workouts the rest of the week.  I will throw in a Sunday workout to make up for it.

Gotta Have a Plan,
Gotta Listen to the Body,
Gotta Have a Vision for the Future,
Gotta be in the moment with our children,

Coach Yulia

1 comment:

  1. Bravo Yulia, U R wearing the skirt U wanted 2. U R reaching your goal.
