Friday, August 3, 2012

My Boys

Every Woman is different, Every Pregnancy is different, Every Birth is different, Every Child is different.  In my experience, my amazing, strong, beautiful lady Ziona Sofia is super intense.  She knows exactly what she wants to wear, what she wants to eat, where she wants to go, it is amazing, at 2 years old, she is the boss.  My husband and I are both the oldest in our families, so we have always been leaders, although our siblings are all leaders as well.  My daughter is tough, nobody will be able to mess with her, she will get exactly what she wants out of life, its awesome, but as her mom, its not easy to be with that personality day in and day out.

My oldest son is very sensitive, not only emotionally, but to sounds, to being talked to a certain way.  He is also the biggest helper and always looks out for his sister and little brother.  So that is another challenge, to make sure to word things in a way that will not hurt his feelings, to explain everything, but to also be smart to give him choices, where the choice he picks will be in my favor.

So far my baby is a nice baby experience for me, he literally tells us what he needs, otherwise he is just hanging out.  He recently started smiling all the time, and we are all loving how cute and sweet he is.  He gets kisses from all of us all of the time, he is really going to bring all of our intense personalities together, and have us all just chill out and enjoy the moment - Thank God!

Just came back from an amazing Yoga class with my teacher, felt so strong.  Kids are in camp, baby is sleeping, feeling good about everything in life - B'H

Happy Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,

1 comment:

  1. This photo says a lot ;@) and BB Blackberry is there 2 jajaja
