Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Last Minute

I am declaring my intention to transform into a schedule that gets everything done, without chaos, without being tired and leaving it for last minute, something that I will create a habit, so things get DONE.

We had to get some items for my kids first day of school.  I knew I had most of the things so I left the gathering to the day of, the only thing I had to do was make current pictures.  It was such an odd experience going to Walgreens 24 hour Monday night after my Bodypump class with my camera to find, fix, and print two pictures.  It was so weird to see people coming in and purchasing prints the old fashioned way.  So funny how times change, the best part of going to the machines with the camera instead of on my computer, is I can really single out exactly how I want the image to look, and the print comes out just right.  In my daughters pic she was surrounded by extended family, but I just loved how her face and hair looked in this pic, it really shows her personality.  With Eli Tzvi, I like the laughter in his eyes, he is all dressed up, probably about to say something silly, with my other kids around him.  I am happy I got two awesome pics that are true to who they are today.  DONE, but last minute, and yesterday same thing, throwing things together, and this morning, there were some forms I had to fill out, and I kept on putting it off, thinking I would have time this morning.

Do we really ever have time?  Everyone has 24 hours in a day, some people got it handled, and I am committed to focus on a flow that will not overwhelm me, to stop procrastinating, to stop making excuses.  My seminar leader said something very true and powerful about my mommy world.  She said that while I have my mommy world, everyone else has other stuff, some people have 3 jobs, others have a competition or a marathon they are training for.  We are all in our own heads and our own world, and the coolest part is, its just in our heads, if we can put overwhelming thoughts in a box, get into a routine that gets little things done, so they don't become big things.  Commit to a minimum per day, of whatever it is you are striving for. 

I am going to talk to a minimum of 2-5 people a day starting today about health, fitness, and building a life they want.

Thank God we can keep restarting, there is never a block, there is always an answer, we just have to keep wanting to grow, learn, transform, and get everything our heart desires :)  WHY NOT, RIGHT?

Who is ready to take their Health or Wealth to the Next Level?
Coach Yulia


1 comment:

  1. Great pics indeed so how was their 1st day? soon will start again the birthday parties to go to and U with 3 kids, their social life will be busy jajaja
