Monday, August 27, 2012

Just Got Back and Still Going

Thank you uncle Micha for a wonderful time, there is Eli Tzvi in the back exploring
Wow, I am the queen of wanting to squeeze everything in, and then being exhausted of running around like crazy, and sometimes getting frustrated that it did not all get in, or go as planned, or not everyone had the best time ever.  This is a part of my personality that I have had since childhood, I always wanted to be the leader, and everyone else had to follow.  I gotta say most of the time it worked, because I did fun stuff, but the times that it didn't I was annoyed. 

Especially when it comes to my kids, I just want to make sure they are having fun, and they get to do and see everything.  This morning we were getting ready to drive back to LA, and there was a playground across the street, I really wanted them to play and have some fun, but my husband said it was a long drive, he didn't want them to get dirty, and I let it go, and the kids had fun running around the large balcony outside our hotel room, that was the length of the hotel, so it was used by all the rooms.


So the drive back was good, sometimes fussy baby, sometimes fighting kids, but overall, we got back right on time.  I originally had a business call scheduled for 8am, and I thought it would be perfect, the kids would be busy at the hotel, and I could slide away and be on the call.  It got changed to 5:30pm, and I really want to commit to be by myself and child free for these business seminar calls.  So we got back at 5:15pm, I helped get the kids in, had to changed two diapers, my husband was busy unloading the car, it had food inside, so it couldn't wait.  I got on the call on time, but the baby started crying, so I started nursing him, luckily things settled down, I got to sneak out of the house, and contribute to the call, and get some wonderful guidance.  I am really looking forward to learning about time management, scheduling, and putting my life into the business, which will support my family, and let me do wonderful things for the kids all the time :)

Finally they are all asleep it is 7:45pm, my husband should be back any minute, he had to run some errands, and I am going to go workout, I NEED IT, it is totally ME TIME.  Then I got to do some things for the kids school tomorrow, and then I will post some pics to today's blog, and get the best sleep ever.

Love the non stop,
Looking forward for the non stop to flow,
Learning how to make everything fit together,
Thank God
Coach Yulia

1 comment:

  1. Yes kids have fun anywhere. U cannot try so hard for them not to miss anything because sometimes things R just where we R and we don't need to go anywhere to have fun...
