Saturday, August 4, 2012


Today was the perfect way to spend the Day of Rest, took my kids to the synagogue where they go to camp during the week, they had a blast, my baby was resting most of the time.  I got to connect with a lot of interesting people, I love talking to pregnant moms and people ready to take their health into their own hands.  I feel so blessed to be able to serve my amazing community, Thank God, babies are a way of life, so there is always a need for advice, guidance, and care.

I was talking to one amazing woman about getting married in the late 30's and being ready to meet your other half.  It was very powerful, in our community, many of the girls are married in their early 20's, so there is such a range of moms.  I love assisting young moms and first time moms, allowing them to realize that our body knows exactly how to birth, to research and have the birth they want, refer them to all of the options available.  I also love showing moms with multiple kids, that you have to take care of mama, or how is mama going to take care of everyone. 

It felt good to have people notice that I am slimming down that haven't seen me in a while.  I am really working hard, and staying focused and committed to my goal.  I want to be the example of the right way, consistency, finding what you love to do with exercise and activities, finding a way to eat that fits your lifestyle.

When we got home in the afternoon, we all took a nap together in our king size bed, baby was in his bassinet.  Perfect, when we woke up we had something to eat, the kids had fun playing, and just went to sleep a little while ago.  Thank God my older two are exactly like my brother and I, they are never bored, they always have each other, and they have a blast together, they miss each other when they go to separate classes.

Thank God for it ALL,

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful children U have :@) It is true that jewish girl get married very early? in Panama, many of them go to the same dance academy than my daugther and they R soo young and talks already about baby shower, wedding day.....
