Friday, August 24, 2012

The End

It is interesting how in our American culture, The End is something that could be sad, or something that is just finished, like a movie or a book.  What's funny is my 2 year old daughter is opening up a book and saying "once upon a time" and "the end."

I personally love change, and when something ends something new begins.  My kids finished camp, and will be starting a new school, and I am very excited for what was and for what will be.  It is all positive and it is all good, and I feel very grateful and blessed.

Where babies are concerned, or even children of all ages, we are so in the moment of our children's lives, and then the moment passes, and we are 100% in the next moment.  Here I have captured one of the most delicious moments ever - he pooped all over himself, through his clothes, I cleaned him up, put him down on his back to go grab something, and when I came back he flipped over on his belly, and then gave me the best, cutest, most delicious face ever - love this guy!

I wish everyone a wonderful end of summer, and a beginning of fall, it is so wonderful that the seasons keep moving, and we keep growing.  Change is beautiful - be in the moment of change, be conscious of it, live it, appreciate it, be open to where it takes you, keep striving for what makes you happy.
Had an amazing Yoga this morning with my teacher, and an amazing private Yoga, met with a client at Active Nutrition, picked up my kids from camp, and now getting ready for the Day of Rest, and then we will spend the latter part of the weekend up north, so excited, pictures to some.  Kids do not start school until Tuesday, so we have some time to play :)
Shabbat Shalom,
Have a FABULOUS weekend,


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