Monday, August 20, 2012

All Dressed Up

I am still in my pajamas hanging around with my baby, happy to have the house to myself for the day.  Many things are running through my head, I am thinking about our anniversary dinner last night, we both got dressed up really nice, went to an amazing restaurant in our hood, enjoyed it, and were in awe that it has been 5 years.  I am happy we got out, and dressing up and cleaning up nice felt good, and it is really important to do for a relationship and to keep your sanity.  Have some quality time away from the family, just you and your partner.  On the other side of it is feeling exhausted from no sleep, kids waiting for you to put them to bed when you get home, Monday with tons to do, hoping the baby is doing ok.  I guess that is where being in the moment becomes very important, and also just doing it, getting out there, even if you are exhausted and not in the mood.

This morning I was a week ahead in my head, I had an important phone call at 8am, and was trying to get everything ready so my husband could have all the clothes and lunches ready for camp, and baby would be sleeping, so I would not be disturbed.  I could not find the number in any of my emails so half hour before the call while getting the kids ready,  I had reached out to my colleagues for the phone number, Thank God someone in charge of that call text me and told me it was next week, but I said there is one today Monday the 27th, and she said no today is the 20th.  The funny thing is when I looked at my calendar, I thought the 27th seemed off, but in my head I had that today was the call, and for some reason I had the 25th, so I reasoned it was the 27th.  Even when I was reading the email, it didn't occur to me to check the date.  Call it mommy brain or whatever you want, but today I am really over it, I am done.  I have been early, late, wrong date for some important events that have even cost me money for a babysitter, and time, and energy.  I know I have a baby, I know I have two kids under 3, but honestly it is the positive side of me stating the obvious, but also making easy excuses and I AM DONE!

I am excited for my call that starts NEXT MONDAY AUGUST 27 :) It will be the beginning of my Next Level business seminar, and I am ready to screw my head on correctly, stop making excuses, accept responsibility and follow and learn what successful people do.

There is an amazing website out there that talks about even when working from home, it is important to get ready as if you are going to an office.  Especially dressing up and putting on shoes, then your whole mentality is in work mode.

I will take this on next week for my call.

So please indulge me a little more while I give reasons for why I am off, I am smiling as I write this, because somehow human nature is to defend ourselves, make ourselves look good, and sure these reasons are valid and contribute, but honestly folks call it what it is, excuses.

1. I am hot
2. I never get headaches, but have one today from lack of sleep and the heat
3. Baby was fussy whole time I was writing, now finally put him down, now all about me moaning for a few more seconds I promise
4.  Want to wash dishes, put away clothes, tidy up - help out my husband who usually does the deep cleaning, and a 90 year old friend of his mothers told me this is wrong, and what do I do, so I told her I am a business woman - now I better step up and be that business woman.


I think its also important to get it out, but then get over it, I'm over it,
now back to happy me, LOL
Have a Fabulous, Productive, and Happy Day Everyone
Coach Yulia