Monday, August 13, 2012


The first thing I ask someone who wants to get on a Nutrition Program with me is, "what do you usually eat for breakfast?"  It is amazing how there are a variety of answers, from nothing, to coffee, oatmeal, or a full breakfast with eggs.

Since I have started having my shake every morning for breakfast, I wake up STARVING, which is great because it means that the metabolism is moving and the body is being very clear about what it needs.  My mother was telling me that is the difference between what you need and a craving, and listening to when your body is actually hungry might make a big difference in maintaining a healthy weight.

Any personal trainer will tell you to eat small meals every 2-3 hours, that way you can keep the portions small and keep the metabolism moving.  It is amazing how my daughter is always hungry, my older son used to be, but now he is busy playing, and is picky about whether he wants to eat or not, food wise he will eat anything, but it has to be his decision whether he is ready to eat or not.  My little Matisyahu, Thank God, is a great eater, and I am excited to start him on solids, we already started on the rice cereal and bananas, I would rather supplement with food than formula, that is just my personal preference.  He is 5 months just around the corner, my older son we started food at 4 month because of a condition he had that made him projectile vomit, he needed something solid to keep food down.  My daughter I believe it was also 5 months, she was just ready.  Nursing for me is a pleasure, and I was going to try to go 6 months just nursing with the baby, but he is ready for more, and to all you moms out there, listen to your gut, you know what is best for your baby.

Healthy Mama, Healthy Baby
Another kind of hunger is the hunger for success, and unless you are really hungry, then the "comfort zone" is where most people will stay for all of their lives.  I have always dreamed big, but also have complete trust that everything will turn out ok, and just follow my instincts.  However, in order to achieve big, planning, work, action, and the right support all come together to help you achieve your goals.  I am so happy I found that with Herbalife, I am going to take an amazing course called the Next Level which I look at as business school, although I have a 4 year degree, in the environment I am currently in, I have no specific experience.  I am excited to take my business to the next level, and am ready to commit to my homework, to accountability, and to be a good example, inspiration, and motivation for everyone around me.

Anyone else interested to jump on board with me and reach your dreams and goals?
Coach Yulia