Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Do you have those days where there are a million things to do, and your head is full of stuff, and you just don't know where to begin?  It is not positive or negative, it is just figuring out how to prioritize, what is important, and where should I start.

My beautiful baby boy is sleeping, and my older kids are in camp for a couple more days, in a way I am glad summer is over.  I am excited they are going to go to an amazing school, I am excited for them to keep learning and growing with all of their life experiences.  Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia just eat up life, they are go go go 24/7, I am so amazed by their energy and excitement, and really being ready for anything.  I take them with me to the gym when I teach classes, they already know which gyms have which toys, they even know the drive and the area, its so amazing that at almost 4 and almost 2 1/2 my son and daughter can probably get around LA on their own and not get lost.

There is a lot of transitioning going on from this week to the next, we are going to break it up with a visit to my brother in law before the kids start school next week.  This is a picture of everyone below when he came to visit last month.  Then its back to the grind, Thank God the kids go to school and I start my Next Level Seminar to focus on building my business, and then the Jewish Holidays are around the corner, non stop, but that is how we all like it, honestly, who wants to be bored?

Right after I write this, I have some pre homework to do before my seminar, then I have a client at noon, and then the kids come home.  Once they come home, its all about them, and then they come with me to the gym for my evening class, I finish up with a 9pm private Yoga class with some amazing ladies in my community.  I really do love this pace, and yes some times it is overwhelming, and sometimes I just want to stop and do nothing, mostly because there is so much, I do not know where to begin, and I have to take a breath.
Friends with older kids keep telling me to enjoy my babies, because it all goes by so fast, and that is exactly what I am trying to do.  I jumped into it, as I always do throughout my life, and I am going to live it and be in it full on.  I guess strong personalities create strong personalities, my older two are going to be a force in this world.
Fierce Force!
Coach Yulia

1 comment:

  1. Of course U enjoy your kids, U R your own boss ;@) U did so well for yourself.
