Saturday, September 1, 2012


Gut - Good, it even means good in German :) Go with your gut, good, to have guts good - yet to have a gut, NOT GOOD.  A lot of it has to do with stress, check out the article below:

When it comes to being a mom, it is really important to listen to your own intuition.  There is sooooo much, before getting pregnant, during pregnancy, birth options, right after birth, and then every day your baby is in this world, someone has some kind of advice for you. 

I am the all natural extremist, I did not use an epidural with any of my kids, and had them all vaginally, Thank God.  I have talked with many women that were in control of the circumstances of their birth, and a C section was the best option, and for other women, due to certain reasons, they would have preferred a C section.  I feel blessed that my plan and Gods plan came together, and Thank God my amazing kids are healthy and full of energy.

I also nursed both of my older kids until 10 months, where my milk ran low, and I felt good stopping since they were eating almost everything by that point, I never had to use formula, just a personal preference.  Now I am in a completely different situation, and one mom told me formula is just like the healthy meal shakes that I drink with Herbalife.  My baby is 5 months, and I feel for whatever reason my milk is running low, I have tried rice cereal, banana, and sweet potato, he just does not seem thrilled.  One of the amazing moms that does my Power Walk told me that her boy is not interested in food, and he wouldn't take a bottle.  So he was already I think 7 months, and she decided to stop nursing and put him on formula to get him moving in the bottle and food direction.

My baby, Matisyahu is good with bottles with my pumped milk, so I recently tried formula to supplement, and he liked it, and his poop was good, and he looked happy, and I feel like this is just the solution for me, for this baby, at this time of my life.  The nursing even hurts a little, cuz he wants to eat so often, and there is not much there.  So I am going to supplement with formula for the rest of the month, keep on experimenting with food, and stop nursing when he is six months.  I am actually really excited about this decision because I feel like my body is holding on to fat to help produce the milk.  The mom I was talking about earlier leaned up immediately after she stopped nursing.

I have already formed my workout and eating habits, so I feel like my body will just follow in the right direction - EXCITED!!!

Please moms, what you decide is right for you and your baby.

Shavua Tov,
Happy Holiday Weekend,
It's all Good,
Coach Yulia

Clowning around, and our calm baby says - yep this is my family, believe it or not :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful family the baby is thinking ;@)

    Yes Yulia go for the formula. I had only 4months nursing and the transfer to formula was smooth and a success for all.
