Sunday, September 30, 2012

Change of Plans

2001, my 10 year high school reunion I am 28, moved to LA at 27,
It was September 11, I saw 911 on AOL, didn't register, then turned
on the news, airport shut down for 3 days, luckily made my flight home
Does this happen to all of you with kids?  Originally I was going to have all three kids by myself today while my husband had business to take care of, which got cancelled, so then I made another plan.  I was going to take the older two to Fit Club this morning, I had some clients that were a maybe, so I figured may as well have some fun with my kids and do some work at the same time.

This morning everything changed, my kids were not listening, and time kept a marching forward, and I decided they did not deserve to go, and I had tons to do at home.  So the new plan is for my husband and I to have a very productive day getting to everything we need to get to in the house.  Tonight starts our last round of holidays, so we are getting ready for that as well.

Gonna start with some breakfast, fold laundry, do more laundry, clean all of our closets, deep clean the kitchen, where we recently had some uninvited guests aka weird bugs.  Get to our dresser, the mantle above the fireplace, and any table full of stuff.

I think this will clear our minds as well as clean our home :)  Feeling good about the plan, for the final clean, I will probably take my kids to a park, and let my husband finish off.  Feels good when things turn out just as they should.  My baby is sleeping, and my older kids are playing very nicely together.

Enjoy your Sunday
Chag Sameach (Happy Holidays)

1 comment:

  1. U look amazing ;@) 911 how terrible;@( how can we forget!
