Thursday, September 27, 2012

21 Day Cleanse

Angling my web cam to get a body shot and a baby shot, not bad :)  So today is the first day of my 21 day cleanse.  I am so excited because it is not an extreme cleanse, yes you should eat healthy, but the goal is to eat, which is one of my favorite things to do!  That's what really rocks about Herbalife, it is healthy habits for life.  People plan to drink coffee for the rest of their life, and I plan to have my breakfast shake and post workout shake for the rest of my life.  I want a healthy "rest of my life."

So this is my plan, I am fully committing to my program, I took all my vitamins in the morning including two tablets of the AM Cleanse, and tonight will take the PM Cleanse, I just stopped nursing, it is not recommended to do pregnant or nursing.  I had my amazing Allergen Free shake in the morning, it is Soy/Dairy and Gluten FREE, and it is amazing with a banana and peanut butter, I love to mix it all in Almond Milk.  I have so many recipes, if you need ideas just let me know.

I just finished an amazing Bodypump workout, it is a low weight, high repetition workout, focusing on lean and fit, and it utilizes the core since we use a bar and free weights for every muscle group.  Just had my Rebuild Strength from our Herbalife 24 Athlete Line, if it is good enough for Olympians and David Beckham it is definitely going to work for me!

Getting hungry, that is what I remember the cleanse doing before, it really made my metabolism move, so I am planning on having a tuna or chicken salad, haven't decided yet, I have spinach and tomatoes, Persian cucumbers.  My husband is the best Mediterranean cook, and my favorite dressings are a simple lemon juice, salt, and olive oil, or Tahina, if you need his recipe let me know.  I will have my second set of vitamins with this meal.

I will have a snack later on, and with dinner do my third set of vitamins and 2 tablets of the PM cleanse, its all about getting in the habit, and when you are seeing results and you feel amazing, #WHY NOT?

So in the picture above, I am just letting it all hang out, that belly of mine has been holding on, I have lost inches in my legs, hips, and waist, as well as really defined my upper body.  So belly here we go, I am strong on the inside due to my Yoga and Pilates, but now focusing on really getting my nutrition spot on, and the cleanse will help it all #BURN.  I think my body while nursing held on to produce, now I will see this month what a difference it makes for me.  For some people nursing keeps them lean, I know it got everything on the inside to where it should be :)  Gonna focus on a balanced workout of cardio, weights, Yoga, and Pilates - variety, fun.  Sunday I am bringing all my kids to my beach workout, over 300 people getting healthy and having a blast.  That sand really gives your body extra resistance, the workouts are doable, and the sand makes you work a little harder. 

Check out the details of my cleanse below, GET ON BOARD, would love for you to join me, get that body working right, especially digestion.

Happy Body,
Happy Mind,
Happy Life,
Have a Happy :)
Coach Yulia

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your cleansing then... It seems U R taking so many tablets.
