Sunday, September 16, 2012

Picture Day

Today in my community everyone is running around doing last minute things for the holiday which lasts two days.  We have celebrations, pray, eat, and stay away from the world, cars, computers, TVs, etc.  So I will not be writing my blog on Monday, you will hear from me Tuesday night when the holiday is over.

One of the things I really wanted to do is take a family picture when my baby turned 6 months, and today they have some good deals, and once our holidays begin it will be non stop for a month, so we are squeezing in a family picture in a few hours.  I am excited, and I am trying to prepare the kids to smile and enjoy, and my husband is going along with it quite well.  I have not always been picture crazy, but it is so amazing to look back at memories, and especially with kids, we are so in the moment with our kids, I cannot believe my 4 year old was such a cute chubby way back when.  I also cannot imagine Matisyahu older at this point.  Our kids really keep us present, but they also remind us of time moving.  I know when I look in the mirror, I see the same girl I have seen since my teens, and turning 40 in a month doesn't change anything.  I have grown up with the mentality that age is just a number and a great reason to celebrate.

Eli Tzvi is probably 2 1/2 and Ziona Sofia is just over 1, its funny how sometimes she sees pictures of him with his long hair and things its her, and they both see baby pictures and think its Matisyahu, they are both so yum!

I was looking into my blimp idea, and lucky me, California is the only place that actually has a ride, its quite pricey, so I am considering if and how I will do it.  I love being in the air, and I think in my way of being, I am in the clouds sometimes :)

Feeling blessed for the last five years, husband, three babies, a new career with Herbalife, my health, my future, my spiritual connection.

Thank God for it all,
Shana Tova,
Happy New Year,
Life is Beautiful,

1 comment:

  1. it is true i thought myself it was Ziona too but no it is Eli
