Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Heat is On

First I am referring to literal heat, supposedly it is supposed to get in the 100's next week, and during this portion of our holiday marathon, we sit outside in little huts called a Sukkah, and eat all of our meals there for 8 days.  There is a wonderful tradition and law to invite guests, especially ones that are not able to make their own Sukkah in their home.

I had a fabulous day, my kids had fun seeing old friends - LOL - they are 4 and 2 1/2 and they really made some special friendships in their previous school, and they talk about their friends and miss their friends, so today they had a chance to play and have fun.  I love our Los Angeles Jewish community, it is so diverse, and all these different pockets all around town.  Thanks to my Yoga and Prenatal Yoga, I have been able to connect with so many amazing families.

My brother in law took Eli Tzvi in the afternoon, so I had a chance to get some rest with Ziona Sofia and Matisyahu.  I feel good, but it is amazing how as soon as my Day of Rest ends, my brain is back on the one million things do to wagon.  I am excited about all of the tools I am learning in my business seminar, to get it out of my head and organize it, prioritize it, and get it DONE!

It is Day 3 of my 21 Day Cleanse, amazing how this time it is really a cleanse, if you know what I mean.  My body needs to "go" quite a few times a day, but it is not an uncomfortable feeling, just getting rid of 3 babies worth of stuff.  It is so cool, some of the herbs directly cleanse the liver.  All of the Herbalife products I use are Kosher, and most of them Parve.  I am excited to see the results at the end of my cleanse.

The kids do not go back to school until October 10!  This is a long holiday, with breaks in between, where we will take them to some fun stuff.  So far so good, I think I will definitely take my kids friends up for their play date requests.

We are still figuring out some of our meals for Sukkot, we are unable to put up a Sukkah in our place, and we always went to my sister in law, she recently moved, and my mother in law is out of town, so we are not going to her friends.  As usual, my mentality, it will all work out as it should :) Thank God B'H for this ingrained way of thinking.  I feel so blessed! I just connected with a Yoga student of mine that is also is juts "naturally high," positive, happy, just sees all the good things in life.  I am happy to have met her, and we are both on a mission to make our dreams come true.

Dream my friends,
Shavua Tov,
Chag Sameach
Happy Weekend,


1 comment:

  1. So your kids have different school schedule than the others americans school because of your religion? here in Panama all the business of Jewish people were closed few days, even the girl rebecca that gives zumba dance cancelled few days of class. Is it becaus eyour year starts?
