Monday, September 10, 2012

This heat is frying my brain

Can we blame the heat, or the kids, or anyone else but ourselves?  It's all about taking responsibility for our actions, but today, it was just all out of wack.  I felt so good yesterday, wrote down everything that was on my mind, had a list with me, organized a schedule, went to sleep proud of myself.

Barely slept all night, I really think it is the heat even getting to the kids, my baby woke up every three hours, my oldest son told me his pillow was wet from his sweat, he is a sweaty kid, and my daughter wakes up at the bright and shiny hour of 5:30am.  Between the three of them, I was out of my bed all night.  Still felt good about my day, before I went to sleep a friend and I made plans to work out in the morning, I was going to fit it all in.

Everything changed, plans changed, my friends baby did not feel good, so our work out was off, two other appointments cancelled, so I decided to workout after my Prenatal Yoga class, in the hottest time of the day.  I have been yearning to go to Runyon Canyon, and I am so happy my baby was with my husband because it was hot as @#$%, OMG, I really don't know what I was thinking, actually I wasn't thinking.  I just had to get a workout in, I was halfway there from my Yoga class, Thank God I had water, but man, I really feel like I got heat stroke.  The worst part is what happened at the very end due to my NOT KNOWING WHAT DAY IT IS.  How could that be I planned this day so well, during the hike I was enjoying talking to people, took the picture that you see, do you see the blimp in the sky? I love things in the sky and have decided that for my 40th birthday, I want to go in a blimp with my family.  I am going to research a bit, and see if it is possible with baby and all.  Then there was this amazing breeze on the way down, my water was running low.  I finally made it, sat in my car, put on my A/C, prepared my Herbalife 24 Rebuild Strength post workout shake, and there it was looking at me from the windshield.  Yes my friends a parking ticket - SUCKS - I have been doing so well, haven't received one in a long time.  I actually looked at the sign, saw Monday 12-3, and decided it didn't pertain to me, and I got the ticket at 12:15pm - those parking guys are thorough!  The worst part was my imagining my husbands reaction, and that now it wasn't 40 something, it was $73 for a street cleaning ticket - OY VEY.

If only my schedule went as planned, I would have had my workout in the morning, and been at my afternoon gig at 1pm all refreshed from a cool morning exercise, instead I was huffing and puffing, red as a beet, jumped in the shower, still looked like a lobster, It's 5pm, and I still think I am recovering from the hottest workout in the sun in the world, no sleep, and girl stuff.

As it happens "What if's" could be said about anything in life, and everyone has their own what if.  So I am just going to take responsibility, and remind myself to read signs better, and not to workout in the hottest portion of the day outside in the hills that go up to the sun.  In half hour I have my first Next Level business seminar call, I will be part of this program for the next 3 months, and what happened today is exactly what I am going to tackle, transform, and turn into success.

Always got to have the positive view,
Coach Yulia

1 comment:

  1. If U R making your own monwey, your husband shouldn't make any scene if U have a parking ticket no...

    I understand bout the heat, Panama is =
