Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Cleaning, Houseplants and Freedom

My daughter put a few dolls under her shirt this morning and said there was a baby in her tummy.  I love that their world is full of bellies and babies.  They both woke up bright and early this morning, and so did the baby.  I got their breakfast going, and my husband and I got them ready for school.

Passover starts in a week, and one of the things I have wanted for a very long time is a new water machine.  My husband goes and gets those five gallon jugs filled, but the machine we had was from his apartment before we met, who knows how long.  This is just the perfect time to start fresh, especially with something so essential to our body.  Even if the water was quality, who knows what happens to it as it flows through the machine into our cups. 


We are going room by room for our passover cleaning.  I really want to get a tree or a large plant, it helps to purify the air in the home.  I used to have a plant way back when, and I forgot the name, it was specifically an indoor plant to clean the air.  I just googled it and the plant I used to have was Chinese Evergreen, but I just saw something else called the snake plant, which has a really cool look, and here is some info about how awesome it is:

"Scientists at NASA have found out that this plant has the amazing ability to absorb formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides, and a variety of other chemicals present in the air."



I love our yearly "inventory"
Out with the old,
In with the new,
Keep what we need,
Appreciating the Tradition,
That has its roots in History,
We were slaves and were set Free,
Feels so good to be Free,
Coach Yulia

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