Friday, March 22, 2013


This was yesterday at the Zoo, with all the animals, they loved to watch all the water fountains, little pleasures of life!
In Jewish communities all over the world preparations for Passover are in full effect.  The holiday begins Monday night, however we have Shabbat until Saturday night, so really Sunday is the last day to really finish up the deep cleaning and shopping for eight days of the holiday.  Monday will be the last touches, hopefully most of the work has been done by now.  Most people wait until last minute to make their kitchen kosher, it is a whole turnover.  New dishes, blocking off cabinets that will be off limits during the holiday, and covering everything including the refrigerator in foil or towels.

The goal is not to have one crumb left in the home, and get back the feeling that our ancestors had when they were freed from slavery, led by Moses out of Egypt, not having time to let the yeast rise, so today we eat Matza in their memory.

Every year we tell the story, and every year it has a new meaning for all the different ages and stages of our lives.  It is amazing how the lesson is always so true for each person, it is really timeless.

Thank God my job is to keep the kids busy and organize the house, my husband does the deep cleaning.  My son got his haircut and I got my hair done today, my daughter's hair is perfect as well as the baby's :)

We just came back from the park, my husband is running errands, and the house is ready for our guests for Shabbat tonight.

Feeling blessed for the freedom to live as we choose,
To commemorate our ancestors,
To live how our culture has lived since the beginning of time,
Thank God,
Have a Wonderful Weekend,
Shabbat Shalom
Coach Yulia

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