Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Babies and Work

No I am not wearing funny makeup, sometimes my web cam has funny coloring, Eli Tzvi wanted to take a picture. Before I picked them up from school I had my Herbalife 24 gear on as I took a walk with one of my fellow moms. I met a cool girl the other day wearing my gear, asking me if I am an Herbalife Coach. Can't wait for more shakes to come in, I was giving so many samples, mine ran out! So I had to use the kids chocolate shake, I was desperate :)

Once you become a parent you can still do everything you want to do, but it has to revolve around the kids.  So during my walk with a fellow mom, her baby is almost 3 months old, she had her own business before, but now she is not sure if she wants to do that anymore, and then wondering what other options are out there, and then throwing the baby in the mix, who will watch the baby, when can she work, etc.

My brother and his wife work full time in jobs they love and worked hard to get.  Luckily my parents live in the same city, so they have been professional grandparents from the beginning, and now that the kids are in school, they are always there to help when they are needed.

Other parents have to hire a nanny or put kids in a daycare or preschool while they work.  Some work because they have to help support the family, others work because they enjoy what they do.

Everyone has to find the right balance for their family.  Luckily my husband and I both have flexible schedules in our businesses, so one of us has always stayed with the kids while the other met with clients.  Luckily I am able to take my baby on my Hot Mama workouts, and even to meet with clients, I feel blessed.  It is not always easy, sometimes I feel drained, but I want them to know me and I want to have fun with them.  Thank God for school, God Bless the home schoolers, I could never do it.

It's all about finding what works for you,
There is no one way,
There is no perfect way,
There is just your way,
This is my Yoga talk,
It applies to everything in life,
Be You,
Coach Yulia


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