Monday, March 4, 2013

Last minute rush and perfection

My daughter was so excited and went with the flow with all of the attention and activities.  I totally love all the details, the purple and pink mini cupcakes had princess rings and sprinkles on top.  Her goody bags, plates, and cups said princess party.  We brought Jewish grape juice, what is that you ask?  This is used with or instead of wine to make a blessing before a meal or for a celebration.  We all heard toasts and drank and were merry :)  The morning teacher had many traditions with birthdays, she said some blessings, gave charity, and led the group in a rally.  I was quite proud.

In her afternoon class I blew up a whole bunch of little balloons and the kids had so much fun playing with them in a parachute and jumping around and eventually popping them.

I bought everything I needed the week before, but this morning I was packing goody bags, and this afternoon I was finishing the balloons.  Yeah I had a Doula client that started earlier than expected, but honestly I probably would have found something else to do.

Why is it with exams, projects, and even events, sometimes that last minute inspiration is such adrenaline?  I did feel quite organized, mainly because I had a vision, kept asking questions, and everything came together.

I planned every detail of my wedding and it was such a blast, maybe I will talk about the details in the following blogs.  I so enjoy the details of things that are meaningful and to find out why.

I have learned that I am not perfect and that is OK, but to make my vision come to life, to actualize it, is such a thrill.  I can only do this for myself or my family, the details would literally drive me insane if I did this for a living.  Luckily even though I have a perfectionist streak, I also have a "oh well, lets just go with it and enjoy what is going on" personality.  More to come on that later, when the first part of my wedding was not what I planned, but the rest ended up being the funnest night ever.

I guess its like what I tell my clients with labor and birth.  No birth, baby, pregnancy, woman, or experience is the same.  All we can do is educate ourselves, make a plan, be in the moment, reach into our tool box and support systems, and enjoy the ride.

I love being fully present for the ride,
The Downs are as important as the Ups,
It's how we grow, and steer ourselves towards the right direction or us,
Embrace the Downs,
Embrace the Pain,
Embrace Feeling Everything,
It's So Powerful,
Coach Yulia

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