Saturday, March 16, 2013

Holiday Takeover

For most holidays there is a day or a long weekend involved.  Since I have been married, holidays in my community take over the whole month.  There are preparations, and then the actual holiday, and then many relatives visit, so there is usually a day to decompress :)  This mainly happens two times a year, in September/October from Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, into Yom Kippur and all the way until the last day of Sukkot.  Not every Jew around the world celebrates this traditional way, many people just go to synagogue for a couple of days.  My community and many observant ones all over the world literally step off of the world and get into holiday world. 

Now this time of year it happens again for Passover, everyone starts with a deep spring cleaning of every nook and cranny of their home, cars, and anything else that may have a morsel of anything made from grain.  The holiday does not actually begin until Monday the 25th in the evening, but my children's last day of school is this coming Monday, so I have a week of figuring out how to entertainment, while my husband gets the house ready for the holiday.  Yes I am blessed, I am the entertainer, and the organizer.  I am in charge of out with the old, I just threw away so many parts of toys, broken toys, and reorganized the kids room.  Next is our room, the kitchen, bathroom, and living room to finish it off.  I actually love throwing things away, and I am looking forward to going through all the closets.  Especially with kids soooooooooooo much stuff gathers, piles up, and takes up space.

Passover itself lasts for 8 days, and we celebrate it all the way to the end.  Many Jews in American only celebrate the first night, which I used to do.  I am really enjoying going full out, the learning, the meals, and just gathering with friends and the community.  Everyone comes home from abroad, families get together, it is the Christmas through New Year's vacation block in our community.  Two weeks or more, some people already arrived earlier this week to spend as much time they could with their families.

What I am excited about that in my children's Jewish pre school, they already know the songs, traditions, that we don't eat pizza, cookies, pasta, and we eat Matza.  They are actually teaching me, and I am very proud.  The kids were having a snack, and the baby decided to join them, so I cut up his banana.

I have so many fun plans for them starting this coming Tuesday, once school ends, the mommy party is on!

Have a great rest of your weekend,
Shavua Tov,
Coach Yulia

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