Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mommy Time vs. Food

Last night was a good night, all the kids slept well, and love to wake up literally at the crack of dawn.  My daughter very quietly came to my room, really tried not to wake me, laid down quietly next to me, and didn't play with my hair, which I have told her hurts me and I do not like it.  She doesn't play, she twirls and pulls, and pretends its a hose - what? obsessed, I tell her she has her own hair, I even got her a doll with long dark hair - no substitute.

Anyway, my daughter loves to eat, so my husband was already up, and I told her to go ask him for something to eat, and she hesitated, I could see the question going through her mind.  I really want to be here with mommy, but I really want to eat.  Lucky for me, the eating won out, so I got a few more precious seconds to myself before I jumped into my day.

Have you ever really wanted something, thought about something, and then it came into your life?
This happened to me today, and it is so cool, my kids will have something exciting to do and put together for years to come.  Here is how it came about.

I have realized that parents of all walks of life need to stick together and support each other.  I have been reaching out to mom's and now mom's are introducing me to other mom's. We all love Facebook because it is an easy way to stay in touch with the world while we are with kids and our non stop lives.

So an amazing mom I haven't met yet, but we have a workout date next Monday, was giving away a train table with all the tracks, props, and trains.  Eli Tzv,  my 4 year old is in love with trains, and my daughter is just as crazy about them, she even has a favorite train.  I recently got them some kind of train set, it was OK, but I have always wanted the wooden one, where the trains connected magnetically.  It is a big investment, I didn't even imagine a table.  I am SOOOOO EXCITED!  My kids deserve everything, and the best part is moms love to give away what they are done with.  I gave away my baby swing and my awesome changing table.

I am excited to help build the track and city, I have a blueprint!!!!

We have so much power,
Tap into Yours,
Dream Big,
Set Goals,
Go for it,
It can only get better if you are working at it,
Let me help you figure it all out,
I love meeting new friends,
I love working with adults,
I love my kids,
Life is magic,
You can make your life magic,
Coach Yulia


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