Saturday, November 24, 2012


I try my best to be a very straightforward and fair person, but sometimes life happens, and lines get crossed, and different interpretations happen, and there is an elephant in the room.

I used to have a roommate that would get upset with me when I would listen to her telling me about other people's drama, and proclaim "I DON'T CARE."  She thought I was so inconsiderate, when I was thinking, why should I take other people's stuff on, I have enough of my own stuff.  Even with family, how my extended family lives their lives is their business, I try not to judge or even have an opinion, ultimately my family is who needs my undivided attention.  In business it is my clients and fellow coaches that get my undivided attention, I love promoting what I do, but if someone is not into it, no problem, I really believe in the concept of "TO EACH HIS OWN."

It happens with families, friends, even our own children, and all we can do is own up, communicate, and come to a compromise.  A good friend just told us the best thing he taught his kids was how to compromise, and of course he told us to have patience, not so easy, but a constant effort :)

Misunderstandings also happen in the world of "TEXT" OMG, we never know the tone or connotation, and I have had to have uncomfortable face to face conversations to clear the air.  I like the air to be clear, otherwise "THINGS LIVE RENT FREE IN OUR BRAIN."

Relationships of all types are not easy, and I always say otherwise we would be bored.  In a marriage or couple, it is so important to have a connection that no matter what, that connection is what you have to fall back on.  Especially with strong personalities, I feel blessed to be tough, but its important to know when to back down, listen, and compromise.

Most importantly RESPECT!

We must keep learning my friends,
Our brain stimulation keeps us young,
Being true to ourselves keeps our stress low,
Keep Checking in,
Keep Speaking out,
Keep Shining Your Light,
Coach Yulia
OMG - These high energy individuals really had me on my toes today, testing my patience, and my little one is super teething, so non stop fussy, poor baby, Day by Day my friends, that is all we can do.

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