Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I have been really focusing on keeping my word, and how others are keeping their word.  It is so easy to make declarations, and then have exuces.  Successful people do what they say, walk the walk, and are always in action.

Tip of the Day:  It's easy to do, and it's easy not to do

My older son has not been sleeping that well, so my night gets interrupted not only by baby.  I had a very busy day planned, and as usual, realized that I had my plate fuller than I thought.  I agreed to go work out with a couple of friends with babies, and I really was running late and was not in the mood.  I just kept saying to myself, just go with it, and see what happens, I really didn't want to cancel when I said I would go.

So once I got there my baby was asleep, I put him in the kids club and was given a beeper for when he woke up.  I met the girls at the cardio machines, and actually really enjoyed it, I don't remember ever liking cardio machines, this was an elliptical style, I honestly could have been there easy for half hour, but at 15 minutes the beeper went off.  I fed my baby, and finished off with some abs with the girls.  I had to run to pick up my kids from camp and head to a friends birthday party for her son.  We all had a great time, and then were off to the gym, I was teaching Yoga, and the kids were at the kids club watching their favorite movie - cars :)

I got there in time to do half hour of the bootcamp class, then taught an awesome yoga class, love to exchange energy.  Just got home, putting kids to bed, and running off to teach my final private Yoga of the day.

On the last leg of their tour before the gym, she took a power nap, he was nice and let her sleep on his lap

Planning to meet my new client at the beach bright and early 7:30am and then lead my Hot Mama Power Walk.  Trying my best to stick to the schedule and keep my word.  Working out doing something every day - feeling sweaty - but great!

Make a Plan, Stick To it even when You Don't Feel Like it,
That's what I'm here to help you do,
Your Personal Accountability Partner":
Coach Yulia

1 comment:

  1. U should get her the neck's pad like to sleep on the plane if she always does power nap...
