Sunday, July 29, 2012

All I really want

Today is a day of reflection, of looking back, of learning from the past, and sending positive energy, happy thoughts, and being the best that we can be in the moment, to ensure the future of our dreams.

At this stage in my life where I really have everything that I have ever dreamed of, all I really want is to be my best for myself, my husband, my children, and my business.  Everything starts with healthy habits, and that's all they are my friends, habits, easy to do and easy not to do.  I am excited to remeasure at the end of the month and see what has been happening.  I really try to focus on the habits, and track my measurements monthly.  I honestly do not see much change, but everyone is telling me they do see me getting leaner.  We see ourselves everyday, so people that have not seen us in a while are the ones that will notice right away.

All I really want is to have healthy habits for me, my husband, and my children that give permanent results that are easy to maintain.  For my clients no more yo yo dieting, no more wondering why things aren't happening, and me not being firm to say that the only way it will work if you fully commit to the plan, and discipline yourself to success.  With any directions, even if a screw is left over after you build something, it will have an effect at some point.  Directions and Instructions have to be followed exactly in order for results to happen.  I guess that is a metaphor for life as well, following the rules that have been put in place for us to be our best, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Even a slight deviation from those rules, have grand effects on our lives, but the beauty of it all, is that it is ultimately our choice - our decision, which path we want to experience.

There is nobody to blame, all we can do is take full responsibility, and keep learning and growing.  Life was not meant to be easy, even if it looks like someones life is easy, we really do not know the details of what anybody is going through.  Honestly, WHO CARES, the only person we should be working on is ourselves, and in turn our husband, children, families, friends, and clients, will see that we are leading by example, walking the walk, in action, being true.

I love to make my kids my childhood Russian breakfast, buckwheat and cottage cheese, they love it!  I am trying to give them a variety of healthy food, and keep them active.

Of all things at my daughter's recent doctors checkup they told me she had a high BMI (body mass index), I had a few different reactions. First of all it made me laugh that this was my business, and my daughter had a high BMI, its is a height/weight ratio, showing how much body fat is inside. Then I felt that I had to start watching her portions of snacks and cheese, and teach her how important it was to each a variety of everything. My brother had a severe reaction, he was upset that in this world where girls are always never good enough, and look at magazines of air brushed bodies, he said he had never heard this for a boy. My daughter does love to eat, Thank God, we just have to guide her into healthy, balanced habits. 

In this day of fasting, I just want to say that I Love Food, Food is a pleasure, it is an enjoyment in our lives.  What I love about my nutrition program is that it lets me do just that, in a very easy, yummy, and affordable way?  Free Wellness Profile for anyone that wants to see if it could work for them.

Wishing everyone a day of reflection and meaning,
Looking inward,
seeing what we can do outward,
Coach Yulia

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