Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Still figuring it all out

I'm on the couch working at the Active Nutrition Club with Matisyahu after our Hot Mama Power Walk, feeling good, and as usual trying to get it all done, organize, schedule - gotta pick my kids up in an hour and take them to swimming lessons. #NONSTOP

Yesterday I really felt like I had it all together and was so motivated and excited, and then I got the timing wrong on the training yesterday - and last week I went to a birthday party with my kids that is supposed to be this week - OY VEY.

I was good with putting everything in my phone, then I got a new phone, and still haven't transferred all my info, or started consistently putting in my schedule.  I always feel like I can keep it in my head, and then forget things, start writing to do lists, then misplace them.  Yep, sometimes reality hits me, and I have to just regroup and stay positive, and figuring out what doesn't work, and then try different things that may work.

I am good at looking like I have it all together, and in my head and energy I feel good like I do have it all together - sometimes people ask me how do I do it, and honestly, I just do it, without thinking about it, if I thought about it, I probably would go bonkers.  Once you have kids, they just get added in to the millions of things that you do in your life, but now it revolves around them.

Last night I was exhausted, so I decided not to go to the 7:30am Fit Club, instead I spent the whole morning with my older kids, and felt even more exhausted than if I had gone.  I am recommitting myself to going every Tuesday and Thursday, and I am excited, I have a first time client meeting me on Thursday.

All we can do is try again, recommit, start fresh, redo,
Coach Yulia

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