Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mom's need Mom's

With your first baby, as you experience every stage of pregnancy, you are still busy with your life.  Until the baby arrives not much changes, most people are still working, meeting single friends, going out, and enjoying all the changes that are going on.  It is fun sharing with everyone, but it gets to a point where its nice to be around other first time moms, experienced moms, and people that know a lot about baby world.  I got to that point when I was 9 months pregnant with my first, did you know there are actually 10 months of pregnancy?  It's in the 9th month that it is ok to give birth, once you are 36 weeks, but full term is actually 40 weeks.  I did not know this before I got pregnant, I read it in a book and was shocked :)  Why would anyone need to know until they had to know, right?

I took the most amazing Prenatal Yoga classes and learned many important things that helped me try to understand how my birth was going to progress.  It is all really mind boggling, even with all the science in the world, when it happens to you, it's your own experience, and nobody can really explain it.  That is why I always say trust your gut, and mother's intuition is right for her and her baby, no matter what anyone else says,

I have a very high pain tolerance, and in my life in general try not to take any medications for anything.  Doctors and medications have their place, but women have been giving birth since the beginning of time, our body knows what to do, and the best way is to stay calm and let nature take its course.  The word pain in our society is so relative, I always tell women try without an epidural and if it is really unbearable, then don't torture yourself.  Many women feel relaxed after an epidural, and then let the body do what it needs to.  I am the type of person that wants to feel life, every part of it, if you are not alive then what is the alternative?  I believe many medications out there are like a flat line, they control the body to feel nothing.  Every person can decide for themselves what is right for them in different circumstances, but I just read a horrifying article about how babies are born addicted not only to illegal drugs but to prescription drugs, and many of the mom's did not realize that it could affect their babies.

The best preparation is education!  Take classes, talk to your friends, get professional advice, get a Doula that will be in control so you don't have to, and can just focus on staying calm, present, and with your breath.  Our breath is now, Thank God it never stops, and sometimes we even forget its there.  When you connect with your breath, you are in the moment, and I love the expression, "breathe the baby out" instead of pushing, so beautiful.

There are many Prenatal Classes and I suggest to just try different teachers, and see what fits with your lifestyle.  In my Jewish community, Thank God, there are so many pregnant mommies and many births even daily -  My Rabbi has 13 kids!  They are all happy, healthy, and independent adults, its amazing.  I am focusing on the young new mom's that need to be aware of their posture, eating, and connecting with their body and their baby.  I am also reaching out to mom's that have already had children, and want to make sure they are feeling their best for their families, and looking their best for themselves and their husband :)

After baby is born, and it has been 6 weeks, and mom is feeling good, I feel it is important to connect with other mom's as well.  Women in general need to talk, and its so healthy to see mom's in every stage, see what your options are in different stages of the baby growing.  It is also great to exercise with your baby and other mom's.  There are so many amazing classes, if you get in touch, I have some great resources I could pass on. 

My baby just turned 6 weeks, and I am ready to go!  I am starting my Hot Mama Power Walk and Nutrition Group, which is FREE and FUN!  Every Tuesday and Thursday in Culver City at 10:30am at my Nutrition Club.  Please spread the word, the more the merrier.

Feeling full of energy, ready to get sexy, lets do it together!
Coach Yulia

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