Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Baby Got Back!


The topic of the tush brings up so many thoughts :) Why do we love baby tushies so much?  I remember when Ziona Sofia was born, they put her right in my arms, and what I remember most is her tiny little tushy in my hands.  The funny thing is that we keep on loving the derrier into our adult years, we want to keep it firm, and looking good.

Then there is the not so pleasant topic of digestion and number 2, which is actually one of the most important determinants of health.  The scary thing is many people let it go and it leads to surgery!  I am always amazed how lightly surgery is looked upon in our society.  Even with birth, if everything goes the way it should, it is meant to come out one way, and then pop back into shape, that is how we were designed.  Yes of course doctors are very important for the 'just in case," but it is horrifying how they do not like to work on weekends, so the women schedule their c-sections with a tummy tuck, Monday through Friday.

Digestive health is a main focus with my clients, absorption and elimination must function properly in order to lose weight as well.  My clients proudly report, "now I can poop!" and it makes me so happy that the right nutrition will heal from the inside.  Every morning I have the most delicious Mango flavored Aloe Vera, it helps with nutrient absorption, and also for severe cases of constipation, IBS, and acid reflux, it does wonders.  None of this is magic, it is just what the plant was designed to do with its healing agents, and the best part is that its subtle.  No laxative effect, just soothing and healing your digestive tract to work the way nature intended.  All throughout my pregnancy I used it as well for bloating and heartburn.  Now while breast feeding it helps me and the baby, his digestion through my nursing and Aloe helps his sensitive system feel and work good.

Tip of the day: Bodily functions should be pleasant, if they are not, something is wrong.  Bottom line (no put intended) it should feel good, then we do not think about it, when it all works right.

So back to a good looking backside, a good nutrition program and exercise my friends, and even for those of you that want to have a more defined one, that is all about gaining muscle in the right places, but burning the body fat.  It really is a science, whatever your goal is, we can get there together, with your commitment and my coaching, we are destined for success.

Sorry but I have to do this, this will definitely show you my generation :)

"I like big butts and I cannot lie, no other brother can deny" LOL (for those of you that don't know it was a popular song in the 90's that helped ethnic women get recognized for their curves) "You could do side bends or sit ups but please don't lose that butt!"

Nuff Said,
Have a great day,
Coach Yulia

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