Thursday, May 3, 2012


I love to work, I love my work, some people like doing what they are good at, making good money there, and then having their weekends and holidays for themselves.  I like to feel like I am having fun, being social, and doing something that re-energizes me, so it almost doesn't feel like work.  I love my family, but for my kind of personality that gives her all in everything, my children take the 100% that I give, so I feel drained.  I need my work in order to recharge for my family, I need that balance.

I celebrate stay at home mom's, it is the most challenging work in the world.  I also am so grateful for wonderful teachers, caregivers, and anybody that spends their time with children.  I am so happy my kids go to school where their energy is spent in positive and creative ways, and so they want to sleep when they get home :)

All my life I have identified with the word BALANCE, my solar sign is Libra, and I was someone that was happy to get B's instead of A's in school but balance that with a fun social and work life.  This philosophy has guided me throughout my life, and has taken me on quite an adventure, listening to my inner voice, sometimes taking things too far, but hey, its all about learning and growing right :)  So I am not a big school person, I did ok as I said before,  but I want to live and experience life, not just take tests.  But I do love to learn and grow as a person.  I love going to lectures and seminars about personal development, and in my Jewish community I love to hear the Rabbi's, Rebbetzin's, and other wise people give lessons on life and the world.

Today I heard a very powerful lesson about following a designed program, whether its the Torah, and exercise regimen, or a nutrition program.  If you follow it step by step, you will see success, if you change even one little thing, like in a recipe, it will begin falling apart.  For some people on earth life is heaven and for others it is hell, perception is reality.  My good friend always called me "Normie," because I do not have an addictive personality.  I just deal with life as it comes, and even if it gets me down, I try my best to learn from it and move on knowing and trusting other opportunities will come along.  I am realizing that many people have gone through so much in their life, that they need either a support group or therapy in order work through their challenges, in order to become aware, move past, and grow.

It is almost 10pm, I have committed to writing everyday, I have had an amazing day of work, discovery, and family and I am exhausted, I miss my sleep :)  Please reach out if I can assist or inspire in any way.

Good Night, Laila Tov, Spokoynoy Nochi, Buenas Noches, Bonsoir, Bonna Sera, etc. etc.
Coach Yulia

1 comment:

  1. U R inspiring Yulia, U R. People in LA R lucky to have U and talk to u every day ;@)
