Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I am so inspired by the picture I just posted on my Facebook page (Hot Guys With Abs), just in case you are not on there, just search Yulia Medovoy Edelshtain.  Let's get real my friends, there is no magic diet out there, and especially if a guy wants to gain muscle, it takes a lot more work than someone wanting to lose weight.  Did you know when your body is getting the Nutrition it needs, weight loss is just a side effect?  What I love about being a Health, Wellness, and Nutrition Coach is that it is all science, and if someone really commits to their goal, success is inevitable. 

I am excited to be my own example of this, I have posted a picture of myself today, my baby is 2 months, I am working on forming healthy habits with my nutrition program, and committing to a healthy active lifestyle.  What does that mean?  My goal is to lose 30 pounds by my birthday, October 11 of this year.  I have customized a Nutrition Program for that goal which consists of eating my Recommended Daily Allowance, which includes 2 shakes, one meal, and snacks throughout the day.  I always have my shake for breakfast, and then decide if I am going to have the second one for lunch or dinner.

Today I am leading my Hot Mama Power Walk, so afterwards I will have the best Post Recovery Shake on the market, Triathlon Magazine was highlighting our Rebuild Strength with Whey, Casein, and Amino Acids.  It is very important after a workout to get Protein in your body within 30-45 minutes tops.  What happens is your muscle tone gets replenished, and helps burn your body fat.  It is very interesting to see how the same amount of fat takes up much more space in your body, while the muscle is lean and firm.  Many people for whatever reason are bulky already, and when they start exercising, they do not lose that bulk, and this leads to my,

Tip of the Day:  Women, you will not get built, big, like a body builder, it takes a lot of work to gain mass.  People eat like crazy when they are trying to gain muscle, and that is the key, they keep their metabolism moving by eating throughout the day, so the body fat is what's getting burned off.

There is one male coach that I work with that was focusing on getting lean first, and then when he got his body fat percentage to where he wanted, he worked on building lean muscle.  As you see in my picture my midsection is what needs the most work after three babies in 4 1/2 years.  I have never had a completely flat stomach even when I was in great shape.  I am so excited to have amazing abs after 3 kids at 40!  The best part is I have a plan to get there :)

Lets work on your plan - nutritioncoachyulia@gmail.com or call/text 323.377.0707

Coach Yulia

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