Saturday, May 5, 2012


My brother and I are 18 months apart, and although live totally different lives, are still very close.  It's really important to me for my children to like each other, be friends, and have each others back.  Thank God my oldest son Eli Tzvi and my daughter Ziona Sofia are also 18 months apart, just how I wanted :)  They have a great time together, and at this stage like many of the same things. 

It's interesting also how many friends are like family, you have known them for so long, at different stages of your life, and count on them sometimes even more than family at important periods of your life.  Lucky for me I have been able to make a really close friend that is like family throughout the adventures of my life.  In my childhood in Denver, Colorado there are a group of girls who I still keep in touch with, we remember those years fondly and laugh at how we all have evolved.  Miami has brought so many friendships from my Junior High days into High School, and into my party and college years.  I feel so blessed to reconnect with many people I have totally lost touch with through Facebook.  It's so cool to just keep up with everyone, but be non stop in your own life.  I am not great about picking up the phone for long conversations, even emails seem like a chore!  I have just started Skyping with my parents, so my kids get to know them and remember them next time they visit, and also with my family in Russia, Israel, and Greece.

The coolest part about Facebook is I have reconnected with friends from my cruise ship days, and they live all over the world, and some have even started working with me as health coaches or have tried a nutrition program.  Since I got married and had children, social media is the only way that I can keep in touch and reach out the outside world that is not part of my immediate circle.  I love my community, and through my work get to meet more amazing people every day.

It makes me laugh that before I used to perform, or really need to be in front of people to satisfy the exhibitionist inside of me, but now through this blog, and through social media, I can be a wife, mother, and entrepreneur, and let the world see inside my life.  I feel truly blessed, and I want to inspire people to find their blessings.

My husband and I are listening to amazing CD's about the Law of Attraction.  For anyone that has seen the Secret, that is only the tip of the iceberg.  It is very scientific and the best part easily explained, so it is easy to understand and apply to your life.  Please let me know if you are interested in borrowing a copy, I would be happy to lend it out.

Feeling content, blessed, and grateful,
Coach Yulia

1 comment:

  1. U R so dedicated Yulia, bravo. I am sure U already have helped many people around U in LA...
