Sunday, May 20, 2012

Family Day

Today was a busy day running around to some fun events.  We actually had one more on our agenda, but with three kids, and the heat, and everything being on different sides of town, it was too much.  We went to Pasadena in the morning for a Marathon to support women from Eli Tzvi and Ziona Sofia's school running in their skirts :)  Then we headed to Culver City area to celebrate my Yoga teacher turning 80 years old, that is the picture above with my husband hanging out with Matisyahu.  My daughter was having fun at the kids zone at the marathon in the jumper, and my son was only interested in the John Deere parked on the side.

I love going with my kids to places where they are entertained and can run around.  It does get challenging at times when they do not want to do the "fun stuff" that is there.  Overall it was fun, but many times its bribing them with ice cream, and when the ice cream starts melting on them and getting them dirty, its a whole thing taking it away and cleaning them up.  Luckily for our afternoon party it was in a big house, great back yard, my kids found the guest room with toys, my son was there most of the time.  My daughter went from eating, to finding a ball, to playing with some toys as well.  The baby wanted to be held most of the time, and had healthy poop all day, yes this is what parents talk about with babies, it is totally normal talk for those of you with no kids.  I also was happy that this guest room had its own bathroom where my older son had a great poop, the port-o-potty at the marathon was disgusting, and my son took one look and walked out, he is a cleanaholic like his father.

One of the reasons I love to have my Hot Mama group is that it is so natural for moms to want to share stuff that is personal, and that other moms understand.  Women in general need to talk, and as a mom, its comforting to know others know how you feel, and most of the time we learn from each other.

We are happy to be home, it was a good long day.  Have a great week everyone!

Coach Yulia

1 comment:

  1. Why U picked this name Matisyahu? very different name for me, sounds like japonese to me. I am very interested by your story about it already...
