Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Miracle of Life

Eli Tzvi
With your first baby, it's just mind boggling, I remember when Eli Tzvi finally came out after 12 hours of labor at home and 2 hours at the hospital with no epidural, just a great doula and yoga breathing, I was just in awe. With all of the science of conception and reproduction, we still cannot really comprehend how life is created. A perfect little person with all the complex systems of an adult.


Ziona Sofia

It is really a miracle, and with my other two kids it was a different awareness and experience.  With my daughter, she came so fast, from the house to the hospital less than 2 hours,  all I could do is just get through the contractions and enjoy her in my arms. 



Matisyahu was a unique experience for me because I was completely present, my doulas were not available, I did the counting, breathing, and at the hospital told the nurse "contractions are for 2 hours, 5 minutes apart, 30-60 seconds,no epidural, this is my third baby!"

I went to an amazing lecture which was talking about science and God, and how science can tell you everything, every detail of creation, whether its the earth or a human, once they are alive.  Science cannot tell you how nothing became something, it is the beyond.  On a very spiritual level, we are creative beings and are living in a world where nothing is being turned into something everyday.  We ourselves manifest and create amazing things, when we reach deep inside and trust.  I am in gratitude of miracles that happen in our every day life, I am so thankful that my family is healthy and we are living comfortably and have our basics and necessities.  It is very important to start every day appreciating what you have and to,

Tip of the Day: Feel Good Now

It's only from this place of feeling good and gratitude that you are open to whatever might come your way.  If anyone is interested in finding out more on how to be in this positive space, I would love to send you more info.  We are put on this earth to work on ourselves and grow, but try not to lose our spiritual connection.  I feel my spiritual connection has kept my head above water in many tough situations.  I really do believe in "why worry in advance,"  there is only the moment, everything else is in our heads.  Whether we feel happy or upset it is our emotion that interprets what happened, but what happened is just what happened.  LOL Does this sound like gibberish?  It's an amazing course I took that has really helped to show me how I operate.  I realized I am who I am, there is no such thing as perfect, we can only do our best, and most importantly be true to our word.

Back to babies, another amazing thing about babies is that at every age and stage they are totally different.  We completely forget the baby times when we are in the moment of the toddler times.  I cannot imagine my kids as teenagers or adults, but when we are there, I will look at baby pictures and remember how wonderful it was.  Thank God we are wired to remember the good times, so we can keep having babies!

Love, Light, Laughter,
Coach Yulia


  1. very cute baby!

    check out my blog and, if you want, let's follow each other on GFC or Bloglovin' or both ;)
