Friday, August 2, 2013


I want to thank everybody that appreciates and enjoys my classes and my energy.  I just recently had two amazing conversations, and it really makes me feel so grateful for my gift of being present.  That is why I think with my kids its so intense, because we are forced to be present whether we like it or not!  One of my good friends and clients told me today I am human after all, and I am allowed to feel what I feel, and it doesn't take away from my gift, it was very powerful to hear that.  We all have our human part and the instincts and defense mechanisms are ready to spring forth.  It is amazing how this applies to everything in life, childhood, parenthood, and just .  When we are in touch with our Godly side, our gut, our intuition, it keeps down the adrenaline, brings out the endorphins and serotonin, AHHH the NATURAL HIGH.

Friday is getting ready for our Day of Rest, and my wonderful husband and his talents in the kitchen are the highlight.  We just made homemade Hummus, and I was just telling him, I totally taste the processed stuff in the store bought, even the healthiest have things in there to keep it fresh.

Just came back from taking the best Yoga class ever with my teacher, I feel so good.  Had some great conversations with my Doula clients and fellow Doula's.  I can really talk about this stuff all day, feels so good to be part of the movement to make birth a positive, empowering experience for women.

Shabbat Shalom
Coach Yulia

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