Monday, August 5, 2013

Figuring out the Day

That's an airplane on my paci!  Always my big helper right by my side
My days are always fluctuating changing literally every second, I love being reachable and available and being able to modify my day as things unfold.  Every second of life is an opportunity to enjoy, learn, grow, that is what I am working on a daily basis, staying present to the positive.  I was talking with a good friend last night about finding the cute in my kids, and really noticing their expressions and phrases and letting that be a smile on my face throughout the day.

New moms are always told that babies are cute for a reason, so we can get through.  So I have decided to focus on the cute everyday, and it really keeps me present and in tune to their amazing and creative ways of thinking and expressing themselves.

Yes its hard, yes I have to consciously take breaths, but when I get through a situation with everybody satisfied in the end it feels good.  It's all about getting through - WE CAN DO IT!

Today's plans have changed a million times already, always adding and subtracting, my husband took the baby, so I am taking the kids to meet some moms on the beach.  Feels good to just give my undivided attention to them, and my husband loves to hang with the baby, they have a bond, Thank God for my magic baby.

Feels good to be home,
Counting down until the kids go to school,
But in the meantime enjoying being head counselor,
Coach Yulia

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